
Zadetki iskanja

  • álibi alibi

    nesporen álibi watertight alibi
    dokazati svoj álibi to prove (ali to establish) one's alibi
    priskrbeti si álibi to set up an alibi
  • ass [æs] samostalnik
    figurativno tepec, bedak, norec

    to make an ass of s.o. norčevati se iz koga
    to make an ass of o.s. osmešiti se, neumno se vesti
    sell your ass! pusti neumnosti!
    to play (ali act) the ass počenjati neumnosti
    to be an ass for one's pains doživeti nehvaležnost za svoj trud
  • attain [ətéin]

    1. prehodni glagol
    doseči; izvršiti; pridobiti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    dospeti; dokopati se

    to attain to power dokopati se do oblasti
    to attain one's end doseči svoj cilj
  • bés(nost) fury; furiousness; rage; madness (zaradi, nad at)

    pihati od bés(nost)i to be boiling with rage
    peniti se od bés(nost)i to foam with rage
    spraviti koga v bés(nost) to incense, to infuriate someone
    stresel je svoj bes name he vented his rage on me
    razdražiti do bés(nost)i koga to drive someone into a fury, to infuriate
  • blagoslóv blessing; benediction; arhaično benison

    to je blagoslóv z neba it's a blessing from heaven
    to je pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) it is a godsend (zame to me)
    dati svoj blagoslóv to give one's blessing
    to je bil pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) that was a blessing indeed
    pravi blagoslóv je, da je včeraj deževalo yesterday's rain was a real godsend
    podeliti komu svoj blagoslóv to give someone one's blessing
    zdravje je največji blagoslóv health is the greatest of blessings
  • born2 [bɔ:n] pridevnik
    rojen; po rodu

    in all my born days odkar sem na svetu, svoj živi dan
    born in the purple kraljevskega rodu
    born with a silver (wooden) spoon in one's mouth rojen pod srečno (nesrečno) zvezdo
    I wasn't born yesterday nisem tako naiven
    born to a large fortune bogat dedič
    born of po rodu iz
    born again prerojen
    born fool popolnoma neumen, nor
    born under lucky star pod srečno zvezdo rojen
  • bŕzdati to bridle; to put a bridle on; to rein; to curb

    bŕzdati svoj jezik to bridle one's tongue
    bŕzdati koga to keep a tight rein on someone
    bŕzdati svojo radovednost to curb one's curiosity
    bŕzdati svoje strasti to bridle one's passions
    ne bŕzdati svojega veselja to let one's joy be unconfined
  • carry2 [kǽri]

    1. prehodni glagol
    nositi, nesti; s seboj vzeti, peljati, prevažati; donašati, obroditi; doseči; podpirati, pospeševati; zmagati; zaslediti; izglasovati, sprejeti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    segati; aportirati, nesti
    sleng nadaljevati

    to carry all before one imeti velik uspeh, biti zelo priljubljen, premagati vse zapreke
    to carry coals to Newcastle zaman se truditi, vodo v morje nositi
    to carry the day zmagati
    to carry the House navdušiti, zase pridobiti parlament
    to carry into effect izvršiti
    to carry o.s. vesti, obnašati se
    to carry one's point uveljaviti svoj nazor
    to carry a thing too far iti predaleč, pretiravati
    to carry things (off) with a high hand domišljavo se vesti
    to carry too many guns biti premočen nasprotnik
    to carry weight biti vpliven, narediti vtis
    to carry in stock imeti na zalogi
    to carry a town z naskokom zavzeti mesto
    to fetch and carry prinesti, aportirati; biti pokoren, vršiti podrejeno službo
    to carry hearers (ali audience) with one navdušiti poslušalce
    carried unanimously soglasno sprejeto
  • cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration

    brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
    za ta cílj to this end
    mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
    doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
    imeti za cílj to aim at
    ima visok cílj he is aiming high
    doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
    iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
    iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
    postaviti cílj to set an aim
    postaviti si za cílj to aim at
    vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
    zadeti cílj to hit the mark
    zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
    pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
    zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
    vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
    priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end
  • colour1 ameriško color [kʌ́lə] samostalnik
    barva, odtenek; barva kože, pigment; kolorit; rdečica; videz
    figurativno pretveza, maska
    množina zastava; ton, prizvok

    to be in colours imeti na sebi pisano obleko
    colour bar rasna segregacija; diskriminacija
    to change colour prebledeti, zardeti
    to come off with flying colours zmagati na vsej črti
    to come out of one's true colour pokazati svoj pravi značaj
    to desert the colours dezertirati
    to feel (ali be) off colour slabo se počutiti
    to fly false colours varati pod krinko poštenosti
    fast colour obstojna barva
    fugitive colour nestalna barva
    to give colour to poživiti, opravičiti kaj; dati videz resničnosti
    to join the colours iti služit vojake
    high colour rdeča polt
    to hoist the colours izobesiti zastavo
    to lay on the colours too thickly pretiravati
    to lend colour to poživiti kaj
    colour line črta, ki strogo deli belce od črncev
    to lose colour prebledeti
    to nail one's colours to the mast neomajno vztrajati pri svoji odločitvi
    to paint in bright colours biti optimist
    to put a false colour on napačno razložiti
    to see the colour of s.o.'s money dobiti od koga denar
    to see things in their true colour videti stvari v pravi luči
    to stick to one's colours držati se svojih načel, ravnati po svojih načelih
    to strike (ali lower) one's colours vdati, ukloniti se
    to take one's colour from s.o. posnemati koga
    to serve with the colours služiti v vojski
    under colour of pod krinko česa
    to wear s.o.'s colours biti privrženec koga
    to sail under false colours pretvarjati se, biti licemerec
    man (woman) of colour človek, ki ni belec
  • cost2 [kɔst] samostalnik
    strošek, cena, izdatek
    množina sodnijski stroški

    prime (ali first) cost proizvodni stroški
    to know (ali learn) at (ali to) one's own cost na lastni koži občutiti
    at all costs za vsako ceno
    cost of living življenjski stroški
    to find one's cost repaid priti na svoj račun
    cost-of living bonus draginska doklada
    net cost lastna cena
    to count cost pretehtati vse okoliščine
    to meet the cost poravnati stroške
    at a heavy cost z velikimi žrtvami
    to my cost v mojo škodo
  • cry2 [krai]

    1. prehodni glagol
    klicati, vzklikniti, jokati, tarnati, razglasiti; izklicevati

    2. neprehodni glagol
    jokati, kričati, jadikovati, vreščati; lajati; dreti se

    to cry for the moon želeti si nemogoče
    to cry fie at (ali shame against) zgražati se nad čim
    to cry halves zahtevati svoj delež
    to cry shame upon s.o. (o)sramotiti, grajati koga
    to cry out one's eyes izjokati si oči
    it's no good crying over spilt milk kar je, je
    to cry out before one is hurt vnaprej tarnati
    to cry wolf povzročiti prazen hrup, izgovarjati se na neresnično bolezen
    to cry quits poravnati spor
    to cry to s.o. poklicati koga
    don't cry stinking fish umazano perilo peri doma
    do not cry till you are out of the wood ne hvali dneva pred večerom
    to cry craven vdati se, popustiti
  • cut*2 [kʌt]

    1. prehodni glagol
    (od)rezati, (od)sekati, (pri)striči, rezbariti, (po)kositi, (po)žeti; (na)brusiti; gravirati, vrezovati; (pri)krojiti; skopiti, kastrirati; zbosti, zbadati; prizadeti; tepsti, bičati
    figurativno izogniti, izogibati se, ne pozdraviti; zmanjšati, znižati; odložiti; izpustiti, opustiti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    rezati, sekati; zbadati; žeti, kositi
    sleng zbežati, ucvreti, pobrisati jo; privzdigniti (karte)

    to cut after s.o. letati za kom
    to cut at s.o. udariti koga (z mečem); figurativno prizadeti koga
    that cuts both ways to govori za in proti
    figurativno to cut one's cable umreti
    to cut capers (ali didoes) prevračati kozolce; smešne uganjati, norce briti
    to cut cards privzdigniti karte
    to cut s.o.'s claws pristriči komu kremplje
    to cut and come again dvakrat si odrezati
    to cut and contrive varčno gospodariti
    to cut (dead) ne pozdraviti, ignorirati
    to cut dirt, to cut it, to cut one's lucky (ali stick, sticks) popihati jo
    to cut a dash zbujati pozornost
    to cut a figure (ali splash, show, flash) imeti vlogo, postavljati se na vidno mesto
    to cut it fine premalo časa si vzeti; natanko preračunati
    figurativno to cut one's fingers opeči se
    to cut the ground under s.o.'s feet pokvariti komu načrte
    to cut free osvoboditi
    to cut to the heart globoko prizadeti
    sleng to cut no ice ne imeti vpliva
    to cut it (ali the matter) short na kratko, skratka
    cut it! molči(te)!
    figurativno to cut the knot odločno rešiti vprašanje
    to cut a loss odreči se, sprijazniti se z izgubo
    to cut one's profits žrtvovati svoj dobiček
    to cut the painter pretrgati stike
    to cut the record potolči rekord
    to be cutting one's teeth dobivati zobe
    to cut one's own throat samemu sebi škodovati
    to cut to usmeriti kam
    to cut one's wisdom teeth (ali eyeteeth) spametovati, izučiti se
    to cut the price znižati ceno
  • čás time; (doba) epoch; tide, (razdobje) period; space of time; (letni čas) season; (ura) hour; gramatika tense; (vmesni) interval, interim, meantime

    božični čás Christmastime, Christmastide, arhaično yuletide
    poletni (delovni) čás daylight saving time
    konični čás (ure) rush hour, peak hours pl
    prometno šibki čás offpeak (ali slack) hours pl
    slabi, težki čási hard times pl
    skrajni čás! high time!
    prosti čás leisure; spare time
    ves moj čás the whole of my time
    s časom in the course of time, gradually
    o pravem čásu in time; in the nick of time; in due course of time, ZDA on time
    od čása do čása every now and then, from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while
    čez nekaj čása some time afterwards
    od tega čása since that time
    v kratkem čásu in a short time
    za kratek čás for a short time
    pred čásom, predčasno prematurely
    pred nekaj čása some time ago
    že nekaj čása prej for some time past
    že dolgo čása for a long time
    že pred dolgo čása long ago, a long time ago; ZDA pogovorno way back
    med tem čásom in the meantime, (in the) meanwhile
    od tega čása naprej from this time onward, henceforth
    od tistega čása dalje from that time forward
    v istem čásu at the same time
    nekaj čása (prislov) awhile, (samostalnik) a while
    ob nepravem čásu at the wrong time, out of season
    ob kateremkoli čásu, ob vsakem čásu at any time
    ves čás all along, all the time
    pred davnim čásom long ago
    v teku čása in the course of time
    vsak čás zdaj any time now
    v starih čásih in olden times
    v dobrih starih čásih in the good old days
    v tistem čásu at that time
    ob katerem čásu? at what time?
    v sedanjem čásu at present, now
    v določenem čásu within a fixed period, in due course
    zadnje čáse lately
    za vse čáse for all time
    prav v zadnjem čásu quite recently
    od davnih čásov from time immemorial, from time out of mind
    ob določenem čásu at the appointed time
    v prostem čásu at one's leisure
    šala o nepravem čásu ill-timed jest
    škoda čása za to it's a mere waste of time
    vsaka stvar ob svojem čásu everything in its season
    vse ob svojem čásu there is a time for everything, all in good time
    v čásu, v čásih poplav in times of flood
    čás beži time flies
    skrajni čás je it is high time
    to je samo vprašanje čása it's only a question of time
    je že tudi čás! (it's) about time, too!
    to je samo izguba čása it's a sheer waste of time
    za to je še čás there is plenty of time for that
    za to je še do jutri čás it can wait till tomorrow
    bil je čás, ko... time was when...
    za to je treba čása this takes time
    določiti čás to fix a date
    dati komu čás to give someone time
    imate malo čása zame? can you spare me a moment?
    čás se mu vleče time hangs heavy on his hands
    ne imeti čása za... to have no time for
    krajšati si čás to while away the time
    izkoristiti čás to take time by the forelock
    imam nekaj prostega čása I have some time to spare
    iti (vštric) s čásom to be abreast of the times
    nimam dosti čása, ne smem izgubljati čása I have no time to spare
    kje so lepi stari čási? pesniško where are the snows of yester year?
    kako dolgo čása ga ni! what a long time he has been gone!
    korakati s čásom to move with the times
    čási so minuli, ko... time was, when...
    čás je potekel time is up
    preganjati čás (figurativno) to while away the time
    prihraniti čás to save time
    prebiti svoj čás to pass one's time
    njegov čás je prišel his hour has struck
    čakati svoj čás to bide one's time
    držati korak s čásom to keep pace with the times
    priti ravno o pravem čásu to come in the nick of time
    čás bo pokazal time will show, time will tell
    čás presti (figurativno) to twiddle one's thumbs
    je škoda čása (ne izplača se) it is not worth while
    ob nepriličnem čásu priti h komu to intrude upon someone's time
    štopati čás to time with a stopwatch
    on je videl boljše čáse he had known better times
    vzeti mnogo čása to take long
    precéj čása mi bo vzelo, da... it will take me ages to...
    to mi vzame skoraj ves moj čás it takes up nearly all my time
    vzemite si čás! take your time!
    ubi(ja)ti čás to kill time
    ves čás sem to vedel I have known it all the time (ali all along)
    precéj čása te že nisem videl I haven't seen you for ages
    precéj čása bo trajalo, da... it will take some time to...
    zapravljati tratiti (svoj) čás to waste one's time, to fritter away one's time, ZDA žargon to boondoggle
    med tem čásom se je marsikaj zgodilo many things have happened in between
    čás je denar time is money
    preživljati težke čáse to have a hard time
    čás hitro teče time passes quickly (ali races by, flies)
  • dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light

    dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
    deloven dán working day, weekday
    črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
    materinski dán Mother's Day
    novoletni dán New Year's Day
    beli dán broad daylight
    plačilni dán payday
    postni dán fast day
    prazničen dán holiday
    pasji dnevi dog days pl
    prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
    rojstni dán birthday
    srečen dán a red-letter day
    sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
    davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
    spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
    z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
    čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
    dán za dnem day by day
    drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
    do današnjega dne to the preent day
    od dneva do dneva from day to day
    čez nekaj dni in a day or two
    enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
    dvakrat na dán twice a day
    pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
    lepega dne one fine day
    oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
    še oni dán only the other day
    še isti dán that very day
    od tega dne dalje from this day forth
    par dni a couple of days
    ta ali oni dán one day or another
    svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
    nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
    pred tremi dnevi three days ago
    dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
    teden dni (7 dni) a week
    danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
    14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
    čez 14 dni in a fortnight
    vsak dán every day, daily
    vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
    vsakih pet dni every five days
    ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
    ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
    za nekaj dni for a few days
    prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
    ki traja ves dán daylong
    na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
    to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
    biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
    béli dán je it is broad daylight
    dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
    ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
    prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
    prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
    sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
    priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
    prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
    ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
    za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
    sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
    svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
    dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
    zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
    določiti dán to fix a day
    voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
    bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
    delati noč in dán to work day and night
    ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper
  • dávek (državni) tax; (mestni, občinski) rate

    zvezni dávek federal levy; ZDA tax; (carinski, blagovni) duty; (prispevek, dajatev) contribution; zgodovina impost; levy
    dávek na tax on, duty on
    dávku podvržen, navezan taxable, ratable, assessable, liable to tax, excisable; subject to taxation, liable to pay taxes
    oproščen dávka exempt from tax, tax-exempt, taxfree, duty-free
    dodaten dávek additional tax, supplementary tax
    dávek na dohodek income tax
    dávek na dediščino legacy duty, succession duty, estate duty, death duty, pl -ies
    dávek na sol salt duty, salt tax
    dávek na tobak tobacco tax, duty on tobacco
    luksusni dávek luxury tax
    direkten, indirekten direct, indirect tax
    nabavni dávek purchase tax
    obrtni dávek trade tax, ZDA business tax
    prometni dávek sales tax, purchase tax
    pasji dávek dog tax
    katastrski, zemljiški dávek land tax, tax on land, ground rent
    patentni dávek patent tax
    samski dávek bachelor tax
    veselični, zabaviščni dávek entertainment tax, amusement tax, ZDA admission tax
    vojni dávek war tax; contribution
    zapuščinski dávek death duty, pl -ies
    pobiralec dávkov tax collector, taxman
    pobiranje dávkov tax collection, levying of taxes
    naložiti dávke to impose taxes, to tax; to establish duties
    pobirati dávke to exact taxes, to collect taxes, to levy taxes, to tax
    znižati dávek to cut a tax
    naložiti težak dávek to impose a heavy tax ali tax burden
    utajiti dávke to evade taxes
    plačati svoje dávke to pay one's taxes (ali rates)
    plačati svoj krvni dávek to pay one's blood-tax (the duty of fighting for one's country)
  • délež share; part; portion

    levji délež the lion's share
    ustanoviteljski délež founder's share
    v enakih déležih share and share alike
    dobiti svoj délež pri čem to come in for a share of something
    imeti enake déleže to share alike, to share and share alike
    pripasti komu kot délež to fall to someone's share
  • denár money; žargon brass, lolly, dough; (kovan) coin, coinage, hard money, hard cash, specie; (papirnati) soft money, paper money, bank notes pl, currency, token money; (drobiž) change; (gotovina) ready money; (v prometu) currency; (ženi za drobnarije) pin-money; (sredstva) pecuniary resources, capital

    ponarejen denár counterfeit money
    razpoložljiv denár disposable funds pl
    presežni denár surplus money
    tuj, inozemski denár foreign money
    lahko zaslužen denár ZDA žargon fast buck
    pri denárju in cash
    brez denárja penniless
    denárja kot smeti loads of money
    lovec na denár (na doto) fortune hunter
    v škripcih za denár short or money, out of cash, in money difficulties, hard up for money
    kovnica denárja mint
    obtok denárja circulation of money
    pomanjkanje denárja lack (ali shortage) of money, financial stringency
    predal za denár money-box, till
    tečaj denárja rate of exchange, value
    posojevalec denárja moneylender
    kopičenje denárja accumulation of money, slabšalno money-grubbing
    denár v obtoku money in circulation
    za denár je trda money is tight
    biti pri denárju to be in the money, to be flush, pogovorno to be quids in
    ne biti pri denárju to be short of money (ali of cash, pogovorno of the ready), to be broke, to be out of cash, to have no money
    biti čisto brez denárja (suh kot poper) to be dead broke
    dobiti denár povrnjen to get (ali to have) one's money refunded
    za noben denár ne morem tega dobiti I can't get it for love or money
    dolgovati denár to owe money
    dvigniti denár to draw money, to withdraw money (iz from)
    denár ne igra vloge money (is) no object
    imeti mnogo denárja to have plenty of money
    ima denárja kot pečká he is rolling in money
    nimam nič denárja pri sebi I have no money on me
    ima denárja kot smeti he has tons of money
    izdati (potrošiti) denár to spend money
    izgubiti denár to lose one's money
    investirati denár to invest money
    hraniti (varčevati) denár to save money
    to gre v denár that's making (real) money
    kovati denár to coin, to mint money
    najeti denár pri banki to raise money at the bank
    z denárjem se da vse napraviti money talks
    denár proč metati to let money go down the drain
    bil je ogoljufan za svoj denár he was cheated (ali swindled) out of his money
    narediti si denar (figurativno) to feather one's nest
    podpirati z denárjem to subsidize (koga someone)
    lahko se pod nosom obrišeš za svoj denár you may whistle for your money
    kopičiti si denár to hoard money
    pobirati denár to raise (ali to collect) money
    posoditi denár to lend out money
    naložíti denár to invest money
    potrošiti denár to spend money
    razsipavati z denárjem to spend money right and left
    prihraniti mnogo denárja to have a nest egg put by
    priti na dan z denárjem to come out with one's money
    spremeniti v denár (vnovčiti) to turn (ali to convert) into cash
    spraviti kaj v denár (vnovčiti) to make money of something, to realize, to convert into money
    lahko in hitro služiti denár (figurativno) to coin money
    prispevati denár to contribute money
    on me stane mnogo denárja he is a heavy burden on my purse
    ta posel me je spravil ob denár this business (ali transaction) has left me out of pocket
    ta posel mi je prinesel denárja this deal has paid off
    zasluži mnogo (kup) denárja he is earning a lot of money
    (po)vrniti denár to refund (ali to reimburse) money
    vložiti denár v to put (ali to deposit) money in
    vnaprej dati, plačati denár to advance money
    valjati se v denárju to be rolling in money, to be as rich as Croesus
    zbirati, zbrati denár to collect money
    to znese mnogo denárja that amounts to a lot of money
    denár je sveta vladar money rules the world
    denár ali življenje! your money or your life!, stand and deliver!
    priti do denárja, podedovati denár to come into money
  • dobíti to get; to receive; to gain; to win; (s prošnjo) to obtain

    dobíti zopet (nazaj) to retrieve
    dobíti darilo to receive a present
    dobíti poklon (udarec, ukaz) to receive a compliment (a blow, an order)
    dobíti prvo nagrado to win the first prize
    dobíti dovoljenje to get leave (to)
    dobíti vročino medicina to catch a fever
    dobil je mesto po mojem priporočilu he obtained the situation through my recommendation
    si dobil moje pismo včeraj? did you receive my letter yesterday?
    dobil je, kar mu gre he's got what he deserves
    kaj si dobil za svoj rojstni dan? what did you get for your birthday?
    dobíti jih (figurativno) to get it, to catch it
    jih boš že dobil (po glavi)! you'll catch it!
    ta artikel se povsod dobi this article is to be got everywhere
    mila ni mogoče dobíti soap is not to be had (ali is unobtainable, is not available)
    kakor dobljeno, tako izgubljeno ill-gotten, ill spent
    kemikalije se dobivajo iz... chemicals are obtained from...
    jih boš dobil! (figurativno) you will catch it!
    dobíti, zadeti glavni dobitek to hit the jackpot
  • dólg debt; sum due; (zadolženost) indebtedness; (obveze) liabilities pl

    brez dólga debtless, free from debt, (posestvo) unencumbered
    časten dólg debt of honour
    hipotekarni dólg mortgage
    neizterljiv dólg, dólg, katerega plačilo je malo verjetno (žargon) bad debt
    izterljiv dólg recoverable debt
    viseč dólg floating debt
    državni, narodni dólg national debt
    biti brez dólgov, ne imeti dólgov to be out of debt
    biti, izvleči se iz dólgov (figurativno) to be out of the red
    delati dólgove to contract (ali to incur) debts; to get into debt
    čez glavo, do vratu tičati v dólgovih to be up to one's ears (ali eyes, neck) in debt
    dobiti dólg povrnjen to recover a debt
    plačati dólg to honour a debt, to discharge a debt
    poravnati svoje dólgove to settle one's debts
    odplačati dólg to pay off a debt, to sink a debt
    do zadnje pare plačati svoj dólg to pay one's debt to the last farthing
    tičati (globoko) v dólgovih to be (deep) in debt
    vpisati komu v dólg trgovina to debit someone, to enter a sum on the debit side
    zabresti, zaiti v dólgove to run into debt, to fall into debt
    kup dólgov a mountain of debts
    rešiti se enega dólga, a pri tem napraviti drugega (figurativno) to rob Peter to pay Paul