
Zadetki iskanja

  • grád (fevdalen, utrjen) castle; (kraljev, knežji) palace; castle; (graščina) manor; (podeželski) country seat

    grádovi na reki Loire Loire-valley chateaus (ali chateaux), chateaus on the Loire
    Versajski grád the palace of Versailles
    zidanje grádov v oblake (figurativno) wishful thinking; building (of) castles in the air
    obljubljati komu zlate grádove to promise someone the earth
    sesuti se kot grád iz kart to collapse like a house of cards
    zidati grádove v oblake to build castles in the air (ali in Spain)
    ne zidaj grádov v oblake! don't count your chickens before they're hatched!, arhaično sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear
  • graščína manor, manor house; country seat; mansion, mansion house
  • inozémstvo foreign countries pl, foreign country

    v inozémstvu abroad
    iz inozémstva from abroad
    novice iz inozémstva news from abroad
    iti v inozémstvo to go abroad
    potovati v inozémstvu to travel in foreign countries (ali foreign parts)
  • kmetíca countrywoman, peasant woman; country girl
  • malomeščán provincial; inhabitant of a small town; person of countrified manners (ali appearance, views); country cousin; figurativno narrow-minded townsman, bourgeois, philistine; ZDA (Mr.) Babbitt, John Citizen; lowbrow
  • nižína lowland; low country
  • okupátor occupier; enemy who occupies a country
  • optírati to opt to be a citizen of a chosen country

    po osvoboditvi je optiral za Slovenijo after liberation he opted for Slovenia
  • prekmórec inhabitant of an overseas country
  • provínca province; countryside; country outside the capital
  • provinciálec provincial; inhabitant of a province; country cousin
  • raván plain, plateau; table, tableland; level country
  • tujína foreign country, foreign parts pl

    v tujíni abroad
    biti v tujíni to be abroad
    iti v tujíno to go abroad
    živeti v tujíni to live abroad
  • višávje highland; high country

    Škotsko višávje the Highlands pl
  • vrtáča geologija sinkhole; funnel-shaped hole occurring in limestone country (in the Karst region)
  • vselíti se to move in; to immigrate, to settle in a new country; to colonize
  • zaméjstvo foreign countries pl, foreign country

    v zaméjstvu abroad
    odšel je v zaméjstvo he went abroad
    živeti v zaméjstvu to live abroad
  • adoption [ədɔ́pšən] samostalnik
    prisvojitev; posvojitev, adopcija; usvojitev, privzem; izposojenka (beseda), tujka; posinovljenje, pohčerjenje

    brother by adoption po pol brat
    country of adoption nova domovina
  • adoptíven adoptive

    adoptívna (nova) domovina country of adoption
    adoptíven otrok adoptive child
  • all1 [ɔ:l] pridevnik
    cel, ves, celoten

    all the country vsa dežela
    all very cushy udoben, prijeten
    all day long ves dan
    at all events v vsakem primeru
    on all fours po vseh štirih
    to be on all fours with s.o. povsem se s kom strinjati
    to all intents and purposes v vsakem pogledu
    all my life vse življenje
    by all means vsekakor
    once for all enkrat za vselej
    to sit up till all hours of the night dolgo bedeti
    all sorts (ali kinds) of vse mogoče
    to turn in all standing leči popolnoma oblečen
    not for all the world za nič na svetu