
Zadetki iskanja

  • cíkati (namigovati) to hint (na at); to allude, to make an allusion (na to)

    ne vem, na kaj cikate I don't know what you're getting (ali driving) at
    vino cika the wine tastes sour
  • čudák a queer (ali eccentric) person; an odd fellow (ali character); a queer fish; an original; oddity; fog(e)y; žargon a queer (ali rum) customer

    star čudák an old codger
    biti čudák to have a bee in one's bonnet, to be a queer fish (ali a queer bird)
    ti si čudák! you are a one!
  • delováti to act; to operate; to work; to do; to be in operation; to take an active part in, to function; (stroj) to play, to run, to work

    ne delováti (stroj ipd.) to be out of order; (vplivati) to influence
    nazaj delováti to be retroactive
    delováti na (imeti učinek) to act upon, to take effect, to tell; (prizadeti) to affect
    uspeš no delováti to be efficient, to be efficacious
    dvigalo ne deluje the lift is out of order
    stroj deluje the machine is working (ali running)
    to zdravilo ni delovalo this medicine has had no effect (ali did not work)
    to zdravilo deluje pomirjevalno this medicine has a soothing effect
  • desetíca matematika ten; the number ten, the figure ten; (novec) ZDA dime; zgodovina an Austrian coin worth ten kreuzers
  • dogotovíti to finish; to bring to an end; to complete
  • dogovoríti se to agree (o on, about); to arrange (s kom o čem with someone about something); to make an arrangement (s kom with someone); to settle (o čem something); to appoint

    ob dogovorjenem času at the appointed time
    kot dogovorjeno as per agreement
    dogovoríti se vnaprej za kaj to preconcert something
  • dopláčati to pay an additional sum, to make up a deficiency, to pay extra; to make an additional payment; to supply
  • dražíti2 to raise the price (kaj of something), to make (something) dearer; (na dražbi) to auction, to bid for at an auction

    dražíti se to become dearer, to rise in price
    vse se draží prices are going up all round
  • dristíti medicina to apply an enema; to clyster
  • duhovít witty; quick-witted; (v odgovoru) clever at repartee, never lost for an answer; ingenious

    duhovíta rešitev an ingenious solution
    ta knjiga je pisana zelo duhovíto this book is very wittily written
    dajati duhovíte opazke to wisecrack
  • dvanajstíca the figure twelve, the number twelve; zgodovina an Austrian coin worth twelve kreuzers
  • edínec the only son, an only son
  • edínka the only daughter, an only daughter
  • ekonóm economist; (bolnišnice, zavoda itd.) bursar, treasurer; (nekaterih dobrodelnih ustanov) steward; (ladijski) purser; (upravitelj) manager of an estate
  • eksekvatúra (konzulatu) exequatur, official recognition of an accredited consul
  • ekspertíza expert valuation, expert advice; appraisement by an expert; expert's report; expert evidence; (pomorstvo) survey

    delati, napraviti ekspertízo, -e to value; to appraise; (v pomorstvu) to survey
  • enainpóluren of an hour and a half, an hour and a half's
  • enajstérica (športno moštvo) an eleven
  • enakopráven having equal (ali the same) rights; equally entitled to; equal; standing on an equal footing; on a footing of equality with

    enakoprávne pravice equal rights pl
  • enakoprávno prislov on an equal footing, on equal terms, on terms of equality