
Zadetki iskanja

  • zapómniti si to keep (ali to bear) in mind, not to forget, to memorize; to remember; to commit to memory, to retain (in one's mind, in one's memory); to mark

    zapómniti si si melodijo to memorize a tune
    ona si ne more zapómniti si imen she cannot remember names
    to sem si dobro zapomnil it sank deep into my mind
    zapomni si, kaj ti pravim! remember what I tell you!
    nisem si zapomnil njegovega imena his name has escaped me
    zapomnite si moje besede! you mark my words!, ZDA get this straight!
    ne morem si zapómniti si datumov I have no head for dates
    dobro si zapomni tole! take note of this!, take this to heart!
    zapomnil si bom to! I'll not forget that!
    zapomnil si te bom! I'll remember you!