zdŕžati to hold out, to endure
ne morem več zdŕžati I cannot endure it (ali pogovorno I can't stand it) any longer
zdŕžati napad to withstand an attack
zdŕžati napor to keep up (ali to sustain) an effort
tega napada ni mogoče zdŕžati this attack cannot be repulsed
Zadetki iskanja
- zgodíti se to happen (komu to someone), to occur, to come to pass, to come about, to chance; to take place; to befall
naj se zgodi, kar hoče! happen what may!, no matter what happens!
prav se mu je zgodilo! it served him right!
kar se je zgodilo, se je zgodilo what's done is done!
da se (ti) to več ne zgodi! don't let that happen again!
zgôdi se Tvoja volja! religija Thy will be done!
in nič se ni zgodilo and nothing happened
kdaj se je to zgodilo? when did it take place?
takó se je to zgodilo this is how it came about
zgodila se mu je nesreča he has had an accident, he has met with an accident
nesreča se nikoli ne zgodi sama misfortunes never come singly - želézo iron
kovano želézo wrought iron
lito želézo cast iron
mehko želézo soft iron
staro želézo scrap iron
surovo želézo pig iron, crude cast iron
valjano želézo rolled iron
zarjavelo želézo rusty iron
ležišče želéza iron deposits pl
rudnik želéza iron mine
profilno želézo section iron
dati med staro želézo (figurativno) to consign to the scrap heap
okovati z želézom to iron
imeti dvoje želéz v ognju (figurativno) to have two strings to one's bow
imeti več želéz v ognju to have several strings to one's bow, to have several irons in the fire
ima preveč želéz v ognju (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
kuj želézo, dokler je vroče! strike while the iron is hot!, make hay while the sun shines!
kujmo želézo dokler je vroče! let us strike while the iron is hot!, let us make hay while the sun shines!
vreči med staro želézo to throw away as useless, to scrap