
Zadetki iskanja

  • kujón a good-for-nothing; ne'er-do-well
  • kukálnik (linica) peephole in a door
  • kúpiti kupováti to buy, to purchase, to make a purchase (od from)

    kúpiti, kupováti za gotovino to buy for cash
    kúpiti, kupováti na kredit to buy on credit
    kúpiti, kupováti na obroke to buy on the instalment plan
    kúpiti, kupováti na račun to buy on account
    kúpiti, kupováti na dražbi to buy at an auction
    kúpiti, kupováti na debelo to buy wholesale, to buy in bulk, to bulk-buy
    iti kupovat v trgovino to go shopping, to do the shopping
    iti kupovat na trg to go shopping in the market
    poceni kúpiti, kupováti to buy cheap, to buy a bargain
    kúpiti, kupováti skoraj za nič, zastonj, zelo poceni to buy for a song, to buy dirt cheap
    dobro kúpiti, kupováti to strike a good bargain
    kúpiti, kupováti iz druge roke to buy secondhand
    kúpiti, kupováti mačka v vreči to buy a pig in a poke
    (pod)kúpiti, kupováti koga to bribe someone, to corrupt, to suborn someone; pogovorno to grease someone's palm
  • kurbáti se (vulgarno) to be a whore, to work as a whore; žargon to be on the game; ZDA to hustle; arhaično to harlot
  • kúriti to heat; to make a fire; to fuel; to burn (fuel)

    ta soba se ne da dobro kúriti this room does not heat well, one cannot get this room warm
  • kvánta a dirty story, an indecent (ali smutty) joke, obscenity
  • kvárgelj a soft cheese of strong aroma and piquant flavour
  • lahkožívka a frivolous woman; a lady of easy virtue
  • lájnati to grind a barrel-organ; figurativno to parrot, to recite in a singsong voice

    vedno isto lájnati (figurativno) to keep harping on the same string
    organist vse leto lajna iste melodije the organist churns out the same tunes all year round
  • laksírati to purge; to take a laxative (ali an aperient)
  • lampás (tkanina) red or blue stripes along the trouser seams of a dress uniform; lampas
  • leksikográf lexicographer; compiler of a dictionary
  • lektorírati to read manuscripts for a publisher
  • lepôtec a handsome man; (zlasti filmski) humoristično answer to the maiden's prayer
  • lepotíca a beauty, a belle; pogovorno a smasher
  • leprozórij leprosarium, pl -a ali -s, leper colony, hospital for lepers; zgodovina lazaretto
  • letovati to spend the summer (na deželi, ob morju in the country, at the seaside); to summer (v Italiji in Italy); ZDA to vacationize; to spend one's holiday, ZDA to vacation; to take a holiday

    kje boš letoval letos? where will you spend your holiday this year?
  • levíčnik a left-handed person, a left-hander

    biti levíčnik to be left-handed
  • lêvji leonine; resembling a lion

    lêvji delež lion's share
    lêvja koža lion's skin
    lêvji pogum the spirit of a lion
    lêvje žrelo lion's mouth
    dobiti, zagotoviti si lêvji delež to grab the biggest slice of the cake (ali the lion's share)
  • ligáš šport team competing in a league, league team, league club