
Zadetki iskanja

  • konventuál conventual, member of a monastic community
  • konvertírati to convert (v into); to change (v into); (spreobrniti k drugi veri ali stranki) to convert (to); (spreobrniti se) to be converted, to become a convert, to turn
  • kopalíščar visitor at a watering place (ali seaside resort)
  • kopíca stack; heap; a lot

    kopíca sena a stack of hay, haystack, hayrick
    kopíca snopov (navadno 12) a shock
    kopíca slame stack of straw
    zložiti, spraviti v kopíce to stack
    moram odgovoriti na kopíco pisem I have stacks of letters to answer
  • korálda bead; a string of beads; a string of coral; a string of coral beads
  • koreferírati to present a joint report, to co-report (o upon)
  • korespondírati to correspond (z with); to maintain (ali to keep up) a correspondence (with someone); to be in correspondence (with someone)
  • koríst korístka singer in a choir or chorus; choir singer; (deček v cerkvenem zboru) choirboy, chorister
  • kosíšče shaft or handle of a scythe; narečno snath, snead
  • kostánjar a man who roasts (sweet) chestnuts; chestnut man; seller of roast chestnuts
  • kozíca

    1. zoologija young goat; a marsh bird, Gallinago gallinago; a shrimp

    2. (posoda) frying pan

    3. (stojalo) trestle
  • kozjebrádec man with a goatee beard
  • kradljívec thief, pl thieves; pilferer; purloiner; a thievish person

    kradljívec v trgovini shoplifter
    tolpa kradljívcev a band of thieves
    književni kradljívec plagiarist, pirate
    kradljívci pl light-fingered gentry
  • králjev king's, of (ali belonging to) a king

    králjevi namestnik regent
    králjev privrženec royalist
  • kraljevánje reign (ali rule) of a king
  • kraljeváti to reign (ali to rule, to govern) as a king; to act the king; to king it
  • kraljíčin a queen's; of a queen
  • kramáriti to keep a shop, to deal in small articles
  • kramljánje chat, chatting; a little chat
  • kramljáti to chat; to have a chat (s kom with someone)

    malo kramljáti s kom to have a cosy chat (ali pogovorno to have a chinwag ali natter) with someone