
Zadetki iskanja

  • dôba epoch; era; age; period; season

    za nedoločeno dôbo for an undetermined period
    deževna dôba rainy season
    kamena dôba the Stone Age
    karenčna dôba waiting time
    ledena dôba the Ice Age; glacial period
    junaška dôba heroic age
    otroška dôba childhood
    prehodna dôba transitional period, time of transition
    zlata dôba the golden age
    on je v najlepši dôbi he is in the prime of life
    starostna dôba od 13 do 19 let teens pl
  • dóber good; benevolent; kind (do to)

    v dóbri veri in good faith
    tri dóbre metre a good three metres
    v dobrem in slabem arhaično in weal and woe
    v dobrem razpoloženju in good spirits
    dóbre pol ure a full half-hour
    preveč dobrega too much of a good thing
    dóbra gospodinja a thrifty housewife
    dóbra ura hoje a good hour's walk
    dóbra prodaja a ready sale
    dóber sluh a quick ear
    dóber spomin retentive memory
    dóbra volja good humour, good temper
    dóber vid keen (ali quick) sight
    dóbro znanje fair knowledge
    biti dóber hodec to be a good walker
    ta je pa dobra! that is too much of a good thing!, that's a good one!
    biti dóber v računanju to be good at figures
    reči dóbro besedo za koga to say a good word for someone
    držati s kom v dobrem in slabem to stick to someone through thick and thin
    bodi tako dóber in podaj mi ono sol! be so kind as to (ali be a dear and ali be good enough to) pass me that salt!
    konec dóber vse dobro all's well that ends well
    v vsaki stvari je nekaj dóbrega it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    dóbro blago se sámo hvali good wine needs no bush
  • dobíti to get; to receive; to gain; to win; (s prošnjo) to obtain

    dobíti zopet (nazaj) to retrieve
    dobíti darilo to receive a present
    dobíti poklon (udarec, ukaz) to receive a compliment (a blow, an order)
    dobíti prvo nagrado to win the first prize
    dobíti dovoljenje to get leave (to)
    dobíti vročino medicina to catch a fever
    dobil je mesto po mojem priporočilu he obtained the situation through my recommendation
    si dobil moje pismo včeraj? did you receive my letter yesterday?
    dobil je, kar mu gre he's got what he deserves
    kaj si dobil za svoj rojstni dan? what did you get for your birthday?
    dobíti jih (figurativno) to get it, to catch it
    jih boš že dobil (po glavi)! you'll catch it!
    ta artikel se povsod dobi this article is to be got everywhere
    mila ni mogoče dobíti soap is not to be had (ali is unobtainable, is not available)
    kakor dobljeno, tako izgubljeno ill-gotten, ill spent
    kemikalije se dobivajo iz... chemicals are obtained from...
    jih boš dobil! (figurativno) you will catch it!
    dobíti, zadeti glavni dobitek to hit the jackpot
  • dog1 [dɔg] samostalnik
    zoologija pes, volk, lisjak
    množina kovinski podstavek za polena v kaminu
    domačno ničvrednež
    sleng zagovednež, cepec, tepec
    množina, sleng noge; rudniški voziček

    dog's age cela večnost
    dirty dog nravno slab človek
    every dog has its day vsakomur je kdaj sreča naklonjena
    to give a dog a bad (ali an ill) name and hang him zvaliti vso krivdo na človeka na slabem glasu
    barking dogs never bite pes, ki laja, ne grize
    to have a dog in one's belly biti čemeren
    between dog and wolf v mraku
    dog in a blanket vrsta sadnega kolača
    to blush like a dog ne poznati sramu
    a dog's chance nobeno upanje
    a dead dog neuporaben človek ali reč
    to die a dog's death, to die like a dog bedno poginiti
    dog eat dog brezobzirno tekmovanje
    like a dog's dinner po zadnji modi (oblečen)
    dogs don't eat dogs vrana vrani oči ne izkljuje
    ameriško, vojska, sleng dog's face navadni vojak, infanterist
    a gay (ali jolly) dog veseljak
    to go to the dogs propasti, priti na psa, obubožati, priti k nič
    to help a lame dog over a stile pomagati komu v stiski
    ameriško, sleng hot dog vroča hrenovka v žemlji
    to lead a cat and dog life vedno se prepirati, živeti ko pes in mačka
    a dog in the manger nevoščljivec
    need to see a dog potreba po izpraznitvi črevesa
    dog on it! prekleto!
    sleng to put on dog šopiriti se
    it rains cats and dogs lije ko iz škafa
    to send to the dogs potratiti, zapraviti, pognati
    let sleeping dogs lie kar je bilo, naj bo pozabljeno
    dog tag pasja znamka
    to take a hair of the dog that bit one "mačka" z vinom preganjati
    to throw to the dogs zavreči, na klin obesiti; figurativno žrtvovati
    top dog najvišja oseba, visoka živina
    under dog podrejeni
    whose dog is dead? kaj se dogaja?, kdo je umrl?
  • dognáti to find; to ascertain (da that...); to establish

    dognano dejstvo an established fact
    imeti (kaj) za dognano to take (something) for granted
  • dogódek event; occurrence; happening; (vmesni) incident

    brez dogódkov uneventful
    poln dogódkov eventful
    enkraten, edinstven dogódek unique (ali singular ali nonrecurrent) event, pogovorno one-off
    važen, pravi dogódek quite an event
    nobeni važni dogódki no events of note
  • dokáz proof; (a piece of) evidence; demonstration; token

    nasproten dokáz (protidokaz) proof to the contrary
    zgovoren dokáz eloquent proof
    živ dokáz living proof
    jasen, nedvoumen dokáz positive proof
    v dokáz in proof of; as evidence of
    prepričljiv dokáz conclusive evidence
    dokáz na podlagi dokumentov documentary evidence
    kot dokáz (znak) najinega prijateljstva as a token of our friendship
    dokázi niso zadostni the proofs are not sufficient
    (do)prinesti dokáz o čem to bear witness to something
    navesti nepobiten dokáz to clinch an argument
    nuditi dokáze to prove, to adduce proofs
    veljati kot dokáz pravo to be valid evidence
    zaradi pomanjkanja dokázov for lack of evidence
    oprostiti koga zaradi pomanjkljivih dokázov to give someone the benefit of the doubt
  • dokončáti to finish; to end; to complete; to terminate; to bring to a close

    dokončáti se to come to an end, to end
  • doktorát doctorate; doctor's degree

    napraviti doktorát to take the degree of doctor
    podeliti komu častni doktorát to confer an honorary doctorate on someone
  • doletéti to arrive flying

    doletéti koga (figurativno) to come upon someone, to befall someone
    doletela ga je nesreča he met with an accident
    doletela ga je sreča he had a stroke of luck
  • dolžnóst duty; obligation; task

    po dolžnósti in duty bound
    čut dolžnósti sense of duty
    neprijetna dolžnóst unpleasant duty
    storjen preko dolžnósti supererogatery
    moja sveta dolžnóst my bounden duty
    nehvaležna dolžnóst thankless duty
    vršilec dolžnósti vicegerent
    v dolžnóst (v d.) konzula acting consul
    javiti se na dolžnóst to report for duty
    izpolnitev dolžnósti carrying out one's duty
    moja dolžnóst je, da grem tja it is incumbent on me to go there
    opravljati svoje dolžnósti to attend to one's duties; to perform one's duties
    ne opraviti svoje dolžnósti to fail in one's duty
    prevzeti dolžnósti to take up one's duties
    storiti svojo dolžnóst to do one's duty
    to smatram za svojo dolžnóst I think it my duty
    smatram za svojo dolžnóst, da (rečem)... I think it my duty to (say)..., I deem it my duty to (say)...
    odvezati dolžnósti to relieve of an obligation, to release from an obligation
    zanemarjati svoje dolžnósti to be slack in one's duties
  • domeníti se to arrange (s kom o čem with someone about something); to agree; to concert (o čem something)

    domenil sem se z njim I made an arrangement (ali an appointment) with him
  • doménjen agreed; concerted

    doménjena cena an agreed price
  • domísliti se to have a bright idea; to hit upon something

    domislite se česa! use your imagination!
    domislil sem se it occurred to me, the thought entered my mind
    nečesa sem se domislil an idea struck me
  • domnévati to suppose; to presume; to assume; to surmise; to conjecture

    njegov način življenja da domnévati veliko premoženje his style of living suggests great wealth
    ne moremo domnévati, da... it is not to be supposed that...
    o njem so domnevali, da je mrtev he was supposed to be dead
    domnevam, da je umetnik I guess he is an artist
    on je bil domnevni vodja upora he was the supposed leader of the revolt
  • door [dɔ:] samostalnik
    vrata, vhod, dohod
    tehnično zaklopnica, vratca

    to answer the door iti odpret vrata
    figurativno to close the door onemogočiti
    next door v sosednji hiši
    figurativno next door to blizu, skoraj
    front door glavna, hišna vrata
    to darken s.o.'s door priti komu v hišo
    to show s.o. the door, to turn out of doors spoditi koga, pokazati mu vrata
    door to door canvassing predvolilna agitacija od hiše do hiše
    to force an open door skušati komu dopovedati že tako jasno stvar
    to bang (ali slam) the door on onemogočiti kaj
    at death's door na pragu smrti
    to make door zapreti in zapahniti vrata
    a creaking door bangs long bolehni in šibki dolgo živijo
    in (ali within) doors doma
    to lay a charge at the door of s.o. obdolžiti koga
    it lies at his door on je kriv
    out of (ali without) doors na prostem
    to shut (ali slam) the door in s.o.'s face zapreti komu vrata pred nosom
    packed to the doors nabito poln
  • doséči to reach; to attain (cilj an end); to win; to achieve (svoj cilj, namen one's purpose)

    ne doséči to fall short of
    doséči obalo to reach shore
    doséči visoko starost, starost 30 let to reach a great age, to attain the age of 30 years
    ta knjiga je dosegla 10 izdaj this book reached its 10th edition
    doséči popolnost to reach perfection
    doséči sporazum to reach an understanding
    doséči strop to reach the ceiling
    niso mogli doséči vrha griča they could not reach the top of the hill
    doséči slavo, zmago to win fame, a victory
  • doséga achievement, attainment

    doséga ciljev achievement of one's ends
    doséga sporazuma successful conclusion of an agreement
  • dotêči to arrive running, (priteči) to run up to, to reach running

    dotêči koga to catch someone, to rejoin someone; (čas) to come to an end, to end
  • dovtíp joke; jest; pleasantry; pun; witticism; ZDA žargon wisecrack; gag

    alogičen dovtíp (figurativno) an Irish bull
    poln dovtípov waggish, jocular, full of fun
    slab dovtíp bad joke, pogovorno corny joke
    ta dovtíp je slab that's a weak (ali poor) effort
    star dovtíp chestnut, stale (ali threadbare, old, ancient) joke, hoary old joke
    ta dovtíp ima že brado pogovorno I fell out of my cradle laughing at that one
    ost dovtípa the point of the joke
    ne delaj dovtípov quit joking!
    dovtípe zbijati to crack jokes