
Zadetki iskanja

  • amnestíja amnestíranje amnesty; general pardon

    zakon o amnestíji act of grace
    prositi za amnestíjo to ask for an amnesty
  • anything [éniɵiŋ] zaimek
    nekaj, karkoli, vse

    anything but vse prej kot
    for anything I know kolikor je meni znano
    he is a little better if anything godi se mu malo bolje, če se sploh da govoriti o zboljšanju
    not for anything za nič na svetu
    hardly (ali scarcely) anything skoraj nič
    like anything na vso moč, kar se da
  • apprise [əpráiz] prehodni glagol (of o)
    obvestiti, obveščati; naznaniti; (o)ceniti

    to be apprised of vedeti o čem
  • à propos by the way

    à propos, ali ti je povedal, da... by the way (ali bye), did he tell you that...; (ravno prav, o pravem času) opportunely, seasonably, just at the right time
  • arrange [əréindž]

    1. prehodni glagol
    razvrstiti razmestiti; urediti; prilagoditi; predelati; prirediti, poravnati; določiti; pripraviti

    2. neprehodni glagol (for za)
    pripraviti se, poskrbeti; sporazumeti se, domeniti se

    to arrange with s.o. about dogovoriti se s kom o čem
    to arrange a quarrel poravnati spor
    I will arrange for it za to bom poskrbel
  • aspersion [əspə́:šən] samostalnik
    poškropitev, dež
    figurativno opravljanje, obrekovanje, blatenje

    to cast aspersion on (ali upon) s.o. (o)črniti koga
  • assignment [əsáinmənt] samostalnik
    nakazilo, nalog; določitev, dodelitev; odstopitev; preusmeritev; prenos
    ameriško naloga, pooblastilo

    deed of assignment listina o odstopitvi
    assignment of funds dodelitev denarja
  • avtoritatíven authoritative

    avtoritatívno mnenje an authoritative opinion
    to je edino avtoritatívno delo o tem vprašanju it is the only authoritative work on the question
    njegovo mnenje je avtoritatívno his opinion is regarded as conclusive
    avtoritativno prislov masterfully, without paying heed to protests
  • bájka tale; myth; fairy tale; story

    prazna, gola, čista bájka a mere tale
    pisec bájk mythographer
    pisanje bájk mythography
    pripovedovati bájke (o bogovih, junakih) to mythologize
  • banc(o) [bǽŋk(ou)] samostalnik
    klop za sodnike; sodni dvor, sodišče

    in banc(o) pri zasedanju (vrhovno sodišče)
  • bankruptcy [bǽŋkrʌpsi] samostalnik
    denarni polom, stečaj, bankrot, konkurz
    figurativno brodolom; propad

    act of bankruptcy, declaration of bankruptcy napoved stečaja
    bankruptcy commissioners stečajna uprava
    bankruptcy act odločba o stečaju
    state bankruptcy državni bankrot, finančni zlom
    to file one's (petition in) bankruptcy napovedati stečaj
  • bargain1 [bá:gin] neprehodni glagol (about o; with s; for za)
    barantati, trgovati; prodajati, kupovati; računati na kaj, pričakovati

    I didn't bargain for that tega nisem pričakoval, s tem nisem računal
    it was more than I bargained for tega nisem pričakoval
    to bargain away poceni prodati
  • bárva colour, ZDA color; (obraza) complexion, (tisk) ink; (znanstveno) chroma; (barvarska) dye, dyestuff; (plesk) paint; (tinktura) tincture; (za les, steklo) stain; (barvilo) pigment; (prevladujoča) hue; (temen ton, odtenek) shade; (svetel ton) tint; (glasu) timbre

    bárve (blaga) colours pl, dyes pl, paints pl; (kartanje) suit
    kričeče, prežive bárve gaudy colours, glaring colours
    lokalna bárva local colour
    mrtva bárva dull colour
    mavričnih bárv rainbow-coloured, iridescent
    nestalna, neobstojna bárva fugitive colour, fading colour
    obstojna bárva fast colour
    pisanih bárv variegated, piebald, mottled
    svetla (temna) bárva light (dark) colour
    živa bárva vivid (ali gay, bright) colour
    preživa bárva dazzling colour
    oljnata bárva oil colour, oil paint
    vodne bárve water-colours
    osnovna (komplementarna, mešalna) bárva primary (complementary, secondary) colour
    spreminjasta bárva (v blagu) shot colour
    tiskarska bárva printer's ink
    občutljiv za bárve colour sensitive, fotografija orthochromatic
    slep za bárve colour-blind
    mešanje bárv colour mixing
    bogastvo bárv richness in colour
    igra bárv, prelivanje bárv play of colours, iridescence
    škatla za bárve paintbox, colour box
    trgovec z bárvami, z oljnatimi bárvami dealer in paints, paint dealer
    trakovi jagodne bárve strawberry-coloured ribbons
    veda o bárvah science of colour, chromatics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    bárva obledi the dye fades
    opisovati kaj v živih bárvah to give a glowing description of something
    mešati bárve to mix colours
    pokazati svojo pravo bárvo to show one's true colours, to show one's colours, to come out in one's true colours
    priti z bárvo na dan (figurativno) to let the cat out of the bag, to speak one's mind
    puščati bárvo to lose one's colour
    spremeniti bárvo (v obrazu) to change colour
    slikati v svetlih (temnih) bárvah to paint in bright (dark) colours
    te bárve se ne ujemajo dobro these colours do not go well together
    videti vse v rožnatih bárvah to see everything through rose-coloured spectacles
    ta bárva pušča pri pranju this colour runs in the wash
  • below1 [bilóu] prislov
    spodaj, niže

    down below v peklu
    here below tukaj doli; na tem svetu
    it will be mentioned below o tem bo govora kasneje
  • beséda word; (izraz) expression, term; (izrek) saying; (obljuba) promise

    z besédami in writing
    z drugimi besédami in other words
    z eno besédo in a (ali one) word
    beséda ob (ne)pravem času a word in (out of) season
    in, niti beséde o tem! Pst! and mum's the word!
    in konec besédi! and that's that!
    na dan z besédo! (govori!) spit it out!, out with it, man!, ZDA pogovorno talk turkey!
    prav s temi besédami in so many words
    častna beséda word of honour
    častna beséd! word of honour!, upon ali on my honour!, honestly!
    nobene beséde več! not another word!
    beséda za besédo word for word, literally
    ostre beséde harsh (ali angry) words
    božja beséda gospel
    grde beséde foul language
    lepe beséde fair words
    prazne beséde empty (ali idle) words
    sladke beséde flattering words
    izvedena beséda derivative
    novo skovana beséda newly coined word
    zložena beséda compound word
    same beséde! mere words!
    enozložna beséda monosyllable
    težko izgovorljiva beséda tongue twister
    strokovna beséda technical term
    zelo zastarela beséda obsolete word
    zastarela beséda archaic word, archaism
    človek redkih besédi a man of few words
    spojena beséda portmanteau word (npr. smog = smoke + fog)
    izpeljava besed derivation of words; etymology
    tvorba besed word-formation
    števec besed telefonija word counter
    beséda je o... the point is, the point in question is...
    ne biti mož beséda not to keep one's word
    on je mož beséda he is a man of his word, he is true to his word
    vse to so same prazne beséde that's all idle chatter
    pametnemu je ena beséda dovolj a word to the wise
    beséda je dala besédo one word led to another
    dati svojo (častno) besédo to pledge one's word, to give one's word
    dati komu besédo to allow someone to speak
    biti mož beséda to keep one's word, to be as good as one's word; to be true to one's word
    njegova beséda je zakon (figurativno) what he says goes
    držati svojo besédo to keep one's word
    držal bom svojo besédo I will keep my word
    ni držal svoje beséde he went back on his word
    imam besédo na jeziku I have the word on the tip of my tongue
    ti imaš besédo it is your turn to speak, (na sestanku) you have the floor, you may take the floor
    ne dati drugim beséde to monopolize the conversation
    imeti zadnjo besédo to have the last word
    imeti odločilno (zadnjo) besédo pri to have the final say in
    jaz imam zdaj besédo it's my turn now, now I'll have my say
    imeti véliko besédo to talk big
    on ima glavno besédo he is the spokesman
    v tej stvari nimam nobene beséde več I no longer have any say in this matter
    od lepih besed še nihče ni bil sit fine words butter no parnips
    čim manj je besed, tem bolje je least said soonest mended
    izbirati beséde to pick one's words
    ni izgubljal, tratil besede o... he wasted no words on...
    naglasiti, poudariti besédo to stress (ali to emphasize) a word
    zaman izgubljati beséde to waste words
    izraziti z besédo to word
    niti beséde ni omenil o tem he did not breathe a word of it
    odvzeti komu besédo to stop someone from speaking
    pasti komu v besédo to interrupt someone, to cut short, pogovorno to chip in
    prositi za besédo to beg permission to speak, to ask leave to speak
    prosim za besédo! (ZDA) may I have the floor?
    oprostite besedi! saving your presence!
    prihranite si svoje beséde! save your breath
    sploh me ne pusti do beséde he does not let me a word in edgeways
    priti do beséde to get a word in edgeways
    ne priti z besédo na dan (žargon) to beat about the bush
    nisem mogel priti do beséde I couldn't get a word in
    prijeti koga za besédo to take someone at his word
    ne najdem (ne morem najti) besed I am at a loss for words
    tudi beséde resnice ni v tem there is not a word of truth in it
    prevračati beséde to quibble over words
    lastne beséde človek ne more slišati v tem hrupu in this din you can't hear yourself speak
    snesti svojo besédo not to keep one's word, to break one's word
    reči dobro besédo za koga to intercede in someone's favour, to say a good word for someone, to plead for someone
    premisliti beséde to ponder one's words
    skovati besédo to coin a word
    ne upati si z besédo na dan žargon to beat about the bush
    pretehtati svoje beséde to mind one's p's and q's, to ponder one's words
    vzeti komu besédo iz ust to take the words out of someone's mouth
    zastaviti svojo besédo arhaično to pledge one's word (ali honour)
    zastaviti dobro besédo za koga to put in a word for someone
    umakniti svojo besédo to retract one's word, to go back on one's promise
    verjeti na besédo to take on trust
    ubogati na besédo to obey to the letter
    lahko mi verjamete na besédo you may take my word for it; you can believe every word I say
    vleči beséde to drawl
    tudi beséde ni rekel he never said a word (ali žargon humoristično a dicky bird)
    reči besédo o pravem času to drop a timely hint; arhaično to say a word in season
    človek se lahkó zanese na njegovo besédo his word is as good as his bond
    izvleči se z lepimi besédami to talk one's way out
    dobiti besédo to have leave to speak, to be allowed to speak; parlament to catch the Speaker's eye
    (takrat) ni znal beséde angleški he could not then speak a word of English
    beséde ne ziniti to button up one's mouth
    iskal sem to besédo pri več avtorjih I have looked that word up in several authors
    beséda ni konj (figurativno) hard words break no bones
  • besédica word (diminutive form, usually in expressive usage)

    niti besédice ni omenil o tem he did not breathe a word of it
  • beyond2 [bijɔ́nd] predlog
    več kot, razen; na oni strani, nasproti

    beyond belief neverjeten
    beyond comprehension nerazumljiv
    it is beyond my depth tega ne razumem, ne dojamem
    beyond dispute nespodbiten
    beyond endurance neznosen
    beyond one's expectation več kot smo pričakovali
    beyond expression neizrekljiv
    beyond hope brezupen
    beyond all praise odličen
    it is beyond me tega ne zmorem
    he is beyond the (human) pale njegovo vedenje je neprimerno
    beyond measure pretiran(o)
    beyond possibility nemogoče
    he lives beyond his income živi preko svojih dohodkov
    beyond one's means prepotratno
    beyond one's time predolgo
    beyond recovery neozdravljiv
    beyond the tomb v onstranstvu
    beyond words nepopisen
    to go beyond one's depth zgubiti tla pod nogami
  • bič whip; lash; scourge

    jahalni bič horsewhip, hunting crop, riding whip
    mornarski bič (za kaznovanje) cat-o'-nine-tails; figurativno scourge, calamity, plague
    udarec z bičem lash, cut with the whip
    ošvrkniti z bičem to lash
    pokati z bičem to crack a whip
  • bíti (bijem) to beat; to strike; (močno) to whack; (srce) to pulsate, to beat, (močno) to throb, to palpitate, to flutter

    ura bije sedem the clock is striking seven
    bíti žogo to play football
    resnica o tem nam bije v obraz the truth of it stares us in the face
    bíti se (boriti se) to fight, to struggle, to combat, to battle with
  • bóg God; the Lord; deity

    o bóg! dear me!
    moj bóg! good Heavens!, good Lord!
    daj bóg God grant!, would to God!; I wish to goodness!, I wish to God!
    bóg ne daj!, bóg obvaruj! God forbid!, zastarelo God forfend!; touch wood!
    bóg z Vami! God speed you!
    zbogom! goodbye, farewell!
    bógu podoben godlike
    vsemogočni bóg God Almighty
    bógu vdan devout, pious
    tako mi bóg pomagaj! so help me God!
    (bil je) prizor za bógove (it was) a sight for sore eyes
    to je kot od bóga poslano it's a godsend
    bóg (si ga) vedi God knows, I don't
    bogve arhaično God wot
    bogve zakaj goodness (ali God) knows why
    bogve, kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    če bóg da please God, God willing
    moj bóg, kaj pa delate? for God's sake, what are you doing?
    stati kot lipov bóg (figurativno) to stand like a graven image; to stand stock-still
    človek obrača, bóg pa obrne man proposes, God disposes; God commands, man obeys
    bóg je najprej sebi brado ustvaril charity begins at home