
Zadetki iskanja

  • móč force; tehnika, figurativno power; strength; potency; (krepkost) vigour; (učinkovitost) efficacy; (energija) energy; (velika, nadnaravna) might; (duhovna, duševna) faculty

    na vso móč, z vsemi móčmi with all one's might
    po svojih najboljših móčeh to the best of one's ability
    mišična móč muscular power
    čarovna móč magic power
    delovna móč working power, worker
    delovne móči (delavci) workforce, labour (s konstr. v sg), hands pl, workmen pl
    gonilna móč motive power
    kupna móč buying (ali purchasing) power
    konjska móč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
    prebojna móč penetrating power
    učna móč qualified teacher
    duhovna, duševna móč strength of mind
    moška móč vigour, virility
    telesna móč physical strength
    obrambna móč total defence potential
    udarna móč striking (ali hitting) power, striking force, vojska fighting efficiency
    ustvarjalna móč creative power
    móč usode power of fate
    móč volje willpower; strength of mind, faculty of volition
    dejanska móč actual power, real power
    zakonska móč legal force
    móč eksplozije explosive force, violence of an explosion
    brez móči powerless, forceless, ineffectual; impotent; (šibak) weak, feeble, (izčrpan) finished, effete
    kipeč od móči vigorous
    poln móči powerful, vigorous, full of energy
    v polni mladostni móči in the full vigour of youth
    preizkus móči trial of strength, ZDA pogovorno showdown
    drobljenje móči scattering (ali dissipation) of forces
    izguba móči loss of strength
    po svojih móčeh as one is able
    z združenimi móčmi shoulder to shoulder
    s poslednjimi móčmi with the remains of one's strength
    biti na kraju svojih móči to be worn out, to be exhausted, to reach the end of one's tether
    biti v móči (o zakonu) to be in force
    to ni v moji móči that's beyond my power
    storim vse, kar je v moji móči I do my (very) best, I do my utmost
    kakšno móč ima motor? what is the power of the motor? (ali engine)?
    ni v moji móči, da bi ti pomagal it is not in my power to help you
    ta odlok ima zakonsko móč this decree has the force of law, this decree is binding
    nisem imel toliko móči, da bi to naredil I was unable to arrange it
    priti zopet k móči to recover (ali to regain) one's strength
    móč toka ga je odnesla the rush (ali the sweep) of the current carried him away
    to presega moje móči that's too much for me
    razviti vso svojo móč to exert all one's strength (ali one's full strength)
    teči na vso móč to run at full speed
    na vso móč je vlekel he was pulling for all he was worth
    zapiskati na vso móč to whistle one's hardest
    v slogi je móč unity makes strength
  • móda fashion; vogue; mode; style

    iz móde out of fashion; outmoded
    v módi in fashion, in vogue, fashionable
    po módi fashionably
    po najnovejši módi up-to date in style, in the latest fashion
    najnovejša móda the latest fashion, new look
    po stari módi (staromoden) old-fashioned
    narejen po zadnji módi made in the latest style
    zadnji krik móde (ZDA pogovorno) the last word (ali the latest thing) in fashion
    to ni več v módi that is no longer the fashion, that has gone out of fashion
    to je bila móda pred 30 leti that was in fashion thirty years ago
    to je v módi letos it is the fashion this year
    v módi so kratka krila short skirts are in (ali are all the rage)
    biti v módi to be in fashion, to be in great demand
    priti v módo to come into fashion
    priti zopet v módo to come back into fashion
    priti iz móde to go out of fashion
    prinesti v módo to bring into fashion, to launch a fashion
    to pri nas ni v módi that is not the fashion here
    ona se oblači po zadnji módi she dresses in the latest fashion
    slediti módi, spremljati módo, ravnati se po módi to follow the fashion
    voditi v módi to set the fashion
    vpeljati novo módo to set a new fashion
    kupila si bo klobuk po módi she will buy a smart (ali stylish, modish) hat
  • mogóče prislov perhaps

    kolikor mogóče as much (ali as far) as possible
    kako je to mogóče? how can that possibly be?
    ti ne bi bilo mogóče priti jutri? couldn't you manage to come tomorrow?
    mogóče je bolan he may be ill
    nemogóče! no!, is it possible?; you don't say!
    z njo ni mogóče živeti there's no living with her
  • money [mʌ́ni] samostalnik
    denar, plačilno sredstvo; bogastvo, premoženje
    množina, arhaično ali
    pravno vsote denarja

    money of account denar kot merilo vrednosti, a ne v obtoku (angleška guinea)
    money on account denar v dobrem
    money on (ali at) call dnevno plačljiv denar
    money on hand denar pri roki
    money due neplačan (zapadel) denar
    ready money gotovina pri roki
    pogovorno in the money pri denarju, bogat
    out of money brez denarja
    short of money na tesnem z denarjem
    to get one's money's worth imeti stroške povrnjene, dobro kupiti
    to make money (by) obogateti, dobro zaslužiti (s, z)
    to coin money hitro obogateti
    sleng money for jam lahek zaslužek
    to marry money bogato se poročiti
    ekonomija money in cash (ali hand) stanje blagajne
    money makes the mare go denar odpira vsa vrata
    not for love or money na noben način
    for one's money kolikor se koga tiče
    made of money bogat
    to pay money down plačati v gotovini
    pin money postranski zaslužek
    to put one's money on staviti denar na
    to raise money izprositi denar, dobiti denar v gotove svrhe, sposoditi si denar
    time is money čas je zlato
    conscience money denar, vplačan v državno blagajno (zaradi davčne utaje)
    to call in money zahtevati denar nazaj, zahtevati izplačilo
    to recall money odpoklicati kapital
    it is not every man's money ni za vsakega enako vredno
    to come into money priti do denarja, podedovati denar
  • mórati to have to, to be obliged (ali forced, compelled) to; to be bound

    vlak mora priti ob petih the train is due at five
    moram I must
    to mora še priti that is still (ali yet) to come
    tu mora biti kaka napaka there must be some mistake
    to bi ti moral vedeti you ought to know that
    to bi mi ti moral poprej povedati you ought to have told me that before
    to bi moralo biti (do) sedaj že pripravljeno it ought to be ready by now
    zdravniki so mu morali odrezati nogo the doctors had (ali have had) to amputate his leg
    moral je oditi (= najbrž je odšel) he must have left, I suppose he is gone
    on mora vedno prepozno priti he always has to be late
    moram se smejati, ko (če) (vidim) I cannot help laughing when (I see)...
    žal mi je, da moram reči... I am sorry to say...
    mora biti bolan he must be ill, most likely he is ill, he is presumably ill
    to mora biti it is unavoidable
    on mora vedno imeti zadnjo besedo he always will have the last word
    moral je umreti he was doomed to die
    tudi če bi moral umreti, bi še vedno rekel... even though I were to die for it, I would still say...
    to knjigo morate (nujno) brati this book is a must for you
    mora biti (= gotovo je čez) 70 let star he must be over seventy
  • móž man, pl men

    velik (visok) móž a tall man, (figurativno) a great man; (soprog) husband
    kot en móž (enoglasno) as one man
    móž proti móžu (bližinski) hand-tohand
    borba móža proti móžu hand-to-hand struggle
    slamnati móž (figura, statist) man of straw, dummy
    divji móž wild man of the woods
    povodni móž water sprite
    do zadnjega móža (= vsi) to the last man, (all) to a man
    padli so (v boju) do zadnjega móža they perished to a man
    pravi móž na pravem mestu the right man in the right job (ali place)
    vsi možje brez izjeme every man jack
    priti, naleteti na pravega móža to come to the right man
    biti le pol móža (figurativno) to be only a half man
    izkazati se za móža to play the man, (ne se ustrašiti) to stand up to it like a man
    dvigniti se kot en móž to rise like one man
    pokaži, da si móž! show yourself a man!, show us what you're made of!
    govorita kot móž móžu! let us have a man-to-man talk!
    biti móž beseda to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
    on je móž beseda he is a man of his word
    ladja se je potopila z vsemi móžmí na krovu the ship went down (ali sank) with all hands
    móž jo tepe, kadar je pijan her husband (ali man) beats her when he is drunk
  • najáviti to announce; to give notice (kaj of something); to notify; to make known; apprise someone of something, to inform

    najáviti se to send in one's name, to present oneself; to call upon; (oglasiti se, priti na kratek obisk) to make a flying visit (ali a short call), to drop in, (službeno) to report
  • nalášč intentionally, deliberately; premeditatedly; wilfully; by design, designedly; on purpose, purposely

    to je kot nalášč zame it is just the thing for me
    priti kot nalášč (ravno prav) to be most welcome
  • namêsti2 to collect by sweeping

    veter je namel snega (peska) the wind has piled up snowdrifts (banks of sand)
    nametlo je snega, da ni bilo mogoče priti v vas snowdrifts made the village inaccessible
  • nápak wrong, wrongly, bad, badly; amiss

    ni nápak! not bad!
    nápak delati to do something wrong
    nápak priti (biti nezaželen) to come amiss
    nápak razumeti to misunderstand, to mistake
    nápak uganiti, ugibati to guess wrong
    ne bi bilo nápak zate (ne bi ti škodovalo) it would not be a bad thing for you
    nekaj je nápak z njim there's something amiss with him
    nápak stópiti (spotakniti se) to trip (čez, nad over)
  • napótnica

    napótnica za bolnišnico doctor's note (directing patient to hospital)
    priti v hotel z napótnico potovalne agencije to arrive at a hotel with a note (ali chit, introductory letter) from a travel agency
  • napróti

    iti komu napróti to go to meet someone
    teči komu napróti to run to meet someone
    priti komu napróti to come to meet someone
    prišli so nam napróti they came to meet us
  • naváda habit; habitude, wont; (šega) custom; use, usage, practice

    iz naváde by habit
    po svoji stari navádi according to one's usual practice
    po njegovi navádi according to his habit (ali wont)
    naváda je... it is customary...
    ukoreninjena naváda deep-rooted (ali inveterate) habit
    šege in naváde manners and customs
    moč naváde the force of habit
    življenjske naváde habits of life
    po navádi in the usual way, usually, as a rule, as usual
    naváda je železna srajca habit (ali custom, use) is second nature
    kakor je bila moja naváda as my custom was
    delati kaj iz naváde to do something from force of habit
    imeti navádo to be in the habit (of), (samo v preteklem času) to use
    imel je navádo priti k meni vsak dan he used to come to me every day
    navzeti se slabih navád to pick up bad habits
    opustiti navádo to give up (ali to drop) a habit
    postati naváda to grow into a habit
    to prehaja v navádo it is growing into a habit
    vdajati se navádi to give way to a habit
    to je stvar naváde it is a matter of habit
    ki je suženj naváde habit-ridden
  • navskríž

    priti s kom navskríž to come into conflict with someone ➞ navzkriž
  • nazáj back; backwards

    moram nazáj I must go back, I must return
    ni ga še nazáj he is not yet back, he has not yet returned
    nazáj datirati to antedate
    nazáj dati to give back, to return, to restore, to refund
    nazáj dobiti to get back, to recover; to be reimbursed, to be repaid
    nazáj delovati to retroact, to be retroactive
    iti nazáj to go back, to return, to recede; to retrogress; to retrograde; to retrace one's steps
    nazáj poklicati to recall
    nazáj pripeljati to reconvey
    nazáj kupiti to repurchase
    nazáj osvojiti to reconquer
    pasti nazáj v isto napako, razvado to be a backslider, to backslide
    pasti nazáj v bolezen to relapse
    nazáj poslati to send back
    stopiti nazáj to step back
    priti nazáj to come back, to return
    udariti nazáj (o puški) to recoil
    želim si nazáj I long to return
    nekaj let nazáj some years ago, some years since
    tja in nazáj there and back
    vozovnica tja in nazáj return ticket
  • nebésa (raj) heaven, paradise

    deveta nebésa (figurativno) the Heaven of heavens
    kakor v nebésih, tako na zemlji on earth as it is in heaven
    (pri omenjanju pokojnega) Bog mu daj sveta nebés! may God rest his soul!
    priti v nebésa to join the angels
    v sedmih nebésih in the seventh heaven
    sveta nebés! good heavens!, by heaven!
    hvaliti koga do nebés to praise someone to the skies
  • need1 [ni:d] samostalnik
    potreba, sila nuja (of, for po)
    pomanjkanje (of, for česa)

    to be (ali stand) in need of; ali to have need of nujno kaj potrebovati
    to be in need biti v stiski
    if need be; ali if need arise; ali in case of need če je potrebno, v sili
    to do one's needs opraviti potrebo
    I had need remember moral bi si zapomniti
    to have no need to do ne čutiti potrebe kaj narediti
    there is no need for you to come ni ti treba priti
    a friend in need is a friend indeed v sili spoznaš pravega prijatelja
    to fail s.o. in his need pustiti koga na cedilu
    to feel the need of (ali for) pogrešati kaj
  • need2 [ni:d]

    1. neprehodni glagol
    arhaično biti potrebno; biti v stiski, primanjkovati česa

    2. prehodni glagol
    potrebovati; zahtevati

    3. pomožni (z nedoločnikom s to v trdilnih, brez to v vprašalnih in nikalnih stavkih)
    morati, treba je

    it needs not that; ali it does not need that ni treba, da
    there needs no excuse opravičilo ni potrebno
    it needed doing to je bilo treba narediti
    it needs to be done to je treba narediti
    she needn't do it tega ji ni treba narediti
    you needn't have come ne bi ti bilo treba priti
    more than needs več kot je potrebno
    what need (ali needs) ? čemu to?
  • nemílost disgrace; disfavour; displeasure

    biti v nemílosti to be out of favour, not to be in someone's good graces
    priti v nemílost to be disgraced, to fall from grace
    padel je v nemílost pri kralju he fell into disgrace with the king
    biti v nemílosti (pogovorno) to be in the doghouse
  • nepríličen inopportune; inconvenient; embarrassing; ill-timed; unseasonable, out of season

    ob nepríličnem času priti h komu (nadlegovati koga) to intrude upon someone's time