značílen characteristic (za of); distinctive (of)
biti značílen za to be typical of; to characterize (za kaj something)
značílna poteza characteristic (ali typical, significant) feature
Zadetki iskanja
- znán known; noted (po for); well-known
splošno znán notorious (po, zaradi for)
po vsem svetu znán well-known all over the world
znán pod imenom... known as...
znán obraz familiar face
znána substanca kemija (the) known
znána veličina matematika (the) known quantity
drugače znán pod imenom... alias, also known as (krajšava: aka)
kolikor je znáno as far as is known
kolikor mi je znáno as far as I know
znáno mi je, da... I know that...
znáno je dejstvo, da... it is a well-known fact that...
on je znán kot dober učitelj he is known to be a good teacher
on mi je znán he is known to me
biti znán s kom to be acquainted with someone
si znán z njim? are you acquainted with him?
nisem osebno znán z njegovim bratom I am not personally acquainted with his brother - znój sweat; perspiration
krvavi znój bloody sweat
v znóju svojega obraza in (ali by) the sweat of one's brow
biti moker od znója to be all of a sweat, to be in a sweat
od strahu me je oblil mrzel znój I broke out in a cold sweat
služiti si kruh v znóju svojega obraza to earn one's living by the sweat of one's brow
znój mi teče po obrazu my face is running with sweat
znój mu je tekel z obraza his face was streaming with perspiration
živeti od znója (žuljev) ljudstva to live on the sweat of the people - zráven beside; alongside
čisto zráven close by, hard by
zráven mene beside me
biti zráven to be present, to take part (in) - zvedáv inquisitive (gledé, o about, regarding, concerning); curious
zvedáva oseba inquisitive (ali prying) person, pogovorno snooper, Nosy Parker
biti zvedáv to be curious, pogovorno to snoop - zvelíčan religija saved, redeemed; (blažen) blessed
biti zvelíčan to be redeemed, to find salvation - zvijáča ruse, (majhna) trick; guile, artifice, wile
kup, koš zvijáč the whole bag of tricks
vojna zvijáča stratagem, ruse, military manoeuvre
poslovne zvijáče the tricks of the trade
izvesti zvijáčo (žargon) to put one over (on someone)
spregledati (spoznati) zvijáče, biti kos zvijáčam kake osebe to be up to someone's tricks
poznam jaz njegove zvijáče I'm up to his tricks
uporabiti zvijáčo za dosego svojih ciljev to achieve one's purpose by trickery - žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief
veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
na mojo žálost to my sorrow
na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning - žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched
žálosten pogled deplorable sight
to so žálostne novice this is sad news
tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
žálostna nesreča a sad accident
žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight - žalovánje mourning
globoko žalovánje deep mourning
biti v žalovánju to be in mourning, to wear mourning
zid žalovánja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - žéjen thirsty; (figurativno) thirsting (for, after), desirous (of something)
biti žéjen to be (ali to feel) thirsty
delo, ki napravi koga žéjnega thirsty work - žêljen desirous (of), eager, anxious, keen (on), set on; (slave ipd.) eager
biti žêljen krvi (figurativno) to be bloodthirsty
žêljen slave eager (ali thirsty) for fame - žêna (zakonska, soproga) wife, pl wives, humoristično better half; (soproga) spouse, mate, consort; (ženska) woman, pl women
brez žêne wifeless
poročena žêna married woman
moja bodoča žêna my wife-tobe
ločena žêna divorced woman, divorcee
kraljeva žêna queen consort
zakonita žêna lawful wedded wife
nezakonita žêna mistress
žêne pl women, wives; (lepi spol) the fair sex, womankind
moja žêna my wife, (bolj formalno) Mrs. X., pogovorno my old lady, my old woman, the missis (ali missus), (londonsko narečje) my old dutch
svetska žêna woman of the world
žêna s preteklostjo woman with a past
mož nezveste žêne (rogonosec) cuckold
biti komu dobra žêna to make someone a good wife
dati za žêno to give in marriage
žêna drži moža pod copato the husband is henpecked
ločiti se od žêne to divorce one's wife
vzeti za žêno to marry, to take in marriage - žerjávica live (ali hot) coal (s pl); embers pl
kot na žerjávici (figurativno) like a cat on hot bricks
biti (kot) na žerjávici (figurativno) to be on edge, to be on tenterhooks
iti za koga po kostanj v žerjávico (figurativno) to pull someone else's chestnuts out of the fire - žídan silk(-)
žídana ruta silk kerchief
biti žídane volje to be as happy (ali jolly) as a sandboy - žív alive, living; live; (živahen) lively, vivacious, vivid, animated
žív in zdrav hale and hearty
žíve barve bright (ali gay, vivid, glaring) colours pl
žíva domišljija vivid imagination
žíva duša ne not a living soul (ali creature)
žívi jeziki living languages pl
žívo apno quicklime, unslaked lime
žíva meja hedge
žívo meso tender flesh, quick
žív opis vivid description
žív spomin vivid recollection
žíva teža live weight
žíva vera fervent belief (ali faith), living faith
žívo zanimanje vivid interest
žíva žerjavica live coals pl
živi (ljudje) pl the living
na žíve in mrtve in (real) earnest
vse svoje žíve dni all my (your itd.) life
žívo srebro quicksilver, mercury
žíva skala living rock, bedrock
žíva oddaja live broadcast
dokler bom žív as long as I live
je tvoj brat še žív? is your brother still alive?
on je žíva (verna) slika svojega očeta he is the living image of his father
kar sem žív all my life, in all my born days
biti med žívimi (figurativno) to be in the land of the living
sem bolj mrtev kot žív I am more dead than alive, I am half-dead
žívo se spominjati to have a vivid recollection (of)
ne morem ga žívega videti (figurativno) I can't bear (ali stand, endure) the sight of him
starost ji ne more do žívega (ji nič ne more) (pesniško) age cannot wither her
žív krst (žíva duša) tega ne ve not a living soul knows it
zadeti v žívo to cut (ali to sting, to touch) to the quick
zadet v žívo cut to the quick
žívi in mrtvi the living (ali arhaično the quick) and the dead - žívčen nerve(-); nervous; of the nerves
zelo žívčen highly strung, (žargon) all of a twitter
žívčna bolezen nervous disease (ali disorder, complaint), neurosis, neuropathy
žívčna celica nerve cell
žívčna bolečina neuralgia
bolnišnica za žívčne bolezni clinic for nervous diseases
žívčni napad fit (ali attack) of nerves
žívčni sestav nervous system
žívčna vojna war of nerves
žívčni zlom nervous collapse (ali breakdown, shock, prostration)
žívčna slabost nervous debility, neurasthenia
žívčna razdraženost nervous irritation
žívčni vozel ganglion, nerve centre
on je zelo žívčen he is a bundle of nerves, (pogovorno) he's all nerves
ona je žívčno bolna she is suffering from a nervous disease (ali disorder), she has trouble with her nerves
biti žívčen (pogovorno) to be jumpy (ali jittery, highly strung), to have the jitters, to be all on edge
dobiti žívčen napad to have a fit of nerves - žívec nerve
slušni (vidni, vonjalni) žívec auditory (optic, olfactory) nerve
napeti žívci strained nerves
občutljivi žívci delicate (ali excitable) nerves
razrvani žívci disordered nerves
ki gre na žívce (razburljiv) nerve-racking, nerve-wracking
na koncu z žívci (figurativno) under a strain
imeti napete žívce to have one's nerves on edge, to be strung up
biti prenapetih žívcev to suffer from nerves
imeti zelo občutljive žívce to be highly strung
iti komu na žívce to get on someone's nerves
ona mi gre na žívce she gets on my nerves, she wears me down
imeti močne žívce to have steady nerves
žívci so mu odpovedali his nerves snapped
on trpi na žívcih he has trouble with his nerves, he is suffering from a nervous complaint
izgubiti žívce to lose one's nerve
denar je žívec vojne money is the sinews of war
človek železnih žívcev a man with iron nerves (ali with nerves of steel) - žóga ball, rubber ball
žóga za kriket cricket ball
žóga za tenis tennis ball
usnjena žóga leather ball, leather
biti žógo (nogomet) to play football
igrati se z žógo to play ball