biti zatréskan v deklè to be infatuated with (ali to be swept off one's feet by) a girl
Zadetki iskanja
- zaùpen confidential; (dokument) classified
zaùpni dokumenti classified documents pl
zaùpen prijatelj intimate friend, intimate
strogo zaùpen strictly confidential
zaùpna stvar confidential matter
zavzemati zaùpen položaj to be in a position of trust (ali of confidence)
biti zelo zaùpen z to be hand and glove with (someone) - zavézan liable (to, for); bound; obliged (to)
zavézan davka liable (ali subject) to taxation, liable to pay taxes
zavézan vojaški službi liable for military service
biti komu zavézan to be obliged to someone
biti pogodbeno zavézan za izvršitev dela v enem letu to be bound by contract to carry out the work within a year - zavrníti to reject; to rebut; to refuse; (ponudbo, kandidata) to turn down
zavrníti ponudbe to rebut someone's offers
zavrníti pomoč (povabilo) to refuse help (an invitation)
zavrníti prošnjo to refuse a request
zasnubil jo je, pa ga je zavrnila he asked her to marry him but she turned him down
zavrnili so nas we have been refused
biti zavrnjen (odklonjen, dobiti »košarico«) to meet with (ali to receive) a rebuff, pogovorno to get the brush-off - zavzét occupied; conquered, captured
biti zavzét za kaj to be partial to something, to have a liking for something - zdihljáj sigh
zdihljáj olajšanja a sigh of relief
biti v poslednjih zdihljájih to be breathing one's last - zdráha discord, dissension; warfare; variance
delati, povzročiti zdráho to cause dissension
to je naredilo zdráho med njima that set them at variance
biti v zdráhi z to be in conflict (ali at loggerheads) with someone, to be constantly warring (ali feuding) with someone - zdráv healthy, sound, in good health, healthy-looking; (duševno) sane; wholesome, healthful (za for), salubrious
zdráva pamet common sense, good sense, horse sense, mother wit, pogovorno gumption
zdrávi zobje sound teeth
zdrávo sadje sound fruit
zdráv kot riba (as) sound as a bell, in the pink (of condition), in fine fettle
zdráv na duši in telesu sound in body and mind
cel in zdráv, zdráv in živ hale and hearty
zdrávo podnebje salubrious climate
zdráva hrana (zrak) wholesome food (air)
zdráv duh v zdrávem telesu a sound mind in a sound body
zdráva kritika sound (ali judicious) criticism
biti zdráv to be well, to be healthy, to be in (ali to enjoy, to have) good health
zdráv je kot riba v vodi he is as right as a trivet, he is as fit as a fiddle
biti duševno zdráv to be sound in mind, to be of sound mind
imeti zdráve nazore to have sound views
to je zdráva vaja this is a healthy exercise
odnesti zdrávo kožo (figurativno) to escape unscathed, to save one's bacon
ostanite zdrávi! I wish you continued good health
vrniti se živ in zdráv to return safe and sound
to je zdrávo zanj! (figurativno) (= prav mu je!) it serves him right!
gorski zrak je zelo zdráv the mountain air is very wholesome
videti je zdráva she looks well - zdrávje health
na vaše zdrávje! your health! (here's) to you!
škodljiv zdrávju injurious to health
biti pri dobrem (slabem) zdrávju to be in good (in poor) health
samo zdrávje ga je he is (ali he looks) the very picture of health
kipeti, prekipevati od zdrávja to be bursting with health
paziti na svoje zdrávje to take care of (ali to watch) one's health
piti komu na zdrávje to drink someone's health, to propose a toast to someone - zdravníški doctor's; medical
zdravníška pomoč medical assistance, (na domu) outdoor relief
zdravníški poklic medical profession
zdravníški pregled medical examination
zdravníški recept (medical) prescription
zdravníško spričevalo, potrdilo medical certificate, pogovorno doctor's note
zdravníška veda medical science
biti pod zdravníško kontrolo to be under the doctor
biti v zdravníški oskrbi (negi) to be under medical care - zdrážba quarrel, dissension, warfare; strife; variance
biti v zdrážbi z to be in bitter conflict with
živeti v zdrážbi z to be constantly feuding (ali warring) with someone, to be at daggers drawn with someone - zenith [britanska angleščina zéniɵ ameriško zí:-] samostalnik
astronomija zenit, nadglavišče
figurativno vrh, vrhunec, najvišja točka, višek
at the zenith of my career na višku moje kariere
to be at one's zenith biti na višku
to reach the zenith doseči višek, vrhunec - zgovóren loquacious, talkative; eloquent; articulate; fluent; communicative; verbose, (pogovorno) chatty, (slabšalno) glib
biti zgovóren to have a fluent (ali ready) tongue, pogovorno to have the gift of the gab - zíd wall
zíd hiše outer wall
podporni zíd retaining wall
slep zíd (brez oken) blind wall
ločilni, vmesni zíd partition wall
zvočni zíd sound (ali sonic) barrier
pok pri prebitju zvočnega zídu sonic boom
zíd žalovanja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall
ločiti z zídom od... to wall off from...
ograditi vrt z zídom to wall in a garden
porušiti zíd to raze a wall to (ali to level a wall with) the ground
slikati vraga na zíd (figurativno) to paint the devil on the wall
biti pritisnjen ob zíd (figurativno) to have one's back to the wall
z glavo riniti, siliti skozi zíd (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall, to kick against the pricks
hoteti z glavo zkozi zíd (figurativno) to be rash (ali reckless), to attempt impossibilities
udarjati z glavo v zíd to butt (ali to batter) one's head against a brick wall
postaviti ob zíd to place against the wall
postaviti koga ob zíd in ga ustreliti to stand someone against a wall and shoot him
pritisniti koga ob zíd (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner
človek bi se z glavo zaletel v zíd it's enough to make you knock your brains out - zlató gold
lov za zlatom gold rush
kopač (kopanje) zlata gold-digger (gold digging)
rudnik zlata gold mine
zlató v palicah bar gold, bullion, ingot gold
kepica, zrno zlata gold nugget
zlata žila medicina piles pl
žila zlata vein of gold
izpiralec (izpiranje) zlata gold-washer (gold-washing)
odtok zlata outflow (ali drain) of gold
zaloga zlata nahajališče zlata goldfield
plačila se morajo izvršiti v zlatu (the) payments are to be made in gold
on se valja v zlatu (figurativno) he is rolling in gold
biti plačan v zlatu to be paid in gold
biti zlata vreden (figurativno) to be worth one's weight in gold
to se ne da plačati z zlatom (figurativno) this is beyond price
govoriti je srebro, molčati pa zlató speech is silver (arhaično silvern), silence is golden
ni vse zlató, kar se sveti all that glitters is not gold, appearances are deceptive - zlovóljen ill-humoured, sullen, gloomy, peevish, glum, moody, morose
biti zlovóljen to be in the sulks, to be out of sorts - zméden confused; bewildered; puzzled, perplexed; chaotic
biti zméden to be confused, to be in a muddle, to puzzle (ob over, about)
biti čisto zméden (figurativno) to be all at sea
postati zméden to become confused
biti popolnoma zméden (pogovorno) to be at one's wits' end - zméren moderate; temperate; sober; frugal; modest
zmérno podnebje temperate climate
biti zméren v pijači in jedači to be moderate in drinking and eating
zmérni pas geografija Temperate Zone
zméren veter moderate breeze
zméren vihar moderate gale
zmérno prislov moderately, in moderation
zmérno živeti to live soberly - zmóta mistake; error
po zmóti by mistake
sodna zmóta miscarriage of justice
biti v (veliki) zmóti to be (greatly) mistaken, to be wrong, to be in error, to bark up the wrong tree
vsaka zmóta je izključena any error is quite out of the question
zavesti v zmóto to lead into error - značáj character; (narava) nature; (značilnost) characteristic
brez značája characterless, without character, unprincipled
čist značáj sterling character
čuden značáj (čudak) strange character
čvrst, odločen značáj firm character
gospodovalen značáj domineering spirit
moč, trdnost značája strength, firmness of character
napaka v značáju flaw (ali defect, fault) in someone's character
podobnost v značáju similarity in character
šibkost značája weakness of character
biti zaprtega značája to be secretive
naše informacije so skoraj uradnega značája our information is virtually (ali to all intents and purposes) official