
Zadetki iskanja

  • tekóč running; flowing; fluent; streaming; current; liquid

    tekóča (rutinska) dela routine work
    tekóče leto current year
    tekóči mesec current month
    tekóča pravda pending suit
    tekóči izdatki current expenses pl, ZDA operating costs pl
    tekóči račun current account
    tekóči posli, tekóče zadeve current business, pending affairs pl
    tekóča številka serial number, consecutive number
    tekóči trak conveyor belt
    tekóča voda running water
    v tekóčem letu during the current year
    biti na tekóčem to be up-to-date
    nisem na tekóčem (pogovorno) I am not in the swim
    biti stalno na tekóčem to be constantly well-informed, to be well up (with things)
    držati koga na tekóčem to keep someone posted (o on), to keep someone up-to-date (with the news)
    ostati na tekóčem to keep up with, to keep oneself well-informed
    tekóče govoriti angleško to speak English fluently
    ne biti več na tekóčem o, gledé to be out of touch, to be out of the swim regarding
  • telephone1 [télifoun] samostalnik

    at the telephone pri telefonu, pri aparatu
    by telephone po telefonu, telefonično
    over the telephone preko telefona
    a conversation on the telephone telefonski pogovor
    a talk over the long-distance telephone telefonski pogovor na veliko oddaljenost
    to be on the telephone biti pri telefonu; imeti telefonski aparat, biti telefonski naročnik
    to ring s.o. up on the telephone telefonično koga poklicati, telefonirati komu
  • teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body

    mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
    nebesno teló heavenly body
    krepko, močno teló strong body
    lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
    močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
    človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
    trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
    Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
    tuje teló foreign body
    zakonodajno teló legislative body
    biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
    predstavniško teló representative body
  • temper1 [témpə] samostalnik
    temperament, narava, čud; značaj, karakter; razpoloženje, nastrojenje
    figurativno razburjenost, razdraženost, jeza, bes(nost)
    figurativno obvladanost, umirjenost, mirnost
    tehnično mešanica; primes; kakovost; trdnost, čvrstost (ilovice, gline)
    tehnično trdota (jekla itd.)
    zastarelo (telesna) konstitucija
    zastarelo kompromis

    in a bad temper slabe volje, jezen (with na)
    out of temper slabe volje, jezen
    even temper' ravnodušnost
    a fit of temper napad jeze (togote)
    to be in a temper biti jezen (besen, razkačen)
    to be in a good (bad) temper biti dobro (slabo) razpoložen
    to have an evil temper biti nagle jeze, biti togoten
    he has a quick temper on hitro vzkipi
    to have a sweet temper biti blagega značaja
    to get (to fly) into a temper razjeziti se, pobesneti
    to get out of temper znevoljiti se, razjeziti se
    to keep (to control) one's temper obvladati se, brzdati se, ostati miren
    to lose one's temper razjeziti se, izgubiti potrpljenje
    to put s.o. out of temper spraviti koga v slabo voljo, razjeziti koga
    to recover one's temper umiriti se (zopet)
    to show temper kazati razdraženost
  • tender1 [téndə]

    1. pridevnik (tenderly prislov)
    nežen; mehak (meso itd.); krhek, drobljiv; dobro kuhan (pečen); topljiv, topen; občutljiv, hitro užaljen; delikaten, subtilen; kočljiv; blag, mil, dobrega srca, ljubezniv, prisrčen; skrben (of za)
    obziren, pozoren (do), zaskrbljen (of, over za)

    of tender age v nežni starosti, mlad
    tender passion ljubezen
    tender porcelain stekleni porcelan
    a tender spot občutljivo mesto
    a tender red nežna rdeča barva
    a tender subject kočljiv predmet (razgovora)
    tender annual botanika poletna rastlina
    he is tender of his reputation občutljiv je za svoj ugled (sloves)
    to have a tender conscience biti tankovesten
    to be tender of ozirati se na, skrbeti za kaj
    to be tender of irritating s.o. paziti, da koga ne razjezimo (razdražimo)

    2. prehodni glagol
    napraviti mehko, občutljivo
    neprehodni glagol
    postati mehak
  • tenter-hook [téntəhuk] samostalnik
    tehnično kavelj za razpenjanje

    to be on tenter-hooks figurativno biti v veliki napetosti, biti kot na žerjavici
    to keep s.o. on tenter-hooks figurativno držati, imeti koga na natezalnici, mučiti koga
  • term1 [tə:m] samostalnik
    termin, strokoven izraz; beseda, izraz
    množina izrazi, način izražanja, govor(jenje); termin, rok, čas (doba) trajanja
    trgovina plačilni rok, čas dospelosti menice
    množina določbe, pogoji (v pogodbi); cena; honorar; odnosi
    britanska angleščina kvartal, plačilni dan, termin za plačanje
    pravno zasedanje, čas (sodnega) zasedanja; določeni čas posesti (zakupa, najema)
    britanska angleščina, univerza trimesečje, trimester; semester
    matematika člen
    logika pojem
    medicina, zastarelo menstruacija
    zastarelo mejnik, mejni kamen
    geografija skrajna, končna črta ali točka

    at term ob določenem terminu
    for a term of three years za dobo treh let
    in plain terms odkrito, naravnost
    on strained terms v napetih odnosih
    on easy terms v prijateljskih odnosih
    on any terms s katerimikoli pogoji
    not on any terms pod nobenimi pogoji, za nobeno ceno
    in terms of praise s pohvalnimi besedami
    term of office čas službovanja
    contradiction in terms protislovje
    inclusive terms skupaj s postrežbo, z razsvetijavo
    reasonable terms pametne, sprejemljive cene
    terms of delivery ekonomija dobavni pogoji
    short-term transaction kratkoročna transakcija
    technical term strokoven izraz
    to be on good (bad) terms with s.o. biti s kom v dobrih (slabih) odnosih
    to be on (familiar) terms with s.o. biti prijatelj s kom
    to be not on terms with ne imeti odnosov z
    to be not on speaking terms with s.o. ne govoriti s kom, biti sprt (skregan) s kom
    his terms are very high njegove cene so zelo visoke
    what are your terms? kakšne so vaše cene? kaj zahtevate?
    to bring s.o. to terms naložiti komu svoje pogoje
    to come to terms popustiti, odnehati
    to make terms, to come to terms with s.o. pogoditi se, sporazumeti se s kom
    to set a term to s.o. staviti komu termin
    to speak in flattering terms of laskavo se izražati o
  • terror [térə] samostalnik
    strah (of pred)
    groza; oseba ali stvar, ki vliva strah, strahovalec, teror; strahovlada; nadležnež, sitnež, tečnež; muka, mora, nadlega

    in terror prestrašen, steroriziran, zgrožen
    deadly terror smrtna groza (strah)
    the king of terror figurativno smrt
    Reign of Terror strahovlada (v francoski revoluciji)
    the terror of all honest people strah vseh poštenih ljudi
    to be terror to biti strah in trepet za
    to strike s.o. with terror pognati komu strah v kosti
    household work is a terror to her gospodinjsko delo je zanjo prava muka (mora, nadlega)
  • tèšč empty; fasting

    na tèšče on an empty stomach
    biti tèšč not to have breakfasted
    sem še tèšč I have had no breakfast yet
  • tether [téðə]

    1. samostalnik
    povodec, konopec, tudi veriga (za privezanje živali h kolu itd.)
    figurativno obseg, področje (znanja itd.), (duševno) obzorje; razum; pamet

    to be beyond one's tether prekoračiti svoje sile, svoje sposobnosti
    to be at the end of one's tether figurativno biti pri kraju s svojo pametjo, ne vedeti naprej, ne vedeti, kaj bi napravili

    2. prehodni glagol
    privezati (žival na povodec)
    figurativno omejiti
  • težáva difficulty; hardship; trial; trouble; quandary; embarrassment; crisis; figurativno snag

    v težávi (stiski) in trouble
    denarne težáve embarrassments pl
    biti v denarnih težávah to be in financial difficulties
    delati težáve to raise difficulties, to make trouble
    on skuša delati težáve he tries to make trouble
    žal mi je, da vam delam take težáve (sitnosti) (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
    imeti težáve s policijo to be in trouble with the police
    sam (si) iskati težáve to ask (ali to go looking) for trouble
    težáva je v tem, da... the trouble (ali the snag) is that...
    naleteti na težávo to come up against a difficulty
    na nepričakovano težávo to come up against a snag
    nastopila je neka težáva a difficulty arose
    izogniti se težávi to avoid (ali to evade) difficulty
    biti v (hudih) težávah (figurativno) to be in deep water
    premostiti težáve to get over (ali to overcome) the difficulties
    premagati, prebroditi težávo to surmount a difficulty
    povzročiti komu velike težáve to put someone to much trouble
    prihraniti komu težáve to spare someone trouble
    priti iz težáv to escape from difficulties, (figurativno) to be out of the wood
    smelo se spoprijeti s težávami (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
    zabresti v težáve to get into trouble
    trpeti zaradi prebavnih težáv to suffer from digestive troubles
  • that3 [ðæt] veznik
    da; da bi; (zato) ker; ko

    in order that, to the end that da bi
    so that tako, da
    now that sedaj, ko
    I am sorry that you can't come žal mi je, da ne morete priti
    we eat that we may live jémo, da bi mogli živeti
    he lives that he may eat on živi, da bi mogel jesti
    I was so tired that I fell asleep bil sem tako utrujen, da sem zaspal
    now that we know the reason sedaj, ko vemo za razlog
    it is 3 years that she went away tri leta je, da (odkar) je odšla
    at the time that I was born v času, ko sem se rodil
    it is rather that prej (je), ker
    not that it mightn't be better ne, ker ne bi moglo biti bolje
  • thigh [ɵái] samostalnik
    stegno, bedro

    to smite hip and thigh figurativno neusmiljeno tepsti (tolči, udarjati, biti)
  • thing1 [ɵiŋ] samostalnik
    stvar, reč, predmet, stvor; bitje, oseba; posel, delo
    pogovorno oné, onegá
    množina stvari, predmeti, obleka, pribor, potrebščine, hrana, lastnina
    pogovorno pohištvo; orodje; posodje; književna dela; stanje stvari, dejstvo; okolnosti, razmere, odnosi; svojstva; ureditev; misli, izjave

    the thing bistveno, prava stvar
    above all things predvsem
    and the things pogovorno in podobne stvari (podobno)
    for one thing v prvi vrsti, prvo
    the one thing or the other eno ali drugo
    the first thing after prva stvar nato, takoj nato
    every living thing vsako živo bitje
    a dear old thing dobra stara duša
    the latest thing (in hats) zadnja novost (v klobukih)
    oh, poor thing! o, revče!
    before all thing predvsem
    in all things v vsakem oziru (pogledu)
    out of things zunaj dogajanj
    a pretty thing (ironično) lepa stvar
    things person: pravno osebne, premične stvari
    things real nepremičnine, realitete
    things political stvari politike, politične zadeve
    swimming things kopalne stvari potrebščine
    things are improving stvari (stanje) se boljšajo
    things have changed stvari (razmere) so se spremenile
    things begin to look brighter položaj se polagoma popravlja
    the thing was to get home najvažnejše je bilo priti domov
    of all the things to do! in ravno to moraš napraviti
    as things stand kot stvari stojé
    to do the handsome thing by vesti se spodobno do
    to have a thing about pogovorno biti ves mrtev na (kaj); imeti strah pred; imeti (kaj) proti
    I am not the thing today ne počutim se dobro danes
    I know a thing or two about it nekoliko se spoznam (razumem) na to
    it is not the thing to do to se ne spodobi
    it's one of those things tu se ne da nič napraviti
    it comes to the same thing to pride na isto
    to make a (good) thing of pogovorno dobiti (izvleči) dobiček iz
    to put things into s.o.'s head vznemiriti koga (s kako novico)
    to put one's things on obleči se
    to take off one's things sleči se
    to take the things off the table pospraviti mizo (stvari z mize)
    that's no small thing to ni majhna stvar (malenkost)
    that's the thing to je (tisto) pravo
    this is not the thing to ni (tisto) pravo (pravšno)
    there's no such thing ni govora o tem
    there was not a thing left nič ni ostalo
  • thirst1 [ɵə:st] samostalnik
    figurativno poželenje, pohlep (for, of, after po)

    thirst for blood krvoločnost
    thirst for glory slavohlepnost
    thirst for knowledge žeja po znanju
    thirst for money pohlep po denarju
    to die of thirst umreti od žeje
    to quench one's thirst ugasiti si žejo, odžejati se
    to suffer from thirst trpeti žejo
    to have a thirst pogovorno biti žejen, žejati
  • thirsty [ɵɔ́:sti] pridevnik (thirstily prislov)
    žejen; izsušen, suh
    pogovorno ki povzroča žejo, žejajoč
    figurativno pohlepen, lakomen (for, after česa)

    a thirsty man človek, ki rad pije
    a thirsty work delo, ki užeja
    to be (to feel) thirsty biti žejen
    to be thirsty for hlepeti po čem
  • this množina these [ðis, ði:z]

    1. zaimek
    ta, to

    all this vse to
    this and that to in ono, marsikaj
    after this po tem
    this above all predvsem to
    before this pred tem
    by this medtem, med tem časom; doslej
    ere this nekoč
    for all this zato, zaradi tega; kljub vsemu temu
    from this od zdaj, odslej
    like this tako(le)
    this, that and the other vse mogoče stvari, razne reči
    this is my brother to je moj brat
    these are my children to so moji otroci
    it is like this stvar je taka
    this is what happened tole se je zgodilo
    this is the way to do it tako(le) se to naredi
    he should have been here by this zdajle bi že moral biti tu
    they were talking about this, that and the other govorili so o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem

    2. pridevnik
    ta, to; današnji

    in this country v tej (naši) deželi
    this day danes
    this year to leto; tekoče leto; letos
    this day week (fortnight) danes teden (14 dni)
    in these days dandanes
    (for) these three weeks zadnje tri tedne
    to this day do danes, še danes
    this morning to jutro, danes zjutraj, davi
    this afternoon danes popoldne
    this evening danes zvečer, drevi, nocoj
    this once to pot edino, edinole tokrat
    this time to pot
    business is bad these days posli gredo slabo te dni (v teh časih)
    take this book, not that one vzemite to knjigo, ne one

    3. prislov

    this much tako mnogo, toliko
    this far tako daleč
  • thorn [ɵɔ:n]

    1. samostalnik
    trn, bodica (tudi figurativno)

    white thorn glog
    to be (to sit) on thorns figurativno biti na trnih (na žerjavici)
    it is a thorn in my flesh (foot, side) to mi je trn v mesu (v peti)
    no rose without a thorn ni rože brez trna

    2. prehodni glagol
    zbosti s trnom; oviti, obdati s trni
    figurativno jeziti, mučiti
  • thou1 [ðáu]

    1. zaimek
    narečno, poetično ti

    2. prehodni glagol
    tikati (koga), reči (komu) ti

    to thou and thee tikati (koga), biti familiaren ali intimen (s kom)

    3. neprehodni glagol
    uporabljati v nagovoru "thou"
  • through [ɵru:]

    1. predlog
    skozi, preko, čez; v teku, za časa, v času; s pomočjo, po, z (s); zaradi, od

    all through his life (skozi) vse svoje življenje
    through the night preko noči
    the bullet went through my leg krogla je šla skozi mojo nogo
    I could never read through that book nikoli nisem mogel prebrati te knjige do kraja
    I had to study the whole summer through vse poletje sem moral študirati
    I saw through his hipocrisy spregledal sem njegovo hinavščino
    it was through you that we missed the train zaradi tebe smo zamudili vlak
    to get through one's work opraviti, končati svoje delo
    to get through an examination napraviti izpit
    to have been through doživeti kaj
    to look through the window gledati skozi okno
    they marched through the town korakali so skozi mesto
    to roam (all) through the country obresti vso deželo
    to run away through fear od strahu zbežati
    to see through s.o. spregledati koga, spoznati njegove namene
    to send a letter through the post poslati pismo po pošti

    2. prislov
    skoz(i), do kraja, do konca; povsem, popolnoma; od začetka do konca

    through and through skoz in skoz, popolnoma
    to be through dokončati, biti gotov; pogovorno imeti telefonično zvezo
    is he through? je on gotov z delom?; je naredil izpit?
    to be through with a job imeti neko delo za seboj
    he is not yet through on še ni gotov
    I am through with my work gotov sem s svojim delom
    I am through with him figurativno z njim sem opravil, z njim sem čisto prekinil
    to be wet through biti skoz in skoz premočen
    this train goes through to Vienna ta vlak vozi (skoz) do Dunaja
    to carry a matter through izvesti neko stvar
    to fall through, to drop through ne uspeti, propasti
    to run s.o. through prebosti koga
    the bad weather lasted all through ves čas je bilo slabo vreme
    to put s.o. through koga telefonsko zvezati
    I read the book through prebral sem knjigo do kraja

    3. pridevnik
    prehoden, tranziten; direkten

    through carriage (coach) direkten vagon
    through passage prost prehod
    through ticket vozovnica, ki velja za proge različnih železniških družb
    through traffic prehoden, tranziten promet