
Zadetki iskanja

  • godováti to celebrate a name day (oziroma one's name day)
  • gostíti1 to entertain, to treat, to give someone a treat; (bogato) to regale (z with)

    gostíti koga z dobro večerjo to treat someone to a good dinner
    mnogo gostíti to entertain a great deal
    kraljevsko koga gostíti to give someone a royal (ali magnificent) treat
    jaz sem na vrsti, da gostim it's my turn, pogovorno this is on me, I'm in the chair
    gostíti se to feast (on), to revel (in), to regale oneself (with)
  • gostoljúbnež a hospitable person
  • gostováti (igralec) to make a guest appearance, to be on tour (in)
  • grabežljívec a greedy man; plunderer; predator
  • grávis (krativec) gramatika grave accent (`), used in Slovene to mark a short stressed syllable
  • grdôba ugliness; nastiness; a nasty person; a monster
  • grešíti to sin; to commit a sin; arhaično to trespass; to fall into sin; to do wrong

    grešíti zoper to offend against, to sin against
    grešíti zoper pravila kluba to infringe the rules of the club
  • gŕkati (grlica) to coo; to burr; to speak with a burr
  • grmáda pile; stake, pyre; figurativno (velika količina) large mass, a great quantity, bulk, lump

    grmáda lesa a pile of wood
    grmáda za sežig mrličev funeral pile, (funeral) pyre
    smrt na grmádi the stake
    grmáda za sežig čarovnic zgodovina the stake
    obsoditi na smrt na grmádi to condemn to the stake
    biti obsojen na grmádo to be sent to the stake
    sežgati na grmádi to burn at the stake
    biti sežgan, zgoreti na grmádi to be burnt at the stake
    umreti na grmádi to die (ali to perish) at the stake
  • grofóvski count's, earl's; belonging to (ali worthy of) a count (oziroma an earl); figurativno noble

    grofóvska krona earl's (oziroma count's) coronet
    grofóvski stan earldom; rank of count
  • gròm thunder; thunderclap; a clap of thunder

    brez gròma thunderless
    blisk z gròmom thunderbolt
    gròm se valí (the) thunder rolls
    gròm in blisk thunder and lightning
  • gròzd a bunch (ali a cluster) of grapes; botanika raceme
  • habilitírati to habilitate; to qualify as a university teacher
  • hádži hajji, hadji; Muslim who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca
  • hajdukováti to lead the life of a bandit (ali brigand, highwayman)
  • harambáša captain of a band (ali gang) of bandits (ali of robbers)
  • hitéti to hurry, to hasten, to make haste, to be in haste, to be in a hurry; to speed

    hitéti s čim to hurry on with something
    zelo hitéti to be in a great hurry
    če človek hiti, vse narobe naredí haste makes waste
    hiti počasi! more haste, less speed; slow and steady!
    zakaj tako hitiš? why are you in such a hurry?
    hitéti domov to hurry home
    hiteli smo domov we hurried home, we swiftly made our way home
  • hladnokŕven cold-blooded; cool; imperturbable; unruffled; deliberate; self-possessed, composed; calm; cool-headed; keeping one's temper, keeping one's presence of mind; calm, unmoved; cool as a cucumber

    ostati hladnokŕven to keep cool
    hladnokŕven človek a cool hand
    ostal je popolnoma hladnokŕven he remained as cool as a cucumber, he didn't turn a hair
    kaj takega hladnokŕven človek ne bi mogel napraviti a thing one could not do in cold blood
  • hlapčeváti to be kept (ali held) in bondage; to work as a hired man; to slave for someone