
Zadetki iskanja

  • holy [hóuli] pridevnik (holily prislov)
    svet, posvečen; pobožen, čednosten

    Holy Alliance sveta aliansa
    holy bread hostija
    Holy Communion obhajilo
    Holy Father sveti oče, papež
    Holy Innocents' Day dan nedolžnih otročičev
    Holy Land Sveta dežela, Palestina
    holy orders duhovniški stan
    Holy Office inkvizicija
    Holy Roller vernik neke ameriške sekte, ki se v ekstazi valja po tleh
    Holy Rood križ, razpelo
    the Holy One bog, božanstvo
    Holy Trinity sveta trojica
    Holy Week Veliki teden
    Holy Writ Sveto pismo
    holy water blagoslovljena voda
    navtika, sleng holy Joe pobožnjak
    sleng holy terror grozen človek, nemogoč otrok
  • home3 [hóum] samostalnik
    dom, domačija, stanovanje; domovina; zavetišče
    figurativno domača streha
    šport, figurativno cilj

    at home doma, v domovini
    an at-home sprejemni dan
    at home in (ali on, with) vajen česa, doma (v računstvu)
    home for the aged dom za upokojence
    away from home odsoten, odpotoval, v tujini
    charity begins at home vsakdo je samemu sebi najbližji, bog je najprej sebi brado ustvaril
    not at home to ne biti doma za goste, ne sprejemati gostov
    long (ali last) home zadnji dom, grob
    to draw to one's long home bližati se koncu, umirati
    to eat s.o. out of the house and home spraviti koga ob vse, živeti na tuj račun
    to feel at home počutiti se kot doma
    to make o.s. at home biti kakor doma, vgnezditi se pri kom
    to make s.o. feel at home potruditi se, da se kdo počuti kot doma
    there is no place like home doma je najlepše
  • how1 [háu] prislov
    kako (vprašanje in vzklik)

    how about...? kako pa kaj...?
    how are you? kako se počutiš?
    how do you do dober dan (pozdrav)
    how much?, how many? koliko?
    how many times? kolikokrat?
    how ever do you do it? kako le to narediš?
    how so?; ali how come? kako?, kako to misliš?
    how the deuce (ali devil, dickens) ? kako za vraga?
    how goes it? kako kaj gre?
    how in the world? kako vendar?
    how is that? odloči se že (pri kriketu); kako pa to?
    how now? kako to?, kaj naj to pomeni?
    and how! in še kako!
    here's how! pogovorno na zdravje (pri pitju)
    that's how tako, na tak način
    pogovorno a nice how-do-you-do (ali how-do-'ye-do, how-d'ye-do) no, lepa reč!, kakšna godlja!
  • inauguration [inɔ:gjuréišən] samostalnik
    inavguracija, slovesno ustoličenje, slovesna otvoritev, odkritje (spomenika)

    ameriško Inauguration Day 20. januar, dan ustoličenja ameriškega predsednika
  • inavgurácija inauguration

    dan inavgurácije predsednika ZDA Inauguration Day (january 20th)
  • independence [indipéndəns] samostalnik
    neodvisnost (on, of od)
    samostojnost; dohodek od premoženja

    ameriško Independence Day 4. julij, dan neodvisnosti
  • innocent2 [ínəsnt] samostalnik
    nedolžnež, nedolžen otročiček; bedak, naivnež, ignorant

    the massacre of the innocents pokol nedolžnih otročičkov v Betlehemu; parlament, sleng skrajšanje delovnega reda zaradi časovne stiske
    Innocents' Day 28. december, dan nedolžnih otročičkov
  • inovátor innovator

    Dan inovátorjev Innovator's Day
  • intercalary [intə́:kələri, intəkǽləri] pridevnik
    prestopen, vrinjen (dan v koledarju); vmesen

    intercalary year prestopno leto
    intercalary day prestopni dan (29. februar)
  • ísti the same

    prav ísti the very same, the selfsame
    na ísti način in the same way, arhaično in like manner
    v ístem trenutku at the same moment
    íste vrednosti at par
    vedno ísta pesem it is always the same old story
    sva íste starosti we are the same age
    ísti, ki... the same one who (ali that)...
    včeraj ob prav ísti uri yesterday at this selfsame hour
    na ísti ravni z on a level with, flush with
    konec koncev pride to na ísto that comes (down) to the same thing in the end
    vedno ísti opravijo vse delo it's always the same ones who do all the work
    napraviti ísto to do the same, to do likewise
    to je popolnoma ísto it's as long as it's broad, it is six of one and half-a-dozen of another
    delati dve stvari v ístem času to do two things at once
    to je ena in ísta stvar that is one and the same thing
    odpotoval sem še ísti dan I left that very (same) day
    stanujejo v ísti hiši kot mi they live in the same house as we do
    vsi tečejo v ísto smer they are all running in the same direction
    ísto, prosim! (v kavarni) same again, please!
  • íz from, out of; of, by, through, for, because of

    iz angleščine from (the) English
    iz ambicije for (ali because of) ambition
    iz dneva v dan from day to day
    iz glave (na pamet) by heart, from memory, extempore, off-hand
    iz ljubezni for love
    iz ljubezni do for love of
    iz mode out of fashion
    narejen iz made of (ali from)
    iz (notranjosti) hiše from within the house
    iz leta v leto year by year
    iz prepričanja by conviction
    iz izkustva from experience
    iz radovednosti out of curiosity
    iz tega razloga for this reason
    iz skoposti through (ali because of) avarice
    iz sovraštva through hatred
    iz strahu for fear (pred... of...)
    iz usmiljenja out of pity
    iz vljudnosti through politeness
    iz dobrega vira from a good source
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with anger
    je tvoja ura iz zlatá? is yours a gold watch?
    ima hčer iz prvega zakona he has a daughter by his first marriage
    piti iz kozarca to drink out of a glass
    priti iz Zagreba to come from Zagreb
    prevesti iz slovenščine v angleščino to translate from Slovene (ZDA Slovenian) into English
    razvideti iz to see by
    ni si upal iz hiše he did not dare venture out of the house
  • izbíra choice; act of choosing; selection; (od dveh stvari) option, alternative

    po izbíri, na izbíro at choice
    težavna izbíra dilemma
    na izbíro dan optional, facultative
    nikakršna izbíra Hobson's choice; (blaga, trgovina) assortment, line; collection; (zaloga) stock
    brez izbíre indiscriminately, promiscuously
    izbíra poklica the choice of a career
    po lastni izbíri of one's own choosing
    velika izbíra po nizkih cenah a large assortment at low prices
    lepa izbíra svilenega blaga a fine collection of silks
    nimam druge izbíre, kot da plačam I have no option but to pay
    imeti na izbíro to be able to pick and choose
    ne imeti izbíre to have no choice
    druge izbíre nimate you have no option
    poslali vam bomo izbíro vzorcev we will send you a choice of samples
    prepustiti komu izbíro to leave to someone's option (ali choice)
  • izhájati (časopis) to be published (ali issued ali brought out), to come out; (posledica) to arise, to result from; to originate in; to spring up (from, out of); to ensue, to proceed from; to derive (iz from)

    iz tega izhaja, da... hence it follows (ali ensues) that...
    ne morem izhájati (z denarjem) I cannot make both ends meet
    z njim ni mogoče izhájati there is no living (ali dealing) with him
    z njo dobro izhajamo we are on good terms with her, we are getting on well with her
    časopis izhaja vsak dan the paper comes out every day
  • izplačílo payment, paying out (ali off); pay-out; (v gotovini) cash payment

    dan izplačil payday
  • jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident

    jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
    jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
    nebo je jásno the sky is clear
    to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
    kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
    strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
    ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
    nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
    sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
    jásno govoriti to speak clearly
    jásno se izraziti to make it clear
    jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
    priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
    postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
    to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious
  • jésti to eat; to take food; to take one's meal(s); to have one's dinner (oziroma lunch oziroma supper oziroma breakfast); (hraniti se) to feed

    dietično jésti to keep to a diet
    dobro jésti (gostiti se) to enjoy sumptuous fare, to be regaled
    glasno jésti to munch
    jésti pri kom (biti na hrani) to board with someone
    jésti s krožnika to eat from a plate
    pohlepno, požrešno jésti to eat greedily, to eat like a wolf, to wolf one's food, to be a gourmandizer
    naglo jésti to bolt down, to devour, to gulp down
    rad jésti (svinino) to be partial to (pork)
    rad jém sladice I have a sweet tooth, I like sweets
    jésti na tuj račun to sponge, to be a sponger
    jésti skupaj z (npr. v menzi) to mess with
    jésti s tekom to relish one's food
    jésti brez teka to eat without appetite
    dati komu kaj jésti to give someone something to eat, to feed someone, (živalim) to feed (animals)
    on ima komaj kaj jésti he lives from hand to mouth
    ona malo (veliko) jé she is a poor (a hearty ali a great) eater
    on obilno jé he is a great trencherman, he plies a good knife and fork
    preveč jém I overeat
    on jé samo ribe he eats nothing but fish
    pri njih se dobro jé they keep a good table
    jaz vse jém I eat anything
    rajši jém teletino I prefer veal
    mi jémo v restavraciji we take our meals in a restaurant
    ves dan nisem ne jedel ne pil I've had nothing to eat or drink all day long
    on mi jé iz roke (figurativno) he eats out of my hand, I've got him eating out of my hand
    jedel sem do sitega I have eaten (ali I have had) my fill, pogovorno I'm full up
    kdor ne dela, naj ne jé no work, no food
    jésti kolikor kdo zmore to eat as much as one can
  • judg(e)ment [džʌ́džmənt] samostalnik
    pravno sodba, obsodba, razsodba; obrazložitev sodbe; razsodnost, preudarnost, razumevanje, uvidevnost; mnenje, ocena (on o)

    to sit in judg(e)ment on s.o. soditi komu
    to deliver (ali give, pronounce, pass, render) judg(e)ment on s.o. izreči nad kom obsodbo
    judg(e)ment reserved sodnikova sodba pridržana do konca procesa
    judg(e)ment respited odlog izvršenja obsodbe
    judg(e)ment by default obsodba v odsotnosti
    in my judg(e)ment po moji sodbi
    to give one's judg(e)ment upon povedati svoje mnenje o čem
    to form a judg(e)ment (up)on ustvariti si sodbo o čem
    to give judg(e)ment for (against) razsoditi v korist (proti)
    error of judg(e)ment napačen sklep, napačna sodba
    a man of sound judg(e)ment zelo razsoden človek
    use your best judg(e)ment ravnaj preudarno
    the Day of Judgement sodni dan
    the Last Judgement poslednja sodba
    judg(e)ment of God božja sodba
  • jútri tomorrow, arhaično on the morrow

    do jútri till tomorrow
    jútri zjutraj, jútri dopoldne tomorrow morning
    jútri popoldne tomorrow afternoon
    jútri zvečer (ponoči) tomorrow evening (night)
    jútri teden (dva tedna, 14 dni) tomorrow week (fortnight)
    jútri je nedelja tomorrow is Sunday
    jútri je tudi še en dan (figurativno) tomorrow will be time enough
    na svidenje jútri! goodbye till tomorrow!
  • jútrišnji tomorrow's

    jútrišnji dan tomorrow
    jútrišnji časopis tomorrow's paper
    jútrišnja pošta tomorrow's post (ali mail)
    ne misliti na jútrišnji dan to take no thought for the morrow
  • kapitulácija capitulation; surrender

    brezpogojna kapitulácija unconditional surrender
    dan kapitulácije nacistične Nemčije (8. V. 1945) VE-day