
Zadetki iskanja

  • tístikrat at that time; then
  • tjavdán (na slepo srečo) at random; at all risks; (slučajno) at haphazard; (nepremišljeno) thoughtlessly

    tjavdán opazka a random remark
    govoriti, čvekati tjavdán to talk at random
  • toplíčar (gòst) visitor at a spa
  • trenútno prislov at the moment, momentarily; for the moment, for the time being, for the present

    trenútno še ne not just yet
    trenútno je to najvažnejša stvar it is the most important matter at the present moment
    trenútno ne moremo napraviti nič boljšega for the moment (ali for the time being) we can do no better
  • učiteljíščnik student at a college of education; student teacher; student of education; trainee teacher
  • udomačén domesticated; tame; acclimatized; feeling at home
  • umiríti to calm down, to quieten down; to appease; to soothe; to set someone's mind at rest

    umiríti se to calm (down); to fall calm
    umirite se! calm yourself!, take it easy!
  • univerzitéten university(-); (of the) university; done at a university, acquired at a university

    univerzitétna izobrazba university education
    univerzitétna knjižnica university library
    univerzitétna leta years at university, university (ali college) years pl
    univerzitétno mesto university town
    univerzitétno (športno) moštvo university team, (oxfordsko) dark blues, (cambriško) light blues pl
    univerzitétni učitelj university professor
  • včásih sometimes; now and then; at times
  • védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay

    skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
    še védno still; as yet
    za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
    enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
    védno več more and more
    védno hitreje faster and faster
    védno večji bigger and bigger
    še védno ne not yet
    za védno zapustiti to leave for good
    še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
    védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
    poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
    védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
    védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead!
  • vládati to govern, to rule, to reign (over a country); to hold sway; to dominate; to be at the helm; (obstajati) to be, to exist, to be current (ali usual)

    vládati s trdo roko to rule with a heavy hand
  • vojskováti se to make war, to war, to be at war; to wage war (z with)
  • vsáj (najmanj) at least; at the very least; at the very least; at any rate; narečno leastwise, leastways

    jaz vsáj mislim tako at any rate that's what I think
    ko bi vsáj mogel vedeti! arhaično could I but know!
    on bo prišel, vsáj obljubil je he is going to come, at any rate he has promised to
    vsáj toliko je star kot jaz he is my age at least
  • vsèkakor in any case, at any rate, by all means, at all events, anyway, ZDA narečno anyways
  • zadíhati to breathe (again); figurativno to feel at ease (again); to respire

    zadíhati se to gasp for breath (ali for air); to become winded
    bil je precéj zadihan, ko je dosegel vrh he was fairly winded on reaching the top
  • zakvartáti to lose at cards
  • zasmehováti to mock (koga someone); to make a mockery (of someone), to deride (someone), to gibe at (someone); to hold (someone) in derision; to jeer (at someone), to ridicule (someone)
  • zastájati (voda) to stagnate (tudi figurativno); to be at a standstill (ali at a deadlock)

    zastajajoč (voda) stagnant (tudi figurativno)
    zastajajoč ribnik stagnant pond
    zastajajoče tržišče, trg stagnant market
  • zdáj zdájle now, at present; this moment; actually

    zdáj, zdájle! šport time!
    prav zdáj, zdájle, ravno zdáj, zdájle just now, this (very) moment
    zdáj, zdájle ali nikoli now or never
    zdáj, zdájle to zdáj, zdájle ono now this now that
    zdáj, zdájle... zdáj, zdájle now... now, sometimes... sometimes, at one time... at another
    takoj zdáj, zdájle at once, immediately, instantly
    do zdáj, zdájle up to now, up to this moment, till now, by now, until now, up to the present
    od zdáj, zdájle from now on, from this time on
    od zdáj, zdájle naprej henceforth, henceforward, in future, in the future, from this time forward
    kaj zdáj, zdájle! well then?
    za zdáj, zdájle (za to pot) for this once, for the time being, for the nonce
    kaj boš napravil zdáj, zdájle? what are you going to do now?
    kako zdáj, zdájle? how now?
    šele zdáj, zdájle, ko ga poznam... only now that I know him...
    sedajle nameravam (pisati) I am going (to write), I am on the point (of writing), I am about (to write)
  • zgódaj early; at an early hour; (ob zori) at dawn, at daybreak, at sunrise; (v mladosti) in early life

    zgódaj zjutraj early in the morning
    zgódaj ali pozno early or late
    zgódaj popoldne in the early afternoon
    prišel je zgódaj he came early
    skušaj priti zgódaj! try and come early!
    lasje so mu zgódaj osiveli his hair turned white early in life (ali at an early age)
    on prihaja zgódaj domov he keeps good hours
    zgódaj vstati to get up early
    zelo zgódaj vstajati to be an early riser, to rise with the sun, to be up with the lark
    hoditi zgódaj spat in zgódaj vstajati to keep early (ali good) hours