páč yes; certainly; of course; indeed; surely
menda ni prišel včeraj? - O, pač, je (prišel)! he didn't come yesterday, I suppose? - Oh, yes, he did!
tega páč ne more napraviti he can hardly do that
Zadetki iskanja
- yea [jéi]
1. prislov
da; pač, res; celó, še več
without reluctance, yea, with pleasure brez upiranja, celó z veseljem
he is a good, yea, a fine man dober, celó sijajen človek je
glas za, pozitivni glas (pri glasovanju); pritrdilen odgovor, pritrditev
the yeas tisti, ki glasujejo za, glasovi za
the yeas have it večina je glasovala za (z da)
the yeas and nays glasovi za in proti - yes [jes]
1. prislov
da; pač
yes, indeed da, resnično, v resnici
oh, yes o, pač; (vprašalno) res?
Can't you hear me? -- Yes, I can. Me ne morete slišati? -- Pač, morem.
to say yes to s.th. potrditi kaj
2. samostalnik (množina yeses)
(beseda) da
Yes and No vrsta uganke
with a loud yes z glasnim da
to confine oneself to yes and no omejiti se na da in ne
to say yes privoliti, dati svoj da - but1 [bʌt] veznik
ampak, toda, temveč, marveč, pač pa
not only ... but also ne samo..., ampak tudi
there is no doubt but (that) she is ill ni dvoma, da je bolna
one cannot but hope človek lahko samo upa
but then z druge strani pa
it is not so late but they may come ni še tako pozno, da ne bi mogli še priti
who knows but he may be angry? kdo ve, če ni morda hud?
but that če že ne - scarcely [skɛ́əsli] prislov
komaj, težkó, z muko, prav komaj; pač ne, komaj
scarcely anything komaj kaj, skoraj nič
I scarcely know him komaj ga poznam
he scarcely ate anything skoraj nič ni jedel
she is scarcely 20 komaj 20 let je stara
he had scarcely spoken when... komaj je spregovoril, ko...
you can scarcely expect that to morete komaj (tega pač ne morete) pričakovati - Anno Domini [ǽnoudɔ́minai]
1. prislov
v letu gospodovem
2. samostalnik
hudomušno pozna starost
Anno Domini is the trouble to so pač starostni znaki - ênkrat once; some time
ênkrat na dan once a day
ênkrat ali dvakrat once or twice
ênkrat slučajno once by chance
ênkrat za vselej once for all
ênkrat pač (prej ali slej, kadarkoli) at some time or other
niti ênkrat not once
končno ênkrat at last
še ênkrat once more, once again, the same again
še ênkrat toliko as much (oziroma many) again; twice as much (oziroma many)
pozneje ênkrat by and by
to pot ênkrat this once
drugo leto ênkrat some time next year
za ênkrat for once, for the time being
niti ênkrat ni deževalo it never rained once
bil je ênkrat (slučajno) točen he was in time for once in a way
to je kar lahkó, ko ênkrat vidite, kako se tega lotiti it is easy enough once you see how to tackle it
kar je ênkrat narejeno, je narejeno once it is done, it is done - gòst guest; invited person
gòstje pl guests, social (ali dinner-) party; (gostilniški) customer, (stalen) patron, habitué, regular (customer) of an inn (ali of a public house)
časten gòst guest of honour
dobrodóšel gòst welcome guest
nedobrodóšel gòst a guest welcome as a cold in the head
nepovabljen gòst uninvited guest, intruder, gatecrasher
igralec gòst actor making a guest appearance at another theatre
plačujoči gòst paying guest (krajšava: P.G.)
soba za gòste spare room, guest room
knjiga gòstov visitors' book
večerja z gòsti dinner party
imeti gòste to give (ali pogovorno to throw) a party
imamo gòste pri večerji we have company to dinner
imeti često gòste to entertain a great deal
nepričakovan gòst mora jesti, kar pač je an unexpected guest must take potluck - it1 [it]
1. osebni zaimek
ono, to (v slovenščini se navadno ne prevaja)
it writes well (svinčnik itd.) dobro piše
it is John John je
it is soldiers (to) so vojaki
Oh, it was you ah, ti si bil
subjekt brezosebnih glagolov in konstrukcij
it rains dežuje
it is cold mrzlo je
it seems videti je
it says in the letter v pismu piše
what time is it? koliko je ura?
how is it with your promise? kako pa kaj s tvojo obljubo?
it is 6 miles to je šest milj do
poudarjena oblika
it is to him that you should turn nanj bi se moral obrniti
za predlogi
at it pri tem
by it s tem
for it za to
in it v tem
of it od tega, iz tega
to it k temu, na tem
nedoločni objekt
confound it! da bi ga vrag pocitral
to fight it boriti se
to go it spustiti se v kaj, lotiti se česa
to foot it iti peš, plesati
to cab it peljati se s taksijem
to lord it igrati gospoda
to run for it teči po kaj, teči na varno, teči na vlak itd.
to keep at it naprej kaj delati
we have had a fine time of it odlično smo se zabavali
I take it that domnevam, da
there is nothing for it but to obey moramo pač ubogati
little was left of it od tega je malo ostalo
6. povratni
sebe, se, sebi, si, s seboj (za predlogi)
the war brought with it vojna je prinesla s seboj - kajnè
on je bolan, kajnè? he is ill, isn't he?
on ni bolan, kajnè (ali pač)? he is not ill, is he?
ona govori nemški, kajnè? she speaks German, doesn't she?
ona ne govori nemški, kajnè (ali pač)? she does not speak German, does she?
prepozno je prišel, kajnè? he came too late, didn't he?
ni prišel prepozno, kajnè? he did not come too late, did he?
bil je tu, kajnè? he has been here, hasn't he? - kér because
kér (pač) as, since
ni mogel priti, kér je bil bolan he could not come because he was ill
kér je deževalo, nismo šli na pot as it was raining, we did not start
kér se ti ne ljubi iti, lahko ostaneš doma as you don't feel like coming, you can stay at home
kér mi (že, pač) ne verjameš... since you don't believe me...
kér ni nič boljšega for want of something better - kósiti1 to have (ali to take) lunch; to lunch; to dine
kósiti purana to have turkey for dinner, pogovorno to have a turkey dinner
hočeš z nami kósiti, kar pač imamo? will you stay (here) for dinner and take potluck (with us)? - ljúdje people (s konstr. v sg ali pl); folk(s); (svet) the public, the world, mankind
stari ljúdje old people
(zelo) mnogo ljudi (a great) many people
preprosti ljúdje simple people, ordinary folks
ljúdje z dežele country people, country folk
mali ljúdje (figurativno) people of small means and no standing
prijatelj ljudi philanthropist
izkorišcevalec ljudi slave driver, hard taskmaster
iti med ljudi to mix with society, to go into society
on ne hodi med ljudi he keeps himself to himself, he shuns company, he avoids society, he lives out of the world
on sovraži ljudi he is a misanthrope
oni so pošteni ljúdje they are honest people
Angleži so čudni ljúdje the English are a strange lot
ljúdje govorijo, da... it is rumoured that... there's a story going the rounds that...
vsi ljúdje to vedó it is generally known, all the world knows it
kaj bodo rekli ljúdje? (figurativno) what will Mrs. Grundy say?, what will the world say?
kar ljúdje pomnijo within the memory of men, within living memory
ljudi morate vzeti kakršni (pač) so you must take the world as it is - obzírnost regardfulness, tactfulness; considerateness; indulgence; toleration; sufferance
on je tu iz obzírnosti (= ker ga pač tolerirajo) he is here on sufferance - potrében necessary (za for, to); required; needed; requisite (za for, to); (reven) needy, poor, indigent, needful, necessitous, wanting
zelo potrében much needed
neobhodno potrében indispensable, exigent
potrébno zlo a necessary evil
če (je) potrébno if required
če bo (je) potrébno (v sili) if need be, if (the) need arise, in case of need
kakor bo pač potrébno as may be required
več kot nam je potrébno more than we need
več kot (je) potrébno more than enough, more than is needed
biti česa potrében to need something, to be in need (ali want) of something
opravičilo ni potrébno there is no need for an excuse
ura je potrébna popravila the clock (oziroma watch) needs repairing
ni potrébno, da si grob you don't need to be rude
ni potrébno to ponavljati this does not need repeating
potrében je strokovnjak, da to naredi it requires an expert to do this
ukreniti vse potrébno to take all the necessary steps
ne pojasnjuj več, kot je potrébno! do not explain more than is required!
potrében sem oddiha, okrepitve I need a rest, recreation - rough1 [rʌf] samostalnik
hrapavost, neravnost; surovo stanje; surovost, grobost; neprijetne stvari, težki trenutki, surova stran življenja; težaven teren; surov, neotesan človek, neotesanec, prostak
in the rough v surovem, neobdelanem stanju
the rough(s) of life neugodnosti življenja
over rough and smooth v slabem in v dobrem
it is true in the rough v glavnem je to res
to take s.o. in the rough vzeti koga, kakršen je
to take the rough with the smooth enako spreje(ma)ti dobro in slabo, vzeti stvari, kot pač pridejo
to work in the rough grobo izdelati - some [sʌm]
1. pridevnik
neki, nekak, nekateri, en; katerikoli, kakršenkoli
sleng velik, silen, pomemben, odličen; (pred samostalnikom v množini) nekaj, neko število, nekoliko, malo (od njih), kakih, okrog, približno
at some time or other enkrat pač, kadarkoli, prej ali slej
for some time nekaj časa
in some way or other na ta ali na oni način, tako ali tako
to some extent do neke mere, nekako
some day nekega dne
some few maloštevilni, majhno število
some girl! čedno dekle!
some people nekateri (ljudje), nekaj ljudi
some time enkrat
some time ago nekaj časa (je) (od) tegá
a village of some 50 houses vas kakih 50 hiš
it is some five years since we saw each other kakih pet let je, kar sva se (zadnjič) videla
shall I give you some more tea? naj vam dam še malo čaja?
have some jam with your bread vzemite si (nekaj) džema s kruhom!
I call that some poem! to (pa) je pesem!
that's some hat! to (pa) je klobuk (in pol)! to je kolosalen klobuk!
I left it in some corner pustil sem ga (to) v kakem kotu
as you say, it did cost some money kot pravite, je to (res) stalo nekaj (= precéj) denarja
I must do it some day ta ali oni dan (enkrat) moram to napraviti
that will take you some time to vam bo vzelo nekaj časa
2. zaimek
katerikoli, neki, nekateri
ameriško, sleng precéj, kar veliko, kar mnogo, še več
some ... some eni ... drugi
some of it nekaj tega
some of them nekateri od njih
some of these days te dni, v kratkem, kmalu
some accepted, some refused nekateri so sprejeli, drugi odklonili
if you have no money, I will give you some če nimaš denarja, ti ga jaz nekaj dam
may I have some of this cake? lahko dobim nekaj tega kolača?
he looked some tipsy bil je videti precéj vinjen
he ran a mile and then some tekel je eno miljo in nato še naprej
3. prislov
nekaj; precéj, zelo
that's going some! to mi je všeč! to je sijajno!
he seems annoyed some videti je nekaj nejevoljen (jezen) - sréča (notranja) happiness, felicity; (muhasta) fortune; (slučajna) (good) luck, good fortune, lucky chance
veliko sréče! good luck!
na sréčo, k sréči fortunately, luckily, by a lucky chance
na slepo sréčo at random, at haphazard, at a venture, in a happygo-lucky way
vso sréčo! may good luck go with you!
najboljšo sréčo! the best of luck (to you)!
kolo sréče Fortune's wheel, the ups and downs of life
v sréči ali nesreči in weal or woe, for good or ill, come weal or woe
opoteča sréča chequered fortune
sprememba sréče (na slabše) change for the worse, reversal of fortune
(še) sréča, da... it's a piece of luck that...
prava sréča, da ste slučajno bili tam it's a blessing you happened to be there
vojna sréča contingencies pl of war
to (pa) je sréča! that's what I call good luck!
bila bi velika sréča, če... it would be a great slice of luck if...
to je pač moja sréča! (imam pač tako sréčo!) that's just my luck!
lahko govorimo o sréči we can consider ourselves lucky
sréča je hotela, da... as luck would have it...
imam sréčo I am in luck, I am lucky
nimam sréče I have no luck, I am out of luck
to se pravi imeti sréčo! that's what I call good luck!
imeti veliko sréčo to have much good luck
imeti več sréče kot pameti to be more lucky than wise
marsikdo ima več sréče kot pameti fortune favours fools
imeti nepričakovano sréčo (pogovorno) to strike oil
imeti vražjo sréčo to be dead lucky
imeti vedno sréčo pri kartanju to be always lucky at cards
imel sem sréčo I had a stroke of luck
iskati sréčo to seek fortune
če bo šlo vse po sréči if everything goes well
poskusiti sréčo to try one's luck, to take one's chance, to chance one's luck, (žargon) to chance it
to ti bo prineslo sréčo it will bring you good luck
poskusiti kaj na slepo sréča to have a go
napraviti kaj na slepo sréčo (pogovorno) to chance one's arm
dal sem si prerokovati sréčo I had my fortune told
vedeževati komu sréčo to tell someone his fortune
vsakemu se sréča enkrat nasmeje every dog has his (ali its) day
skaliti sréčo to mar someone's happiness
voščiti, želeti komu sréčo pri... to wish someone joy of...
pot do sréče je trnova arhaično no joy without annoy
kadar sem imel največ sréče, sem zaslužil X SIT in my heyday I earned X tolars
sréča me zapušča my fortunes are at a low ebb
zibati se v sréči to walk (ali to tread) on air
bogastvo samo nam še ne more nuditi sréče wealth alone cannot procure us happiness
vse mu gre po sréči (se mu obrne v sréčo) everything in the garden's lovely, arhaično all things conspire to make him happy
vsak je svoje sréče kovač every man is the architect of his fortune - stvár thing; matter; object; stuff; (posel, skrb) concern; case; (zadeva) affair, subject, business
stvár časti affair of honour
sporna stvár debatable question, pravo a moot point
vsa stvár the whole business (ali affair, matter)
k stvari! keep (ali stick) to the point (ali to the matter in hand)!; (v parlamentu, govorniku) answer the question!
vse moje stvári all my belongings pl, my goods and chattels pl
dogovorjena, domenjena stvár a put-up job
kočljiva, delikatna stvár a delicate point
stvár zase another question, a matter apart
stvár v diskusiji the subject under discussion, the matter in hand
spadajoč k stvári relevant
ne spadajoč k stvári irrelevant
to je moja stvár that's my business (ali affair, concern, lookout)
to ni moja stvár that is no business of mine; that is not my affair
v tem je vsa stvár (= za to gre) that's the gist of it (ali the whole point)
to je čisto druga stvár that's completely off the point, that's an entirely different thing, (figurativno) that's a horse of a different colour
to je stvár navade that's a matter of habit
to je jedro, bistvo stvári this is the gist (ali the substance) of the matter
to je važna stvár this is a matter of importance (ali of great importance)
to je kočljiva stvár this is a ticklish (ali delicate, difficult) matter, this requires careful handling
to ni smešna stvár this in no laughing matter
(to je pa) lepa stvár! (ironično) that's a nice mess!, pogovorno a fine how-do-you-do (ali how d'ye do)
ne vem, kaj je na stvári I don't know what the problem is, pogovorno I don't know what's the matter (ali what's up, what it's all about)
borimo se za dobro stvár we are fighting for a good cause
brigaj se za svoje stvári! mind your own business, don't be such a busybody!
sedaj ne gre za to stvár that is not the question now
naj gredo stvári svojo pot! let things slide!
to nima nič opraviti s sámo stvárjo that has nothing to do with the question
pogovoriti se o stvári to talk the matter over
ostati pri stvári to stick to the point
priti s stvárjo na dan to raise a matter
pusti stvár v miru (= ne dvigaj prahu)! let sleeping dogs lie!
preidimo na stvár! let us come to the point (ali to the matter in hand), pogovorno let's get down to the nitty-gritty
s tem se na stvári nič ne spremeni it makes no difference, it does not alter the fact (ali the fact of the matter), it doesn't make any material (ali substantial) difference
to ne spada k stvári this is irrelevant, this is off (ali beside) the point
kot stvári stojé as things are, as things stand (now)
stvári stojé dobro things are going well
stvár stojí takole this is how the matter stands
videti, kako stvari stojé (figurativno) to see how the land lies
umreti za dobro stvár to die for a good cause
vmešavati, vtikati se v tuje stvári to meddle in other people's affairs
vrniti se k stvári to return to the subject
vzeti stvár v roke (figurativno) to take a problem (ali a matter, a business) in hand
vzeti stvári, kot pač pridejo (dobre in slabe) to take the rough with the smooth - sufferance [sʌ́fərəns] samostalnik
tiha, molčeča privolitev; (redko) trpljenje, bolečina
zastarelo prenašanje, potrpljenje, strpnost, popustljivost, obzirnost
ekonomija carinska olajšava
on sufferance s tiho privolitvijo, iz obzirnosti
he is here on sufferance tu ga (pač) tolerirajo (trpe)
it is beyond sufferance to presega človeško potrpljenje
to remain in sufferance ekonomija ostati neplačan (o menici)
sufferance ware-house zasebno tranzitno skladišče