vojáški military; army; soldierly, soldierlike, soldier's
vojáška akademija military academy
vojáška blagajna war chest
vojáška disciplina military discipline
vojáška ekspedicija military expedition
vojáški duhovnik (kurat) army chaplain, žargon sky pilot
vojáški dobavitelj army contractor
vojáški poklic military profession
vojáška policija military police
vojáška obveščevalna služba military intelligence service
vojáška služba military service
nesposoben za vojáško službo unfit for active service
vojáške oblasti military authorities pl
vojáški obveznik national service man
splošna vojáška obveznost national service
vojáški stan profession of arms
vojáški pozdrav military salute
vojáška šola military college
vojáška sila, moč military power
vojáški kazenski zakonik pravo military code
vojáški službeni list army gazette
oseba, ki se zaradi vestí upre vojáški službi conscientious objector
sposoben za vojáško službo fit to serve, able-bodied, eligible for military service
vojáški zapor military prison
vojáška zdravstvena služba army medical service
vojáška vozovnica soldier's reduced-rate railway ticket
vojáška plača army pay
splošna vojáška obveznost universal conscription, ZDA universal military training (krajšava: UMT)
vojáški prestopek military offence
vojáška izdaja, izdajstvo military treason
vojáška znanost military science
Zadetki iskanja
- begún
vojaški begún deserter - bránjevec -vka (z vozičkom) VB barrow boy, costermonger, coster; ZDA pushcart man; (z zelenjavo) vegetable-man; (s sadjem) fruit-seller
vojaški bránjevec, -vka zgodovina sutler - cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration
brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
za ta cílj to this end
mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
imeti za cílj to aim at
ima visok cílj he is aiming high
doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
postaviti cílj to set an aim
postaviti si za cílj to aim at
vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
zadeti cílj to hit the mark
zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end - časopís (news)paper; journal; periodical; magazine
dnevno časopísje dailies pl; (službeni, trgovski, vojaški) gazette; organ of the press
dopisnik časopísa correspondent
izdajatelj časopísa publisher
raznašalec časopísov newsboy
prodajalec časopísov newsagent
ulični podajalec časopísov newsvendor
naročnik časopísa subscriber
naročnina na časopís subscription to a paper
biti naročen na časopís (na dom) to take a newspaper
nehati prejemati časopís to discontinue a paper - čín
vojaški čín rank
vojaki brez čína, navadni vojaki the ranks
napredovati v čín generala to be promoted to the rank of general
odvzeti komu čín to reduce someone to the ranks - dobavítelj furnisher; supplier; provider; contractor; purveyor
dvorni dobavítelj purveyor to the Royal Household (ali to the Court)
dobavítelj živil caterer
vojaški dobavítelj army supplier; forces supplier - duhóvnik churchman, pl -men; ecclesiastic; clergyman, pl -men; cleric; (katoliški) priest; (anglikanski) parson; (župnik) rector, vicar; (sekte) minister
vojaški duhóvnik (army) chaplain
iti za duhóvnika to take holy orders - invalíd; invalídinja invalid; infirm person
delovni invalíd; invalídinja disabled worker
vojaški, vojni invalíd; invalídinja disabled soldier (oziroma sailor); pensioner; wounded veteran
postati invalíd; invalídinja to become invalided (ali an invalid), to be disabled
težak vojni invalíd; invalídinja badly disabled exserviceman, ZDA disabled veteran - kapétan vojska captain; company commander
letalski kapétan captain, (vojaški) flight lieutenant
kapétan moštva šport captain of a team, pogovorno skipper, skip
biti kapétan to captain
kdo je kapétan njihovega moštva? who captains their team?
napredoval je v kapétana lani he got his captaincy (ali his company) last year - korák step; (tempo) pace
dolg korák stride; (hoja) walk, gait
vojaški, brzi korák double, ZDA double time
hitri korák vojska quick time (ali pace)
paradni, pruski korák goose step
telovadni, gimnastični korák double-quick
čvrst korák brisk step
hlačni korák crotch
odločilen korák decisive step
napačen korák (spodrsljaj) false step
nagel korák a rash step
prvi koráki first steps pl beginnings pl (pregovorov itd.) advances pl
navadni korák vojska ordinary pace
preudaren korák prudent step; figurativno (ukrep) step, move, measure, motion
enakomernih korákov evenpaced
počasnih korákov slow-paced
naglih korákov at a fast pace
nadaljnji korák a further step
s hitrim korákom at a brisk pace
korák za korákom step by step, pace by pace, by steps, little by little, (postopoma) gradually
pri vsakem koráku at every step
na vsakem koráku (povsod) everywhere, (vedno) all the time
dolžina koráka length of stride
menjava koráka change of step
števec korákov pedometer
to je velik korák naprej! that's a big step (ali move) forward!
zima se bliža z velikimi koráki winter is coming upon us apace
držati korák z to keep pace (ali step) with, to be in step with, to keep up with, (figurativno) to keep abreast of (ali up-to-date with)
ne držati koráka to break step, to be out of step (s časom with the times)
izmeriti razdaljo s koráki to pace out the distance
delati velike koráke to make great strides
napraviti korák naprej (nazaj) to step (ali to take a step) forwards (backwards)
napraviti (potrebne) koráke (ukrepe) to take steps (proti against)
napraviti prvi korák (figurativno) to take the first step, to make the first move, to take the initiative
tudi koráka naprej ni mogel napraviti he couldn't walk a step further
napraviti velik korák do uspeha to make great progress towards success, to reach a milestone in one's career
iti v korák z to keep abreast of, to be in step with
prvi korák je vedno najtežji the first step is always the hardest
napraviti dolg korák to stride out
delati dolge koráke to take (ali to make) long strides
delati kratke koráke to take short strides
prvi korák je storjen (figurativno) the first step is taken
napraviti nekaj korákov to go a few steps, to take a few paces
(iz)meriti s koráki to pace (out)
vse moje koráke nadzorujejo they watch every step I take
napredovati z velikanskimi koráki to advance with giant strides
zadeva se ni niti za korák premaknila the affair hasn't got a step further
podaljšati korák to lengthen one's stride
priti iz koráka to get out of step
podvzeti (hitre) koráke to take (swift) steps (v zadevi in the matter)
pospešiti korák to quicken one's pace, to step out
skrajšati korák to shorten one's stride
(s)poznati koga po njegovih korákih (po hoji) to know (to recognise) someone by his step
usmeriti korák to direct one's footsteps
vzdržati korák to last the pace
voziti v koráku! slow down!, dead slow!, ZDA drive slow! - krùh bread
brez krùha breadless, (brez posla) unemployed
črn krùh brown (ali black) bread
domač krùh home-made (ali household) bread
bel krùh white bread
ječmenov krùh barley bread
koruzen krùh ZDA corn pone
ržen rye bread
svež krùh fresh (ali new) bread
star, suh krùh stale bread
(ne)kvašen krùh (un)leavened bread
vojaški krùh ration bread
pražen krùh toast
naš vsakdanji krùh our daily bread
hlebec, štruca krùha loaf of bread
kos, reženj krùha a piece, a slice of bread
ob krùhu in vodi on bread and water
krùh z maslom bread and butter
ostanki krùha left-over bread
pražilec za krùh toaster
košarica za krùh breadbasket
rezilni stroj za krùh bread slicer
skorja krùha a crust of bread
krùha in iger! bread and circuses!
boj za vsakdanji krùh the struggle for life
pomanjkanje krùha shortage (ali scarcity) of bread
deliti s kom krùh to break bread with someone
on ni vreden krùha, ki ga jé he is not worth his salt
ni imel skorje krùha he had not a crust of bread to eat
ostati brez krùha (figurativno) to be thrown out of work
pritrgovati si krùh od ust to stint oneself
odjesti komu krùh to take the bread out of someone's mouth
jesti tuj krùh (figurativno) to serve other people, to be dependent on other people
prišel je do krùha pogovorno he's got it made
peči krùh to bake bread
služiti si svoj krùh z... to get one's living by...
sam si mora služiti krùh he has to earn his own living
težko si služiti krùh to work hard for a living
kako si služi svoj krùh? (figurativno) how does he earn (ali make, win) his bread (ali his living)?
skregati se s svojim krùhom (figurativno) to quarrel with one's bread and butter, not to know which side one's bread is buttered on
stati v vrsti za krùh to stand in a bread-line
krùh je vzhajal the bread has risen
živeti ob krùhu in vodi to be put on bread and water - kurát curate
vojaški kurát army chaplain - kurír courier; messenger boy
vojaški kurír orderly - obvéznik
vojaški obvéznik national serviceman - odslúžen
odslúžena kazen (zapor) term (ali sentence) served in prison
odslúženi vojaški rok time (ali term) spent on active service (ali in the forces) - potenciál potential; function
vojaški potenciál war potential - stán
1. state, class, profession
delavski stán working class
duhovniški stán priesthood
kmečki stán peasantry
vojaški stán military profession
srednji stán middle casses pl
tretji stán zgodovina commons pl, third estate
viteški stán knighthood
plemiški stán nobility
deželni stanovi States pl
skupščina treh stánov zgodovina v Franciji the States pl General
samski stán single state
zakonski stán married state
svojemu stánu primerno in a style befitting one's state
2. (bivališče) residence, domicile, dwelling, habitation; abode; quarters pl; (stanovanje) lodgings pl, apartments pl, (niz sob) suite of rooms
glavni vojaški stán headquarters pl
3. (stanje) state, condition, status, (položaj) situation, position, (okoliščine) circumstances pl
dejanski stán facts pl of the case, fact (ali facts pl) of the matter
pravni stán legal status, legal situation
biti v drugem stánu (noseča) to be in the family way, to be expecting a child (ali a baby), to be expecting, to be pregnant, (v visokem stanu) to be in an advanced state of pregnancy, pogovorno to be far-gone, arhaično to be quick with child - strežáj servant; footman, valet; attendant
bolniški strežáj male nurse; (v vojaški bolnici) medical orderly
hotelski strežáj bellboy - težàk -žka, -o (teža) heavy; (masa) ponderous, weighty; (breme) weighty; figurativno leaden; (naloga) toilsome; (naporen) hard, difficult, arduous, trying, exhausting; (kazen) severe; (napaka) grave; (vino) heady
težki časi hard times pl
težko breme heavy burden
težko delo hard work
težki delavec manual labourer, heavy worker (ali labourer)
težka atletika heavy athletics pl
težka artilerija heavy artillery, heavy guns pl
težka hoja heavy tread
težka izbira hard choice
težka jed indigestible food
težàk, -žka, -o vojaški invalid severely disabled ex-serviceman
težàk, -žka, -o boj hard struggle
težàk, -žka, -o bombnik heavy bomber
težka industrija heavy industry
težka kovina heavy metal
težke izgube heavy losses pl
težka naloga hard task
težka napaka gross mistake, blunder
težka križarka heavy cruiser
težka svila heavy silk
težàk, -žka, -o udarec hard blow
težki nemiri serious rioting
težka nesreča serious accident
težka skrb grievous worries, arhaično care
težka oborožitev heavy armament
težàk, -žka, -o porod difficult birth
10 funtov težka ščuka a ten-pound pike
s težkim srcem with a heavy heart
težka voda kemija heavy water
težko je zame (figurativno) it's hard on me
glava mi je težka my head feels heavy
on je težàk, -žka, -o (= tehta) 120 funtov he scales 120 pounds
ona je težka, težko je z njo (figurativno) she is hard to get on with