visòk -ôka, -o high; (postava, rast) tall; (cena) high, dear; steep, stiff; (dvignjen) raised, elevated; (vzvišen) lofty
visòk, -ôka, -oa cena stiff price
visòk, -ôka, -oa družba high society
visòk, -ôka, -o čin high rank
visòk, -ôka, -oa globa heavy fine
visòk, -ôka, -oa igra playing for high stakes
visòk, -ôka, -oa kazen heavy penalty, severe punishment
prepovedano pod visòk, -ôka, -oo kaznijo prohibited under a heavy (ali a severe) penalty
visòk, -ôka, -oa politika high politics
visòk, -ôka, -oo poletje high summer
visòk, -ôka, -oa sezona high season
visòk, -ôka, -oega rodu high-born, of high birth
visòk, -ôka, -oa starost ripe old age
doživeti visòk, -ôka, -oo starost to live to a ripe old age
na visòk, -ôka, -oem severu in the far North
visòk, -ôka, -o krvni pritisk high blood pressure
področje visòk, -ôka, -oega pritiska high-pressure area
visòk, -ôka, -oa šola college
visòk, -ôka, -oa »živina« pogovorno big shot, big noise, big gun
visòk, -ôka, -oega stanú of high standing
imeti visòk, -ôka, -oo mnenje o to have a high opinion of, to think highly of (someone)
dobivati visòk, -ôka, -oe mezde, plače to get high wages
zavzemati visòk, -ôka, -oo mesto (položaj) to occupy a high position
on je visòk, -ôka, -oa »živina« (figurativno) he's a big noise
Zadetki iskanja
- cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration
brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
za ta cílj to this end
mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
imeti za cílj to aim at
ima visok cílj he is aiming high
doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
postaviti cílj to set an aim
postaviti si za cílj to aim at
vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
zadeti cílj to hit the mark
zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end - částnik (commissioned) officer
dežurni částnik orderly officer, duty officer, officer of the day
nižji částnik subaltern, junior officer
visok částnik officer of high rank, high-ranking officer
aktivni částnik officer on the active list, officer on active service
rezervni částnik reserve officer, officer on half-pay
štabni částnik staff officer
zvezni částnik liaison officer
višji částnik (major, polkovnik) field officer
biti imenovan za částnika to be commissioned
višji částnik žargon brass hat
višji částniki pl žargon top brass - držáven State, state
držávni arhiv public record office, (dokumenti) state archives pl
držávna banka state (ali national) bank
držávni bankrot national bankruptcy
držávna blagajna (public) treasury; exchequer
držávna Cerkev, cerkev state church, established church, (v Angliji) Church of England
držávni budžet budget; finances pl (of the state); ways and means pl, (plan) (VB) estimates pl
držávne dajatve (davki) government taxes pl
držávni dohodki public revenue(s) (pl), (inland) revenue
držávni dolg national (ali public) debt
držávni interes public interest
držávna himna national anthem
držávni izdatki, stroški public expenses pl
na držávne stroške at public expense
držávne finance finances of the state, public finance
držávni kapitalizem state capitalism
držávna kontrola state control, state supervision
držávna knjižnica national library
držávna last(nina) state property, public (ali national) property
držávna loterija state lottery
držávna meja national boundary
držávni minister minister (of state), (v Angliji) Secretary of State
držávno ministrstvo (state) ministry
držávni monopol government monopoly
držávna oblast government (ali public) authority
držávni organ state agency
držávni pečat Great Seal
držávna podpora state subsidy
držávno posojilo government bonds, public (ali government) loan; ZDA government bonds (ali securities) pl
držávna (tajna) policija (secret) state police
držávno podjetje government enterprise, national undertaking
držávno pravo public law, state law, constitutional law
držávni proces pravo state trial
držávni pravdnik public prosecutor
generalni držáven pravdnik attorney general, pl attorneys general; ZDA prosecuting attorney, state attorney; district attorney; circuit attorney
držáven pogreb state funeral
držávni prevrat (political) revolution
držávna renta state pension
držávni socializem state socialism
držávna služba civil service, ZDA public service
v držávni službi in the service of the state
držávna tiskarna government printing office, VB Her (oziroma His) Majesty's Stationery Office (krajšava: H.M.S.O.)
držávni udar coup d'état, pl coups d'état; overthrow of the government
držávna varnostna služba state security service
držávna uprava administration of the state, public administration; government
držávni uradnik civil servant; government official; public functionary; public official
visok držávni uradnik statesman
držávna varnost national security
držávna zadolženost national debt
držávni zaklad public treasury; exchequer
držávna zastava national flag
držávna železnica state railway; ZDA state railroad
držávna skupnost state community
nauk o držávi civics pl - fižólovka beanpole; figurativno (dolgin) beanpole, (dolgonožec) spindle-shanks
velik, visok kot fižólovka as tall as a lamppost - gôra mountain; (pred lastnim imenom) Mount
gôra Everest Mount Everest
gôra Sinaj Mount Sinai
visok kot gôra as high as mountains, mountainous, colossal
ledena gôra iceberg
gôra papirja, trupel a mountain of paper, of corpses
pridiga na gôri biblija the Sermon on the Mount
napraviti turo v gôre to take a trip to the mountains
prebiti počitnice v gôrah to spend one's holidays in the mountains (ali in a mountain region)
iz krtine gôro narediti (figurativno) to make a mountain out of a molehill
če ne pride gôra k Mohamedu, mora Mohamed h gôri if the mountain won't come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain
tresla se (je) gôra, rodila se (je) miška (figurativno) the mountain has brought forth a mouse - kŕven of blood, blood; haematic
kŕvna bolezen haemophilia
kŕvni obtok circulation of the blood
kŕvno maščevanje vendetta, bloody revenge, blood feud
kŕvni pritisk blood pressure, (visok) hypertension
kŕvna skupina blood group, bood type
kŕvni strdek, kepica blood clot
kŕvna ploščica blood platelet
kŕvna preiskava blood test
kŕvni sorodnik blood-relation, relative by blood, kinsman
kŕvno sorodstvo proximity of blood, consanguinity, blood relationship
kŕvna slika blood count
kŕvna transfuzija blood transfusion
kŕvne vezi blood-ties pl, ties pl of blood (ali of kinship)
kŕvna žilica blood vessel
kŕvno telesce ➞ krvnička - móž man, pl men
velik (visok) móž a tall man, (figurativno) a great man; (soprog) husband
kot en móž (enoglasno) as one man
móž proti móžu (bližinski) hand-tohand
borba móža proti móžu hand-to-hand struggle
slamnati móž (figura, statist) man of straw, dummy
divji móž wild man of the woods
povodni móž water sprite
do zadnjega móža (= vsi) to the last man, (all) to a man
padli so (v boju) do zadnjega móža they perished to a man
pravi móž na pravem mestu the right man in the right job (ali place)
vsi možje brez izjeme every man jack
priti, naleteti na pravega móža to come to the right man
biti le pol móža (figurativno) to be only a half man
izkazati se za móža to play the man, (ne se ustrašiti) to stand up to it like a man
dvigniti se kot en móž to rise like one man
pokaži, da si móž! show yourself a man!, show us what you're made of!
govorita kot móž móžu! let us have a man-to-man talk!
biti móž beseda to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
on je móž beseda he is a man of his word
ladja se je potopila z vsemi móžmí na krovu the ship went down (ali sank) with all hands
móž jo tepe, kadar je pijan her husband (ali man) beats her when he is drunk - nebó (vidno) sky; firmament; pesniško welkin; (v ustih) palate
na nebu in the sky
nebó nad prestolom, nebó pri procesiji baldachin, canopy
visok do neba skyhigh, very high
iz vedrega neba out of the blue, out of a clear sky
pod milim nebom under the open sky, in the open air
med nebom in zemljo between heaven and earth
kot strela z jasnega neba like a bolt from the blue, all of a sudden
proti nebu skyward(s)
do neba segajoč reaching up to the sky, touching the sky
bitka pod nebom air battle
modro nebó blue sky
oblačno nebó cloudy sky, overcast sky
do neba vpijoč crying to heaven
štiri strani neba the four points of the compass
(dimna) pisava (reklama) na nebu aeronavtika skywriting; ZDA smoke-writing (sky advertising)
pisec (reklame) na nebu skywriter
košček modrega neba a patch of blue sky
nebó je modro (oblačno) the sky is blue (cloudy, overcast)
dvigati se v nebó to rise to the skies
koga v nebó povzdigovati to praise someone to the skies, to laud to the skies, to extol
(kot) z neba pasti (figurativno) to come out of the blue, to drop from the skies
noben mojster ni z neba padel (figurativno) no one is born a master
v nebó vpijoča krivica a crime crying to heaven for vengeance
moder kot nebó sky blue, skylike
do neba (= čez vse mere) sky-high, to the sky (ali to the skies) - ovrátnik collar
mehak (trd) ovrátnik soft (stiff) collar
ležeč ovrátnik turndown collar
pokončen ovrátnik stand-up collar
naškrobljen ovrátnik starched collar
visok, trd ovrátnik choker - pritísk pressure; squeeze; (tlačenje) oppression; (pare, plina, vode) head; tension
arterijski pritísk arterial tension
krvni pritísk blood pressure
zračni pritísk atmospheric pressure
nizek (visok) pritísk low (high) pressure
občutljiv na pritísk medicina pressuresensitive
priprava za merjenje pritíska pressure gauge
priprava za vzdrževanje normalnega zračnega pritíska pressurizer
vzdrževati normalni zračni pritísk to pressurize
izvajati pritísk na to exert (ali to exercise) pressure on
storil sem to pod pritískom I did it under pressure - srédnje medium
srédnje velik medium-sized; of medium size
srédnje visok medium-tall
avtomobili srédnjega razreda medium cars pl
tek na srédnje dolgi progi middle-distance race - štáben
štábenni častnik staff officer
visok štábenni častnik vojska pogovorno brass hat
štábenna straža headquarters company - vélik big, large; great; (visok) tall, high; (razsežen) vast, spacious
v vélikem obsegu on a large scale
vélika črka capital letter, upper-case letter, majuscule
véliki četrtek Maundy Thursday
vélik del a great deal
lov na véliko divjad big-game hunting
Aleksander Veliki Alexander the Great
véliki (glavni) dobitek first prize
vélika bitka great battle
véliki in mali (figurativno) great and small
véliki inkvizitor grand inquisitor
vélika gospoda (imenitniki) the great
Karel Veliki Charlemagne, Charles the Great
vélika laž a big lie
vélika luža (figurativno, Atlantik) the big pond, the big drink
vélik (slaven) mož great man, (visok) tall man
Veliki Medved astronomija Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the Plough
véliki mojstri the great masters pl
vélika noč religija Easter
véliki petek religija Good Friday
vélika sobota religija Holy Saturday
vélika obzirnost great discretion
véliko naročilo large order
vélik(i) nakup(i) bulk purchases pl
véliko podjetje largescale enterprise
vélik pesnik great poet
véliki stroški heavy expenses pl
z vélikim trudom with great pains
vélik umetnik great artist
véliki teden religija Holy Week
Veliki Voz astronomija the Great Bear, the Plough, Charles's Wain, the Wain, ZDA the Big Dipper
vélika soba large room
véliki vezir Grand Vizier
véliki vojvoda Grand Duke (ženski spol Duchess)
vélika žival large animal
vélika živina (figurativno, žargon) big shot, big noise, big wheel
oba sta enako vélika they are both the same size
pisati, tiskati z véliko črko to capitalize
oni živijo v vélikem slogu they live in great style
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Število zadetkov: 14