
Zadetki iskanja

  • víle pl fork

    víle za seno hayfork, pitchfork
    gnojne víle dungfork
  • ničvréden worthless; vile; good-for-nothing; wretched
  • nizkôten base; mean; abject; vile; low-minded

    najnizkotnejši izdajalec the vilest of traitors
  • pôdel -a, -o mean, abject, base; infamous, vile; villainous; knavish; contemptible
  • nečístnik; nečístnica fornicator, vile person; prostitute
  • gnójen dung(-); medicina festering, purulent, ulcerous

    gnójna jama cesspit, cesspool
    gnójna greda hotbed
    gnójne vile dung fork
    gnójna noga ulcerated leg
    gnójna rana running sore
    gnójno žarišče medicina pus focus
  • kájti for; as; seeing that

    šel sem z vlakom, kájti vreme je bilo zelo grdo as (ali seeing that) the weather was vile, I took the train
    nobeden ne spi, kájti napad pričakujejo vsak trenutek no one's asleep, for they're expecting an attack any moment
  • rázsoha (drevesna rogovila) fork, crotch

    rázsohae pl (senene vile) fork, pitchfork
  • senén hay(-)

    senéna kop(ic)a hayrick, haystack, haymow
    senéne vile hay fork, pitchfork
    senén (senski) nahod hay fever
  • svinjaríja swinishness, piggishness, filthiness, filthy (ali dirty) state; dirty mess; (besede) foul language (ali talk), obscenity; obscene (ali indecent) talk, filth

    (postopek) svinjaríja vile treatment (behaviour)
  • zakáj


    zakáj? why?, for what reason?
    zakáj ne? why not?
    ne vedeti zakáj not to know why

    2. (kajti) for

    odločili so se ostati doma, zakáj bilo je grdo vreme they decided to stay at home, for the weather was vile
Število zadetkov: 11