velíko much; a great deal, a good deal (of); a lot of; pogovorno lots, masses, loads, bags (of)
zelo velíko very much, quite a lot, pl a great many
moj brat velíko bere (dela, potuje) my brother is a great reader (worker, traveller)
velíko se sprehajam I am a great walker
(on) ima zelo velíko denarja he has a considerable amount (ali pogovorno lots, loads, bags, pots) of money
on velíko pije he is a big drinker, he drinks hard, he is a hard-drinking man
velíko hrupa za nič much ado about nothing
velíko sreče! good luck!, lots of luck!
Zadetki iskanja
- afinitéta affinity; kemija affinity, attraction
ogljik ima veliko afinitéto za kisik carbon has much affinity with oxygen - apetít appetite (za for)
velikanski apetít a ravenous appetite
dobiti apetít to get an appetite
narediti, delati apetít to give an appetite
biti brez apetíta to be off one's food
nimam veliko apetíta pogovorno I'm off my feed
dražiti apetít to whet (ali to stimulate) the appetite, to sharpen the appetite, to give an edge to the appetite
izgubiti apetít to lose one's appetite
z apetítom jesti to eat with gusto
pokvariti komu apetít to spoil someone's appetite
apetít pride z jedjo start eating, and you work up an appetite; much must have more; the appetite grows with what it feeds on; appetite comes with eating - beséda word; (izraz) expression, term; (izrek) saying; (obljuba) promise
z besédami in writing
z drugimi besédami in other words
z eno besédo in a (ali one) word
beséda ob (ne)pravem času a word in (out of) season
in, niti beséde o tem! Pst! and mum's the word!
in konec besédi! and that's that!
na dan z besédo! (govori!) spit it out!, out with it, man!, ZDA pogovorno talk turkey!
prav s temi besédami in so many words
častna beséda word of honour
častna beséd! word of honour!, upon ali on my honour!, honestly!
nobene beséde več! not another word!
beséda za besédo word for word, literally
ostre beséde harsh (ali angry) words
božja beséda gospel
grde beséde foul language
lepe beséde fair words
prazne beséde empty (ali idle) words
sladke beséde flattering words
izvedena beséda derivative
novo skovana beséda newly coined word
zložena beséda compound word
same beséde! mere words!
enozložna beséda monosyllable
težko izgovorljiva beséda tongue twister
strokovna beséda technical term
zelo zastarela beséda obsolete word
zastarela beséda archaic word, archaism
človek redkih besédi a man of few words
spojena beséda portmanteau word (npr. smog = smoke + fog)
izpeljava besed derivation of words; etymology
tvorba besed word-formation
števec besed telefonija word counter
beséda je o... the point is, the point in question is...
ne biti mož beséda not to keep one's word
on je mož beséda he is a man of his word, he is true to his word
vse to so same prazne beséde that's all idle chatter
pametnemu je ena beséda dovolj a word to the wise
beséda je dala besédo one word led to another
dati svojo (častno) besédo to pledge one's word, to give one's word
dati komu besédo to allow someone to speak
biti mož beséda to keep one's word, to be as good as one's word; to be true to one's word
njegova beséda je zakon (figurativno) what he says goes
držati svojo besédo to keep one's word
držal bom svojo besédo I will keep my word
ni držal svoje beséde he went back on his word
imam besédo na jeziku I have the word on the tip of my tongue
ti imaš besédo it is your turn to speak, (na sestanku) you have the floor, you may take the floor
ne dati drugim beséde to monopolize the conversation
imeti zadnjo besédo to have the last word
imeti odločilno (zadnjo) besédo pri to have the final say in
jaz imam zdaj besédo it's my turn now, now I'll have my say
imeti véliko besédo to talk big
on ima glavno besédo he is the spokesman
v tej stvari nimam nobene beséde več I no longer have any say in this matter
od lepih besed še nihče ni bil sit fine words butter no parnips
čim manj je besed, tem bolje je least said soonest mended
izbirati beséde to pick one's words
ni izgubljal, tratil besede o... he wasted no words on...
naglasiti, poudariti besédo to stress (ali to emphasize) a word
zaman izgubljati beséde to waste words
izraziti z besédo to word
niti beséde ni omenil o tem he did not breathe a word of it
odvzeti komu besédo to stop someone from speaking
pasti komu v besédo to interrupt someone, to cut short, pogovorno to chip in
prositi za besédo to beg permission to speak, to ask leave to speak
prosim za besédo! (ZDA) may I have the floor?
oprostite besedi! saving your presence!
prihranite si svoje beséde! save your breath
sploh me ne pusti do beséde he does not let me a word in edgeways
priti do beséde to get a word in edgeways
ne priti z besédo na dan (žargon) to beat about the bush
nisem mogel priti do beséde I couldn't get a word in
prijeti koga za besédo to take someone at his word
ne najdem (ne morem najti) besed I am at a loss for words
tudi beséde resnice ni v tem there is not a word of truth in it
prevračati beséde to quibble over words
lastne beséde človek ne more slišati v tem hrupu in this din you can't hear yourself speak
snesti svojo besédo not to keep one's word, to break one's word
reči dobro besédo za koga to intercede in someone's favour, to say a good word for someone, to plead for someone
premisliti beséde to ponder one's words
skovati besédo to coin a word
ne upati si z besédo na dan žargon to beat about the bush
pretehtati svoje beséde to mind one's p's and q's, to ponder one's words
vzeti komu besédo iz ust to take the words out of someone's mouth
zastaviti svojo besédo arhaično to pledge one's word (ali honour)
zastaviti dobro besédo za koga to put in a word for someone
umakniti svojo besédo to retract one's word, to go back on one's promise
verjeti na besédo to take on trust
ubogati na besédo to obey to the letter
lahko mi verjamete na besédo you may take my word for it; you can believe every word I say
vleči beséde to drawl
tudi beséde ni rekel he never said a word (ali žargon humoristično a dicky bird)
reči besédo o pravem času to drop a timely hint; arhaično to say a word in season
človek se lahkó zanese na njegovo besédo his word is as good as his bond
izvleči se z lepimi besédami to talk one's way out
dobiti besédo to have leave to speak, to be allowed to speak; parlament to catch the Speaker's eye
(takrat) ni znal beséde angleški he could not then speak a word of English
beséde ne ziniti to button up one's mouth
iskal sem to besédo pri več avtorjih I have looked that word up in several authors
beséda ni konj (figurativno) hard words break no bones - bodóčnost the future; futurity; time to come
v bližnji bodóčnosti in the near future
v dogledni bodóčnosti in the foreseeable future
mož bodóčnosti an up-and-coming man, a man with a future
imeti veliko bodóčnost to have a great future
napovedati, prerokovati bodóčnost to predict, to foretell, to prophesy the future
sanje bodóčnosti (figurativno) dreams pl of the future, castles pl in the air
načrti za bodóčnost plans pl for the future
bodóčnost bo pokazala it remains to be seen
videti v bodóčnost to look into the future
kaj nam bo prinesla bodóčnost? what does the future hold in store for us? - dejánje act, action; deed; doing; gledališče act
dobro dejánje a good deed
pogumno dejánje act of bravery
sovražno dejánje act of hostility
veliko, junaško dejánje exploit, achivement, feat
enotnost dejánja unity of action
dejánje se dogaja v... the action takes place in...
po dejánjih, ne po besedah cenimo človeka actions speak louder than words
uskladiti svoja dejánja s svojimi besedami to suit the action to the word, to translate one's words into action
zasačiti pri dejánju to catch in the act
zasačen pri dejánju caught red-handed, caught in the very act - divjád game; (jelenja) deer, pl deer
drobna divjád small deer
lov na veliko divjád big-game hunting - domnévati to suppose; to presume; to assume; to surmise; to conjecture
njegov način življenja da domnévati veliko premoženje his style of living suggests great wealth
ne moremo domnévati, da... it is not to be supposed that...
o njem so domnevali, da je mrtev he was supposed to be dead
domnevam, da je umetnik I guess he is an artist
on je bil domnevni vodja upora he was the supposed leader of the revolt - dovršíti to accomplish, to complete; to bring to completion (ali to a successful conclusion); to finish; to achieve
dovršíl je veliko delo he accomplished a great task, pogovorno he did a great job - drsênje (na blatu, mokrih tleh) slithering, skidding
drsênje zemlje (veliko) landslide, (majhno) landslip - govoríti to speak (o of, about, z to, with); to tell; (pogovarjati se) to talk (z with, to, o about, of, over); to converse; (kramljati) to chat
glasno govoríti to talk loud, to speak in a loud voice
tiho govoríti to speak softly (ali in a soft voice)
govoríti angleški to speak English
slabo govoríti angleški to speak poor (ali broken) English
slabo govoríti o kom to speak ill of someone
kar naprej govoríti to keep (on) talking
odkrito, brez ovinkov govoríti to speak freely
govoríti o tem in onem, o raznem to talk nineteen to the dozen
uglajeno govoríti to be well-spoken
govoríti stenam (figurativno) to talk (ali to be talking) to a brick wall
govoríti o politiki to talk politics
tekoče govoríti to speak fluently
govoríti o čem drugem to change the subject
govoríti resnico to speak the truth, to tell the truth
govoríti brez priprave to speak extempore
govoríti v veter (figurativno) to waste one's breath
govoríti v imenu koga to be the spokesman of, to be the mouthpiece of
govoríti v korist koga to speak on (ali ZDA in) someone's behalf
govoríti polomljeno angleščino to speak broken English, to murder the English language
govoríti neumnosti to talk nonsense
šepetaje govoríti to speak in an undertone, to speak in a whisper
govoríti skozi nos to speak with a nasal twang
govoríti laži to tell lies (ali untruths)
govoríti sam s seboj to soliloquize
govoríti med štirimi očmi s kom to talk with someone in private
govoríti na pamet to speak from memory, to say something by heart (ali by rote)
obširno govoríti o to speak at length about (ali on), to descant, to expatiate on (ali upon)
otročje govoríti to drivel
govoríti kot papiga to parrot
govoríti preučeno za koga to speak above someone's head
govoríti tja v tri dni pogovorno to waffle, žargon to rabbit on
tu se govori angleški (napis) English spoken here
ko (ker) ravno govorimo o... since we are on the subject, since we happen to be talking about...
da niti ne govorimo o... to say nothing of...
ne govorimo več o tem!, nehajmo govoríti o tem! let us change (ali drop) the subject!
mi ne »govorimo« (smo sprti ipd.) we are not on speaking terms
o tem ni vredno govoríti it isn't worth speaking of
ona ne govorita več med seboj (sta sprta) they are no longer on speaking terms
govori! speak up!, speak out, out with it!
on ne more (ne zna) nehati govoríti he can never stop talking, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
(on) govori, kot da bi ga navil he has the gift of the gab, he talks nineteen to the dozen
on malo govori he is a man of few words, (je boječ) he is tongue-tied
z njim se da govoríti he is someone you can talk to
z njim se ne da govoríti (figurativno) he will not listen to reason
po vsem mestu se govori o njih they are the talk of the town
govorilo se je o njegovi demisiji there have been rumours of his resignation
vse mesto govori o tem it is the talk of the town
govori se, da je zelo bogata she is said to be very rich
o njem se mnogo govori he is much talked about
to dejstvo govori zanj this fact tells in his favour
dejstva govoré sama the facts speak for themselves
to govori za in proti that cuts both ways
dejanja govore glasneje kot besede actions speak louder than words
vse govori za to, da... there is every reason to believe that...
to govori proti that tells against it
ne govorite z nikomer o tem! not a word to anyone about this!, keep this to yourself!
začeti govoríti o nekem predmetu to broach a subject
bi lahko govoril z Vami? could I have a word with you?
bi lahko govoril z g. X? could I see Mr. X
govorimo odkrito! let's speak frankly, let's lay (ali put) our cards on the table
kjer se veliko govori, se malo naredi least said, soonest mended
govoríti je srebro, molčati pa zlato the less said, the better
prav tako bi lahko govoril stenam figurativno I might as well speak to a brick wall
ti to meni govoriš! (= kot da jaz tega ne vem) you're telling me! - grmênje thunder; thundering; rumble of thunder; rumbling, rumble
brez grmênja thunderless
grmênje in bliskanje thunder and lightning
grmênje topov rumble of cannon
veliko grmênja in malo dežja much ado about nothing, arhaično great cry and little wool - investírati to invest money (in); to assign funds to
investírati veliko vsoto v (delnice) to invest a large sum in (shares) - íti to go; (peš) to walk, to go on foot; (stopati) to tread, to stride; (s težavo) to trudge; to stump; (ura) to go; (ladja) to be bound for; (vlak) to leave, to start
íti dalje to go on, to advance, to proceed
íti gor (dol) to go up (to go down)
íti mimo to go (ali to pass) by
íti nazaj to go back
íti po kaj to go for (ali to fetch ali to go and fetch) something
íti preko to cross
íti proč to go away, to go off
íti ven to go out
íti stran to go off
íti čez cesto to cross the street
íti na lov to go hunting
íti h komu to go up to someone, (obiskati ga) to call on someone
íti komu naproti to go to meet someone
pustiti koga íti to let someone go
íti dobro v prodajo to be selling well
íti hitreje to go faster, to push on
íti skupaj to go together
íti s kom to accompany someone
íti s kolesom to cycle
íti korakoma to go at footpace
íti kot namazano, kot po maslu to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
íti na deželo, na kmete to go off to the country
íti med ljudi, med družbo to go into society
íti na sprehod to go for a walk
íti na kose, na koščke to go to pieces
íti na potovanje to go on a journey
íti h koncu, h kraju to be approaching the (ali its) end, (o stvari) to be coming to an end
íti komu k srcu to go to one's heart
íti kaki stvari do dna (figurativno) to get to the bottom of something
íti spat to go to bed
íti preko vseh ugovorov to override (ali to disregard ali to waive) all objections
íti na bolje to improve
íti na lim, na limanice to fall into a trap
íti vase (figurativno) to retire within oneself
iti komu s pota to make room for someone
Kako ti gre? how are you getting on?, how are you?
izvrstno mi gre I am A1, I'm fine
kako ti gre v šoli? how are you getting on at school?
za kaj (pa) gre? what's it all about?
za to gre (v tem je stvar) that's the point
kadar gre za... when it comes to...
dobro mu gre he is doing well
gre za moje življenje, za mojo čast my life, my honour is at stake
gre za veliko vsoto a large sum is at stake
gre za življenje ali smrt it's a matter of life and death
gre v milijone that runs into millions
posli gredo slabo business is slack (ali dull)
tako ne bo šlo this won't do
to ne bo šlo brez težav it won't be an easy job, it'll cost some trouble
grem k frizerju I am going to the barber's (ali hairdresser's)
če bi šlo po mojem if I had my way
to gre malo predaleč that's going a bit too far
drugače ne gre, ne bo šlo it won't work any other way, figurativno that can't be helped
vse gre narobe everything is topsy-turvy
z njim gre navzdol (h koncu) he is in a bad way
ne morem iti preko tega I can't get over it
naj gre, kot hoče! come what may!
kam gre ta pot? where does this road (ali path) lead?
to mi ne gre v glavo I cannot understand it, it's beyond me, I don't see any reason for it
mati je šla nakupovat Mother has gone shopping
proti šesti uri gre it's nearly six
gre proti poldnevu it's getting on for noon
zaloge gredo h kraju stocks are running short
delo mu gre hitro izpod rok he is quick at his work
4 v 15 gre 3-krat, in ostane 3 4 into 15 goes 3 times, and 3 over
pojdi. pojdi, pretiravaš! come, come, you are exaggerating!
lahko greste! (služabniku ipd.) that is all for the present
če je šlo vse, naj gre še to! (figurativno) in for a penny, in for a pound!
íti se to play - izvolíti to elect; (z glasovanjem) to vote; to return
izvolíti z dvigom rok to elect by a show of hands
izvolíti s tajnim glasovanjem to elect by secret ballot
bil je izvoljen z veliko večino he was voted in by a big majority
izvolilo ga je njegovo prejšnje volilno okrožje he was returned by his former constituency
bil je izvoljen za župana he was elected mayor
bil je izvoljen za predsedujočega he was voted into the chair, he was elected to the chair, he was elected chairman
izvolite sesti! sit down, please!
izvolite zapreti okno! be so kind as to shut the window!
niti pogledati ni izvolil! he did not even so much as look at it!
izvolite! (tu imate!, vzemite!) here you are!
izvolite (iti naprej)! after you! - jésti to eat; to take food; to take one's meal(s); to have one's dinner (oziroma lunch oziroma supper oziroma breakfast); (hraniti se) to feed
dietično jésti to keep to a diet
dobro jésti (gostiti se) to enjoy sumptuous fare, to be regaled
glasno jésti to munch
jésti pri kom (biti na hrani) to board with someone
jésti s krožnika to eat from a plate
pohlepno, požrešno jésti to eat greedily, to eat like a wolf, to wolf one's food, to be a gourmandizer
naglo jésti to bolt down, to devour, to gulp down
rad jésti (svinino) to be partial to (pork)
rad jém sladice I have a sweet tooth, I like sweets
jésti na tuj račun to sponge, to be a sponger
jésti skupaj z (npr. v menzi) to mess with
jésti s tekom to relish one's food
jésti brez teka to eat without appetite
dati komu kaj jésti to give someone something to eat, to feed someone, (živalim) to feed (animals)
on ima komaj kaj jésti he lives from hand to mouth
ona malo (veliko) jé she is a poor (a hearty ali a great) eater
on obilno jé he is a great trencherman, he plies a good knife and fork
preveč jém I overeat
on jé samo ribe he eats nothing but fish
pri njih se dobro jé they keep a good table
jaz vse jém I eat anything
rajši jém teletino I prefer veal
mi jémo v restavraciji we take our meals in a restaurant
ves dan nisem ne jedel ne pil I've had nothing to eat or drink all day long
on mi jé iz roke (figurativno) he eats out of my hand, I've got him eating out of my hand
jedel sem do sitega I have eaten (ali I have had) my fill, pogovorno I'm full up
kdor ne dela, naj ne jé no work, no food
jésti kolikor kdo zmore to eat as much as one can - konsumírati to consume, to use (up)
ta bojler konsumira veliko plina this geyser uses (ali pogovorno eats up) a lot of gas - konzumírati to consume
konzumírati veliko kave to consume much coffee - kovánec coin
ponarejen kován a false (ali bad, counterfeit) coin
veliko kováncev, veliko skrbi much coin, much care
metati kovánec to toss (ali to spin) a coin - letálo aeroplane, plane, ZDA airplane; aircraft; flying machine; (veliko tudi) ship
letálo taksi taxiplane
enomotorno, večmotorno letálo one-engined, multiengined airplane
borbeno, bojno letálo fighter plane, fighter, strike aircraft
bombno letálo, bombnik bomber plane, bomber
enosedežno letálo single seater
izvidno letálo scout
lovsko letálo, lovec fighter, interceptor
potniško letálo passenger plane, airliner
hitro potniško letálo high speed passenger airplane
jadralno letálo glider, sailplane
raketno nadzvočno letálo supersonic rocket-powered airplane
vodno letálo seaplane, hydroplane
lahko letálo light aircraft, ZDA vojska žargon grasshopper
veliko, linijsko letálo airliner
letálo na dolge proge long-range plane
gigantsko letálo giant airplane
poštno letálo mail plane
reaktivno letálo jet plane, jet
tovorno letálo air-freighter, freight plane
sanitetno letálo ambulance plane
serijsko letálo production plane
brezrepno letálo tailless airplane
poskusno letálo test plane
letalonosilsko letálo carrier-borne aircraft
transportno letálo transport plane, ZDA sky truck
matično letálo supply plane
v letálu, na letálu aboard
raketno letálo rocket plane, jetrocket plane, rocket-propelled airplane
oborožitev letála armament of an aircraft
posadka letála flight crew, aircrew
tovarna letal aircraft factory, aircraft plant
trup letála fuselage, body, frame
razbitine letála aircraft wreckage
padec, zrušitev letála (brez mrtvih ali težko poškodovanih) crack-up, (z mrtvimi) (plane) crash
sestreliti letálo to bring down an aircraft
ugrabitelj letála hijacker (of an airliner)
ugrabiti letálo to hijack an airliner
ugrabitev letála hijacking
letálo za polete v veliki višini stratocruiser