védeti to know; to be aware (of); to realize
zanesljivo védeti to be positive about
védeti za kaj to be in the know, to be aware (of something), to be cognizant (of something)
dobro vedoč za kaj fully cognizant of something
vem za nekoga, ki... I know of someone who...
kolikor vem as far as I know, for aught I know (of)
ne da bi jaz vedel (= kolikor mi je znano ne) not that I know
pa še kako dobro to vem! don't I know it!
bojim se, da zdaj nič več ne vem (kot prej) I fear I am none the wiser
on dobro ve, kaj se je zgodilo he well knows (ali he is well aware of) what happened
ne védeti za kaj to be ignorant of something
rad bi vedel I should like to know, I wonder (ali, če whether, if)
ko bi bil (jaz) vedel! if only I had known!
védeti o čem to be well aware (ali arhaično apprised) of something
nihče ne ve, kaj se utegne zgoditi there is no knowing what may happen
védeti, kaj hočemo (= ne omahovati) to know one's own mind
kako, da jaz ne bi tega vedel! don't I know it!
to sam le predobro vem (= komu to pripovedujete?) you are telling me!
influenca, defterija in ne vem, kaj še vse influenza, diphtheria, and goodness knows what else
védeti najnovejše (o) to be well up (in), to be au courant (ali up-to-date) with
človek nikoli ne ve (= nikoli ne veš) you never know, you never can tell
kako naj vem, kam je šel how should I know where he went
ali še veš? do you remember?
ne vem ne kod ne kam I don't know which way to turn
Zadetki iskanja
- interesírati to interest; to arouse the interest (of), to cause curiosity, to excite curiosity
interesírati se to take (ali to show) an interest (za in); to care or
to me ne interesira it has no interest for me
interesiralo vas bo (vedeti)... you will be interested (to know)...
knjiga, ki ne interesira bralcev a book with little interest for readers
zelo se interesira za zgodovino naše dežele he takes a great interest in the history of our country
interesiral sem se za njegov primer (zadevo) I have looked into his case - izpláčati to pay out (off, down)
izpláčati v gotovini to pay cash, to pay cash down; (dolg) to pay off, to settle; to square up with one's creditors; (stroške) to defray; (razliko) to balance; (menico v polnem) to honour a bill; to take up a bill; (povrniti) to refund, to repay, to compensate
izpláčati se (biti vreden truda) to pay (well); to prove (ali to be) profitable (ali remunerative); to be worth the trouble (ali one's while)
ki se izplača (rentabilen) rewarding
izplača se it pays, it is worth the money
komaj se izplača (iti) it's hardly worth while (going)
kmetu se izplača, da... it pays a farmer to (nedoločnik)
izplača se vedeti it is worth knowing
ne izplača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali the trouble)
to potovanje se izplača this journey is worth the money
ni se izplačalo (ni bilo vredno tolikšnega truda) the game wasn't worth the candle - kdó who; anybody, anyone
kdó drugi? who else?
kdó še? who else?
je kdó v hiši? is there anyone (ali anybody) in the house?
ne vem več, kdó vse je bil tam I don't remember everybody who was there
kdó bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
malokdó hardly anyone, very few
vedeti, kdó je kdó to know who's who - mórati to have to, to be obliged (ali forced, compelled) to; to be bound
vlak mora priti ob petih the train is due at five
moram I must
to mora še priti that is still (ali yet) to come
tu mora biti kaka napaka there must be some mistake
to bi ti moral vedeti you ought to know that
to bi mi ti moral poprej povedati you ought to have told me that before
to bi moralo biti (do) sedaj že pripravljeno it ought to be ready by now
zdravniki so mu morali odrezati nogo the doctors had (ali have had) to amputate his leg
moral je oditi (= najbrž je odšel) he must have left, I suppose he is gone
on mora vedno prepozno priti he always has to be late
moram se smejati, ko (če) (vidim) I cannot help laughing when (I see)...
žal mi je, da moram reči... I am sorry to say...
mora biti bolan he must be ill, most likely he is ill, he is presumably ill
to mora biti it is unavoidable
on mora vedno imeti zadnjo besedo he always will have the last word
moral je umreti he was doomed to die
tudi če bi moral umreti, bi še vedno rekel... even though I were to die for it, I would still say...
to knjigo morate (nujno) brati this book is a must for you
mora biti (= gotovo je čez) 70 let star he must be over seventy - poznáti to know (koga someone), to be acquainted (with someone), to be familiar (with someone)
samo po videzu ga poznam I know him only by sight
poznáti po imenu to know by name
že več let ga poznam I have known him for years
poznamo jih že pet let we have known them for five years
ne hoteti poznáti koga to cut someone, to turn one's back on someone, to give someone the cold shoulder, to cold-shoulder someone
ne poznáti (ne vedeti za) to be ignorant of, to be a stranger to
ne poznam strahu I am devoid of fear
on ne pozna težav he is ignorant of the difficulties, he does not know the difficulties
pozna se mu na obrazu, da je utrujen one can see by his face that he is tired
ne poznajo se mu leta he does not look his age
žal vas (jaz) ne poznam you have the advantage of me - rávno prislov just; exactly; precisely
rávno sem hotel iti I was just going
to rávno ne not quite, not exactly
rávno o pravem času just in time
rávno 5 funtov just 5 pounds
to je rávno za vas it is just the thing for you
ne rávno! not exactly!
rávno dve je ura it is just two o'clock
ni rávno moj prijatelj he is not exactly my friend
rávno zaradi tega for that very reason
rávno to potrebujemo this is the very thing we want
ker rávno hočeš since you insist upon it
rávno to sem mu rekel that is just what I told him
rávno prispel, dospel je he has just arrived
rávno to sem hotel vedeti that is the very thing I wanted to know
moja knjiga se rávno tiska my book is just being printed - skrivnóst secret; mystery
državna skrivnóst state secret
skrivnósti narave the secrets of nature
velika, huda skrivnóst a dead secret
skrivnósti človeškega srca the secrets of the human heart
to je javna skrivnóst it is an open secret
čuvati, obdržati skrivnóst to keep a secret
nimava nobenih skrivnósti med seboj we have no secrets from each other
mehanika zanj nima skrivnósti mechanics have no secrets for him
biti zavit v skrivnóst to be shrouded in mystery
izdati skrivnóst to betray a secret, (figurativno) to spill the beans
uvesti koga v skrivnóst, izdati komu skrivnóst to let someone into a secret
izbrbljati skrivnóst to let out a secret, (figurativno) to let the cat out of the bag
izvabiti, izvleči skrivnóst iz to worm a secret out of
(raz)rešiti skrivnóst to solve a mystery
pojasniti skrivnóst to clear up a mystery
odkriti skrivnóst to find out a secret
skrivnóst mu je «ušla» he let a secret slip out
vedeti za skrivnóst to be in the secret, (pogovorno) to be in the know - skúšnja experience; (izkustvo) practice; gledališče rehearsal
generalna skúšnja gledališče final rehearsal
glavna (gledališka) skúšnja dress rehearsal
iz skúšnje, po skúšnjah by (ali from) experience
vodja (gledališke) skúšnje rehearser
dobre (slabe, neprijetne) skúšnje pleasant (unpleasant) experiences (s kom with someone)
imel sem slabe skúšnje I have had unpleasant experiences
pomanjkanje skušenj lack of experience
iti na skúšnjo to go to a rehearsal
imeti gledališko skúšnjo to rehearse
vedeti iz skúšnje, po lastnih skúšnjah to know by (ali from) experience - spláčati se to pay; to be worth the money
splača se it pays
splača se vedeti it is worth knowing
kmetu se splača, da... it pays a farmer to...
komaj se splača (kupiti) it is hardly worth while (buying)
ne splača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali worth the trouble)
zločin se ne splača crime doesn't pay - vréden worth, (moralno) worthy; deserving; (dragocen) costly, valuable, precious
vréden pozornosti worthy of notice
vréden pohvale praiseworthy
vréden življenja worthy to live
vréden graje blameworthy
biti vréden česa to be worthy of something
ta stvar je vrédna 10 funtov this thing is worth ten pounds
še prebite pare ne biti vréden not to be worth a brass farthing (ali a fig, a straw)
vrédno je vedeti it is worth knowing
ni omembe, ni besede vrédno it's not worth mentioning
ni vrédno govoriti o tem it's nothing to speak of
on je vréden našega spoštovanja he showed himself worthy of the confidence placed in him
biti vréden truda (pogovorno) to be worth it
je vrédno truda it's worth the rouble
ni vrédno truda it isn't worth the trouble, it is not worth (one's) while
sta eden drugega vrédna (figurativno) the pot calls the kettle black
vem, koliko je kaj vrédno I know the difference between chalk and cheese - vsáj (najmanj) at least; at the very least; at the very least; at any rate; narečno leastwise, leastways
jaz vsáj mislim tako at any rate that's what I think
ko bi vsáj mogel vedeti! arhaično could I but know!
on bo prišel, vsáj obljubil je he is going to come, at any rate he has promised to
vsáj toliko je star kot jaz he is my age at least - vsák -a, -o every; (posamezen) each
vsák, -a, -o dan every day, daily
vsák, -a, -o tretji dan every three days
vsák, -a, -o teden every week, weekly
vsák, -a, -o od dveh (obeh) either
vsák, -a, -o posamezen each and every one
vsák, -a, -o čas any time
vsák, -a, -o učenec every pupil
vsák, -a, -o učenec tega razreda each pupil of this class
na vsák, -a, -o način at any rate
vsakih 20 korakov every twenty paces
ob vsák, -a, -oem vremenu in all weathers
vsák, -a, -o posebej, vsák, -a, -o ločeno separately
vsák, -a, -oemu svoje! to every man his due!, to each his own!
vsák, -a, -o po svoje each (one) in his own way
imava vsák, -a, -o svoje mnenje we have each our own opinion
vsák, -a, -o je dobil 5 SIT they got 5 tolars each
poznam vsák, -a, -oega učenca tega razreda I know every pupil in this class
vsák, -a, -o učenec mora to vedeti, znati every pupil must know this
lahko prideš ob vsák, -a, -oem času you can come at any time - zakáj
zakáj? why?, for what reason?
zakáj ne? why not?
ne vedeti zakáj not to know why
2. (kajti) for
odločili so se ostati doma, zakáj bilo je grdo vreme they decided to stay at home, for the weather was vile
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Število zadetkov: 14