Zadetki iskanja
- včásih sometimes; now and then; at times
- kadíti to smoke, to have a smoke; (v cerkvi s kadilnico) to incense
kadíti se to smoke
kadíti prepovedano! no smoking!, no smoking allowed here!, don't smoke!
kadíti cigareto za cigareto to chain-smoke
kadíti kot Turek to smoke like a chimney
že dve leti ne kadim I have not smoked for two years
toliko je kadil, da mu je postalo slabo he has smoked himself sick
včasih kadim pipo I sometimes smoke a pipe
ta cigara se ne kadi dobro this cigar does not smoke well
kadi se it's smoky
od konj se je kar kadilo the horses were steaming
kadíti komu (figurativno) to matter someone
kadíti se (dimiti se) to smoulder
peč se kadi the stove is smoking - spodletéti to fail, to prove a failure
spodletelo mu je he failed
načrt je spodletel the plan went awry
popolnoma spodletéti to fail signally
tudi najpametnejšemu včasih spodleti (figurativno) it is a good horse that never stumbles
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Število zadetkov: 3