uméten artificial; (nepravi) false, imitation
uméten diamant imitation diamond
umétne cvetlice artificial flowers pl
umétno gnojilo artificial manure, fertilizer
umétni kamen artificial stone
umétni lasje false hair
umétna mast synthetic fat (ali grease)
umétno maslo margarine, slabšalno ersatz butter
umétna obrt arts and crafts pl, applied (ali useful) art
uméten nakit imitation jewellery
uméten led artificial ice
uméten ognjemet, ogenj fireworks pl
umétna osemenitev artificial insemination
uméten proizvod artificial product
umétna smola synthetic resin, synthetic plastic material, plastic
umétna snov synthetic material, artificial substance, plastics pl
umétna svila artificial silk, rayon
umétno vlakno synthetic (ali man-made) fibre
umétna volna artificial wool; shoddy
uméten ud (proteza) artificial limb
umétno usnje imitation (ali artificial) leather, leatherette, leatheroid
umétni zobje (proteza) false teeth pl
Zadetki iskanja
- bíser pearl (tudi figurativno); figurativno jewel; (steklen) bead
jamski bíser cave pearl
okrašen z bíseri pearly
lov na bísere pearl fishery
lovec na bísere pearl diver, pearl fisher
nizanje bíserov threading pearls
niz bíserov string of pearls
umeten bíser imitation pearl
iskati bísere to pearl, to fish for pearls
tvoriti bísere to produce cultured pearls
metati bísere svinjam (figurativno) to cast pearls before swine
ona je bíser figurativno she's a gem, she's a pearl
to je metanje bíserov svinjam (figurativno) it's caviare to the general - kámen stone; ZDA (vsake oblike) rock; medicina calculus, stone, gravel, concretion; (prodnik) pebble
brusni kámen whetstone, grindstone
drag kámen precious stone, gem
drobilec kámna (oseba) quarryman, quarrier, (stroj) crushing machine, jaw (ZDA rock) crusher
gradbeni kámen building stone
kisli kámen (galun) alum
kresilni kámen mint, flintstone, (za vžigalnik) (lighter) flint
kámen kaldrme cobble, cobblestone
ledvični kámen kidney stone
loščilni kámen (za kovine) Bath-brick
miljni kámen milestone
mlinski kámen millstone
peklenski kámen lunar caustic, silver nitrate
preskusni kámen touchstone; test
nagrobni kámen tombstone, gravestone
otesan kámen hewn stone, dressed stone, ashlar
sklepni kámen keystone
kámen spotike stumbling block
kámen modrih philosophers' stone
vinski kámen tartar
temeljni kámen foundation stone
vogelni kámen cornerstone
kámen v mehurju medicina urinary calculus
žolčni kámen gallstone
zobni kámen tartar
umeten drag kámen imitation gem
tvorba kámnov medicina lithogenesis
mrzel kot kámen stone-cold
gluh kot kámen stone-deaf
trd kot kámen (as) hard as stone, stone-hard
domet, lučaj kámna a stone's throw
kup kámnov a heap of stones
obdelovanje kámna stonework
srcé iz kámna a stony heart
trd kot kámen (figurativno) hard as stone, biblija arhaično hard as the nether millstone
lomiti kámen to quarry
metati kámne v koga to throw stones at someone
to bi še kámen omečilo it is enough to melt a heart of stone
odvaliti komu težak kámen od srca to take a load (ali a weight) off someone's mind
kámen se mi je odvalil od srca a great weight has been taken off my mind, that's a great weight off my mind
ne pustiti kámna na kámnu not to leave a single stone standing
zmrzuje, da kámen poka it freezes hard
porušiti, razdejati kámen za kámnom to pull down stone by stone
od zgradbe ni ostal kámen na kámnu not a single stone of the building was left standing
rajši bi kámne tolkel na cesti! I'd rather do hard labour, I'd rather join a chain gang
zagnati, zalučati kámen v koga to cast a stone at someone
ubiti dve muhi z enim kámnom to kill two birds with one stone
kámen do kámna palača (figurativno) look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves - léd ice
umeten léd artificial ice
plavajoči léd floating (ali drift, loose) ice
topeči se léd melting ice
hokej na lédu ice hockey
drobilec lédú ice-crusher
jadranje na lédu ice-yachting, ice-boating
jadrnica na lédu iceboat, ice yacht
plast lédú na ribniku a sheet of ice on the pond
mrzel kot léd ice-cold, frigid
v léd ujeta ladja icebound ship
dati na léd, pokriti z lédom to ice
iti komu na léd to allow oneself to be taken in
ne moreš me speljati na léd you can't take me in
léd prebiti to break the ice
léd se udre the ice gives way
sekati stopinje v léd to cut steps in the ice
spremeniti se v léd (o vodi) to turn into ice
léd se lomi, poka the ice breaks, cracks (ali is breaking, cracking)
léd se topi the ice melts (ali is melting)
léd ne drži the ice won't hold you, the ice is giving way
upati si na tanek léd (figurativno) to skate on thin ice - lés wood
stavbni, tesarski lés timber
gradbeni lés (building) timber, ZDA lumber
gnil lés rotten wood
suh lés seasoned timber
rezani lés sawn timber
vezan lés plywood
mehek lés softwood
trd lés hardwood
jamski lés pitwood, pitprop
beli lés white wood
obdelava lésa wood working
obdelovalec lésa woodworker, wood carver
sečnja lésa wood felling
impregnacija lésa wood impregnation
vrste lésa species pl of wood
lésu podoben ligniform, ligneous, woody, woodlike
sladki lés botanika liquorice
žagan lés sawn wood
mlad, nov lés green wood
umeten lés artificial wood
sečni lés mature wood
hrastov lés oak, oak wood, oak timber
trgovati z lésom to deal in wood, to trade as a timber merchant
on je malo čez lés (figurativno, žargon) he is up the pole (ali round the bend) - magnét magnet (tudi figurativno)
naraven magnét lodestone; figurativno attractive thing (oziroma person)
permanenten (umeten) magnét permanent (artificial) magnet - nakít jewels pl, jewellery, ZDA jewelry
cenen nakít trinkets pl, brez nakíta unadorned
etui za nakít jewel case, jewel box
umeten nakít costume jewellery - pergamènt parchment; (za vezavo) vellum, arhaično forel
umeten pergamènt artificial parchment
vezan v pergamènt bound in vellum, vellum bound - úd limb; member
udje pl limbs pl, extremities pl
ki ima ude membered
brez udov memberless
spolni (moški) úd penis, pl penes
umeten úd artificial limb
ohromitev udov paralysis, palsy
imeti hrome ude to be paralytic (ali paralysed, palsied)
imeti zdrave úde to be sound of limb - zób1 -a tooth, pl teeth; (glavnika) tooth; (čipk) jag; (skale) jag; (žage) tooth, jag
zób kočnik molar, grinder, molar (ali grinding) tooth
zób mlečnik milk tooth
zób podočnik canine, dogtooth, (gornje čeljusti) eyetooth
zób sekalec incisor
zób strupnik poison fang
zób čekan fang, (veprov, slonov) tusk
zób kolesa cog, tooth
modrostni zób wisdom tooth
gnil zób rotten (ali decayed) tooth
majav zób loose tooth
mlečni zóbje milk teeth, baby teeth, first teeth
drugi, stalni zóbje second, permanent teeth
spodnji (zgornji) zóbje lower (upper) teeth
sprednji zóbje front teeth
umeten zób false tooth, artificial tooth
zdrav zób sound tooth
vrsta umetnih zob denture
brez zób toothless
škrbina zóba stump of a tooth
zób za zób, oko za oko an eye for an eye, measure for measure, retaliation, (latinsko) lex talionis
zób časa (figurativno) the ravages of time
do zob oborožen armed to the teeth
dobivanje zob cutting teeth, dentition, teething
izdrtje zoba extraction
jezik za zobé! (= molči!) shut up!, hold your tongue!
boriti se z zóbmi in nohti (= na vso moč) to fight tooth and nail
dobiti kaj za pod zób to have a snack, pogovorno to get some grub
dobivati (prve) zóbe to be cutting one's teeth, to be teething
dobiti zóbe to cut one's teeth, to teethe
zób me (zelo) boli I have (a bad) toothache, my tooth aches
(o)čistiti si zóbe to clean (ali to brush) one's teeth
ničesar ne imeti za pod zób to have nothing to eat, to have neither bite nor sup
izdreti zób to pull a tooth
dati si izdreti zób to have a tooth out, to have a tooth pulled
plombirati zób to stop (ali to fill) a tooth
pokazati zóbe to show one's teeth
človek bi si pri tem polomil zóbe (figurativno) it's a hard nut to crack
tu si boste polomili zóbe (figurativno, to je za vas posebno nevarno) that's where you'll come to grief
priti ljudem v zóbe (figurativno) to become the talk of the town
stisniti zóbe to clench one's teeth, to set one's teeth, (figurativno) to keep a stiff upper lip
škripati, škrtati z zóbmi to gnash (ali to grind, to grit) one's teeth
trebiti si zóbe to pick one's teeth
upirati se zóbu časa to stand the test of time
vsi jo vlačijo po zóbeh everyone's talking (ali gossiping) about her
vreči komu kaj v zóbe (figurativno, v obraz) to cast something in someone's teeth
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Število zadetkov: 10