
Zadetki iskanja

  • ubíti to kill; to slay; (pobiti) to slaughter; (umoriti) to murder; to assassinate; to do away (with)

    ubíti se to get killed, (hoté) to commit suicide, to commit self-murder; (razbiti se) to go to pieces, to get smashed up
  • kámen stone; ZDA (vsake oblike) rock; medicina calculus, stone, gravel, concretion; (prodnik) pebble

    brusni kámen whetstone, grindstone
    drag kámen precious stone, gem
    drobilec kámna (oseba) quarryman, quarrier, (stroj) crushing machine, jaw (ZDA rock) crusher
    gradbeni kámen building stone
    kisli kámen (galun) alum
    kresilni kámen mint, flintstone, (za vžigalnik) (lighter) flint
    kámen kaldrme cobble, cobblestone
    ledvični kámen kidney stone
    loščilni kámen (za kovine) Bath-brick
    miljni kámen milestone
    mlinski kámen millstone
    peklenski kámen lunar caustic, silver nitrate
    preskusni kámen touchstone; test
    nagrobni kámen tombstone, gravestone
    otesan kámen hewn stone, dressed stone, ashlar
    sklepni kámen keystone
    kámen spotike stumbling block
    kámen modrih philosophers' stone
    vinski kámen tartar
    temeljni kámen foundation stone
    vogelni kámen cornerstone
    kámen v mehurju medicina urinary calculus
    žolčni kámen gallstone
    zobni kámen tartar
    umeten drag kámen imitation gem
    tvorba kámnov medicina lithogenesis
    mrzel kot kámen stone-cold
    gluh kot kámen stone-deaf
    trd kot kámen (as) hard as stone, stone-hard
    domet, lučaj kámna a stone's throw
    kup kámnov a heap of stones
    obdelovanje kámna stonework
    srcé iz kámna a stony heart
    trd kot kámen (figurativno) hard as stone, biblija arhaično hard as the nether millstone
    lomiti kámen to quarry
    metati kámne v koga to throw stones at someone
    to bi še kámen omečilo it is enough to melt a heart of stone
    odvaliti komu težak kámen od srca to take a load (ali a weight) off someone's mind
    kámen se mi je odvalil od srca a great weight has been taken off my mind, that's a great weight off my mind
    ne pustiti kámna na kámnu not to leave a single stone standing
    zmrzuje, da kámen poka it freezes hard
    porušiti, razdejati kámen za kámnom to pull down stone by stone
    od zgradbe ni ostal kámen na kámnu not a single stone of the building was left standing
    rajši bi kámne tolkel na cesti! I'd rather do hard labour, I'd rather join a chain gang
    zagnati, zalučati kámen v koga to cast a stone at someone
    ubiti dve muhi z enim kámnom to kill two birds with one stone
    kámen do kámna palača (figurativno) look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
  • múha zoologija fly; figurativno (muhavost) caprice, whim, freak, fancy, vagary, crotchet, bee in one's bonnet

    cece múha tseste, tsetse fly
    domača múha common housefly
    konjska múha horsefly
    mesarska múha flesh fly, blowfly, bluebottle
    španska múha Spanish fly, cantharis, pl cantharides
    umetna múha (kot vaba) fly, (za ribolov) dry fly, hackle fly, hackle, grey-drake, ZDA tail fly
    múha na strelnem orožju sight, bead
    opikan od múh fly-bitten
    onesnažen od múh flyblown
    biti od múh (biti nič vreden) to be of no use, to be good for nothing, to be a dead loss
    na múho vzeti (figurativno) to take aim (kaj at something)
    iz múhe slona narediti (figurativno) to make a mountain out of a molehill, to make mountains out of molehills
    s kolom múhe pobijati (figurativno) to break a fly on the wheel
    čudne múhe mu rojijo po glavi he's got bats in the belfry
    lahkó bi bili slišali múho leteti (taka tišina je bila) you could have heard a pin drop
    ubiti dve múhi z enim udarcem to kill two birds with one stone
    v sili hudič múhe žre (figurativno) beggars can't be choosers, half a loaf is better than no bread
  • pištóla pistol; firearm; handgun; automatic

    brizgalna pištóla (za barvo itd.) spray gun
    z naperjeno pištólo at pistol point, at the point of the pistol
    strel iz pištóle pistol shot
    ročaj pištóle pistol butt, butt of a pistol; (ta vrsta roča pri večjih puškah in orodjih) pistol grip
    nastaviti komu pištólo na prsi to hold a pistol to someone's breast
    streljati, ustreliti, ubiti koga s pištólo to shoot someone, to gun someone down
    udariti koga s pištólo to pistol-whip someone
    tok za pištólo holster
    streljati s pištólo to shoot
    otroška pištóla popgun
  • udárec blow; stroke; buffet; (s plosko dlanjo) slap, smack, cuff; hit (komu at someone); (s pestjo) punch; (s prstom) fillip, flip; (s palico, gorjačo) thump

    rahel udárec tap, rap; flap, flick
    udárec v obraz slap in the face, žargon smack in the kisser (ali the chops)
    močan udárec thwack, thump, clout, whack, slog, ZDA soak, slug; blow; (ure) stroke, beat
    ob udárcu ure ob osmih at the stroke of eight, at 8 o'clock sharp
    težak udárec a heavy (ali severe) blow
    odločilen udárec a decisive blow
    uničujoč udárec a destructive blow
    udárec v vodo (figurativno) a vain attempt
    udárec za udárcem blow upon blow
    z enim udárcem at one blow, at one stroke
    strahovit udárec a swingeing blow
    to je hud udárec zanjo that's a cruel blow for her
    dobiti udárce to get a thrashing
    dobivati udárec za (figurativno) to suffer reverse after reverse
    dobiti smrten udárec to receive a mortal blow
    preživeti udárec to survive a blow
    zadati komu udárec to deal someone a blow, to strike a blow against someone
    ubiti dve muhi z enim udárcem (figurativno) to kill two birds with one stone
Število zadetkov: 5