
Zadetki iskanja

  • trpéti to suffer (od, zaradi from); to endure; to be in pain; (prenašati) to bear, to tolerate; to stand

    hudó trpéti to suffer acutely
    trpéti velike bolečine to suffer great pain
    mnogo trpéti to have a hard time
    trpéti pomanjkanje to suffer want, to be in great straits, to be in want
    trpim za hudim glavobolom I am suffering from a bad headache
    trpéti zaradi treme to suffer from stage fright
    nikoli ni trpel lakote he has never experienced hunger
    trpéti škodo to suffer damage
    motor je močnó trpel the engine suffered severely
    trgovina trpi zaradi vojne commerce suffers in war time
    ne trpim radovednih ljudi I cannot bear (ali stand) inquisitive people
    je ena stvar, ki je ne morem trpeti there is one thing I cannot put up with
    zadeva, ki ne trpi odlašanja an affair that brooks no delay
    ne morem trpéti take nesramnosti I cannot stand such impudence
    trpéti žejo to suffer thirst
    ne moreta se trpéti there's no love lost between them
  • bolečína ache, pain, smart, ailment; (trganje) twinge, pang; (zbodljaj) stitch (v boku in the side); figurativno grief, distress

    duševna bolečína grief, pang(s pl)
    huda bolečína anguish
    nema bolečína silent grief
    skrajna bolečína extreme suffering, agony
    porodne bolečíne throes pl
    začetne (porodne) bolečíne (figurativno) teething troubles
    odškodnina za bolečíne compensation for pain or distress
    imeti bolečíne to be in pain
    imate bolečíne? (Vas boli?) do you feel any pain, does it hurt?
    imam bolečíne I've got a pain
    imam velike bolečíne I am in great pain, I have an awful pain
    zvijati se od bolečínin to wince
    trpeti, prenašati velike bolečíne to suffer great pain
    deljena bolečína je pol bolečína arhaično company in distress makes trouble less
  • depresíja fizika, geografija, meteorologija, ekonomija, medicina depression; ekonomija slump; meteorologija low

    doba depresíje ekonomija degression
    huda depresíja (med, fig) blue devils, blues, black mood
    trpeti depresíje in melanholijo pogovorno to have a bad fit of the blues, arhaično to have a black dog on one's back
  • formálnost formalitéta formality; forms pl; ceremony; (pretirana) punctilio

    brez formálnost, formalitétai without formalities
    to je samo formálnost, formalitéta it's only a matter of form, it's a mere formality
    jahati na formálnost, formalitétaih to be a stickler for convention
    ne morem trpeti vseh teh formálnost, formalitétai I can't stand all this formality
  • glád hnuger; (lakota) famine, starvation

    glád (pohlep) po thirst for, greed for, craving for (ali after)
    volčji glád ravenous hunger
    imam volčji glád I am famished
    umirati od gládu to starve, to be famished
    umreti, poginiti od gládu to die (ali to perish) of hunger (ali of starvation), to starve to death
    umiram od gládu (figurativno) I'm simply starving
    pustili so jih, da so umrli od gládu they left them to die of hunger
    z gládom prisiliti k predaji, k pokorščini to starve into surrender, into submission
    trpeti glád to starve, to famish
    utešiti, pomiriti (si) glád to appease one's hunger, to satisfy one's hunger, arhaično to stay one's stomach
    glád je najboljši kuhar hunger is the best sauce
  • gréh sin (zoper, proti, do against), (majhen) peccadillo; offence; offence

    brez gréha sinless
    Adamov gréh Adam's sin, the Fall
    izvirni gréh original sin
    mali gréh venial sin
    smrtni gréh mortal sin
    sedem smrtnih gréhov the seven deadly sins
    mladostni gréh youthful sin
    mutasti gréh sodomy
    storiti gréh to commit a sin
    trpeti za tuje gréhe to be a scapegoat
    to je gréh in sramota it is a sin and a shame
    izpoved gréhov confession of sins
    odpuščanje gréhov forgiveness (ali remission) of sins, absolution
    odkrivati stare gréhe kake osebe to rake up someone's past
    padati v isti gréh to relapse into sin, to backslide
    odpustiti gréhe to remit someone's sins
    zabresti v gréh to slide into sin
    zakriviti gréh to commit a sin
    grd kot smrten gréh ugly as sin
  • kôzel

    1. zoologija he-goat, pogovorno billy goat; (smrdljiva oseba) stinker, arhaično stinkard

    grešni kôzel (figurativno, vsegakriv) scapegoat
    biti grešni kôzel (figurativno trpeti za druge) to be the scapegoat (ali pogovorno the fall guy)
    kôzle streljati (figurativno) to commit blunders
    kôzla ustreliti (figurativno) to drop a brick (ali pogovorno a clanger), to put one's foot in it, to blunder
    postaviti kôzla za vrtnarja to set a thief to catch a thief


    kôzel na kočiji coach box, dickey seat
  • lákota famine, starvation, hunger; dearth

    lákota (pohlep) (po) greediness, craving (after, for)
    volčja lákota ravenous hunger
    smrt od lákote starvation
    potešiti komu lákoto to appease (ali assuage, allay) someone's hunger
    utešiti si lákoto to appease (ali assuage, allay, satisfy) one's hunger
    trpeti lákoto to be starved, to go hungry, to be famished
    umirati, umreti od lákote to die of hunger (ali of starvation), to starve (to death)
    umiram od lákote I'm dying of hunger
    lákota požene volka iz gozda hunger is a hard taskmaster
    protestni pohod proti lákoti hunger march
    z lákoto prisiliti koga k... to starve someone into...
  • melanholíja melanhóličnost melancholy; dejection; gloom, gloominess, despodency, pogovorno blues pl, blue devils pl, dumps pl; medicina melancholia

    trpeti depresije in melanholíjo pogovorno to be down in the dumps, to be feeling blue
  • môči (morem) to be able, to be capable, to be in a position (to do something); to be enabled; (biti sposoben) to have the faculty, to have the capacity

    ni môči (ni moč) it is impossible
    morem I can
    ne morem I cannot, I can't, I am unable, I am incapable
    morem samó pohvaliti... I can't help praising, I can only praise, I have nothing but praise for...
    ne morem ga trpeti I cannot bear (ali stand) him
    če le morem if I can help it
    ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help (ali resist) laughing
    on me ne more (figurativno) he can't stand me
    ne morejo se (figurativno) they cannot agree
    ne morem več (od utrujenosti) I am dog-tired, I am dead with fatigue, I am knocked-up
    ne morem si tega privoščiti I cannot afford it
    nič ne morem za to it is not my fault
    morem samo (reči)... I simply must (say)...
    storil bom, kar bom največ mogel I'll do my best, I'll do all I can, I'll do my utmost, I'll do my very (ali level) best
    ne bom mogel plačati I shall not be able to pay
    obžalujem, da ne morem I regret my inability
    ne morem biti brez I cannot go (ali do) without
    denar more vse money talks
    njemu ne moreš verjeti he is not to be believed
    nanj se ne moreš zanesti he is not to be relied upon
    moglo bi biti takó it might possibly be so, pogovorno could be
  • mràz cold; chill; frost

    mràz brez slane black frost
    oster mràz biting (ali severe) frost; hard (ali sharp) frost
    suh mràz ground frost
    leden mràz frostiness
    trd od mràza numb with cold
    Dedek Mraz Jack Frost
    občutljiv za mràz sensitive to cold
    odporen proti mràzu resistant to cold, cold-resistant
    občutek mràza sensation of cold
    nenaden nastop mràza sudden inroad of cold weather, ZDA cold snap
    val mràza cold wave
    10° mràza 10 degrees of frost
    mràz mi je I am (ali I feel) cold
    mràz mi je v noge my feet are cold
    mràz je danes it is cold today
    mràz me je rezal do kosti the cold pierced me to the bone
    drgetati, tresti se od mràza to shiver with cold
    mràz grize, ščiplje there is a nip in the air
    mràz je kar grizel it was a biting cold
    mràz popušča the cold is abating
    mràz me spreletava I feel cold all over
    mràz me spreleti ob tem that gives me the shivers; it gives me the creeps
    težko prenašati mràz, trpeti od mràza to suffer from the cold
  • pokóra penitence; expiation; penance; atonement

    delati pokóro to atone (za for), to do penance, (za figurativno) to pay for
    delati pokóro (trpeti) za koga to suffer for someone
    naložiti komu pokóro to impose a penance on someone, to give someone a penance
  • pománjkanje want, lack, deficiency, insufficiency, shortage, scarcity, scantiness, absence, default; need; dearth; (revščina) great poverty, indigence

    zaradi pománjkanja for want of
    zaradi pománjkanja goriva due to a shortage of fuel
    zaradi pománjkanja zadostnih dokazov for want of sufficient evidence
    pománjkanje denarja want (ali scarcity) of money
    pománjkanje finančnih sredstev lack of funds
    pománjkanje hrane food shortage, shortage (ali lack) of food
    pománjkanje prometnih sredstev transport shortage, lack of transport
    pománjkanje vitaminov vitamin deficiency
    ne biti vajen pománjkanja to be unaccustomed to hardships
    trpeti veliko pománjkanje to be in great distress
    trpeti pománjkanje česa to be in want of something, to be short of something
    odpomoči pománjkanju to supply a need
    živeti v pománjkanju to live in straitened circumstances
  • Tántal mitologija Tantalus

    Tántalove muke tantalization, torments pl caused by hopes within realization but never realized
    povzročati komu Tántalove muke to tantalize someone
    trpeti Tántalove muke to be tantalized
  • težáva difficulty; hardship; trial; trouble; quandary; embarrassment; crisis; figurativno snag

    v težávi (stiski) in trouble
    denarne težáve embarrassments pl
    biti v denarnih težávah to be in financial difficulties
    delati težáve to raise difficulties, to make trouble
    on skuša delati težáve he tries to make trouble
    žal mi je, da vam delam take težáve (sitnosti) (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
    imeti težáve s policijo to be in trouble with the police
    sam (si) iskati težáve to ask (ali to go looking) for trouble
    težáva je v tem, da... the trouble (ali the snag) is that...
    naleteti na težávo to come up against a difficulty
    na nepričakovano težávo to come up against a snag
    nastopila je neka težáva a difficulty arose
    izogniti se težávi to avoid (ali to evade) difficulty
    biti v (hudih) težávah (figurativno) to be in deep water
    premostiti težáve to get over (ali to overcome) the difficulties
    premagati, prebroditi težávo to surmount a difficulty
    povzročiti komu velike težáve to put someone to much trouble
    prihraniti komu težáve to spare someone trouble
    priti iz težáv to escape from difficulties, (figurativno) to be out of the wood
    smelo se spoprijeti s težávami (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
    zabresti v težáve to get into trouble
    trpeti zaradi prebavnih težáv to suffer from digestive troubles
  • ugovárjanje objection, objecting; protest, protesting; contradiction; gainsaying

    ne trpeti ugovárjanja not to take any backchat, ZDA not to stand for backtalk
  • žéja thirst

    žéja (pohlep) po denarju thirst for money
    ugasniti si žéjo to quench one's thirst
    umirati od žéje to be parched with thirst
    umreti od žéje to die of thirst
    trpeti žéjo to suffer from thirst
    žéja po znanju thirst for knowledge
Število zadetkov: 17