
Zadetki iskanja

  • trgóvski commercial; mercantile, merchant; trade; business-like

    trgóvski adresar trades directory
    trgóvski artikel article of commerce, commodity
    trgóvska akademija school of commerce, business school
    trgóvska aviacija commercial aviation
    trgóvska banka commercial bank, merchant bank, ZDA investment banking house
    trgóvsko blago, roba merchandise, ware(s pl), goods pl, articles pl of commerce
    trgóvska borza (goods) exchange
    trgóvski časopis commercial gazette
    trgóvski dobiček trading profit
    trgóvsko dopisovanje commercial correspondence
    trgóvski družabnik business (ali commercial) partner, business associate
    trgóvski duh commercial spirit
    trgóvska hiša (trading) firm
    trgóvski izraz, têrmin commercial term
    trgóvski izvedenec commercialist
    trgóvska kakovost commercial quality (ali grade)
    trgóvski krogi commercial circles pl
    trgóvsko knjigovodstvo commercial bookkeeping
    trgóvski kredit business loan
    trgóvska ladja merchantman, trader, cargo steamer, trading vessel
    trgóvski list trade journal
    trgóvska luka commercial port
    trgóvska marža trade margin
    trgóvska menica commercial bill
    trgóvsko mesto commercial (ali trading) town
    trgóvska mornarica merchant marine, merchant (ali mercantile) fleet
    trgóvski mešetar broker
    trgóvski običaj usage
    trgóvsko podjetje commercial enterprise
    trgóvski pomočnik shop assistant
    trgóvsko pristanišče commercial (ali trading) seaport
    trgóvska pot trade route
    trgóvski proizvod commercial product
    trgóvsko poročilo trade report
    trgóvsko pismo commercial letter
    trgóvski potnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA drummer, travelling salesman
    trgóvsko poslovanje trading, trading business
    trgóvski posrednik, agent commercial (ali mercantile) agent, factor
    trgóvska pogodba commercial treaty
    trgóvska panoga, veja branch (of trade)
    trgóvski register commercial register, register of companies, ZDA official register of trading associations
    vpisati v trgóvski register to enter in the commercial register, to register, ZDA to incorporate
    trgóvski sejem trade fair
    trgóvsko središče commercial centre (ZDA center)
    trgóvski stan trading class
    trgóvsko sodišče commercial court
    trgóvski stalež (pogovorno) trading community
    trgóvsko skladišče warehouse
    trgóvski sodnik commercial judge
    trgóvska šola school of commerce, ZDA business school
    trgóvska toleranca commercial limit
    trgóvska vrednost commercial value
    trgóvski vajenec apprentice
    trgóvska zadruga cooperative society
    trgóvska znamka trademark
    trgóvski zakon commercial law, mercantile law
    trgóvski zakonik, kodeks commercial code
    trgóvske zveze commercial relations pl, business contacts pl
    trgóvski zastopnik commercial (ali mercantile) agent
  • agént agent; (zastopnik) representative

    policijski agént plain-clothes man
    trgovski agént VB sales representative (pogovorno rep), arhaično commercial traveller, ZDA drummer
    tajni agént secret agent, undercover man
    zavarovalni agént insurance agent
  • časopís (news)paper; journal; periodical; magazine

    dnevno časopísje dailies pl; (službeni, trgovski, vojaški) gazette; organ of the press
    dopisnik časopísa correspondent
    izdajatelj časopísa publisher
    raznašalec časopísov newsboy
    prodajalec časopísov newsagent
    ulični podajalec časopísov newsvendor
    naročnik časopísa subscriber
    naročnina na časopís subscription to a paper
    biti naročen na časopís (na dom) to take a newspaper
    nehati prejemati časopís to discontinue a paper
  • čút sense

    čút za barve, za lepoto sense of colour, of beauty
    čút za čast, za spodobnost sense of honour, of propriety
    jezikovni čút linguistic instinct
    stanovski čút pride of rank
    čút dolžnosti odgovornosti sense of duty, of responsibility
    šesti čút the sixth sense
    trgovski čút commercial instinct
    petero čútov the five senses
    čút sluha the sense of hearing
    nima čúta za humor he has no sense of humour
    ne imeti moralnega čúta to have no moral sense
    nimam čúta za orientacijo I have no sense of direction
  • dopís letter

    trgovski dopís arhaično favour
    Vaš dopís (od 10. t.m.) yours (of the 10th inst.)
    Vaš cenjeni dopís od 3. t.m. your favour of the 3rd inst.
    prejeli smo Vaš dopís od 4. t.m. yours of the 4th inst. is to hand
  • króg1 circle; ring; (delokrog) sphere, province; (družba) company, society, class, set, coterie; (znancev) acquaintance

    družinski króg family circle
    živalski króg zodiac
    zaključen króg (družbe) coterie, clique
    v parlamentarnih krógih in parliamentary circles
    v pristojnih krógih in competent quarters
    trgovski krógi commercial circles pl
    tokovni króg (elektrika) circuit
    začarni króg vicious circle
    króg pri dirkah šport lap, round
    zadnji króg šport last (ali final) lap
    preteči króg v treh minutah to lap the course in three minutes
    za en króg je pred svojim tekmecem he is one lap in front of (ali he has lapped) his rival
    sedeti v krógu to sit in a ring, to sit around in a circle
    delati, opisovati króge (v teku, poletu) to ring
    gibati, premikati se v krógu to go round, to circle, to ring
    plesati v krógu to dance round in a ring
    vrteti se v krógu to turn (ali to rotate, to spin, to twirl) round
    vrteč se v krógu rotatory
    opisati króg to describe a circle
    imeti (temne) króge okrog oči to have (dark) rings round one's eyes
    v političnih krógih in political circles
  • lokál premises pl; room; place; local

    delovni lokál working premises
    trgovski lokál shop, ZDA store; (business) premises, office
  • običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom

    po mojem običáju according to my wont
    dvorski običáj etiquette
    trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
    splošno privzet običáj common practice
    star običáj an old (ancient) usage
    ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
    običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
    to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
    prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
    priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
    običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
    drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
    običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
    nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
    to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
    to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
    to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us
  • pomočník helper, assistant; collaborator; helpmate, mate; supporter

    kleparski pomočník plumber's mate
    trgovski pomočník shop assistant
    mesarski pomočník butcher's boy (ali assistant)
    pomočník direktorja assistant manager
  • pótnik traveller; passenger; tourist; voyager; wayfarer; (v tramvaju, avtobusu) fare

    pótnik brez cilja wanderer
    slepi pótnik (na ladji ipd.) stowaway
    svetovni pótnik globe-trotter
    trgovski pótnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA travelling salesman, pogovorno drummer
    nastavljen je kot trgovski pótnik he is employed as a sales representative
  • predstávnik representative; spokesman, pl -men

    ljudski predstávnik representative of the people
    trgovski (diplomatski) predstávnik commercial (diplomatic) representative
  • próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region

    próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
    brezzračni próstor vacuum
    življenjski próstor living space
    zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
    trgovski próstori business premises pl
    društveni próstori a society's premises
    ni več próstora there is no room left
    próstora je za vse there is room for all
    vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
    napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
    rezervirati próstor to book a seat
    niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
    potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
    omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
    kazenski próstor šport penalty area
  • slóg style; way of writing; (zgradbe) style (of building); figurativno manner

    jasen (klen, težak, kičast) slóg lucid (lapidary, cumbrous, florid) style
    pesniški, vzvišen slóg poetical style
    jeder slóg pithy (ali vigorous, terse) style
    pisarniški slóg official style
    trgovski slóg commercial style
    gotski (visokogotski, poznogotski) slóg Gothic (decorated, perpendicular) style
    normanski, romanski slóg Norman style, Romanesque
    živeti v velikem, razkošnem slógu to live in great, fine style
  • stík contact; connection, connexion; touch; relation; juncture

    brez stíka z out of touch with
    kratek stík (elektrika) short circuit
    prijateljski (trgovski, tesni) stíki friendly (commercial, close) relations pl
    biti v tesnem stíku z to be in close touch with
    biti v stalnem stíku z to keep in touch with
    izgubiti stík z to lose touch with
    navezati poslovne stíke z to establish business contacts with
    priti v stík z to come into contact with, to get in touch with
    navezati stík to establish a connection, to make contact
    imeti stíke z to be in contact with
    stopiti v stíke z to enter into relations with, to enter into connection with
    pretrgati stík to break contact, to cut a connection
    pospeševati stíke to promote (ali to foster) relations
    spraviti koga v stík z to put someone in touch with (ali in contact with)
    vzdrževati prijateljske stíke z to entertain (ali to maintain) friendly relations with
    ne biti več v stíku z to be out of touch with
    kdaj si stopil v stík z njim? when did you contact him?, when did you get in touch with him?
  • tibunál tribunal; court of justice

    trgovski tibunál ZDA tribunal of commerce
  • žargón jargon, slang

    trgovski žargón commercialese
    žargón tatov thieves' cant, thieves' slang
    govoriti v žargónu to use (ali to talk) jargon
Število zadetkov: 16