
Zadetki iskanja

  • tréf (križ pri kartah) club; (karte) clubs pl

    tréf as ace of clubs
  • kárta (zemljevid) map, (pomorska) chart, (iz zraka) air survey map, aerophotogrammetric map; (vstopnica) ticket (of admission)

    Atlantska Karta Atlantic Charter
    kárta cest road map
    avtomobilska kárta motoring map
    igralne kárte playing cards pl
    mesečna kárta (vozovnica) monthly season ticket, ZDA commutation ticket
    krušne (živilske) kárte bread (food) ration cards pl
    vremenska kárta weather map (ali chart)
    hiša iz kart (figurativno) castle in the air
    imena kart so: srce karo, pik, križ (tref) the names of the cards are: hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs
    kup kart a pack of cards
    kárte v roki hand
    visoka (nizka) kárta high (low) card
    kárta s figuro court card, face card
    vedeževalka iz kart fortune-teller
    trik s kártami card-trick
    igrati kárte to play (at) cards
    igrati z odkritimi kártami to lay one's cards on the table, to show one's hand
    igrati svojo zadnjo kárto to play one's last card
    pokazati, odkriti svoje kárte to show one's cards, to reveal one's intentions
    mešati kárte to shuffle the cards
    polagati kárte (za vedeževanje) to tell fortunes by the cards
    (raz)deliti, dati kárte to deal (the cards)
    privzdigniti kárte to cut (the cards)
    skriti, skrivati svoje kárte to hide one's cards
    staviti na napačno kárto (figurativno) to back the wrong horse
    staviti svoje premoženje, svoje vse na eno kárto to stake one's fortune, everything on the turn of a card
    ne stavi vsega na eno kárto! (figurativno) don't put all your eggs in one basket!
    vedeževati iz kart to tell someone's fortune from the cards
    videti komu v kárte (figurativno) to discover someone's plan
    vreči, igrati kárto to discard, to throw out a card, to play a card
    kruh ni več na kárte bread is off the ration
Število zadetkov: 2