
Zadetki iskanja

  • tík1 close by; adjoining

    tík k close to; next to
    smo tík pred vojno we are on the eve of war
    on stanuje tík mene he lives next door
    tík pred mojim odhodom just (ali immediately) before my departure
    mesto je tík pred padcem the fall of the town is imminent
    tík ob hiši je vrt there is a garden adjoining the house
  • tík2 (trzaj) medicina tic; (čudna navada) fancy, whim, pogovorno fad
  • tík3 botanika teak

    tíkov les, tikovina teak
  • pêta heel (tudi pri čevlju, nogavici)

    nizka (visoka) pêta low (high) heel
    čevlji z visokimi pêtmi highheeled shoes pl
    Ahilova pêta Achilles' heel, (občutljivo mesto) (figurativno) tender (ali weak) spot, vulnerable point, weak point
    od glave do pête from head to toe
    na pêtah raztrgane nogavice socks pl worn out at the heel
    on je džentlemen od glave do pête he is every inch a gentleman
    biti (slediti) komu za pêtami to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to dog someone's steps, to be upon someone's heels
    tik za pêtami to come close upon someone's heels, to pursue someone closely
    vedno mi je za pêtami he is always on my heels, he is always following me about (ali dogging my footsteps)
    lizati pête komu (figurativno) to fawn on someone
    napraviti čevlju novo pêto to heel, to reheel a shoe
    pokazati pête (pobrisati jo) to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's heels, to run (ali to get) away
    pête odnesti (figurativno) to escape
    komaj je odnesel pête he narrowly escaped, he had a narrow escape
    sedeti na pêtah to sit on one's heels
    zavrteti se na pêtah to spin round on one's heels
  • préd2 (krajevno) before, in front of; ahead of; (časovno) previous to, up to, prior to; ago, since, back

    préd hišo before (ali in front of) the house
    préd pričami (notarjem) in the presence of witnesses (of a Notary Public)
    dve uri préd časom two hours before time (ZDA ahead of time)
    préd Kristom before Christ (krajšava: B.C.)
    préd polnočjo before midnight
    10 minut préd 9. uro 10 minutes to (ZDA of) nine
    préd poldnevom in the morning, in the forenoon
    préd pol ure (14 dnevi, enim mesecem, dvema letoma) half an hour (a fortnight, a month, two years) ago
    préd kratkim recently, of late, lately
    préd vsem first of all, above all
    (prav) préd mojimi očmi before my very eyes
    ne préd 10. uro not till ten o'clock
    dan préd mojim odhodom the day before (ali previous to) my departure
    préd nekaj urami a few hours back
    delo je bilo gotovo šest mesecev préd planom the work was completed six months ahead of schedule
    on je prav (tik) préd nami he is just ahead of us
    šel je préd menoj he preceded me, he went in front, he led the way
    tekla je préd nami she ran ahead of us
    vlak ne bo odpeljal préd osmo uro the train will not leave till (ali before) 8 o'clock
    imeti kaj préd seboj (figurativno) to have something coming to one, to be in for something
    nimava (nimamo) nobenih skrivnosti drug préd drugim we have no secrets from each other (from one another)
    imeti prednost préd kom to have the advantage of someone
    imeti kaj préd očmi (figurativno) to have (ali to keep) something in mind (ali in view, in sight)
    ne pride mi več préd oči he shuns me
    od teme se ne vidi prst préd očmi it is pitch-dark
    ne bom odpotoval préd enim tednom I shan't start for a week (ali for a week yet)
  • pri at, by, beside; in; with

    tik pri close to (by), (blizu) near, at hand, about
    pri nas in our house, at our place
    pri meni (v žepu) on me, about me
    pri bogu! by the Lord!
    pri kozarcu vina over a glass of wine
    pri prvi priložnosti at the first oportunity
    pri dobrem zdravju in good health
    pri tem vremenu in this weather
    pri mojem stricu (doma) at my uncle's
    pri peku at the baker's
    pri roki at hand; (na pismu)
    pri Brown c/o Brown
    pri sveči by candle-light
    pri moji časti upon my honour
    pri večerji at dinner
    pri delu at work
    pri kom? with whom?, in whose house?
    pri moji duši upon my soul
    pri oknu at (ali near) the window
    pri tej priložnosti on this occasion
    pri kaminu by the fireplace
    pri mojem prihodu (moji vrnitvi) on my arrival (return)
    pri ugodnem vremenu if the weather permits
    pri vsem tem... for all that, notwithstanding
    zelo priljubljen pri very popular with
    bitka pri Verdunu the battle of Verdun
    to je navada pri Italijanih it is a habit with (ali among) the Italians
    pri vsem svojem bogastvu ni srečen despite all his riches he is not happy
    mati je pri dobrem zdravju Mother is in good health
    ne vem, pri čem sem I don't know what the matter is
    on ni pri pravi pameti he is not in his right senses
    imaš kaj denarja pri sebi? have you any money on you?
    nimam drobiža pri sebi I have no change on me
    naročiti pri to order from
    ostal bo pet dni pri nas he will stay five days with us
    deset dni smo preživeli pri njih we spent ten days with them
    pri kom služiš? in whose service are you?
    pri kom stanujete? where (ali with whom) are you staying?
    spati pri odprtem oknu to sleep with the window open
    pri kom se učite nemščine? with whom do you take German lessons?
    utonil je pri kopanju he was drowned while bathing
    vztrajati pri... to stick to...
  • sténa wall

    gorska sténa rock wall
    ločilna sténa partition (wall)
    tik ob sténi close by the wall
    španska sténa folding screen
    sténe hiše outer walls pl
    obesiti na sténo to hang up on the wall
    pritisniti koga ob sténo (zid) to pin someone down
    slikati vraga na sténo (figurativno) to paint the devil blacker than he is
    sténe imajo ušesa (figurativno) walls have ears
    med štirimi sténami (= strogo zaupno) within four walls
    moje besede so bob ob sténo (figurativno) my words are like water off a duck's back
    prav tako bi lahko govoril (gluhi) sténi you might as well talk (ali try talking) to a stone (ali to a cat)
    govoriš gluhi sténi you are talking to a stone wall
  • vôjna war; warfare

    v vôjni in the war, at war, in wartime
    na robu vôjne on the brink of war
    na koncu vôjne at the end of the war
    v primeru vôjne in case of war, in the event of war
    hujskanje k vôjni warmongering
    napoved vôjne declaration of war
    bog vôjne war god
    izbruh vôjne outbreak of war
    opustošen od vôjne ravaged by war, war-ravaged
    besedna vôjna war of words, wordy warfare
    bliskovita vôjna lightning war (= w.), blitzkrieg, blitz
    državljanska vôjna civil w., intestine w.
    ameriška državljanska vôjna American Civil War, War of Secession, War between the States
    gospodarska vôjna economic w.
    gverilska vôjna guerilla warfare
    hladna vôjna cold w.
    križarska vôjna crusade
    tridesetletna vôjna Thirty Years' War
    stoletna vôjna Hundred Years' War
    napadalna vôjna war of aggression
    narodnoosvobodilna vôjna war of (ali struggle for) national liberation
    osvajalna vôjna war of conquest
    obrambna vôjna defensive w.
    osvobodilna vôjna war of liberation
    podmorniška vôjna submarine warfare
    papirnata vôjna paper w.
    pomorska vôjna naval warfare, war at sea
    pozicijska vôjna static warfare
    popolna, splošna (nepopolna, omejena) vôjna allout (limited) warfare
    preventivna vôjna preventive w.
    psihološka vôjna psychological w.
    vôjna do popolne izčrpanosti sovražnika war of attrition
    nasledstvena vôjna war of succession
    vôjna za neodvisnost war of independence
    vôjna do uničenja, do iztrebljenja war of extermination
    sveta vôjna holy war
    ves svet zajemajoča vôjna global warfare
    prva (druga) svetovna vôjna the first World War, World War I, the Great War (the second World War, World War II)
    totalna vôjna total w.
    verska vôjna religious w.
    vôjna v zraku war in the air
    živčna vôjna war of nerves
    vôjna na življenje in smrt war to the death
    to (takšna) je (pač) vôjna such is war
    biti tik pred vôjno to be on the eve of war
    biti v vôjni to be at war with, to make war upon
    iti v vôjno, začeti vôjno, spustiti se v vôjno to go to war (z, proti against), to wage war (z upon, against)
    napovedati vôjno to declare war (neki državi on a country)
    izzvati vôjno to provoke a war
    biti potegnjen v vôjno to drift into war
    prenesti vôjno v sovražnikovo deželo to carry the war into the enemy's country
    preprečiti vôjno to avert a war
    pripravljati vôjno to prepare for war
    sprožiti atomsko vôjno to unleash an atomic war
    stopiti v vôjno to enter a war, to come into a war
    ščuvati k vôjni to incite to war, to agitate for war
    voditi vôjno to war, to wage war
    v ljubezni in v vôjni je vse dovoljeno all is fair in love and war
    vôjna prinese s seboj mnogo zla war brings many evils in its train
  • zôra zòr dawn, dawning; daybreak; pesniško aurora

    ob zôri at dawn
    pred zôro before dawn
    tik pred zôro just before dawn
Število zadetkov: 9