naznániti to announce, to notify; to indicate; to herald; (ovaditi) to inform (against)
naznániti tata to inform against a thief
Zadetki iskanja
- predáti (dati naprej) to hand over; (izročiti) to deliver, to turn over; (prenesti na) to transfer; (trdnjavo) to surrender
predal je posle, podjetje svojemu družabniku he has turned over the business to his partner
tata so predali milici the thief was handed over to the police
predáti se vojska to capitulate, to hoist (ali to show, to wave) the white flag
predáti se na milost in nemilost to surrender unconditionally
predáti se komu to give oneself up to someone
predáti se z dušo in telesom to give oneself body and soul (to)
predáti se pijači to become addicted to drink (mamilom to drugs) - presenétiti to surprise; to take (someone) by surprise; to astonish; to astound, to confound
prijetno koga presenétiti to give someone a pleasant surprise
čisto me je presenetil he took me by surprise, he came upon me unawares
novica me je presenetila the news amazed me
dež nas je presenetil na pol pota the rain caught us when we were halfway there
noč me je presenetila na poti nightfall caught me on my way
smrt ga je presenetila sredi dela death came upon him in the middle of his work
presenétiti (zasačiti) tata (vlomilca) pri samem dejanju to surprise (ali to catch) a thief (a burglar) in the act (ali red-handed)
presenétiti se to be surprised, to be taken by surprise, to be taken unawares - prijéti to take (ali to catch, to get) hold of, to seize; to grasp; to take, to handle
prijéti se za... to clutch at
prijéti za orožje to take up arms
prijéti za nož to seize a knife; (aretirati) to apprehend, to arrest, to take
prijéti za roko to take by the hand
trdo koga prijéti (ošteti) to rebuke someone, to lecture someone, to reprimand someone (za napako for a mistake ali blunder)
prijéti (zgrabiti) bika za rogove (tudi figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
prijéti se to cling, (to), to stick, to adhere (to); (rastlina) to take root
ime se ga je prijelo the name stuck (ali adhered) to him
vsake bilke se prijéti to clutch (ali to grasp) at a straw
prijéti (zasačiti) koga pri tatvini to catch someone stealing
prijéti tata pri dejanju to apprehend (ali catch) a thief in the act
prijéti (zgrabiti) koga za vrat to take someone by the throat
prijéti koga za besedo to take someone at his word
pod pazduho koga prijéti to take someone's arm - zasáčiti to catch; to seize; to take
tata so zasačili pri dejanju the thief was caught red-handed (ali was caught in the very act)
zasačil sem ga na laži I caught him out in a lie
zasáčiti koga pri tatvini to catch someone stealing
zasačil sem ga, ko je kradel cigarete iz moje pisalne mize I caught (ali I found) him stealing cigarettes out of my desk
večkrat smo jih zasačili na laži we have caught them lying (ali caught them out in a lie) more than once
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Število zadetkov: 5