
Zadetki iskanja

  • bájka tale; myth; fairy tale; story

    prazna, gola, čista bájka a mere tale
    pisec bájk mythographer
    pisanje bájk mythography
    pripovedovati bájke (o bogovih, junakih) to mythologize
  • povést story; tale
  • pripóved pripovédka narrative; tale; story; fable
  • stórija story; tale; (čenče) gossip

    izmisliti stórijo to concoct a story
    pripovedovati razburljivo stórijo to spin a yarn
    stórija pravi, da... the story goes that...
    pripovedovalec stórij storyteller
  • zgódba story; tale

    zgódbe pl za otroke tales pl (ali stories pl) for children
    zgódba o Carusu the Caruso story
    smešna, zabavna zgódba funny story
    spolzka zgódba risqué story
    toda to je (že) druga zgódba but that is another story
    kup zgódb pripovedujejo o njem there are lots of stories told about him
    vedno ista zgódba always the same old story
    zgódbe sv. pisma religija Holy Scripture, Bible
    njegova zgódba je bila zelo žalostna his was a very sad story
    zgódbe ni bilo ne konca ne kraja, zgódba se je vlekla brez konca in kraja the story dragged on
  • babaríje old wives' tale; trash; nonsensical talk
  • právljica fairy tale, fairy story; figurativno story; (laž) evfemizem fairy tale, pogovorno fib

    knjiga pravljic book of fairytales
  • bábji of (ali belonging to) an old woman; oldwomanish; like a(n old) woman

    bábje leto Indian (arhaično St. Luke's ali St. Martin's) summer; gossamer; fine days in autumn
    bábje pšeno sleet
    bábje čenče trash, old wives' tale, nonsensical talk
    bábje čenče! stuff and nonsense!
  • fábula (basen) fable

    Ezopove fábule Aesop's fables; (drame itd.) plot, story, story line; (neverjetna zgodba) tale, fiction, story; (laž) fiction, trumped-up story, fable, lie, untruth, falsehood
  • izmísliti to think out; to find out; to invent; to contrive, to devise; (zamisliti) to conceive

    izmísliti si zgodbo to concoct a story (ali a tale)
    izmísliti izgovor to concoct an excuse
  • ljúdski people's, popular; folk(-); national

    ljúdska demokracija people's democracy
    ljúdska država people's state, republic
    ljúdski blagor public welfare
    ljúdska fronta zgodovina popular Front
    ljúdska glasba folk music
    ljúdski govornik popular speaker
    ljúdski glas voice of the people
    ljúdsko glasovanje plebiscite, referendum
    ljúdska izdaja (knjige) popular edition
    ljúdska kuhinja soup-kitchen
    ljúdska noša national costume
    ljúdska pesem folk song
    ljúdski pesnik popular poet, national poet
    ljúdska pripovedka folk tale
    ljúdski ples folk dance
    krajevni ljúdski odbor local people's committee
    ljúdski izraz popular expression
    ljúdska stranka people's party
    ljúdsko štetje census
    izvesti ljúdsko štetje to hold a census
    ljúdski tožilec public prosecutor
    ljúdska šola primary school, zgodovina elementary school, ZDA grade school
    ljúdska knjižnica public library, free library
    ljúdski upor revolution, rising
    ljúdska univerza institute for adult education (ali extra-mural studies)
    ljúdska veselica public merrymaking
    ljúdski zastopnik, predstavnik representative of the people, deputy
    ljúdsko zborovanje public meeting
    ljúdska oblast, vlada people's government, government by the people
  • lóvski hunting; hunter's

    lóvski bičevnik, bič hunting crop (ali whip)
    lóvsko dovoljenje, dovolilnica gamelicence, shooting-licence, gun-licence
    lóvska družba a hunting party
    lóvski čuvaj gamekeeper
    lóvski enosedežnik (letalo) single-seater fighter
    lóvski konj hunter
    lóvski izlet hunting trip
    lóvski naboj sporting (ali shotgun) cartridge
    lóvski nož hunting knife, hanger
    lóvska obleka hunting suit
    lóvska oprema hunting outfit
    lóvski pes hound; sporting dog
    lóvski plen booty; bag; (še ne ulovljen) quarry
    lóvska puška sporting gun (ali rifle), shotgun, (za ptice) fowling piece
    lóvski ples hunt ball
    lóvski gradič, lóvska koča hunting lodge
    lóvska sezona shooting season
    lóvski rog hunting horn, bugle
    lóvski stolček shooting stick
    lóvska suknja, suknjič shooting coat, sports jacket, shooting jacket
    lóvska torba gamebag, hunting bag
    lóvski zakon pravo game law
    lóvski zakupnik game-tenant
    lóvska zgodba hunting story
    lóvska latinščina fisherman's tale
    lóvski krst blooding
    imeti lóvsko srečo to make a good bag
  • natvésti

    natvésti komu kaj to tell someone a tale; pogovorno to bamboozle someone; to make someone believe something; to impose something upon someone
    skušal ti je eno natvésti he was having you on
    eno si mi natvezel you have been telling me a story
    tega mi ne boš natvezel! pogovorno pull the other leg (ali the other one)!; tell me another!
    njemu lahko kaj natvezeš he is easily imposed upon
  • operacíjski operating

    operacíjska dvorana (predavalnica) surgery, operating theatre
    operacíjska miza (soba) operating tale (room)
  • povédati to tell; to say

    povedali so mi tako I was told so
    nekaj ti bom povedal (izdal) I'll tell you what
    povédati svoje ime to give one's name
    ne povej nikomur o mojem prihodu! don't tell anyone I've come
    med nama povedano (pogovorno) between you and me (and the gatepost)
    česa (kaj) ne poveste! you don't say!, you can't be serious!
    komu to poveste (pravite)! you're telling me!
    povédati resnico to tell the truth
    povédati (reči) geslo to give the password
    povej to obzirno! (žargon) put it gently!
    to veliko pové that says a great deal, that tells its own tale
  • róparski (of) robbery; brigandish

    róparska tolpa band of robbers, gang of thieves
    róparska zgodba tale of robbery
    róparski napad robbery, pogovorno holdup, stickup
    róparski vpad incursion, raid, inroad
    róparski vitez zgodovina robber baron
  • tá, tó pl

    tí, té, tá this, pl these; that, pl those
    tale this one, this here
    vse to all this
    to in ono this and that
    g. Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-so
    medtem, med tem časom in the meantime
    pred tem before this
    po tem after this
    v tem primeru in that case
    to jutro (davi) this morning
    to pot (tokrat) edino this once
    v tej (naši) deželi in this land (of ours)
    kljub vsemu temu for all that
    te dni enkrat one of these days
    zlasti to, predvsem to this above all
    to se pravi that is to say
    ta tvoja knjiga this book of yours
    vaše pismo od 13. t.m. your letter of 13th inst. (= instant)
    ni mi za to I am not keen on this (ali that, it)
    mnogo mi je na tem, da... I am particularly keen that...
    tega ne vem I don't know that
    to je moj brat this is my brother
    to so moji otroci these are my children
    govoriti o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem to talk about this, that and the other
    od tega je minulo že 10 let 10 years have passed since that time
    vzemi to knjigo, ne one! take this book, not that one!
  • zímski winter(-); (vreme) wintry; (arhaično) hibernal

    zímski šport(i pl) winter sports pl
    zímski športnik winter sportsman
    zímsko športno področje winter sports region
    zímsko športno središče winter sports centre
    zímski čas winter time
    zímsko jabolko winter apple
    zímska obleka winter clothes pl, winter garments pl, winter dress
    zímski plašč winter overcoat pl
    zímska oprema winter equipment
    zímska pomoč winter relief work
    zímska razprodaja winter clearance sale
    zímska pravljica winter's tale
    zímski semester winter semester
    zímsko spanje winter sleep, hibernation
    zímsko sadje winter fruit
    zímska sezona winter season
    zímski sončni obrat winter solstice
    zímski večer winter evening
    zímski vrt winter garden, conservatory
    zímsko vreme wintry weather
    zímska zaloga winter stock
    zímske zabave winter amusements pl winter pastimes pl
    zímsko zdravilišče winter health-resort
Število zadetkov: 18