takój at once, immediately, presently, instantly, instantaneously, on the instant; directly; on the spot; right away; then and there; straight away, straight off; forthwith; ZDA right off, right away
takój po večerji right after dinner
takój po prejemu naročila immediately (ali at once) upon receipt of the order
takój plačljiva anuiteta immediate annuity
ki stopi takoj v veljavo effective immediately
takój plačati to pay ready money, to pay cash, to pay on the nail
ne morem vam povedati (kar) takój I cannot tell you straight away (ali straight off)
takój bom govoril z njim I shall speak to him right away
smrt je nastopila takój death was instantaneous
Zadetki iskanja
- če if; in case
če ne unless, if not
razen če except when, except if, unless
tudi če even if
celó če even if, even supposing that; though
če že as long as
če slučajno if by chance
če ne bi bilo but for
on bi bil umrl, če ne bi bilo mene he would have died but for me
če le (samó da) provided that
če le pride provided that he comes
če le ni drugače predpisano po zakonu unless otherwise provided by the law
če ne bi bilo... were it not for...
vstani, če ne ne (= sicer) boš zamudil vlak get up, or else you'll miss the train
stori to takoj, če ne ti bo žal do it at once, or else you'll be sorry - drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)
takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry) - máh2 (udarec) stroke, blow, (gib, premik) motion, movement
na máh (takoj) žargon once, in a trice, at one swoop, at a sitting
vse na en máh all at once
na máh sem prebral knjigo I read the hook at a sitting
na máh popiti, izpiti to empty at one draught - mésto1 town; (veliko, VB) city, ZDA (že od 8.000 prebivalcev naprej) city; (kraj) locality, place; (v knjigi) passage; (služba) place, employment, post, (služabniško) situation; spot; stand, point
na méstu (takoj) on the spot, straight (ali right) away
v méstu in town
iz mésta from town
na samem méstu (kraju) pravo on the premises
na mojem méstu in my place
prav na tem méstu in this very place
na prvem méstu in the first place, first and foremost
častno mésto place of honour
glavno mésto capital, metropolis
podeželsko mésto country town
večno mésto the Holy City, Rome
industrijsko mésto manufacturing town
prazno mésto (služba) vacancy
dolnje mésto lower town (ali ZDA downtown)
gornje mésto upper (ali high) town
komandant mésta town major
zrasel v méstu townbred
sva iz istega mésta we are from the same place
ni na méstu (govoriti)... it is inappropriate (to speak)...
tu ni mést, da (bi govoril)... this is not the proper place (to speak)...
opazka ni bila na méstu (umestna) the remark was uncalled for
biti v méstu to be in town
ko bi jaz bil na tvojem méstu if I were in your place (ali position, figurativno shoes), if I were you
ne bi hotel biti na tvojem méstu I wouldn't like to he in your skin
vse mésto govori o tem it is the talk of the town, the whole town's talking about it
iti v mésto to go to (oziroma into) town
ne se ganiti z mésta not to stir
stopati na méstu to mark time
pojdite vsak na svoje mésto! go to your respective places!
potegovati se za kako mésto to apply for a post
postaviti koga na odgovorno mésto to place someone in a responsible position
vlak, ki vozi iz mésta (v mesto, v London) down train (up train)
vznemiriti mésto z velikim hrupom, razgrajanjem to paint the town red - na on, upon; at; in; up, upward; to; over
na cesti on the road
na ulici in the street, ZDA on the street
na deželi in the country
na dvorišču in the courtyard
na desni, na levi on the right, on the left
na desno, na levo to the right, to the left
na kredit, na up on credit
na mojo čast on my honour, honestly
na primer for instance, for example
na morju at sea
na nebu in the sky
na sliki in the picture
na soncu in the sun
na polju in the field
na travniku in the meadow
na (živilskem) trgu at the market-place
na postaji at the station
na mizi on (ali upon) the table
na svetu in the world
na razstavi at the exposition
na minuto a minute, to the minute
na mestu (takoj) on the spot, at once
na moji strani on my side
na obeh straneh on both sides
na ta način in this manner
na najlepši način in the finest manner
na povelje to order
na zemljevidu on the map
na moje priporočilo on (ali upon) my recommendation
na moje presenečenje to my surprise (ali astonishment)
na moj račun at my expense
na moje veliko obžalovanje to my deep regret
na svojo škodo to one's detriment (ali cost ali disadvantage)
na mojo škodo to my cost
na temelju on the grounds of, by virtue of
na mojo sramoto to my disgrace
na srečo fortunately
na slepo blindly, at random, gropingly
na vsak način at any rate, by all means
na noben način on no account
na vrat na nos head over heels, headlong
na svidenje! goodbye!, ZDA goodby!, au revoir!, so long!, see you again!
na prvi pogled at first sight, at first glance
na mojo prošnjo at my request
na vaše priporočilo on the strength of your recommendation
na potovanju in travelling
na stotine by hundreds
dvakrat na dan twice a day
X tolarjev na dan X tolars a day
en četrt na pet a quarter past four
tri četrt na pet a quarter to five
na moje stroške at my expense
vpliv na... influence over (ali on)...
X SIT na uro X tolars per hour
biti na lovu to be out hunting
na tebi je, da rečeš... it is up to you (to say)...
biti na obisku pri kom to stay with someone
biti hud na koga to have a grudge against someone
biti gluh na obe ušesi to be deaf in both ears
na luči mi je (stoji) he is (stands) in my light
kdo je zdaj na vrsti? whose turn is it now?
jaz sem na vrsti it is my turn
ljubosumen je na svojo ženo he is jealous of his wife
slep je na eno oko he is blind in one eye
hrom je na eno nogo he is lame in one leg
moje okno gleda na dvorišče my window looks out on to the backyard
igrati na flavto to play the flute
imeti kaj črno na belem to have something in black and white
imaš velik vpliv nanj you have a great influence over (ali on) him
biti ves dan na nogah to be busy (ali pogovorno on the go) all day long
iti na pošto to go to the post office
iti komu na roko (figurativno) to oblige someone, to help someone, to lend someone a helping hand
osvojiti na juriš trdnjavo to take a fortress by storm
(s)plezati na drevo to climb (up) a tree
motiti se na vsej črti to be mistaken all along the line
verjeti komu na besedo to take someone's word for it
zidati na pesek to build on sand
želim sobo na ulico I want a room overlooking the street
iti na lov to go out hunting
iti na potovanje to go abroad - nató then; afterwards, after that
kmalu nató shortly afterwards; thereupon
takoj, précej nató there and then - odpór resistance; opposition; dislike; disinclination
iz odpóra do in opposition to
gnezdo odpóra pocket of resistance
pasivni odpór passive resistance
splošni ljudski odpór total national defence
čutiti odpór do česa to dislike something
takoj začutiti odpór do koga to take an instant dislike to someone
nuditi komu odpór to offer resistance to someone, to withstand someone
iti po liniji manjšega odpóra to take the line of least resistance
nisem naletel na nikak odpór I met no resistance
naleteti na odpór to meet with (ali to encounter) opposition
naleteli smo na močan odpór we met with vigorous resistance
premagati odpór to overcome resistance
ki ne nudi (nobenega) odpóra resistless
načelo najmanjšega odpóra principle of least resistance - ogréti to warm; to make warm; to heat
ogréti se to warm oneself; to get hot
ogréti se za kaj (figurativno) to warm to something, to take a fancy to something, to take a warm interest in something
ogréti se za svoje delo (za kak predmet) to warm to one's work (to a subject)
takoj se ogréti za kaj to take to something like a duck to water - oprostíti to excuse, to pardon, to forgive; (česa) to exempt (from), to dispense (izpita with an exam); (na sodišču) to acquit; (iz zapora) to release, to set free, to free; (obveznosti) to release; (osvoboditi) to deliver (from), to rid (of), to absolve (from); (spregledati) to condone
oprosti! pardon me!
oprostite, prosim! I beg your pardon, I am sorry, excuse me, Sir (Madam)!
oprosti, da to rečem! pardon my saying so!
oprostili so mi ono pismo I was forgiven that letter
oprostíti koga zaradi pomanjkanja dokazov to give someone the benefit of the doubt
oprostite, da vam nisem takoj odgovoril I must apologize for not having replied at once
oprostíti se to excuse someone, to apologize
oprostite besedi! (opravičilo za nespodobno besedo) saving your presence! - pláčanje plačevánje paying; payment
pláčanje, plačevánje v gotovini cash-down payment, (takoj) (žargon) paying on the nail; (računov) squaring (ali discarge, settlement, clearing, settling) (of accounts)
pláčanje, plačevánje v naturalijah, v naravi payment in kind
pláčanje, plačevánje v obrokih payment by instalments, payment by the hire purchase system
pláčanje, plačevánje po kosu, na akord payment by piece rate
ustavitev plačevanja suspension of payment, stopping of payment - pláčati to pay
pláčati v gotovini to pay cash (down), to pay ready money, (takoj) (žargon) to pay on the nail
vnaprej pláčati to prepay, to pay in advance
pláčati račun to settle (ali to balance, to square) an account, to pay one's score, to pay one's reckoning
pláčati menico to honour a bill
ne pláčati to leave unpaid
pláčati v obrokih to pay by instalments, (v majhnih obrokih) to pay by driblets
pláčati v naturalijah to pay in kind
preveč (premalo) pláčati za delo to overpay (to underpay)
predragó, mastno pláčati to pay through the nose
pláčati previsoko ceno to pay a fancy (ali an exorbitant, an extortionate) price, to pay through the nose
preveč pláčati za blago to be overcharged
ogromno, debelo pláčati to pay a fantastic price
plačati račun, stroške za druge (figurativno) to pay the piper
takoj pláčati to pay cash on the spot, to pay spot cash, to pay cash on the nail
pláčati ob prejemu to pay cash on delivery
preveč sem plačal I was out of pocket, I was overcharged
pláčati za nazaj to repay, to refund, to reimburse
pláčati do zadnjega tolarja (pare) to pay to the last farthing
pláčati stroške to pay (ali to defray) expenses
pláčati pred rokom to anticipate payment
pláčati globo to pay a fine
pláčati upnikom to settle with one's creditors
pláčati komu njegove usluge to reward someone for his services
toliko ne morem pláčati I cannot afford it
za to je treba pláčati carino (ni treba pláčati carine) this is dutiable (dutyfree)
ne morem pláčati I am unable to pay, I am insolvent
vedno sem ti točno plačeval I have always paid you on the nail
plačal sem mu buteljko vina I treated him to a bottle of wine
kdo bo plačal zapitek? who will stand treat?
vsak od naju bo plačal zase we'll each pay his own share, we'll go dutch
za uro sem plačal urarju 50 funtov I paid (ali I gave) the watchmaker fifty pounds for my watch
zmago je plačal s svojim življenjem he paid with his own life for the victory
dragó sem jim plačal za to they made me pay through the nose for it
to mi boš plačal! (figurativno) I'll see you pay for this!, you shall smart for this!
pláčati milo za drago to pay in kind, to repay tit for tat, to get one's own back, to have one's revenge (on), to get even (with)
kdor muziko plačuje, tudi ukazuje (figurativno) who pays the piper calls the tune
natakar, plačati, prosim! waiter, the bill, please! - po after; on, upon; at, by; over; through; according to
po abecednem redu in alphabetical order
po božiču after Christmas
po tej ceni at this price
po 10 tolarjev kos at ten tolars each
po dolžini lengthwise
po dva by twos, two by two, two at a time
po vsej Evropi all over Europe
(samó) po imenu (only) in name
po kopnem in po morju by land and sea
po mestu about (ali through) the town
po vsem mestu all over the town
kot po maslu (figurativno) like clockwork
po kakovosti by quality
po malem little by little, by degrees
po mojem mnenju in my opinion, to my mind
po meri by measure
po modi after the fashion
po naravi from nature
po naročilu by order
narejen po naročilu made to order
po naključju by accident, by chance
po nesreči unfortunately, as ill luck would have it
po možnosti if possible
odvetnik po poklicu lawyer by profession
po navodilu as instructed
po pravilu by rule
po petkrat five times running
po pravici by rights, of right
po mojem računu by my reckoning
po poslu, po poslih on business, on an errand
po rojstvu by birth
imenovan po stricu named after his uncle
po sobi about the room
po vsem svetu all over the world, all the world over
po njegovi smrti after his death
po ulici along the street
po uvidevnosti at discretion
po vodi by water
po tem vzorcu following (ali on, after) this pattern
po vrednosti in value
enak po velikosti equal in size
po deset ur nepretrgoma ten hours at a stretch
po vsem after all
po angleškem zakonu under (the) English law
po zraku by air
po spominu from memory
po planu according to the plan (ali scheme)
po vrsti in order, one after another, every one in his turn
po vaši želji according to your wish
takoj po moji vrnitvi immediately upon my return
po prejemu tega pisma on receipt of this letter
po meni je I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
če bi bilo po tebi, bi se svet podrl if you had your way, the world would go to ruin
če vam je po volji if you choose, if you care
to ni po mojem okusu that is not to my taste
dobivati časopis po pošti to receive one's newspaper by post
igrati po posluhu to play by ear
po starosti sta enaka they are the same age
iti po vodo to fetch water, to go for water
šel je ponj (po njega) he went to fetch him
peti po notah to read music, to sight-read
poslati po zdravnika to send for the doctor
poslali so po zdravnika the doctor has been (oziroma was) sent for
pridi pome (po mene)! come and fetch me!
potoval sem po vsej Afriki I travelled all over Africa
priseči po krivem to perjure oneself, to commit perjury
prišel sem k tebi po nasvet I have come to you for advice
risati po naravi to draw from nature (ali life)
sklepati po čem to infer from
soditi po zunanjosti to judge by appearances
po vsem, kar sem slišal... from all I heard...
sprehajati se po palubi to walk (ali to pace) the deck
sprehajati se, hoditi po soncu (dežju) to walk in the sun (in the rain)
udaril me je po glavi (ustih) he hit me on the head (he struck me in the mouth)
voditi koga po mestu to show someone round the town - pograbíti to seize; to grasp; to take (ali to get, to catch, to lay) hold of
pograbíti priliko, priložnost to seize upon a chance, to seize an opportunity
hlastno pograbíti ponudbo to snap up an offer
(službeno) mesto je bilo takoj pograbljeno the job was snapped up at once
pograbíti koga za vrat to seize someone by the neck - prepoznáti to recognize; to identify
prepoznáti po... to recognise (ali know) (someone) by...
lahko ga prepoznate po njegovem klobuku you can recognise him by his hat
prepoznáti starega znanca to recognize an old acquaintance
danes te ni moč prepoznáti you are not yourself to-day
takoj me je prepoznal he recognised me immediately - príča witness; (očividec) eyewitness
pri tej príči (takoj) at once, immediately, on the spot, pogovorno straight off
bremenilna (razbremenilna) príča witness for the prosecution (witness for the defence)
zaprisežena príča sworn witness; deponent, ZDA affiant
kriva príča perjured witness
poročna príča witness to a marriage
pred príčami in the presence of eyewitnesses
(križno) zasliševanje príče (cross-)examination (ali hearing) of a witness
izpoved príče deposition, evidence, testimony
biti príča to witness
poklicati za príčo call to witness, to call someone in evidence
izjaviti, izpovedati kot príča to witness, to bear witness, to testify, to give evidence
biti zaslišan kot príča to be put into the witness-box
bil sem pozvan kot príča v tej razpravi I was summoned as witness in this trial
príča je bila podkupljena the witness was bribed
pripeljati príče to produce witnesses
zaslišati príče pravo to hear evidence
ne morem ti povedati pri tej príči (kar takoj) pogovorno I can't tell you straight off - prihòd arrival; coming; advent
takoj ob prihòdu immediately upon arrival - razmíšljanje deliberation, reflection; meditation; consideration
brez razmíšljanja (takoj) without hesitation
po zrelem razmíšljanju on second thoughts
rok za razmíšljanje time for consideration (ali reflection) - revólver revolver; gun
ki ima takoj revólver v roki (figurativno) trigger-happy - sedáj now; at present; actually; this moment; at the moment of speaking (oziroma writing)
sedáj ne not at present
do sedáj until now, up to now, up to this time
ravno sedáj just now, this moment
za sedáj for the present, for the time being, for this once, for the nonce
takoj sedáj immediately, instantly, at once
sedáj ali nikoli now or never
od sedáj naprej from now on, from this time on, henceforth, in the future
sedáj...sedáj now... now, sometimes... sometimes, at one time... at another
sedáj to, sedáj ono now this... now that
kaj sedáj? what now?, well then?
sedáj, ko... now that...
sedáj te pa imam! now I have caught you!, pogovorno now I've got you!