têči to run; to flow, to stream; (čas) to go by (ali on), to pass by, to roll by; (stroj) to go, to work, to play; (promet) to circulate; (posoda) to leak, to run out
beseda mu teče gladko he speaks fluently (ali volubly, glibly)
stvar teče gladko things are running smoothly (ali like clockwork), things are going swimmingly (ali without a hitch), it's all plain sailing, VB žargon it's a doddle
kri teče blood is (being) shed (ali spilt)
kri je tekla there has been bloodshed
kri mu teče iz nosa he has a nose bleed, his nose is bleeding
têči v prazno (motor) to idle
zadeva še teče the affair is still continuing (ali is not over yet)
pusti stvari, da tečejo, kot hočejo! let things take their course!
voda teče iz pipe the tap is running
kri, ki mi teče po žilah the blood coursing through my veins
obresti tečejo od 1. maja the interest runs (ali accrues) from May 1st
teči, kot da bi šlo za življenje to run for dear life
Zadetki iskanja
- dólgo
za dólgo for long
že dólgo long, long ago, for a long time
kako dólgo? how long?
dólgo poprej long before
že dólgo (nazaj) for a long time since
kako dólgo že? how long since?
še dólgo ne (daleč proč) far from it, not for a long time, not by a long way
dólgo (je že) tega (that was) long ago
dólgo ga že poznam I have known him a long time
ne dólgo tega not so very long ago
dólgo je že, kar... it is a good while since...
kje si bil tako dólgo? where have you been all this time?
že dólgo ga nisem videl I haven't seen him for a long time, it's a long time since I saw him last
dólgo je že, kar je umrl it is a long time since he died, he died long ago
je že dólgo (od) tega? was this long ago?
kako dólgo te ni bilo! how long you were!
dólgo ga ni bilo he was a long time coming
ne bom dólgo (počakajte hipec) I shan't be long
dólgo me ni bilo tu I have not been here long
to že dólgo vem I have known that (for) a long time
je za dólgo odšel? has he gone for long?
ne morem dólgo (časa) teči I cannot run (ali keep on running) for long
predólgo ste čakali you have waited too long
ne bo več dólgo (pri življenju) he hasn't long to go, he isn't long for this world - hítro quickly, swiftly, rapidly, fast
na hítro in haste
hitro! make haste! quick, be quick!
čas hítro mine pri delu time flies when one is busy
hítro govoriti to speak fast
hítro teči to run fast, to be a fast runner
bodimo nared, pripravimo se čim hitreje let's get ready as soon as we can
to je hítro storjeno that doesn't take long
prehítro greste, hodite za mene you are going (ali walking) too fast for me
človek hítro naredi neumnost you can soon (ali easily) make a silly mistake
kar najhitreje with all possible speed - kolòp (dir) gallop
v kolòpu at a gallop
teči, jezditi v kolòpu to gallop - móč force; tehnika, figurativno power; strength; potency; (krepkost) vigour; (učinkovitost) efficacy; (energija) energy; (velika, nadnaravna) might; (duhovna, duševna) faculty
na vso móč, z vsemi móčmi with all one's might
po svojih najboljših móčeh to the best of one's ability
mišična móč muscular power
čarovna móč magic power
delovna móč working power, worker
delovne móči (delavci) workforce, labour (s konstr. v sg), hands pl, workmen pl
gonilna móč motive power
kupna móč buying (ali purchasing) power
konjska móč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
prebojna móč penetrating power
učna móč qualified teacher
duhovna, duševna móč strength of mind
moška móč vigour, virility
telesna móč physical strength
obrambna móč total defence potential
udarna móč striking (ali hitting) power, striking force, vojska fighting efficiency
ustvarjalna móč creative power
móč usode power of fate
móč volje willpower; strength of mind, faculty of volition
dejanska móč actual power, real power
zakonska móč legal force
móč eksplozije explosive force, violence of an explosion
brez móči powerless, forceless, ineffectual; impotent; (šibak) weak, feeble, (izčrpan) finished, effete
kipeč od móči vigorous
poln móči powerful, vigorous, full of energy
v polni mladostni móči in the full vigour of youth
preizkus móči trial of strength, ZDA pogovorno showdown
drobljenje móči scattering (ali dissipation) of forces
izguba móči loss of strength
po svojih móčeh as one is able
z združenimi móčmi shoulder to shoulder
s poslednjimi móčmi with the remains of one's strength
biti na kraju svojih móči to be worn out, to be exhausted, to reach the end of one's tether
biti v móči (o zakonu) to be in force
to ni v moji móči that's beyond my power
storim vse, kar je v moji móči I do my (very) best, I do my utmost
kakšno móč ima motor? what is the power of the motor? (ali engine)?
ni v moji móči, da bi ti pomagal it is not in my power to help you
ta odlok ima zakonsko móč this decree has the force of law, this decree is binding
nisem imel toliko móči, da bi to naredil I was unable to arrange it
priti zopet k móči to recover (ali to regain) one's strength
móč toka ga je odnesla the rush (ali the sweep) of the current carried him away
to presega moje móči that's too much for me
razviti vso svojo móč to exert all one's strength (ali one's full strength)
teči na vso móč to run at full speed
na vso móč je vlekel he was pulling for all he was worth
zapiskati na vso móč to whistle one's hardest
v slogi je móč unity makes strength - napróti
iti komu napróti to go to meet someone
teči komu napróti to run to meet someone
priti komu napróti to come to meet someone
prišli so nam napróti they came to meet us - pustíti (dopustiti) to allow, to permit, to suffer, to yield, not to mind, not to hinder; to let; (opustiti) to give up (ali over), to leave off; to desist from, to abstain from, to refrain from, to forbear; (zapustiti) to leave, to quit, to relinquish, to abandon, to forsake; (izpustiti, spustiti) to let go, to let fly, to let loose; (prenehati, nehati) to drop, to cease, to omit
pustíti delo (o delavcu) to strike, to go on strike, to come out (on strike)
ne pustíti not to allow, not to permit, not to suffer (ali tolerate), to prevent, to hinder
pustíti koga na cedilu to leave someone in the lurch, to forsake someone, to abandon someone
pusti to! leave it alone!, let it be!
pusti to meni! leave it to me!
pusti me pri miru! leave (ali let) me alone!
pusti, naj gre stvar svojo pot! let it take its course!
pusti to tu! leave that here!
pustite ga noter! let him come in!; let him in!
pustite mi, da premislim! let me think it over!
pusti vrata odprta! leave the door open!
pustimo to za prihodnjič! we will leave that for the next time!
pustite me samega! leave me alone!
pustimo to in govorimo o čem drugem! let's drop it and talk of something else!
mi lahko pustite te dokumente dan ali dva? can you let me have those documents for a day or two?
pustil se je oslepariti he let himself be taken in
pusti si časa za premislek! leave yourself time to think!
to me pusti hladnega it leaves me cold
pustil je, da so ga pretepli he let them beat him
pustíti za seboj to leave behind
moral sem pustíti denarnico doma I must have left my purse at home
pustil je vse druge tekmovalce daleč za seboj he has outdistanced (ali has outstripped) all the other competitors
pustíti si rasti brado to grow a beard
pustíti koga v negotovosti to keep (ali to hold) someone in suspense
pustíti iz vida to lose sight of
pustíti koga čakati (pol ure) to keep someone waiting (for half an hour)
pustíti komu proste roke glede... to let someone have a free hand as regards...
ne more pustíti pijače he cannot break himself of the habit of drinking
pustíti si svetovati to listen to advice
pustíti pri starem to stick to the old ways
to se mu mora pustíti you have to grant him that
pusti, da luč gorí leave the light on!
ne se pustíti videti to keep out of sight
živeti in pustíti živeti! live and let live!
ali pusti ali vzemi! take it or leave it!
pustite dve prazni vrsti! leave two lines blank (ali blank lines)!
je oče pustil kako sporočilo? has Father left a message?
računam nate, zato me ne puščaj na cedilu! I count on you, so don't let me down!
pusti, da kdo drug opravi to! (figurativno) ZDA let George do it!
pustíti stroje teči to let the engines rip
pusti te stvari, kakor so! leave these things as they are!
pustil sem, da je avto drvel s polno hitrostjo (pogovorno) I let her rip
pustíti vprašanje odprto to leave the question open - ráma rame shoulder; anatomija humerus
(stati) z rámo ob rámi (to stand) shoulder to shoulder
izpah ráme dislocation of the shoulder
širokih rámen broadshouldered, square-built
vatirana rámena padded shoulders pl
dvigniti koga na rámena to lift someone shoulder-high
imeti široka rámena to have a broad back
dati puško (poševno) na ráme vojska to slope arms
nositi puško na rámi to carry one's rifle at the slope
nositi otroka na rámah to carry a child piggyback (ali pickaback)
nositi koga na rámenih to carry someone shoulder-high
naprtiti si na rámena (dolg, skrb) to take upon one's shoulders, to shoulder
potrepljati po rámi to tap on the shoulder
sneti komu breme z rámen to disburden someone
skomigniti z rámeni to shrug one's shoulders
teči z rámo ob rami to run neck and neck
vzeti na rámo to shoulder
puško na rámo! vojska shoulder arms! - vzporéden parallel (z with)
biti čemu vzporéden, teči vzporédno z to run parallel with (ali to) - zájec zoologija hare; ZDA (kunec) rabbit; figurativno (bojazljivec) coward
zájec samec male hare, ZDA buck rabbit
zájec za sezuvanje bootjack
boječ, plah kot zájec chickenhearted
lov na zájce hare hunt, hare hunting
teči, bežati kot zájec to run like a hare
ploditi se, množiti se kot zájci (kunci) to breed like rabbits
v tem grmu tiči zájec (figurativno, tu je težava ipd.) there's the rub, that is the crux of the matter, there lies the difficulty, that's where the shoe pinches
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Število zadetkov: 10