
Zadetki iskanja

  • stánje state; condition; (položaj) situation; (okoliščine) circumstances pl

    stánje pripravljenosti alert
    izredno stánje (state of) emergency
    kritično stánje crisis, juncture, turning point
    stánje stvari state of affairs
    dejansko stánje the true (ali actual) state (of affairs)
    duševno stánje frame of mind
    številčno stánje vojske manpower
    zdravstveno stánje state of health
    cesta (hiša) je v dobrem (slabem) stánju the road (the house) is in good (in bad) repair
    držati, vzdrževati v dobrem stánju to keep in (good) repair
    postaviti v prejšnje stánje to restore
    v žalostnem stánju in a sorry (ali sad) plight
  • agregáten aggregate

    agregátno stanje aggregation
  • alármen alarm

    alármna pripravljenost (alarm) alert; standby
    v alármni pripravljenosti on the alert
    ukazati alármno stanje to put (men) on standby, to order (men) to stand to
    alármni znak alarm signal
    alármni zvonec alarm bell
    alármni zvon, alármni znak tocsin
  • blagájna (železna) safe, strongbox; (majhna) money box, cash box; (v trgovini) till; cash desk, cashier's desk, pay desk; cashpoint

    plačajte pri blagájni, prosim pay at the desk, please; please pay the cashier; (v uradu) cashier's office; (gledališka) box office; (železniška) VB booking office, ZDA ticket office
    državna blagájna (redko) fisc, treasury, public purse; (v banki) teller's department
    mala blagájna petty cash
    vojaška blagájna military chest
    bolniška blagájna sick fund, health insurance
    podporna blagájna relief fund
    registracijska blagájna cash register
    stanje blagájne cash balance
    zaključek blagájne closing of accounts, balancing
    skupna blagájna common purse
  • blagájniški cash

    blagájniški deficit deficit, ZDA adverse cash balance
    blagájniška knjiga cash-book
    blagájniška kontrola, revizija cash audit
    blagájniško okence bank counter
    blagájniško poročilo cash report
    blagájniški prejemki cash receipts pl
    blagájniški presežek cash surplus
    blagájniški promet, iztržek cash turnover
    blagájniški revizor auditor
    blagájniško stanje cash balance
    blagájniška tatvina robbing the till
    blagájniški uspeh box-office success
  • bôjen fighting; of combat, combat

    bôjni duh fighting spirit
    bôjna črta firing line, front line
    bôjne čete fighting forces
    bôjni cilj objective
    bôjna enota combat (ali fighting) unit, tactical unit
    bôjno izkustvo combat experience
    bôjni konj war-horse; steed
    bôjni krik battle-cry, war-cry, ZDA (Indijancev) whoop
    bôjna cona combat (ali battle) zone
    bôjno letalo bomber (aircraft)
    bôjna moč fighting power, fighting strength
    bôjna oprema soldier's battle (ali combat) gear
    bôjna pesem war-song
    bôjni ples war-dance
    bôjni pohod (vdor) invasion, descent, raid
    bôjno polje battlefield
    bôjno področje fighting zone, combat theatre, battlefield, forward area
    bôjna postojanka fortified position, stronghold
    bôjni sektor combat sector
    bôjni red order of battle, battle array
    bôjna sekira battle-axe
    bôjni spopad action, engagement
    bôjna sreča fortunes of war
    bôjna sredstva means pl of waging war
    bôjno stanje state of war, war footing
    bôjni voz, bôjno vozilo tank; combat vehicle
    bôjni vrvež (gneča) thick of the fray, din of battle, turmoil of battle
    bôjna zvijača stratagem
    bôjna glava (rakete, torpeda itd.) warhead
  • bolník patient; sick person

    bolníki pl the sick, the ill
    bolník na okrevanju convalescent
    obisk pri bolníku visit to a patient
    pregled bolníkov doctor's round(s)
    bolník gre h koncu the patient is sinking
    bolníku se stanje boljša the patient is on the mend (ali is mending, improving, getting better)
  • defékten faulty, incomplete, insufficient; (telesno, duševno) defective, subnormal

    deféktno stanje defective state, defectiveness
    deféktna organizacija faulty organization
    deféktna roba (škart) rejects
  • dejánski actual, real; virtual

    dejánska hitrost virtual velocity
    dejánski (pravi) razlog the real reason
    dejánsko stanje facts of a case, pravo res gestae
    dejánska vlada the de facto government
    dejánski vodja virtual leader
    dejánski vodja (šef) tvrdke the actual manager of a firm
  • dušéven psychic, psychical; spiritual; mental; intellectual

    dušévna hrana mental (ali spiritual) sustenance, food for the mind
    dušévni bolnik mental patient, mental case, psychopath
    dušévna bolezen mental disease; insanity; psychosis; psychopathy
    nauk o dušévni boleznih psychopathology
    zdravljenje dušévnih bolezni psychotherapy
    dušévno delo intellectual (ali mental) work
    dušévni delavec intellectual
    dušévni mir peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
    dušévna krutost mental cruelty
    dušévna zaostalost mental deficiency
    bolnišnica za dušévne bolezni mental hospital
    dušévno stanje mental state
    dušévna zasužnjenost mental slavery
    dušévno obzorje mental horizon
    dušévna sorodnost congeniality
    dušévne zmožnosti intellectual faculties (ali powers)
    dušévna svežost mental freshness, vivacity
  • embrionálen embryonic; embryo; in embryo

    v embrionálennem stanju in embryo
    embrionálenno stanje embryonic state
  • imovínski (lastninski) proprietary; pecuniary

    imovínske razmere (stanje) pecuniary circumstances pl; means pl; financial circumstances pl; means pl; financial circumstances pl
  • izjémen exceptional

    izjémno stališče exceptional position
    izjémno stanje state of emergency
    izjémno velik outsize (ali outsized)
  • izréden extraordinary; uncommon, unusual; outstanding; remarkable, exceptional; (poseben) special, extra

    izrédna doklada extra allowance, bonus
    izrédno nadarjen človek a man of extraordinary talents
    izrédne lepote of extraordinary (ali striking) beauty
    izrédna podobnost an extraordinary likeness
    izréden uspeh an outstanding success
    izrédni poslanik ambassador extraordinary
    izrédni poslanik in opolnomočeni minister envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
    izrédni profesor (vseučiliški) VB reader, senior lecturer, ZDA associate professor
    izréden zbor, seja delničarjev special meeting of shareholders
    izrédna skupščina extraordinary (general) meeting
    izrédno stanje state of emergency
  • kontemporálen contemporaneous

    kónten trgovina
    kontemporálni izvleček statement of (ali extract from) account
    kontemporálna knjiga account book
    kontemporálno stanje balance
  • krítičen critical; grave, earnest, serious; dangerous; censorious, carping, cavilling; (odločilen) crucial

    krítično stanje a critical state, crisis, critical juncture, pass, pinch
    krítičen položaj a tricky (ali ticklish) situation
    krítičen duh criticalness
    krítični dnevi (bolezni) the crisis, the turning point (of a disease)
    krítična starost (ženske) change of life (of a woman)
    v tem krítičnem času at this juncture
    v teh krítičnih okoliščinah in this emergency
    biti v krítičnem položaju (v stiski) to be in a sticky situation (ali in dire straits)
    stvari so postale krítične things have come to a pass
  • naráven natural; true to nature; (prirojen) innate; (pravi, pristen) genuine, true, inartificial; (iskren) open, frank, sincere, artless; (neprisiljen) unaffected, unconstrained

    narávno čudo prodigy
    narávni dar gift of nature
    narávne lepote natural beauties pl
    narávni nagon instinct
    narávni pojav natural phenomenon, pl -mena
    narávni proizvod natural product
    narávna sila, moč natural force
    narávna selekcija natural selection
    narávno stanje natural state
    narávni zakon law of nature, natural law
    portret (kip) v narávni velikosti life-sized portrait (statue)
    narávne sile physical agents pl
    narávno bogastvo natural resources pl
  • normálen normal; regular, usual, average

    ob normálnih pogojih under normal conditions
    normálni čas po Greenwichu Greenwich (European) Mean Time
    normálni tir standard-gauge track
    normálno stanje normality, normalcy
  • obrámben defensive; protective; done (ali serving) for protection (ali defence); apologetic

    obrámbni govor pravo pleading, speech for the defence (ali in justification of, in support of, in vindication of, in advocacy of)
    obrámbni mehanizem defence mechanism
    obrámbno stanje state of defence
    obrámbna črta line of defence, defence (ali defensive) line
    privzeti obrámbne mere, ukrepe to take defensive measures
  • obséden

    obséden od obsessed by (ali with)
    obséden od fiksne ideje possessed by a fixed idea (ali monomania)
    obséden od hudiča, zlega duha possessed by the devil, by the evil spirit
    obsédeno stanje state of siege