sredíšče centre, ZDA center; central point; focus; figurativno hub
sredíšče mesta the heart of the town
London je sredíšče britanskega imperija London is the hub of the British Empire
sredíšče privlačnosti (težnosti) centre of attraction (of gravity)
sredíšče družbenega življenja the hub of social life
industrijsko (ekonomsko, poslovno) sredíšče industrial (economic, business) centre
sredíšče odpora vojska centre of resistance
sredíšče vesolja the hub of the universe
sredíšče Zemlje centre of the Earth
v sredíšču Novega Yorka in midtown New York
sredíšče tarče bull's eye
zadeti sredíšče tarče to hit the bull's eye
sredíšče nevihte storm centre
raziskovalno sredíšče research centre
velika vseučiliška sredíšča the great universities, the great seats of learning
Zadetki iskanja
- industríjski industrial
industríjska banka industrial bank
industríjska dežela, država industrial country
industríjske delnice industrial shares pl, industrials pl
industríjska firma industrial firm
industríjski kartel (koncern, monopol, okoliš) industrial cartel (concern, monopoly, area)
industríjski kralj, veljak industrial leader, captain of industry, ZDA pogovorno tycoon
industríjsko mesto industrial (ali manufacturing) town
industríjski obrat industrial (ali manufacturing) plant
industríjske obveznice industrial bonds pl
industríjske odplake industrial effluent
industríjsko organizacijsko planiranje industrial engineering
industríjski magnat pogovorno big shot, ZDA pogovorno tycoon
industríjsko podjetje industrial enterprise (ali undertaking), factory, plant, works pl
industríjski potencial industrial potential
industríjsko podorčje industrial area (ali region)
industríjski plin industrial gas
industríjski proizvod industrial product, manufacture
industríjska proizvodnja industrial production, industrial output
industríjska psihologija industrial psychology
industríjske rastline plants pl used for industrial purposes
industríjska razstava industrial exhibition
industríjska revolucija industrial revolution
industríjsko središče industrial centre
industríjski sejem industries fair
industríjska strokovna zveza ZDA industrial association
industríjska šola industrial school
industríjska veja branch of industry, manufacturing branch, industrial division
industríjska zbornica chamber of industry
industríjska četrt (mestna) industrial estate - kultúren cultural; cultured; civilized
zelo kultúren človek a very cultured man
kultúrno delo cultural work
kultúrna izmenjava cultural exchange
kultúrni film educational (ali instructional, documentary) film
kultúrna zgodovina history of civilization
kultúrno središče cultural centre
kultúrna država (narod) civilized state (nation) - ozíroma respectively; or
moja otroka sta stara deset ozíroma štirinajst let my children are ten and fourteen years old respectively
pretekli ozíroma sedanji deležnik the past and present participle respectively
ta avtomobila sta vredna 5.000 ozíroma 7.000 funtov these cars are worth 5,000 and 7,000 pounds respectively
gledališče je ozíroma naj bi bilo središče kulturnega življenja the theatre is or should be a centre of cultural life
spomenik naj bi postavili na trgu ozíroma v parku they should put the monument up in the square or in the park - pozórnost attention; attentiveness
vzbujajoč pozórnost showy
središče pozórnosti centre of attraction, figurativno cynosure (of all eyes)
pozórnost je osredotočena na attention is focused on
osredotočiti pozórnost na to focus (one's) attention on, to concentrate (one's) attention on
biti v napeti pozórnosti to keep one's attention at full stretch
obrniti pozórnost na to turn one's attention to
vso pozórnost obrniti na to pay full attention to
obračam vašo pozórnost na I call (ali I draw) your attention to
pritegniti pozórnost nase to draw someone's attention to oneself
vzbujati pozórnost to attract attention
zbuditi pozórnost to excite curiosity - prosvéten educational, cultural, of civilization; spreading enlightenment (oziroma instruction, knowledge)
prosvétni minister minister of education, VB secretary of state for education and science
prosvétno ministrstvo ministry of education
prosvétno društvo cultural society
prosvétno delo cultural work
prosvétno središče, prosvétni dom cultural centre
prosvétna ustanova cultural institution - tárča target; butt; mark
središče tárče bull's eye
streljanje v tárčo target practice
streljati v tárčo to shoot at a (ali the) target, to have target practice
biti tárča posmeha to be a laughingstock, to be a standing joke
ne bom mu za tárčo (figurativno) I'm not going to be the butt of his ridicule
zadeti v tárčo hit the target - trgóvski commercial; mercantile, merchant; trade; business-like
trgóvski adresar trades directory
trgóvski artikel article of commerce, commodity
trgóvska akademija school of commerce, business school
trgóvska aviacija commercial aviation
trgóvska banka commercial bank, merchant bank, ZDA investment banking house
trgóvsko blago, roba merchandise, ware(s pl), goods pl, articles pl of commerce
trgóvska borza (goods) exchange
trgóvski časopis commercial gazette
trgóvski dobiček trading profit
trgóvsko dopisovanje commercial correspondence
trgóvski družabnik business (ali commercial) partner, business associate
trgóvski duh commercial spirit
trgóvska hiša (trading) firm
trgóvski izraz, têrmin commercial term
trgóvski izvedenec commercialist
trgóvska kakovost commercial quality (ali grade)
trgóvski krogi commercial circles pl
trgóvsko knjigovodstvo commercial bookkeeping
trgóvski kredit business loan
trgóvska ladja merchantman, trader, cargo steamer, trading vessel
trgóvski list trade journal
trgóvska luka commercial port
trgóvska marža trade margin
trgóvska menica commercial bill
trgóvsko mesto commercial (ali trading) town
trgóvska mornarica merchant marine, merchant (ali mercantile) fleet
trgóvski mešetar broker
trgóvski običaj usage
trgóvsko podjetje commercial enterprise
trgóvski pomočnik shop assistant
trgóvsko pristanišče commercial (ali trading) seaport
trgóvska pot trade route
trgóvski proizvod commercial product
trgóvsko poročilo trade report
trgóvsko pismo commercial letter
trgóvski potnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA drummer, travelling salesman
trgóvsko poslovanje trading, trading business
trgóvski posrednik, agent commercial (ali mercantile) agent, factor
trgóvska pogodba commercial treaty
trgóvska panoga, veja branch (of trade)
trgóvski register commercial register, register of companies, ZDA official register of trading associations
vpisati v trgóvski register to enter in the commercial register, to register, ZDA to incorporate
trgóvski sejem trade fair
trgóvsko središče commercial centre (ZDA center)
trgóvski stan trading class
trgóvsko sodišče commercial court
trgóvski stalež (pogovorno) trading community
trgóvsko skladišče warehouse
trgóvski sodnik commercial judge
trgóvska šola school of commerce, ZDA business school
trgóvska toleranca commercial limit
trgóvska vrednost commercial value
trgóvski vajenec apprentice
trgóvska zadruga cooperative society
trgóvska znamka trademark
trgóvski zakon commercial law, mercantile law
trgóvski zakonik, kodeks commercial code
trgóvske zveze commercial relations pl, business contacts pl
trgóvski zastopnik commercial (ali mercantile) agent - zímski winter(-); (vreme) wintry; (arhaično) hibernal
zímski šport(i pl) winter sports pl
zímski športnik winter sportsman
zímsko športno področje winter sports region
zímsko športno središče winter sports centre
zímski čas winter time
zímsko jabolko winter apple
zímska obleka winter clothes pl, winter garments pl, winter dress
zímski plašč winter overcoat pl
zímska oprema winter equipment
zímska pomoč winter relief work
zímska razprodaja winter clearance sale
zímska pravljica winter's tale
zímski semester winter semester
zímsko spanje winter sleep, hibernation
zímsko sadje winter fruit
zímska sezona winter season
zímski sončni obrat winter solstice
zímski večer winter evening
zímski vrt winter garden, conservatory
zímsko vreme wintry weather
zímska zaloga winter stock
zímske zabave winter amusements pl winter pastimes pl
zímsko zdravilišče winter health-resort
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Število zadetkov: 9