spét again; anew; once more; repeatedly; a second time, another time; afresh
spét in spét again and again
spét pokriti to re-cover
spét pojačiti to reinforce
spét se pojaviti to reappear
Zadetki iskanja
- modéren modern; up-to-date; (moda) fashionable, stylish, new-fashioned
modérni časi modern times pl
modérna hiša an up-to-date house
modérna šola (the) modern school
modérna žena (the) new woman
dolga krila so spet postala modérna long skirts have come back into fashion - nôga foot, pl feet; (krak) leg; (klavnih živali) hoof, pl -s, hooves, (za jed) trotter; (čaše) stem, foot; (mize, stola) leg
prednja nôga foreleg
zadnja nôga hind leg
od glave do nôg from head to foot, from top to toe
prekrižanih nôg cross-legged
zaspale nôge (mravljinci v nogah) pins and needles
lahkih nôg light-footed, light-foot
umivanje nôg footwashing
ki ima nôge na O bandy-legged, bandy, bowlegged
nôge na X knock-knees
ki ima nôga na X knock-kneed
že biti na nôgah to be on one's feet
ves dan sem že na nôgah I have been on the go (ali run off my feet) all day
biti z eno nôgo v grobu to have one foot (ali one's feet) in the grave, to be on one's last legs
biti šibak v nôgah to be unsteady (ali groggy) on one's feet (ali pogovorno on one's pins)
on je slab v nôgah (slab hodec, pešec) he is a poor walker
pomagati komu na nôge to help someone up on his feet
sam si pomagati na nôge (figurativno) to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps
obdržati se na nôgah to keep one's legs
metati komu polena pod nôge to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to thwart someone
nôge me bolijo my legs hurt, I have a pain in my legs
on ima umetno nôgo he has an artificial leg
podstaviti komu nôgo to trip someone (up)
postaviti koga na nôge to set someone on his feet
spraviti, postaviti koga zopet na nôge to put someone back on his feet
postaviti se na lastne nôge (figurativno) to stand on one's own two feet
postaviti se spet na nôge to recover one's footing
prestopati se z nôge na nôgo to shift one's weight from one foot to the other
pretegniti si nôge, iztegniti nôge to stretch one's legs
skočiti na nôge to spring (ali to start, to leap) to one's feet
skakati po eni nôgi to hop
stati na šibkih nôgah (figurativno) to stand on a weak foundation
stopiti komu na nôgo to tread upon someone's foot
teptati z nôgami to trample (ali to tread) underfoot
udariti z nôgo ob tla to tap (ali to stamp) one's foot
vidim sledove njegovih nôg v snegu I can see his footprints in the snow
vstati z levo nôgo (figurativno) to get out of bed on the wrong side
nôge so me začele boleti I became footsore
nôga mi je zaspala my leg (ali foot) has gone to sleep
izviniti si nôgo to sprain one's ankle
braniti se z rokami in nôgami proti čemu to fight against something tooth and nail
pasti komu k nôgam to fall at someone's feet
živeti na veliki nôgi (razkošno) to live in grand style
stati na lastnih nôgah to stand on one's own feet, to be on one's own, to be independent - očí eyes pl; (vid) eyesight
med štirimi očmi in private, face to face
pred mojimi očmi before my eyes, in my sight, in my presence
zaradi vaših lepih očí for your blue eyes
boleče očí sore eyes, (od prenapenjana) eye strain
barva očí colour of the eyes
velike in okrogle očí saucer eyes
plamteče (krmežljave, izbuljene) očí flashing (bleary, blear, goggle) eyes
suhe (solzne) očí dry (tearfilled) eyes
na lastne očí, z lastnimi očmi with one's own eyes
prav pred njenimi očmi before her very eyes
slabe očí weak eyes
z odprtimi očmi with open eyes
ki ima dobre (risje) očí keen-eyed (lynx-eyed)
kot bi z očmi trenil (kot bi mignil) in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
paša za očí a sight for sore eyes, a delightful sight
očí so mu bolj lačne kot želodec his eyes are bigger than his belly
same očí in ušesa so ga he is all eyes and ears, he is all attention
z očí brati komu to guess by someone's look, to anticipate someone's wishes
to bíje v očí it offends the eye
to bôde v očí that strikes (ali catches) the eye
gledati smrti v očí to look death in the face
gledati na kaj z drugimi (drugačnimi) očmi to take a different view of something
imeti dobre (slabe) očí (vid) to have good (bad) eyesight
imeti pred očmi to have (ali to bear, to keep) in mind (ali in sight, in view)
vse solzne očí je imela her eyes brimmed with tears
imeti stalno kaj pred očmi not to lose sight of something
imeti očí za lepo(to) to have an eye for the beautiful
imej odprte očí! (pazi se!) keep your weather eye open!
očí si izjokati to cry one's eyes out
očí si drug drugemu izpraskati to scratch each other's eyes out
ne hodi mi pred očí! keep out of my way!, arhaično begone!
izgubiti iz očí to lose sight of, to lose track of
ne izpustiti iz očí to keep one's eye on
ne izpustim ga iz očí I keep an eye on him, I don't trust him out of my sight
povsod imeti svoje očí (figurativno) to have eyes at the back of one's head
mencati, meti si očí to rub one's eyes
napenjati očí to strain one's eyes
izgini mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!
nasuti komu peska v očí (figurativno) to throw sand (ali dust) in someone's eyes, to bamboozle someone, to hoodwink someone
odpreti komu očí to open someone's eyes, to undeceive someone
to mi je odprlo očí that was an eye-opener for me
očí se mi odpirajo (figurativno) I begin to see now
očí sem mu odprl (figurativno) I opened his eyes for him
široko odpreti očí to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
očí so se mu odprle (figurativno) the scales fell from is eyes
pojdi mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!, arhaično begone!
premeriti koga z očmi to eye from head to foot
to pada v očí that leaps to the eye, that hits you in the eye
pasti očí na čem to feast one's eyes on something
pokvariti si očí to spoil one's eyes
povesiti očí to look down
v očí mi je padlo it struck me
ne pridi mi spet pred očí! don't show yourself here again!
to ti povem med štirimi očmi this is for your private ear
z očmi je preletel vrt he cast a glance over the garden
streljati z očmi (figurativno) to shoot glances (na at)
očí si treti to rub one's eyes
upreti očí v to fix one's eye upon, to look fixedly at
škiliti z očmi to squint, to be squint-eyed
očí se mi solzé my eyes are running
kot bi z očmi trenil in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice, in a flash
svojim očem ne verjamem I don't believe my eyes
komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly believe my own eyes
stopiti komu pred očí (figurativno) to face someone
vreči očí na to have an eye for
z lastnimi očmi videti to be an eyewitness
na očeh se mu vidi, da je lopov his eyes show him up for the rogue he is, arhaično bespeak him a rogue
od teme se ne vidi prsta pred očmi it is pitch-dark
videl sem mu na očeh, da laže I could see (ali I saw) from his face that he was lying
na lastne očí sem to videl I saw it with my own eyes
zapreti očí to close one's eyes
preteklo noč nisem mogel zatisniti očí last night I couldn't sleep a wink
zavezati komu očí to hoodwink someone, to blindfold someone
zatisniti očí ob, nad (spregledati) to shut one's eyes to, to turn a blind eye to, to condone, to connive at, to wink at
zapirati očí pred čem to close one's eyes to something
vrana vrani ne izkljuje očí one crow does not peck out another crow's eyes
daleč od očí, daleč od srca out of sight, out of mind - poženíti to marry off (in turn)
otroka sta poženila in zdaj sta spet sama they have married off their children and are now alone again
poženíti se (o moških) to get married (in turn)
sinovi so se poženili the sons got married - razvedríti to divert, to cheer up, to exhilarate; to amuse; (nebo) to clear up, to brighten up
razvedríti se to cheer up, to amuse someone; (nebo) to clear up, to brighten up, to become serene
spet se je razvedrilo the sky (ali the weather) has cleared up again - sápa (dih) breath; exhalation; (veter) wind
brez sápe breathless
iz sápe out of breath
sápo jemajoč breathcatching, breathtaking
v isti sápi (hkrati) in the same breath
izgubiti sápo, biti ob sápo, priti ob sápo to lose one's wind, to have lost one's wind, to get short of breath
priti spet do sápe to recover one's breath, to recover one's wind, to get one's second wind
vzelo mu je sápo (figurativno) he had the wind knocked out of him
sápo vzeti, jemati to take someone's breath away, to stop someone's breath
sápo loviti to catch one's breath, to gasp (ali to pant) for breath
pusti me, da pridem do sápe! will you give me time to breathe?
ne pridem do sápe (figurativno, do oddiha) I have not a moment's leisure
zadrž(ev)ati sápo to hold (ali to bate, to catch) one's breath
ob tem mi zastane sápa (figurativno) that knocks the breath out of me
zapreti komu sápo (figurativno, osupiti) to dumbfound someone - sêbi
priti k sêbi to come to oneself
ko sem prišel k sêbi when I came to (myself)
imam le malo denarja pri sêbi I have only a little money on me
samo o sêbi govoriti to egotize
priti spet k sêbi to recover oneself, to come round
spraviti koga k sêbi to bring someone round - vesél merry, cheerful, gay; glad; joyful, joyous; pleased
veséla družba cheerful company, happy band
vesél božič! (a) merry Christmas!
zelo vesél (židane volje) as merry as the day is long, as pleased as Punch
vesél smeh merry laugh
vesél sem, da vas spet vidim I am glad to see you again
biti vesél česa to be glad about something
veséla novica je prišla k nam včeraj the glad news reached us yesterday - vzéti to take
vzéti si čas to take one's time
vzéti si dopust to take a holiday; to get leave of absence
vzéti (jemati) čas to take up time
vzéti koga v avto to give someone a lift
vzéti eno z drugim to take one thing with another
vzéti v posest to take possession of
vzéti si k srcu to take (something) to heart
vzéti v presojo, v pretres to discuss, to examine
vzéti slovo od to take leave of
vzéti v poštev, v račun to take into account (ali into consideration)
vzéti (smatrati) kaj za samoumevno to take something for granted
vzéti na poskušnjo to take on trial; (ali trgovina on approval)
vzéti (v najem) stanovanje to take a flat
vzéti komu mere za obleko to measure someone for a suit, to take someone's measurements, za obutev to take someone's foot measurements
vzéti (kupiti) vozovnico to take a ticket
vzéti taksi to take a taxi
vzéti na znanje to take notice of
vzéti v najem, v zakup to rent
vzéti koga v službo to engage someone, to take someone into one's service
vzéti strup (zastrupiti se) to take poison
vzéti na kredit to take on credit
vzéti posojilo to raise a loan
vzéti koga za svojega (posvojiti) to adopt someone
vzéti v roke to take in one's hands
vzéti za zlo to take amiss, to take in bad part
vzéti pod streho (koga) to lodge, to take in, to shelter, to give shelter
vzéti nazaj to take back
vzéti življenje takšno, kot je to take the rough with the smooth
narazen vzéti to take apart, to take asunder
vzéti kaj za sveto resnico to take something for gospel truth
vzéti si življenje to take one's (own) life, to commit suicide
vzemi ali pa pusti! take it or leave it!
vzemi dežnik s seboj! take your umbrella!
vzemi to resno! take it seriously!
kakor se vzame (figurativno) that depends
vrag vzemi to! deuce take it!
vzela sta se they got married
tega si ne pustim vzéti I insist on it
vzemi se skupaj! (pridi spet k sebi!) be yourself!
vzemite se skupaj! (figurativno) pull yourself together!
vzemite me s seboj! take me along!
vse so mu vzeli they took everything from him
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Število zadetkov: 10