
Zadetki iskanja

  • sklád

    1. (fond) fund, funds pl

    amortizacijski sklád sinking fund
    skupni sklád joint fund
    bolniški sklád sick fund
    obratovni sklád trading fund, working fund
    pokojninski sklád pension fund
    rezervni sklád reserve fund
    tekoči sklád mobile funds pl

    2. geologija stratum, pl -s, strata; layer

    lega skládov arrangement of strata

    3. (skladanica)

    sklád drv a stack (ali a pile) of firewood

    4. (skladnost) accordance, harmony

    v skládu z in compliance with, in accordance with
    biti v skládu z to harmonize with, to correspond to, to be consistent with
    skušali bomo spraviti vaše želje v sklád z našimi koristmi we shall try to reconcile your wishes with our interests
    to ni v skládu z mojim prepričanjem that is not in accordance with my beliefs
    spraviti v sklád z to harmonize, to reconcile, to bring into harmony with
    delati v skládu to act in conformity with
Število zadetkov: 1