réven poor; indigent, destitute; (brez denarja) penniless; needy; beggarly
réven z poor in, destitute of, void of
réven belec na jugu ZDA poor white
biti réven to be poor
réven kot cerkvena miš as poor as a church mouse
Zadetki iskanja
- gòzd wood, (večji) forest
bukov gòzd beech forest (ali wood)
jelov (smrekov) gòzd fir (pine) wood
hrastov oak forest
topolov gòzd poplar forest (ali wood)
cedrov gòzd cedar forest (ali wood)
gòzd jamborov (figurativno) a trest of masts
neprehoden gòzd, gòzd brez poti an impenetrable forest
reven z gòzdovi poor in forests, poorly forested
iglasti gòzd coniferous trees
poraščen z gòzdom, -ovi wooded, afforested, timbered
zaščiten mlad gòzd young forest plantation
gost gòzd dense forest
sekati gòzd to fell trees, to deforest
krčiti, redčiti gòzd to clear land
zopet (za)saditi gòzd (pogozditi) to re-afforest
pragozd virgin forest, primeval forest
od samih dreves ne vidiš gozda you can't see the wood for the trees - medtém in the meantime; meanwhile; in the interval; ZDA betweentimes
medtém se je zgodilo mnogo stvari many things have happened in between, much water has flown under the bridge
kje boš ti medtém where will you be meanwhile
medtém ko while, whilst
medtém ko delam while I work
njegov brat je bogat, medtém ko je on reven his brother is rich while he is poor - míš zoologija mouse, pl mice
poljska míš field mouse
gorska míš (egiptovski skakač) jerboa
vodna míš shrew mouse
slepe míši (igra) blind man's buff
ne ptič ne míš neither fish, flesh nor fowl
moker sem kot míš (figurativno) I am soaking wet
bil je moker kot míš he was soaked to the skin
reven kot cerkvena míš as poor as a church mouse
igrati se slepe míši to play blind man's buff
loviti míši to catch mice, (maček) to mouse
prežati kot mačka na míš to watch like a cat watching a mouse
videti bele míši (imeti delirium tremens) (žargon) to see pink elephants
kadar mačke ni doma, míši plešejo when the cat's away the mice will play
tresla se gora, rodila se míš (figurativno) the mountain has laboured, the mountain has brought forth a mouse - nájsi (čeprav) although, though
nájsi je še tako reven however poor he may be, poor as he is
nájsi nas je še tako malo, branili bomo svojo zemljo few as we are we shall defend our country - padavína precipitation; precipitate
padavíne pl atmospheric precipitations pl, rainfall and snowfall
reven s padavínami with a low rainfall, (suh) dry
letna množina padavín annual rainfall
merilec padavín rain gauge - postáti1 (postanem) to become; to get; (sčasoma) to grow (up, out of); to rise; (nenadoma) to turn, to turn out, to prove
postáti bogat to become (ali to grow) rich
postáti hud, jezen to get angry
postáti lačen (reven, star) to get hungry (poor, old)
postáti mlajši to grow younger
postáti običajen to become common
postáti slabši to grow worse, to worsen
postáti zdravnik to become a doctor
mraz (pozno, temno) postaja it is getting cold (late, dark)
postal je bled he went (ali turned, grew) pale
Napoleon je postal cesar Napoleon became emperor
postal je katolik he has turned Catholic
kaj hoče on postáti? what is he going to be?
kaj je postal (on) (kaj je z njim)? what has become of him?, what ever became of him? - rúda ore
bakrena, železna rúda copper ore, iron ore
reven z rúdo yielding poor ore
kopanje rúde output of ore
ležišče, najdišče rúde ore deposit
izpiranje rúde ore dressing
vsebujoč rúdo containing ore, ore-bearing
pralnica rúde ore-washing plant
slediti rúdo to prospect - žvêplo kemija sulphur; ZDA sulfur; arhaično brimstone
žvêplu podoben sulphurous, sulphureous
dodajanje žvêpla sulphuration
žvêplo v palicah stick sulphur, sulphur rolls pl
rudnik žvêpla sulphur mine
vsebujoč žvêplo sulphuric, sulphurous
reven z žvêplom poor in sulphur
izvir, vrelec žvêpla sulphur spring
vezan z žvêplom sulphuretted
rafinerija žvêpla sulphur refinery
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Število zadetkov: 9