
Zadetki iskanja

  • ravnáti (kar je ukrivljeno) to straighten, to make even, to even; (sploščiti) to flatten; (tla) to level

    ravnáti se po kom to follow someone's example; figurativno to proceed, to act
    ravnáti s kom to have dealings with someone, to deal with someone, (kot as)
    slabo ravnáti s kom to treat someone badly, to ill-treat someone, to ill-use someone, (v zaporu) to manhandle someone
    ravnáti se po pravilu to conform to the rules
    ravnáti se po navodilih to act according to instructions
    morate se ravnáti po drugih you must (try to) fit in with the others
    moda se ravna po njej she is in the forefront of fashion
    slabo ravnajo z njim they maltreat him
    ravnáti s čim to handle, to manage something
    ravnali se bomo po vaših željah we shall be guided by your wishes, we shall conform entirely to your wishes
    pošteno ravnáti s kom to treat someone decently, (figurativno) to play ball with someone
    ravnáti se po zakonu to abide by the law
  • brezúmen unreasonable; contrary to reason; foolish, crazy; absurd; (ves iz sebe) distracted, out of one's mind; frantic; mad as a March hare

    brezumno ravnati to work frantically
  • diplomátski diplomatic

    obnovitev diplomátskih odnosov resumption of diplomatic relations (z with)
    diplomátski zbor the diplomatic corps
    diplomátsko predstavništvo, zastopstvo diplomatic mission (ali representation)
    po diplomátski poti through diplomatic channels
    pretrgati diplomátske odnose to break off (ali to sever) diplomatic relations
    diplomátsko (prislov) diplomatically
    diplomátsko ravnati, postopati to behave with tact (ali diplomacy)
  • drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)

    takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
    drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
    to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
    v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
    čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
    če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
    na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
    drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
    sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
    drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
    ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
    stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry)
  • grób -a, -o (surov) brutal; (osoren) bluff; gruff; (vedenje) rude, unmannerly, ill-bred; (neotesan) unpolished, boorish, uncouth, vulgar, churlish; (tkanina) coarse, rough, thick

    v grób, -a, -oem stanju in a rough state
    z grób, -a, -oim glasom in a rough voice
    grób, -a, -oo obdelan rough and ready
    grób, -a, -o glas gruff voice
    grób, -a, -oa dela, grób, -a, -oo delo rough work, drudgery
    ženska za grób, -a, -oa dela charwomam, pl -women, pogovorno char, evfemizem cleaning lady
    grób, -a, -oo (prostaško) govorjenje rude (ali vulgar) language
    grób, -a, -oo ravnati s kom to illtreat someone, to maltreat someone, to handle someone roughly, to manhandle someone
    grób, -a, -oó igrati šport to play rough
  • impulzíven impulsive

    impulzíven človek impulsive person
    impulzívno ravnati to act on the spur of the moment
  • kolegiálen collegial; (tovariški) comradely; loyal to one's mates (ali fellows, chums), behaving like a good comrade (ali fellow, chum, pal)

    kolegiálno ravnati to act as a good colleague
  • móda fashion; vogue; mode; style

    iz móde out of fashion; outmoded
    v módi in fashion, in vogue, fashionable
    po módi fashionably
    po najnovejši módi up-to date in style, in the latest fashion
    najnovejša móda the latest fashion, new look
    po stari módi (staromoden) old-fashioned
    narejen po zadnji módi made in the latest style
    zadnji krik móde (ZDA pogovorno) the last word (ali the latest thing) in fashion
    to ni več v módi that is no longer the fashion, that has gone out of fashion
    to je bila móda pred 30 leti that was in fashion thirty years ago
    to je v módi letos it is the fashion this year
    v módi so kratka krila short skirts are in (ali are all the rage)
    biti v módi to be in fashion, to be in great demand
    priti v módo to come into fashion
    priti zopet v módo to come back into fashion
    priti iz móde to go out of fashion
    prinesti v módo to bring into fashion, to launch a fashion
    to pri nas ni v módi that is not the fashion here
    ona se oblači po zadnji módi she dresses in the latest fashion
    slediti módi, spremljati módo, ravnati se po módi to follow the fashion
    voditi v módi to set the fashion
    vpeljati novo módo to set a new fashion
    kupila si bo klobuk po módi she will buy a smart (ali stylish, modish) hat
  • nagónski instinctive; done (ali caused) by instinct

    nagónsko prislov by instinct, instinctively
    nagónsko ravnati to act on instinct
  • namíg hint; tip; wink; cue

    razumeti namíg to take the hint
    ravnati se po namígu to take up the cue
  • nasvèt piece of advice; (splošno) advice; counsel; (ideja) suggestion

    po nasvètu advised by
    na njen nasvèt on her advice, at her suggestion
    dal mi je dober nasvèt he has given me some good advice
    poslušaj moj nasvèt! take my advice!, be advised by me!
    prišel sem k tebi po nasvèt I have come to you for advice
    vprašati koga za nasvèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
    ravnati se po nasvètu to follow someone's advice, to take someone's advice, to take advice from someone
  • pámeten reasonable, sensible, wise, judicious, intelligent, prudent; clever, rational; pogovorno brainy

    pámeten človek a man of sense
    vsak pámeten človek any man in his right senses...
    pámetna misel a sound (ali sensible) idea
    pámetno gledišče (stališče, vidik) a sensible point of view
    bodi no pámeten! use your brains (ali intelligence)!, be sensible!, be reasonable!
    biti pámeten to be sensible (ali reasonable), to have one's wits about one
    pámetno ravnati to act sensibly
    imeti zelo pámetne nazore o življenju to have very sound ideas on life
    kar govoriš, je pámetno what you say is sound
    pámetno govoriti to speak wisely, to talk sense, to speak reasonably
    mislim, da boš tako pámeten, da ne boš šel tja I suppose you will know better than go there
    storil bom vse, kar se mi bo zdelo pámetno I will do anything in reason
    pámetno je, kar praviš there is reason in what you say
    poslušati pámeten nasvet to listen to reason
    pametnejši popustí the wiser head gives in
    lahkó je biti pámet, ko je že storjeno hindsight is easier than foresight, it's easy to be wise after the event
  • poštêno prislov honestly, fair, honourably, fair and square; above board, squarely, loyally

    poštêno ravnati to act honestly, to play fair
    (bodi) poštêno povedano (it should) in fairness (be) said
    poštêno se lotiti dela to set to work in earnest
    poštêno vzeti pot pod noge to put one's best foot forward
  • pravíčno prislov justly; impartially; rightly; equitably

    pravíčno s kom ravnati to treat someone fairly
  • preudárek consideration; discretion

    po zrelem preudárku on mature consideration, all things considered
    ravnati po lastnem preudárku to use one's own discretion
  • rokavíca glove

    boksarske rokavíce boxing gloves pl, mittens pl
    rokavíca za mečevanje fencing glove
    glacé rokavíce kid gloves pl; (palčnik) mitten, mitt
    viteška, železna rokavíca gauntlet
    pletene rokavíce knitted gloves
    podložene rokavíce lined gloves
    toaletna rokavíca washingglove, glove-sponge
    usnjene rokavíce leather gloves
    katero velikost rokavíc imate? what size do you take in gloves?
    izgubil sem par k tej rokavíci I have lost the companion to this glove
    natakniti rokavíce to pull on (ali to put on) one's gloves
    odložiti, sleči rokavíce to pull off (ali to take off) one's gloves
    z rokavícami ravnati s kom to handle someone with kid gloves
    obravnavati stvar brez rokavíc (figurativno) to handle a matter with the gloves off
    ta obleka se ti prilega kot rokavíca that dress fits you like a glove
    vreči komu rokavíco (figurativno, izzvati) to throw down (ali to cast down) the gauntlet, to challenge
  • slabó prislov badly, ill, unwell; weakly, poorly

    slabó hranjen undernourished
    slabó mi je I feel sick
    z njim je slabó he is badly off (ali hard up), things go very ill with him
    slabó govorim angleško I can't speak English very well, my English is rather weak
    on je slabó plačan he is underpaid
    posli gredó slabó business is bad
    slabó govoriti o kom to speak ill of someone
    slabó se je izkazal, obnesel he cut a poor (ali sorry) figure
    slabó se je končalo it turned out badly, pogovorno it came unstuck
    slabó se počutim I feel unwell
    slabó mi je postalo ob tem pogledu I felt sick at the sight (of it)
    on slabó sliši he is hard of hearing
    ona slabó vidi she has poor sight
    moj brat se slabó uči my brother is a poor scholar
    slabó se obnášati, se vesti to behave badly
    slabó ravnati s kom to ill-treat someone
  • spoštljív respectful (do to); deferential (to)

    spoštljíve manire deferential manners pl
    spoštljívo ravnati s kom to treat someone with respect
    izročite očetu moje spoštljíve pozdrave! give my respects to your father!
  • strást passion; vehement desire; violent impulse; (gorečnost) keenness; (spolna) sensuality, lust, libido

    brzdati svoje strásti to check (ali to temper) one's passions (ali appetites)
    vdajati se strástem to give way to one's passions
    kajenje (branje) je pri njem prava strást smoking (reading) is a passion with him
    izbruh strásti a burst of passion
    prevzet, obseden od strásti passion-ridden
    strást za igranje, igralska strást passion (ali craze, fondness) for games (ali gaming)
    njegova glavna strást his ruling passion
    ravnati, storiti v strásti to act impulsively
    soditi brez strásti to judge dispassionately
    on je suženj svojih strásti he is a slave to his passions
  • stróg severe; rigorous; hard; strict

    stróga dieta strict diet
    stróg izpit hard (ali pogovorno tough) examination
    stróga kritika severe criticism
    stróg sodnik severe judge
    stróga preiskava severe inquiry
    strógi ukrepi rigorous measures pl
    strógi zakoni rigorous laws pl
    stróga zima severe winter
    stróge zahteve, pogoji severe requirements pl
    strógo prepovedano strictly forbidden
    on je stróg s svojimi otroki he is harsh with his children
    strógo se držati resnice to adhere strictly to the truth
    strógo ravnati s kom to deal harshly with someone