rábiti to use, to make use of; to avail someone (of)
čému rabi to? what is this for?
to se je mnogo rabilo this has seen much service
ne se več rábiti to be out of use, to fall into disuse, to be disused (ali discarded, discontinued)
rábiti se to be used (ali in use, employed)
tega avtomobila ne rabim (= ne potrebujem, nimam kaj početi z njim) I have no use for this car
vsak dan se rábiti to be in daily use
Zadetki iskanja
- komólec elbow
rabiti komólce, suvati s komólci to elbow
dregniti s komólcem koga to nudge someone
sloneti na komólcih to lean on one's elbows
s komólci se je prerinil v sobo he elbowed himself (ali jostled his way) into the room
utirati si pot skozi množico s komólci to elbow one's way through the crowd
dregljaj s komólcem nudge - kómparativ gramatika comparative
pridevnik v kómparativu a comparative adjective
rabiti... v kómparativu to use in the comparative - namèn intention; purpose; end
v ta namèn for this purpose
v kakšen namèn? with what purpose, arhaično to what end?
z namènom, da... with the intention of (ali with a view to) (bi šli going)
namèn je jasen the intention is obvious
imeti namèn to plan, to intend
imeti skrite namène (žargon) to have something up one's sleeve
ustrezati namènu to answer the purpose
že nekaj dni imam namèn dati uro v popravilo I've been meaning to get my watch repaired for days
namèn posvečuje sredstva the end justifies (ali arhaično sanctifies) the means
nimam namèna, da bi vas žalil I have no wish to offend you
nimamo namèna, da bi odgovorili na to vprašanje we do not intend to answer (ali we have not the slightest intention of answering) this question
prišel sem z namènom, da bi govoril s teboj I came to have a word with you
rekel je to brez kakršnegakoli namèna he said that with no ulterior motive
ima najboljše namène he has the best intentions
ustrezati (služiti rabiti) namènu to answer (to serve) the purpose - vzórec sample; pattern; specimen; sampler
po vzórcu on the pattern of, up to sample, as per sample
vzórec brez vrednosti samples only
poslati kot vzórec brez vrednosti to send by pattern (ali sample) post
knjiga vzórcev specimen (ali pattern) book
karta vzórcev sample card
kupiti na podlagi vzórca to buy by sample
poslan (po pošti) kot vzórec brez vrednosti sent by sample post
izbrati za vzórec, vzeti vzórec (česa), rabiti kot vzórec za to sample
po kakovosti ne ustrezati vzórcu not to match the sample(s) in quality
kakovost poslanega blaga ne ustreza vzórcu the goods sent are not up to the sample (ali are inferior to sample)
vzórec brez vrednosti! (napis na pošiljki) samples only!
držati se vzórca, slediti vzórcu to follow the pattern
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Število zadetkov: 5