Zadetki iskanja
- prodájati ➞ prodati
- céna price; cost; (vrednost) value; (kura) rate
za céno od at the price of
za nobeno céno (figurativno) not at any price, not for all the world, not for anything, not on any account, not for worlds
za vsako céno at any price (ali cost)
za smešno céno (figurativno) for a (mere) song
po lastni céni at cost price
po znižani céni at a reduced price
za polovično céno (at) half-price
po najnižjih cénh (žargon) at cutthroat prices
enotna (nizka, stalna, visoka, zadnja, maksimirana) céna single (low, firm ali stable, high, reserve, controlled) price
nabavna (prodajna, tovarniška, uradna) céna purchase (selling, factory ali ex works, official) price
polovična céna half (the) price
pretirana céna exorbitant (ali extravagant ali unreasonable ali fancy) price
zmerna céna moderate (reasonable, fair) price
brezobvezna céna provisional price
slepa céna cut price, ZDA cutrate price
tržna céna market (ali current) price
trdne céne (brez popusta) fixed prices (no discount allowed)
naraščajoče céne soaring prices
nedostopne, previsoke céne prohibitive prices
rastoče (padajoče) céne rising (falling) prices
najnižja céna the lowest price, floor price, bottom price, ZDA rock-bottom price
realne céne fair prices
dnevna céna current price
porast, dvig cen rise in prices; price increase (s), price rise (s)
padec cen fall in prices, (nenaden) price slump
znižanje cen reduction (ali cutting) of prices, price cuts
zvišanje cen rise in prices, price rise, increase in prices, price increase
kontrola cen price control
listek z označeno céno price mark, price-tag
céne se dvigajo prices are on the rise
zvišati, dvigniti céne to raise prices
pognati céne kvišku to push up prices, to inflate prices
določiti céne to fix prices
prodajati pod céno to sell for less than the market value, to undersell
céne padajo prices are falling ali dropping, (naglo) there is a price slump
pogajati se za céno to bargain
céne se gibljejo od... do... prices range from... to...
zahtevati previsoko céno od koga to overcharge someone
potisniti céne navzdol to force prices down
znižati céne to lower (ali to cut down ali to reduce) the prices
znižati céno za 20 penijev pri funtu to cut the price by 20 pence (20 p.) a lb.
sprostiti (odmrzniti) céne to unfreeze prices
navi(jati) céne to force up prices
znižati céne z intervencijo države to force down prices - čéz over; across; past, after; beyond
čéz in čéz all over
čéz dan during the day
čéz noč during the night
čéz teden dni a week today, this day week
čéz 14 dni a fortnight today, this day fortnight
čéz 3 tedne three weeks today
čéz zimo during the winter
star čéz 50 let on the wrong (ali shady) side of fifty
biti čéz 50 let star to be over fifty
čéz 1.000 over (ali above) a thousand, a thousand odd
čéz mero excessively, inordinately
čéz vse mere beyond measure
čéz polovico a good half
čéz vse more than anything
nekaj minut čéz osmo uro a few minutes past eight
čéz hribe in doline through the length and breadth of the country
iti čéz to pass
iti čéz reko to cross the river
nič ni čéz naravo there is nothing like nature
potovati čéz Pariz to go by way of Paris, to go via Paris
prodajati vino čéz cesto to sell wine off licence - dêbel (oseba) fat, stout, thickset, corpulent, obese, portly, big; bulky; (zid ipd.) thick; (platno) coarse; (papir) stout, heavy; (glas) thick, deep; (laž) big
dêbelo črevo large gut, rectum, pl -cta
dêbela knjiga a big (voluminous) book
dêbela laž a big (ali gross) lie; pogovorno a thumping great lie, ZDA pogovorno a whopper
dêbel glas a deep voice
dêbel mož(akar) a fat (ali stout) man
dêbele ustnice blubber lips pl
to je dêbela zgodba that's a tall story
na dêbelo trgovina wholesale
trgovec na dêbelo wholesale dealer, wholesale trader, merchant; wholesaler
trgovina na dêbelo wholesale trade
dêbelo gledati figurativno to stare, to stare in amazement, to goggle
imeti dêbelo kožo figurativno to have a thick skin
kupovati na dêbelo to buy wholesale
kupec na dêbelo wholesale buyer
prodajati na dêbelo to wholesale
nakup, nabava na dêbelo wholesale purchase - drág dear; (necenén) expensive; dear; costly
drág kamen a precious stone
drága večerja an expensive dinner
dráge volje willingly, readily; with a good grace
knjiga je drága the book is expensive (ali dear)
moj drági! my dear!
drági moj prijatelj! my dear friend!
vino je tu zelo drágo wine is very dear here
drágo mi je I am glad (ali pleased)
napravite, kot Vam je drágo do as you like, do just as you please
če ti je življenje drágo if you value your life
karkoli ti je drágo anything you like
to mi je predrago this is too expensive for me
to je eden najdražjih hotelov v Parizu it is one of the most expensive hotels in paris
vrnil sem mu milo za drágo I paid him in his own coin, I gave him tit for tat; I got even with him
to je tisto, kar mi je najdražje na svetu that is what I hold dearest on earth
drágó prodajati to sell dear
to te bo drágó stalo it will cost you dear
drágó je to plačal he paid dear for it
to mi bo drágo plačal I'll take it out of him, I'll make him pay dearly (ali dear) for it - dróben tiny; small, little; puny; thin, minute; wee; slim, slender; slight; undersized
dróben denar small coin
prodajalec, trgovec na dróbno retail dealer, retailer
kupiti na dróbno to buy by retail
prodajalna, trgovina na dróbno retail store
prodajati na dróbno to sell by retail
prodajati na debelo in na dróbno to sell both wholesale and retail - fúnt (angleški denar) pound (sterling); (teža, utež, 453,59 g) pound
fúnt šterling pound sterling
bankovec za 5 fúntov a five-pound note
plačati 20 penijev za fúnt to pay twenty pence in the pound
prodajati na fúnte (teža) to sell by the pound
maslo stane devetdeset penijev fúnt the butter costs ninety pence a pound - komád (kos) piece
po komádih piecemeal, piece by piece
po 1 tolar komád at a tolar each
gledališki komád play, piece
prodajati po komádih to sell by the piece - kós2 (komad) piece; (velik) chunk; (tanka rezina) slice; (del) part; (sladkorja) lump; (predmet) article
kós pohištva piece (ali pogovorno stick) of furniture; (glasbeni) piece (of music); (poti) stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch, plot
po kósu apiece, each
kós za kósom piece by piece, piecemeal
na kóse to pieces
kós mila a cake of soap
kós zemlje a plot (ali a piece, a patch) of land (ali of ground)
po čem je kós? how much apiece?
prodajajo se po kósu they are sold separately (ali singly)
blago (tekstil) po kósu piece goods pl
po tri funte kós at three pounds each
delo po kósu piecework, paid for piece rate (ali by the piece)
iz enega kósa of one piece
delati po kósu, od kósa (na akord) to do piecework, to work piece rate
hiša razpada kós za kósom the house is crumbling away bit by bit
razpasti na kóse to fall to (ali to break into) pieces
raztrgati na kóse to tear (ali to cut) to pieces, (skritizirati) to pull to pieces, to pick holes in
prodajati po kósu (na drobno) to sell by retail, to retail
razstaviti na kóse (demontirati) to take to pieces
razbiti na kóse to smash in pieces - méd -ú honey
gozdni, divji méd, -ú wild honey
turški méd, -ú Turkish delight
méd, -ú v satovju honey in the comb
tekoč méd, -ú liquid honey, pure honey
trcan méd, -ú strained honey
sladek kot méd, -ú sweet as honey, honey-sweet
méd, -ú in mleko milk and honey
iti, prodajati se za méd, -ú (figurativno) to sell like hot cakes
to gre za méd, -ú (figurativno) it's going like hot cakes
nabirati méd, -ú to gather honey
dežela, kjer se cedita méd, -ú in mleko a land flowing with milk and honey - píka (ločilo) full stop, stop, ZDA period; (na črki) dot; point
decimalna píka decimal point, point (2.5 = two point five)
prodajati na píke (točke) to sell on points
imeti koga na píki (figurativno) to bear (ali to owe) someone a grudge, to bear someone ill will, to have a grudge against someone, (pogovorno) to have a down on someone
vzeti koga na píko to seek out someone, ZDA žargon to put someone on the spot
tebe ima na píki he's gunning for you, he's got it in for you - pívo beer
svetlo pívo pale ale; VB ale, (zlasti točeno) bitter
temno pívo dark beer, (zlasti točeno, slabo) VB mild; (močno) stout, porter
grenko pívo bitter (beer)
(pivo) ležak lager
monakovsko pívo Munich beer
pívo iz sodčka beer on draught, draught beer, draught ale
pívo v steklenicah bottled beer
slabo pívo small beer
čaša (maseljc) píva a glass (a tankard, a jug, a mug) of beer
pívo v konservi canned beer
staro, postano pívo stale (ali flat) beer, VB žargon swipes
pivec píva beer-drinker
prodajati pívo iz sodčka to sell beer from the wood
pívo v steklenicah bottled beer
variti pívo to brew
točilnica píva taproom; bar - pocéni (cenen) cheap, inexpensive
zelo pocéni dirt cheap, going for a song; prislov cheaply, at a reasonable price, inexpensively
pocéni kupiti to buy cheap
prodajati bolj pocéni kot kdo drug to undersell someone
pocéni jo odnesti (figurativno) to get off cheaply (ali easily), to escape unharmed (ali unpunished), to get away scot-free
zelo pocéni (prislov) at giveaway prices - pod under; below, beneath
pod ceno for less than the value
pod mojo častjo beneath my dignity
pod drevesom under a tree
pod Henrikom IV under Henry IV
pod ničlo below zero
pod napačnim imenom under a false name, under an assumed name
pod vsako kritiko beneath criticism
pod milim nebom under the open sky
pod pokroviteljstvom under the patronage of
pod mojimi nogami below my feet
pod ognjem treh baterij vojska under the fire of three batteries
pod pečatom tajnosti under a pledge of secrecy
pod pretvezo, pod izgovorom under the pretext (of)
pod roko (figurativno) secretly
pod hribom at the foot of the hill
pod (s) pogojem on condition that...
pod njegovim vladanjem in his reign
pod vplivom influenced by...
pod zemljo underground
pod 20 let starosti under 20 years of age
pod kaznijo globe under the penalty of a fine
pod smrtno kaznijo under pain of death
osebe pod 30 leti the under-thirties
on je pod copato (figurativno) he is henpecked; he is tied to his wife's apron strings, the mare is the better horse
biti pod orožjem to be under arms
ničesar ne imeti za pod zob not to have a bite to eat
dajte to pod ključ! put it under lock and key!
pasti pod stečaj to go bankrupt, to fail
prodajati pod lastno ceno to sell below cost price
stanovati pod streho (v mansardi) to live in a garret
storil je to pod pritiskom he did it under pressure
šibiti se pod bremenom to sink under the load - popúst reduction, discount, rebate; concession; abatement, allowance
polovičen popúst 50% discount
poseben popúst special discount
dovoljujemo vam 5% popúst we allow (ali grant) you 5% (five per cent) discount
dovoljujemo vam zaprošeni popúst v ceni we agree to grant you the desired reduction in price
odobriti popúst to agree to a reduction in price
prodajati s popústom to sell at a discount, (pogovorno) to knock something off (the price)
kupil sem to s popústom (pogovorno) I bought it on the cheap - prék prislov over, to (oziroma on) the other side; (predlog) across, over
prék hribov in dolin through the length and breadth of the country
prék mere excessively, inordinately
prék pričakovanja unexpectedly
prék poletja pending summer
prék moje volje against my will
prodajati vino prék ulice to sell wine for consumption off the premises; VB to run an offlicence
prék vrstnega reda out of turn
vlak je imel prék pol ure zamude the train is more than half an hour late (ali overdue)
iti prék vsega (na nič se ne ozirati) to disregard all considerations - préko over; across
prodajati vino préko ulice to sell wine for consumption off the premises, VB to run ali to have an off-licence
préko Reke via Rijeka - prodáti prodájati to sell (komu kaj someone something, something to someone); to offer for sale; to vend; to bargain away, to dispose of; (s pogajanjem za ceno) to sell after bargaining (ali after haggling)
prodáti, prodájati na dražbi to sell at auction; (vso zalogo) to sell off; (ceneje kot drugi) to undersell (someone); (figurativno, izdati) to betray, to sell, to give away
prodáti, prodájati pod ceno to sell below price
prodáti, prodájati z dobičkom (z izgubo) to sell at a profit (at a loss)
prodáti, prodájati za gotovino (na kredit) to sell for cash (on credit)
poceni (dragó) prodáti, prodájati to sell cheap (dear ali at a high price)
prodáti, prodájati na debelo in na drobno to sell wholesale and retail
prodáti, prodájati svojo domovino to betray one's country
prodáti, prodájati pod roko to sell by private treaty (ali contract)
ta artikel se dobro prodaja this article is selling (ali sells) well
ta knjiga se dobro prodaja this book is selling (ali sells) well, this book is going well
ta knjiga se najbolje prodaja (je uspešnica) this book is a best-seller
to se prodaja za méd it is selling like wildfire (ali like hot cakes)
prodáti, prodájati za smešno, slepo ceno to sell for a song (ali dirt cheap)
ta knjiga se slabo prodaja this book is a poor seller
to blago se slabo prodaja these goods are going badly
dolgčas prodáti, prodájati (figurativno) to be bored (to tears), to feel bored
dragó prodáti, prodájati svoje življenje to sell one's life dearly
prodáti, prodájati svojo čast tu barter away one's honour
lahkó se prodajati to find a ready market
on bi srajco prodal za pijačo he would sell his shirt to buy liquor
zijala prodáti, prodájati to stand around gaping (ali pogovorno gawping), to loiter, ZDA to rubberneck - škóda damage; harm, detriment, prejudice; injury; arhaično scathe; (izguba) loss
v mojo škódo to my detriment
v škódo, na škódo koga to the prejudice of someone; to the detriment of someone
na škódo zdravja to the detriment of (one's) health
kakšna škóda! what a pity!
tisočkrat škóda it is a thousand pities!
velika (majhna) škóda heavy (light) damage
delna škóda partial damage
popolna škóda total damage
zanemarljiva škóda negligible damage
več škóde kot koristi more harm than good
ocenitev škóde assessment of damage
vojna škóda war damage
zavarovanje proti škódi insurance against damages
povračilo škóde indemnification, indemnity
škóda (je) zanj (= da smo ga izgubili) it is a pity that we have lost him, he is greatly missed
škóda je it is a pity
zelo škóda je it is a thousand pities
prav škóda je, da... it is much to be regretted that...
kako škóda, da tega niste rekli prej! what a pity you did not say so beforehand!
škóda je je za to she is too good for that
škóda, da niste mogli priti too bad (that) you couldn't come
nobene škóde ni bilo there is no harm done
biti obsojen na povrnitev škóde to have damages awarded against one
ta škóda se mora popraviti this damage must be repaired
popraviti škódo to make good a loss, to repair a loss
povzročiti škódo to cause a loss
jamčiti za škódo to guarantee against loss
kriti škódo to cover a loss
ugotoviti škódo to ascertain the damage
prizadeti komu škódo to inflict damage on someone
oceniti škódo to estimate the damage
prodajati v svojo škódo to sell under prime cost, to sell at a loss
utrpeti škódo, biti na škódi to suffer damage (ali injury, loss), to lose, to be a loser, to come off a loser
zaradi malenkostne koristi utrpeti škódo to cut off one's nose to spite one's face
oceniti (poprečno) škódo pri prometni nesreči to adjust an average
škóda človeka izmodri you learn from your mistakes - zijálo gaper; rubberneck
prodajati zijála (figurativno) to stand (ali to be) agape, to stand gaping; to stand openmouthed
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Število zadetkov: 20