
Zadetki iskanja

  • privóščiti

    privóščiti komu not to envy someone, not to grudge someone, not to deny (ali to stint someone in...); to give readily (ali willingly, gladly); to grant, to allow
    ne privóščiti (= zavidati) to envy, to grudge, to begrudge; (komu česa someone something)
    privoščim mu to I don't grudge (ali envy) it him, (v slabem pomenu) (= prav mu je) it serves him right
    privóščiti komu kaj slabega to wish someone ill
    privóščiti si to afford, to treat oneself
    tega si ne morem privóščiti I can't afford it
    privóščiti si počitnice, dopust (oddih) to treat oneself to a holiday
    privóščiti si buteljko šampanjca to treat oneself to a bottle of champagne
    ne si privóščiti potrebnega to stint oneself
    privóščiti si koga (figurativno) to poke fun at someone, to make fun of someone
    niti kruha si ne privošči he is even denying himself bread
    tega ne bi nikomur privoščil (figurativno) ZDA it shouldn't happen to a dog
  • lúksus luxury; sumptuousness

    živeti v lúksusu to live in luxury
    privoščiti si lúksus v... to permit oneself the luxury of...
    zakoni proti lúksusu zgodovina sumptuary laws pl
    to je lúksus that's a luxury
    nimam denarja za tak lúksus I have no money for such luxuries
  • mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest

    v míru at peace (z with)
    v míru in vojni at peace and at war
    brez míru peaceless
    mír! quiet!, silence!
    mír, prosim! quiet, please!
    mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
    mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
    časten mír peace with honour
    srčni mír a quiet mind
    duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
    javni mír public peace
    motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
    kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
    kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
    grožnja míru threat to peace
    pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
    pogodba o míru peace treaty
    sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
    proslava míru celebration of peace
    zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
    ki ljubi mír peace-loving
    zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
    ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
    mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
    ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
    ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
    kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
    ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
    pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
    skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
    ohraniti mír to keep peace
    naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
    prositi za mír to sue for peace
    vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
    vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
    zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
    želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
    živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
    boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace
  • môči (morem) to be able, to be capable, to be in a position (to do something); to be enabled; (biti sposoben) to have the faculty, to have the capacity

    ni môči (ni moč) it is impossible
    morem I can
    ne morem I cannot, I can't, I am unable, I am incapable
    morem samó pohvaliti... I can't help praising, I can only praise, I have nothing but praise for...
    ne morem ga trpeti I cannot bear (ali stand) him
    če le morem if I can help it
    ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help (ali resist) laughing
    on me ne more (figurativno) he can't stand me
    ne morejo se (figurativno) they cannot agree
    ne morem več (od utrujenosti) I am dog-tired, I am dead with fatigue, I am knocked-up
    ne morem si tega privoščiti I cannot afford it
    nič ne morem za to it is not my fault
    morem samo (reči)... I simply must (say)...
    storil bom, kar bom največ mogel I'll do my best, I'll do all I can, I'll do my utmost, I'll do my very (ali level) best
    ne bom mogel plačati I shall not be able to pay
    obžalujem, da ne morem I regret my inability
    ne morem biti brez I cannot go (ali do) without
    denar more vse money talks
    njemu ne moreš verjeti he is not to be believed
    nanj se ne moreš zanesti he is not to be relied upon
    moglo bi biti takó it might possibly be so, pogovorno could be
  • odpočítek rest; recreation; repose (od from); relaxation

    privoščiti si uro odpočítka to allow oneself an hour's rest
    potreben sem odpočítka I need a rest
  • počítek rest; repose

    brez počítka restless(ly)
    počítka poln restful
    dan počítka day of rest, holiday
    nedeljski počítek Sunday rest
    potreben počítka needing a rest
    počítek od napornega dela repose from toil
    iti k počítku to take one's rest, (iti spat) to retire, to go to bed, to go for a rest
    položiti k večnemu počítku to lay to rest
    potreben sem počítka I need (a) rest
    privoščiti si uro počítka to allow oneself an hour's rest
    želim vam dober nočni počítek I wish you a good night's rest
    ne privošči si počítka he takes no rest
  • premôči (premagati) to overcome, to overwhelm; to manage to acquire

    tega ne premorem (si ne morem privoščiti) I cannot afford it
    to je vse, kar premorem this is all my worldly property, arhaično these are all my goods and chattels (ali all my bag and baggage)
  • problém problem; figurativno (uganka) puzzle, riddle, enigma

    to mi je problém I find this a problem
    loviti se z nekim problémom to deal with a problem
    to je tvoj problém (tvoja skrb) that's your problem
    lotiti se probléma to tackle a problem, to grapple with a problem
    rešiti problém to solve a problem
    staviti težak problém to pose a weighty problem
    postaviti komu problém to set someone a problem
    poglobiti se v problém to get down to a problem
    kako si morejo privoščiti tak luksus, je zame problém it's a mystery (ali it beats me) how they manage to live in such style
    priti do jedra probléma (figurativno) to get to the root (ali the heart) of the matter, pogovorno to get down to the nitty-gritty
  • zmôči (zmorem) to be able (kaj napraviti to do something); to manage; to afford; (premagati) to overcome, to overpower

    naša polja ne zmorejo (dati) dovolj krme za našo živino our fields do not yield enough fodder for our cattle
    tega ne zmorem (si ne morem privoščiti) I cannot afford it
    lotiti se naloge, ki je ne zmoremo (figurativno) to bite off more than one can chew
    kolikor zmorem to the best of my ability
Število zadetkov: 9