prinésti to bring; to fetch; to fetch and carry
nazaj prinésti to bring (ali to fetch) back
prinésti na mizo (jed) to serve
prinesi mi ono knjigo! fetch me that book
prinesi mi plašč, ki sem ga pustil doma! bring me the coat I left at home!
Zadetki iskanja
- dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light
dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
deloven dán working day, weekday
črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
materinski dán Mother's Day
novoletni dán New Year's Day
beli dán broad daylight
plačilni dán payday
postni dán fast day
prazničen dán holiday
pasji dnevi dog days pl
prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
rojstni dán birthday
srečen dán a red-letter day
sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
dán za dnem day by day
drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
do današnjega dne to the preent day
od dneva do dneva from day to day
čez nekaj dni in a day or two
enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
dvakrat na dán twice a day
pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
lepega dne one fine day
oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
še oni dán only the other day
še isti dán that very day
od tega dne dalje from this day forth
par dni a couple of days
ta ali oni dán one day or another
svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
pred tremi dnevi three days ago
dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
teden dni (7 dni) a week
danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
čez 14 dni in a fortnight
vsak dán every day, daily
vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
vsakih pet dni every five days
ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
za nekaj dni for a few days
prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
ki traja ves dán daylong
na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
béli dán je it is broad daylight
dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
določiti dán to fix a day
voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
delati noč in dán to work day and night
ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper - dobíček profit; gain; (marža) margin
čisti dobíček clear (ali net) profit; net balance
izredni dobíček, višek dobíčka excess profit
mastni, veliki dobíčki substantial profits
vojni dobíček war profit
delitev dobíčka profit sharing
delež pri dobíčku share in the profits
prinesti dobíček to leave (ali to bring ali to yield) a profit
prodati z dobíčkom to sell at a profit
izkazati dobíček to show a profit
potegniti dobíček iz česa to make a profit on something
film je prinesel 100.000 dolarjev čistega dobíčka the film netted 100,000 dollars - dokáz proof; (a piece of) evidence; demonstration; token
nasproten dokáz (protidokaz) proof to the contrary
zgovoren dokáz eloquent proof
živ dokáz living proof
jasen, nedvoumen dokáz positive proof
v dokáz in proof of; as evidence of
prepričljiv dokáz conclusive evidence
dokáz na podlagi dokumentov documentary evidence
kot dokáz (znak) najinega prijateljstva as a token of our friendship
dokázi niso zadostni the proofs are not sufficient
(do)prinesti dokáz o čem to bear witness to something
navesti nepobiten dokáz to clinch an argument
nuditi dokáze to prove, to adduce proofs
veljati kot dokáz pravo to be valid evidence
zaradi pomanjkanja dokázov for lack of evidence
oprostiti koga zaradi pomanjkljivih dokázov to give someone the benefit of the doubt - jávnost public
v jávnosti, za jávnost publicly
pred jávnostjo before the public
stik z jávnostjo public relations pl
obrniti se na jávnost to appeal to the public
izključiti jávnost pravo to exclude the public
jávnost se ne pusti prevarati s takimi obljubami the public is not (ali are not) to be deceived by such promises
prinesti v jávnost to bring before the public
priti v jávnost to become known
zasedati ob izključitvi jávnosti to meet behind closed doors (ali pravo in camera) - jéd dish, meal; food; eating, repast; (zaporedna) course, arhaično remove
med jédjo during the meal
lahka jéd light dish
mesna jéd meat dish, meat
močnata jéd sweet
najljubša jéd favourite dish (ali food)
neprebavljiva jéd indigestible food
neužítna jéd unpalatable (ali insipid) food
narodna jéd national dish
običajna jéd staple dish
škotska jéd Scotch dish
zelenjavna jéd vegetable dish
prinesti jéd (na mizo) to serve, pogovorno to dish up - móda fashion; vogue; mode; style
iz móde out of fashion; outmoded
v módi in fashion, in vogue, fashionable
po módi fashionably
po najnovejši módi up-to date in style, in the latest fashion
najnovejša móda the latest fashion, new look
po stari módi (staromoden) old-fashioned
narejen po zadnji módi made in the latest style
zadnji krik móde (ZDA pogovorno) the last word (ali the latest thing) in fashion
to ni več v módi that is no longer the fashion, that has gone out of fashion
to je bila móda pred 30 leti that was in fashion thirty years ago
to je v módi letos it is the fashion this year
v módi so kratka krila short skirts are in (ali are all the rage)
biti v módi to be in fashion, to be in great demand
priti v módo to come into fashion
priti zopet v módo to come back into fashion
priti iz móde to go out of fashion
prinesti v módo to bring into fashion, to launch a fashion
to pri nas ni v módi that is not the fashion here
ona se oblači po zadnji módi she dresses in the latest fashion
slediti módi, spremljati módo, ravnati se po módi to follow the fashion
voditi v módi to set the fashion
vpeljati novo módo to set a new fashion
kupila si bo klobuk po módi she will buy a smart (ali stylish, modish) hat - prinášati ➞ prinesti
- sád fruit; figurativno result; (posledica) consequence
prinesti, roditi sádove to bear fruit
poljski sádovi fruits of the field
žeti sádove svojih prizadevanj to reap the fruits of one's endeavours
uživati sádove svojega dela to enjoy the fruits of one's labours - strán1 side; (knjige ipd.) page; (bók) flank; (smer) direction
na levi (desni) stráni on the left (right) side
na obeh stráneh on either side
na tej (oni) stráni on this (that) side
na to (ono) strán to this (that) side, hither (thither), here (there)
od vseh stráni from everywhere, from all sides, from all quarters
od stráni (z boka) laterally
z moje stráni for my part, as for me
na eni stráni (figurativno) on the one hand
na drugi stráni on the other hand
na vse stráni in every direction
z vseh stráni on all sides, from all parts
s te (z one) stráni from this (that) side
naslovna strán title page
sprednja strán front, frontispiece
notranja (zunanja) strán inner (outer) side (ali face), the inside (the outside)
prava (neprava, narobe) strán right (wrong) side
prava (neprava) strán kovanca obverse (reverse), pogovorno heads (tails)
dobra (slaba) strán (figurativno) good (bad) point
močna strán (figurativno) strong point, forte
šibka strán (figurativno) weak point, foible, (senčna) drawback
strán neba point of the compass, cardinal point
svetla, sončna the bright, the sunny side (of something)
senčna strán the dark side, (figurativno) drawback, the seamy side
prva (oziroma zadnja) prazna strán flyleaf
južna strán south (ali sunny) side
prisojna strán sunny side
vetrna strán weather side
udarec od stráni side blow
držati se ob stráni (figurativno) to remain neutral, not to take sides, (figurativno) to sit on the fence
stati ob stráni (proč) to stand aloof from
dajati na strán (varčevati) to put by (ali on one side), to save
hodil je ob moji stráni he walked beside me
šel je v to strán he went in that direction
pet stráni manjka v knjigi there are five pages of the book missing
gledati koga po stráni to look at someone askance
napasti s stráni to attack on the flank
stvar ima svoje dobre in svoje slabe stráni the thing has its good as well as its bad aspects
pridobiti koga na svojo strán to win someone over, to bring someone to one's side
pustiti ob stráni to lay aside
preiti na drugo strán to change sides, (k drugi stranki) to go over to the other side
premotriti vprašanje z vseh stráni to view a question from all sides
preskočiti strán (pri branju) to skip a page
prinesti kaj (v časopisu) na prvi stráni ZDA to front-page something
postaviti se na strán koga (opredeliti se za koga) to take someone's side, to side with someone
videti le lepo strán stvari to look on the sunny side of things
na drugi stráni (lista)! (= obrni list!) (see) overleaf! - svét1 world; (zemlja) earth, globe; (vsemirje) the universe
na svétu in the world
na tem svétu in this world, in this life, here below
po celem (vsem) svétu all over the world, the whole world over
na koncu svéta (figurativno) at the back of beyond
(ki je) daleč od svéta remote, out of the world, secluded
širom svéta throughout the wide world, all over the world
ves svét the whole world
za ves svét ne, za nič na svét u ne not for all the world, not for worlds, not for anything in the world, for nothing in the world
do konca svéta to the ends of the earth
Novi svét the New World
Stari svét the Old World
Tretji svét politika the Third World
oni svét (figurativno) the next life, the other world, the world to come
od svéta odrezan kraj the back of beyond
stavbni svét building site
učeni svét (figurativno) the world of learning
športni svét (figurativno) the sporting world
rastlinski svét the vegetable world
živalski svét the animal world
začetek svéta the beginning of the world
konec svéta the end of the world
podzemeljski svét underworld
širni svét the wide world
današnji svét the modern world
odkar sem na svétu since I was born
to je na drugem koncu svéta it's on the other side of the globe, it's at the back of beyond
to je narobe svét! (figurativno) that's making water flow uphill!
on je najboljši človek na svétu he's the best man alive, you won't find a better man living than him (knjižno than he)
ona mi je (= pomeni) vse na svétu she is all the world to me
tako je (pač) na svétu that's the way of the world
za nič na svétu ne bi tega naredil I would not do it for all the world
odreči se svétu to forsake the world
šel bi z njo do konca svéta I'd follow her to the ends of the earth
poslati koga na oni svét (žargon) to send someone to kingdom-come
priti na svét to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world
on malo pozna svét he knows little of the world
prinesti, spraviti na svét to bring into the world, to give birth (to)
spraviti koga s svéta to do away with someone, to put someone out of the way, to kill someone, (pogovorno) to dispatch someone
videl je mnogo svéta he is a widely travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a globe-trotter
zagledati luč svéta to see the light, to be born, to be brought into the world
živeti odmaknjen(o) od svéta to live cut off from the world
objadral je ves svét he has sailed the seven seas - zràk air; atmosphere
tekoči zràk liquid air
neprepusten za zràk airtight
dvigniti se v zràk to rise in the air
iti na zràk to take an airing, to take the air
izpostaviti zràku to air
zràk je čist figurativno (nikogar ni) (žargon) the coast is clear
ta plin je lažji kot zràk this gas is lighter than air
nekaj leži v zràku (figurativno) there's something in the air
pognati v zràk to blow up
zleteti v zràk (figurativno) to be blown up
ne pridem do zràka (figurativno) I can't breathe
prinesti na zràk to air
postaviti, vreči na zràk (figurativno) to throw out, to turn out
iz zràka sneti (figurativno) to invent
dve lovski letali sta trčili v zràku two fighter planes collided in mid-air
viseti v zràku (figurativno) to be undecided yet
sušiti na zràku to dry outdoors, ZDA to air-dry
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Število zadetkov: 12