pès dog; (v otroškem jeziku) bowwow; figurativno (psovka) scoundrel, rascal, cur, dog
mlad pès pup, puppy
pès čuvaj house-dog, watchdog
pès na verigi arhaično bandog
pès jazbečar terrier
lovski pès hound
trop, povezka lovskih psov a pack of hounds, dog couple
pès mešanec mongrel; ZDA žargon mutt
mesarski pès, doga mastiff
morski pès shark
ovčarski pès shepherd dog
pès prepeličar spaniel
pès ptičar pointer
stekel pès mad dog
ljubitelj psov dog lover, arhaično cynophile
oddelek za pse dog box
konopec, vrvica za psa lead, leash, slip
reja psov breeding of dogs
sledilni pès bloodhound
lačen kot pès as hungry as a wolf
utrujen kot pès dogtired
biti na psu (figurativno) to be on one's beam-ends
naščuvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone
priti na psa to go to the dogs, to go down in the world, (žargon) to go to pot
vem, kam pès taco moli (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows
razumeti se kot pès in mačka to agree like cat and dog
živita (gledata se) kot pès in mačka they live (ali lead) a cat-and-dog life
pès, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
psom vstop prepovedan! no dogs admitted
pozor, hud pès! beware of the dog!
vidim, kam pès taco moli pri tebi I get your drift, I see what you're getting at
Zadetki iskanja
- Ciklóp; ciklop Cyclops, pl -pes; one-eyed giant
- Dalmatínec; dalmatinski Dalmatian
pes dalmatinec Dalmatian; arhaično carriage dog, coach dog - drevó tree
mlado drevó sapling
božíčno drevó Christmas tree
sadno drevó fruit tree
drevó spoznanja biblija tree of knowledge of good and evil
(že) rodovitno drevó a (mature) fruit-bearing tree
cepiti drevó to graft a tree
podreti, posekati drevó to fell (ali to chop down) a tree
splezati na drevó to climb a tree
tresti drevó to shake a tree
skupina dreves a clump of trees
pognati, spoditi na drevó to tree
pes je prepodil veverico na drevó the dog treed the squirrel
zaradi dreves ne vidi gozda (figurativno) he cannot see the wood for the trees
jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa (figurativno) as the tree is, so is the fruit; like father, like son - éskimski Eskimo
éskimski pes an Eskimo dog, husky
éskimski jezik Eskimo, the Eskimo language - hávsniti to snatch (po at)
pes je havsnil kost the dog snatched the bone
hávsniti po ponudbi (figurativno) to snatch up an offer - híšen (of the) house; home; household
híšni bogovi zgodovina household gods, pl, the Lares and Penates pl
híšno delo housework, household chores, ZDA (home) chores pl
híšni duh, prikazen ghost haunting a house
híšni gospodar landlord, householder
híšni dohod path
híšni dovoz drive, driveway
híšna instalacija elektrika wiring, (plin, voda) plumbing
híšni ključ front-door key, latchkey
híšna lekarna (domača) family medicine chest, first-aid kit
híšna najemnina (house) rent
híšni prag threshold
híšni ples (zabava) carpet-dance
híšni pes house-dog
híšna preiskava (policijska) domiciliary visit (by police); raid, house search, ZDA house check
nalog za híšno preiskavo search warrant
híšni prijatelj family friend
híšni red house regulations pl; rules of the house
híšna služinčad (domestic) servants pl
híšni stanovalec resident, (najemnik) lodger, tenant
híšna streha roof, housetop
híšna številka house number, street number
híšni telefon house (ali domestic) telephone (line)
híšni telefonski priključek (stanovanjski) (domestic) telephone connection
híšni upravitelj caretaker, ZDA janitor
híšna veža (entrance-)hall, corridor, vestibule, ZDA hallway
híšni zapor house arrest
dati, vtakniti v híšni zapor koga to put someone under house arrest
híšni zdravnik family doctor
híšni zmaj (figurativno, zlobna ženska) vixen, shrew, scold, termagant, ZDA žargon battleaxe
híšni posestnik house owner - imé name; (krstno) first (ali given ali baptismal ali Christian) name
imé in priimek name and surname
v iménu on behalf of, in the name of
v mojem iménu on my (own) behalf
lastno imé proper noun
obče imé common noun
potni list na imé... a passport in the name of...
dekliško imé maiden name
brez iména nameless
krajevno imé placename, toponym
privzeto imé (vzdevek) alias
Brown po iménu Brown by name
dobro imé (sloves, glas) good name, reputation
klicanje imén (apél) roll call
seznam imén list of names, roll, (zdravnikov, porotnikov ipd.) panel
v mojem iménu in v iménu mojih prijateljev on my own behalf and on behalf of my friends
v božjem iménu in the name of God, in God's name
kako Vam je imé? what is your name?
Vas smem vprašati za imé? may I ask your name?
vprašal sem ga za imé I asked him (for) his name
dati čemu pravo imé (reči bobu bob) to call something by its proper name; to call a spade a spade
imeti imé po botru to be called after one's godfather
navesti, povedati napačno imé to give an assumed name
klicati po iménih to call the roll
podpisati (se) s polnim iménom to sign one's name in full
ustvariti si imé (zasloveti) to win a name for one's
omadeževati svoje imé to besmirch one's name
poznati koga le po iménu to know someone only by name
imé se ga je prijelo the name stuck to him
to bo škodilo mojemu dobremu iménu my reputation will suffer because of this
moj pes sliši na imé Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
slabega iména se človek težko znebi (figurativno) give a dog a bad name and hang him! - jêlen stag, deer, hart, red deer
severni jêlen reindeer
kanadski jêlen wapiti, ZDA elk
lov na jêlene stag hunt, stag hunting
pes za lov na jêlene staghound
jêlen ruka the stag bells
jêlen z 10 parožki a hart of ten - lagáti to lie (komu to someone); to tell lies; to belie; to speak untruths; pogovorno to tell fibs, to fib; evfemizem to be economical with the truth; (pretiravati) to talk tall, to exaggerate, to stretch (ali to colour) the truth, to draw the long bow
lagal sem mu I lied to him
debelo to lie in (ali through) one's back teeth
on mi laže v obraz he lies to my face
laže tako, da sam sebi verjame he lies like a book
laže, kot pes teče she's a bare-faced liar, he lies like a gas-meter, arhaično he can spin a twister - lájati to bark (na at), (bevskati) to yelp; to bay
on bolj laja kot grize his bark is worse than his bite
pes, ki laja, ne grize great barkers are no biters - lóvski hunting; hunter's
lóvski bičevnik, bič hunting crop (ali whip)
lóvsko dovoljenje, dovolilnica gamelicence, shooting-licence, gun-licence
lóvska družba a hunting party
lóvski čuvaj gamekeeper
lóvski enosedežnik (letalo) single-seater fighter
lóvski konj hunter
lóvski izlet hunting trip
lóvski naboj sporting (ali shotgun) cartridge
lóvski nož hunting knife, hanger
lóvska obleka hunting suit
lóvska oprema hunting outfit
lóvski pes hound; sporting dog
lóvski plen booty; bag; (še ne ulovljen) quarry
lóvska puška sporting gun (ali rifle), shotgun, (za ptice) fowling piece
lóvski ples hunt ball
lóvski gradič, lóvska koča hunting lodge
lóvska sezona shooting season
lóvski rog hunting horn, bugle
lóvski stolček shooting stick
lóvska suknja, suknjič shooting coat, sports jacket, shooting jacket
lóvska torba gamebag, hunting bag
lóvski zakon pravo game law
lóvski zakupnik game-tenant
lóvska zgodba hunting story
lóvska latinščina fisherman's tale
lóvski krst blooding
imeti lóvsko srečo to make a good bag - máčka zoologija (female) cat, she-cat
divja máčka wild cat
máčka je trdoživa a cat has nine lives
máčka prede the cat purrs
razumeti se kot pes in máčka to get on (together) like cat and dog
živeti kot pes in máčka to live a cat-and-dog life
hoditi kot máčka okoli vrele kaše to beat about the bush
kadar máčkae ni doma, miši plešejo when the cat is away, the mice do play
poparjena máčka se še mrzle vode boji once bitten, twice shy
máčka pade vedno na noge a cat always lands on its feet - molíti (molím) to stretch
molíti vse štiri od sebe to stretch one's arms and legs
vem, kam pes taco molí (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows - mórski sea (-); maritime; nautical; naval; pelagic
mórska bitka naval battle, naval action
mórsko blato ooze
mórski bog sea god
mórska bolezen seasickness
mórska deklica (sirena) mermaid, siren
mórsko dno sea bottom
mórska gladina sea level, surface of the sea
mórska globina depth of the sea
mórsko kopališče bathing resort, seaside resort
mórska luka, pristanišče seaport
mórska mačka zoologija long-tailed monkey
mórska obala coast; seashore; coastland; beach; shore; seaboard
mórski pes shark
mórska ožina straits pl, channel
mórski prašič porpoise
mórski prašiček guinea pig
mórska pena meerschaum
mórska pošast sea monster
mórska riba sea fish
mórski rokav arm (ali branch) of the sea
mórska sol sea salt
mórsko tele seal, arhaično sea calf
mórski tok sea current
mórska trava sea grass
mórska višina sea level
velik mórski val billow
mórski zaliv bay; gulf
mórska voda sea water
imeti mórsko bolezen to be seasick, (pogovorno) to feed the fishes
ne dobiti mórske bolezni (biti pravi mornar) to have good sea legs, to be a good sailor - nekák a, one, a certain; some; any... whatever; a sort of; a kind of; of some sort
nekák pes a dog of sorts
nekák odvetnik a lawyer of a sort - ogrísti to nibble, to gnaw; to cause harm by nibbling (biting, gnawing)
zajci so ogrizli sadno drevje the hares have been nibbling at the fruit trees
otrok si je ogrizel nohte the child has been biting his nails
pes ga je ogrizel the dog bit him - okláti to bite
ta pes je oklal dva dečka this dog has bitten two boys - ovčárski of (oziroma like) a shepherd
ovčárski pes sheepdog - pogíniti to perish, to die, to lose one's life; to succumb (od to)
pogíniti v boju to be killed (ali to fall) in action (ali in battle)
pes je poginil zaradi ran the dog died from its injuries