
Zadetki iskanja

  • pepél ash; ashes pl; cinders pl

    pepél cigare cigar ash, the ash of a cigar
    žareč, živ pepél embers pl
    otresti pepél s cigarete to flick (ali to flip) the ash from one's cigarette
    posuti, potresti s pepélom to strew (ali to sprinkle) with ashes
    spremeniti, sežgati v pepél to reduce to ashes
    tleti pod pepélom to smoulder
  • iztŕkati to tap; to knock (gently)

    iztŕkati pepel iz pipe to knock the ash out of one's pipe
  • otrésti to shake; to shake off (ali down)

    otrésti prah z obleke to shake the dust off clothing
    otrésti sadje z drevja to shake fruit down from (ali off) trees
    otrésti pepel s cigarete to nick the ash from one's cigarette
    otrésti se to get rid (česa of something), to shake (something) off; to get out (of something)
    otrésti se odgovornosti to shift responsibility (on to someone else), to pass the buck
  • požár fire; burning; conflagration

    svetovni požár world conflagration
    varen pred požárom fireproof
    zaščita (zavarovanje) proti požáru fire precautions (fire insurance)
    naša hiša je bila popolnoma uničena v požáru our house has been burnt down
    požár izbruhne a fire breaks out
    požár je celo mesto spremenil v pepel the fire has left the whole town in ashes
    po požáru so od hiše ostali le štirje zidovi the house has been gutted by fire
  • tléti to glow (ali to burn) faintly; to glim, to glimmer, to smoulder

    sovraštvo tli v njem hatred smoulders in his heart
    tleči pepel embers pl
  • zgoréti to burn down (ali away, up), to be burnt down; to be destroyed (ali consumed) by fire

    zgoréti v pepel to burn to ashes
    zgoréti do tal to burn to the ground
    njihova hiša je zgorela their house has burnt down (ali has been burnt down)
  • žára urn

    žára za pepel cinerary urn
    nagrobna žára funeral urn
    volilna žára ballot box
Število zadetkov: 7