páčiti to disfigure, to deface; to deform; to distort
páčiti se to grimace, to pull faces, to make faces; to be affected; to make wry faces
Zadetki iskanja
- obráz face; pesniško visage; (figurativno lice, zunanjost) countenance
obráz od spredaj full face
obráz od strani (profil) half face
bled obráz pale (ali livid) face
kozàv obráz pockmarked (ali pitted) face
naguban obráz wrinkled face
odbijajoč obráz forbidding face
smehljajoč se obráz smiling face (ali countenance)
mračnega, jeznega obráza gloomy-visaged
lep obráz good looks pl
upadel, udrt obráz hollow (ali sunken) cheeks pl
v potu svojega obráza in the sweat of one's brow
tu je mnogo novih obrázov here are a lot of new faces
brisati si obráz to mop one's face (with a handkerchief)
delati obráze to pull (ali to make) faces, to grimace
gledati koga v obráz to look someone in the face
napraviti kisel obráz to pull (ali to make) a wry face (ob čem at something)
napraviti prijazen obráz to look pleasant
napravil je dolg obráz (figurativno) his countenance fell, he made (ali pulled) a long face
napraviti jezen obráz to have an angry look
pačiti obráz to grimace, to pull (ali to make) faces, to make grimaces, to distort one's face, to scowl
ne upa se mi pogledati v obráz he dare not look me in the face
pokazati svoj pravi obráz (sneti krinko) (figurativno) to throw off one's disguise
v obráz (naravnost) komu povedati to tell someone straight to his face
komu v obráz reči to say to someone's face
v obráz sem mu to rekel I said it to his face
v obráz se smejati to laugh in someone's face
udariti koga po obrázu to smack someone's face
zagrniti, zastreti si obráz to veil one's face
v obráz zijati koga to stare someone full in the face
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Število zadetkov: 2