obróbiti to hem; to border; to rim; to edge; to trim; (podplat, obleko) to welt
temno obrobljen darkrimmed
zlato obrobljena očala gold-rimmed spectacles pl
črno obrobljen ZDA black-bordered
Zadetki iskanja
- pérje (ptičje) plumage; feathers pl; plumes pl; feathering
tuje pérje borrowed plumage, borrowed feathers pl
(o)krasiti, obrobiti s pérjem to feather
(o)krasiti se s tujim pérjem (figurativno) to deck oneself out (ali to adorn oneself with) borrowed plumes
lepo pérje naredi lepega ptiča (figurativno) fine feathers make fine birds
ptiči istega pérja skupaj leté (tudi figurativno) birds of a feather flock together
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Število zadetkov: 2