lás lasjé hair; (ščetina) bristle
brez las hairless, (plešast) bald
kratki (dolgi) lás, lasjéje short (long) hair
gosti (redki) lás, lasjéje thick (thin) hair
kodrasti (gladki) lás, lasjéje curly (straight) hair
tanek kot lás, lasjé hair-thin; as fine as a hair
za las natančno to a hair, to a T
niti za las boljši not a bit (ali whit) better
beljeni lasje bleached hair
valoviti lasje wavy hair
rdeči lasje red hair, žargon carrots pl
na balin ostriženi lasje hair cut close to the skull
negovani lasje well-groomed hair
plavi (blond) lasje fair hair
umetni lasje false hair
za lasé privlečen (figurativno) far-fetched, strained
za lás, lasjé within (ali by) a hair's breadth; narrowly, nearly
beljenje las bleaching of hair
barva las colo(u)r of hair
barva za lase hair dye
sredstvo za krepitev lás, lasjé hair restorer
čop las tress, braid, pigtail
kita las braid of hair
čop las tuft of hair
izpadanje las hair loss, loss of hair, fall of the hair
pranje las shampoo, shampooing
losjon za lás, lasjéé hair lotion, hair tonic
pomada za lás, lasjéé pomade
puder za lás, lasjéé hair powder
navijač za lás, lasjéé wave clip, curler, curl clip, (iz papirja) curlpaper
klešče za kodranje lás, lasjé curling tongs pl, curling iron
rast las growth of hair
striženje las haircut, haircutting
sušílec za lás, lasjéé (fen) electric hairdryer, dryer
mrežica za lás, lasjéé hairnet
nakit za lás, lasjéé ornament for the hair
ščetka za lás, lasjéé hairbrush
trak za lás, lasjéé ribbon, bow for the hair
koder las curl, ringlet, lock
sredstvo za odstranjevanje las depilatory
biti si v lás, lasjééh z to be at loggerheads with, to be at daggers drawn with, (gledé, zaradi) over
lasje mi izpadajo my hair is thinning
delati sive lás, lasjéé komu (figurativno) to prove a headache for someone, to turn someone's hair grey
ne si delati sivih las glede, zaradi not to distress oneself about something
lás, lasjéé si puliti to tear one's hair
izgubiti lás, lasjéé to lose one's hair
(po)česati si lás, lasjéé to comb one's hair
urediti si lás, lasjéé, sfrizirati si lás, lasjéé to do (ali to dress) one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair, to set one's hair
pristriči lás, lasjéé to trim the hair
razpustiti (si) lás, lasjéé to let one's hair down
(po)vleči koga za lás, lasjéé to pull someone's hair
imeti plave, blond lás, lasjéé to have fair hair
dati si ostriči lás, lasjéé to have (ali to get) one's hair cut
skočiti si v lás, lasjéé (figurativno) to come to blows; VB žargon to get stuck in
to je nekoliko za lás, lasjéé privlečeno that's a little far-fetched
lasje se mi ježé I feel my hair standing on end
lasje so se mi ježili my hair stood on end
pepelnato pobarvati lás, lasjéé to dye the hair grey
za lás, lasjé je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was within a hair's breadth, it was a near thing
za las je šlo! that was a touch too near (for comfort)!
niti lás, lasjéú ji niso skrivili they didn't harm a hair of her head, not a hair on her head has been touched
on ne bi nikomur skrivil lasá he would not hurt (ali harm) a fly
za lás, lasjéé privleči to drag in by the head and shoulders, to force in
oprati si lás, lasjéé to wash one's hair
za las uiti to have a narrow (ali a hairbreadth) escape, to have a narrow (ali close, tight) squeeze
za las smo ušli smrti we were within a hair's breadth of being killed, we just escaped death by the skin of our teeth
za lás, lasjé zgrešiti to miss by a hair
ni vredno, da si delate sive lás, lasjéé glede tega it is not worth while worrying yourself to death over it
to visi (je) na lás, lasjéu zdaj it is touch and go now
ta otrok mi dela sive lás, lasjée (figurativno) this child is a great worry (ali trial) to me
Zadetki iskanja
- čòp tassel
svilen čòp silk tassel
čòp las mop of hair, tuft of hair, pigtail
čòp las na glavi živali crest
čòp peres tuft of feathers - gavrán zoologija raven
črn kot gavrán raven; raven-haired
kot gavrán črni kodri (las) pesniško raven locks pl - kómaj scarcely; hardly
kómaj..., že... (ko...) no sooner... than
kómaj kaj scarcely anything
kómaj kdaj hardly ever
kómaj kdo hardly anyone
kómaj 20 let je star he is only just (ali scarcely) twenty
kómaj ga poznam I scarcely know him
kómaj (da) si upam I hardly dare
kómaj je ušel (za las je ušel) he had a narrow escape, he had a narrow squeak
to moreš kómaj (skoraj ne moreš) pričakovati you can hardly expect that
kómaj je mogel govoriti he was hardly able to speak
kómaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes
kómaj še, da je bil vljuden he was barely polite
kómaj smo (še) ujeli vlak we only just caught the train
imam kómaj še dovolj volne, da spletem par nogavic I have only just enough wool left to knit a pair of socks
kómaj je spregovoril, ko... he had scarcely spoken when...
kómaj sem začel brati, že je stopil oče v sobo no sooner had I begun to read than my father entered the room - krókar
1. zoologija crow; raven
črn kot krókar raven
kot krókar črni kodri (las) raven locks pl
2. (ponočnjak) revel(l)er - málo little; a little; few (pl)
po malem gradually; little by little
čisto málo a tiny bit
prav tako málo kot... no more than...
v málo dneh in a few days
počakaj málo! wait a moment!
jaz málo spim I don't sleep (ali I'm not sleeping) very much, I sleep little
še málo ne not a bit
on je málo znan he is little known
še málo ne slutiš, kaj te čaka you've no idea (ali arhaično you little dream) what is in store for you
málo vas je there aren't many of you, there are (only) a few of you, you are few
málo bolje mi je I am a little (a triffle) better
imam le málo prijateljev I've only a few friends, I have but few friends
málo je takih kot on there aren't many like him, there are few like him
málo ljudi misli tako few people think so
tistih málo ljudi, ki so bili navzoči the few people who were present
niti málo nisem zadovoljen I am far from being satisfied
málo, da tega nisem pozabil I had almost forgotten it
málo, da ni umrl he was likely to die
zelo málo next to nothing
málo za tem soon (ali shortly) after
málo prej a few moments ago, a short while ago; shortly before
za málo se mi zdi prositi za uslugo I scorn to ask a favour
málo (za las) je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was a near miss
málo je manjkalo, pa bi ga povozilo he was within an ace of being run over
málo je manjkalo, da se ni ubil he had a narrow escape (ali a close shave), he was within an ace of getting killed
bolje málo kot nič half a loaf is better than no bread - ondulácija (vode) undulation, ripple; (žitnega polja) waving; (terena) rise and fall, lift; (draperije) flow; (pričeska) wave; curl; crinkle
vodna ondulácija (las) water wave
trajna ondulácija permanent wave, pogovorno perm
aparat za trajno ondulácijo perming set
dati si delati trajno ondulácijo to have a permanent wave (ali pogovorno perm), to have one's hair permed
hladna ondulácija (las) cold wave
ondulácija s škarjami marcel wave - prámen
prámen las a tuft of hair, lock; (kosem, šop) flock
prámen svetlobe beam, jet of light - rešíti to save, to rescue; (osvoboditi) to deliver; to redeem; (na morju) to salvage; (nalogo itd.) to solve
rešíti svojo čast to save (oziroma to vindicate) one's honour
rešíti si kožo (figurativno) to save one's skin
rešíti se (znebiti se) koga to get rid of someone
rešíti skrivnost, problem to solve a mystery, a problem
rešíti situacijo to retrieve the situation
rešíti uganko to solve (ali to work out, to puzzle out) a riddle
rešíti komu življenje to save someone's life
rešíti svoj ugled to save one's reputation
rešil sem ga bede I saved him from utter poverty
zdravnik upa, da ga bo rešil the doctor hopes to pull him through
rešili so ga, da ni utonil he was saved from drowning
rešíti si glavo (figurativno) to save one's bacon
rešíti se to save someone, to be saved (ali rescued, delivered), to come off unscathed, to get away with a whole skin
komaj, za las se rešíti to have a narrow escape, to escape by the skin of one's teeth
reši se, kdor se more! every man for himself!, run for your lives! - róla (papirja) roll
film v róli roll film
róla (zvitek) las ringlet - sív grey, (zlasti ZDA) gray; (lasje tudi) grizzled, grizzly
sívi lasje grey hair; (nebo) overcast, cloudy; (vreme) dull
síva barva grey colour, (sivina) greyness, grey
oblečen v sívem dressed in grey, wearing grey
svetlo (temno) sív light (dark) grey
biserno sív pearl-grey
imeti sívo brado to have a grizzled beard
postati sív to grow grey
delati komu síve lase (figurativno) to be a great trial to someone
zaradi tega si ne delam sívih las (figurativno) I don't worry about it - srebŕn (made of) silver; silvery
srebŕna doba silver age
srebŕn (zvonek) glas silvery tone
srebŕn novec silver coin, silver money
srebŕna jelka silver fir
srebŕna lisica zoologija silver fox
srebŕna folija (staniol) silver foil
srebŕna kopel fotografija silver bath
srebŕna poroka silver wedding
srebŕn papir silver paper
srebŕna posoda silver, silver plate
srebŕna (okrasna) ribica silver fish, silversides
srebŕna ruda silver ore
srebŕn sijaj silveriness
srebŕna ura silver watch
srebŕna valuta silver currency, silver standard
srebŕna zlitina silver alloy
srebŕn zven silvery sound
srebŕna žica silver wire
srebŕnih las silverhaired
dal mi je dva funta v srebŕnem denarju he gave me two pounds in silver - šòp tuft, bunch, wisp
šòp las tuft of hair
šòp trave tuft of grass
šòp (otep) slame wisp of straw - štréna (prediva) skein; hank
štréna las lock, strand of hair - uíti to escape; to run away; to make one's escape; to get away; to flee
skrivaj uíti to abscond
srečno uíti to have a lucky escape
za las uíti, komaj uíti to have a narrow escape, to have a close shave
uíti z ljubimcem to elope with one's sweetheart (ali lover)
njegovo ime mi je ušlo iz spomina his name escaped me
za las uíti nevarnosti to escape by the skin of one's teeth
skušal je uíti iz ječe he tried to escape from prison
ušlo mu je (= izbleknil je) he blurted it out, he let the cat out of the bag
za las smo ušli it was a close call (ali a close shave) - uítje escape; running away
uítje za las (figurativno) a close shave (ali call, thing) - umívanje wash, washing
umívanje (pranje) glave in las shampooing - vrán zoologija raven
črn kot vrán raven
kot vrán črni kodri las raven locks pl
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Število zadetkov: 18