
Zadetki iskanja

  • dajáti to give; (sadove) to yield, to produce, to bear; (doprinesti) to contribute

    kaj se daje v gledališču? what is on (at the theatre)?
    dajáti duška svoji jezi to give vent to one's anger
    dajáti račun o to render account of, to answer for
    dajáti takt to beat time
    dajáti vsakemu, kar mu gre to give everybody his due
    dajáti si truda to take pains
    dajáti se (prepirati se) to quarrel, to dispute, (biti se) to fight
  • bríga care; trouble; worries pl; (zaskrbljenost) concern, anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, apprehension

    bríga za (kaj) care for (something)
    moreča bríga zastarelo carking care
    to je moja bríga I shall see to it
    to ni moja bríga this is no business of mine, this is no concern of mine
    to mi je deveta bríga I don't care about it at all
    bodi brez bríge! don't worry; never you fear; be easy on that score
    dajati, povzročati bríge to cause anxiety (ali uneasiness)
    imeti na brígi to take care of, to attend (ali to see) to
  • dáti dajáti to give; (podariti) to present with, to give away; (podati) to hand on, to present, to turn over; (dodeliti) to allot, to assign, to apportion; (vročiti) to hand (over), to deliver; (karte) to deal

    dáti, dajáti nazaj to give back, to restore; (podeliti) to grant, to accord, to award, ZDA to donate (to); gledališče to stage, to perform; (ponuditi) to offer; (dobaviti) to deliver, to furnish, to supply; (donašati) to yield, (sadove) to bear, to produce; (naslov) to bestow on, to confer something upon someone
    dáti, dajáti naprej to pass on
    ne (hoteti) dáti, dajáti to refuse, to withhold
    dana veličina a given magnitude
    če sta A in B dana, sledi, daje C... given A and B, C follows...
    v danem primeru (če je tako) in that case; should the need arise; if need be; if so
    dáti, dajáti duška (svoji jezi) to give vent (to one's anger)
    dáti, dajáti prav komu to agree with someone, to concede the point
    dáti, dajáti vsakemu svoje to give everyone his due
    daj mu, kar je njegovega! give him his due!
    ti bom že dal! I'll give it you!
    daj to na mizo! put it on the table!
    daj bog! God grant!
    ne daj bog! God forbid!
    kaj dajejo nocoj v gledališču? what's on at the theatre this evening?
    to (gledališko) igro so dajali tri mesece the play ran for three months
    dal sem mu roko I shook hands with him
    moram da(ja)ti dober zgled I must set a good example
    po čem dajete (koliko stane)...? what is your price for, what do you charge for...?
    nič se ne da napraviti there is nothing to be done
    dáti, dajáti na znanje komu to let someone know
    dáti, dajáti na svetlo to publish, to edit
    dáti, dajáti mnogo na to make much of, to think the world of
    mnogo da na svojo zunanjost he pays great attention to his personal appearance
    malo, nič ne dáti, dajáti na kaj to regard as worthless, not to give a brass farthing for
    on ne da nič na moj nasvet he sets no value upon my advice
    dal se je oslepariti, ogoljufati he let (ali allowed ali suffered) himself to be cheated
    dam si striči lase I have (ali I get) my hair cut
    kje si dajete delat obleke? where do you have your clothes made?
    dáti, dajáti svojo besedo to pledge one's word
    to mi daje misliti! that makes me wonder!
    na to ne dam pečenega groša (nič) I don't give a hoot about that
    dal sem si mnogo truda I took great pains
    dáti, dajáti od sebe (ton) to utter
    ne da se mi... I don't feel like, I am unwilling (ali loath ali disinclined) to...
    ne da se mi brati I don't feel like reading, I am loath (ali unwilling) to read
    (to) se ne da zanikati there's no denying (it)
    dáti, dajáti se spoznati, prepoznati to make oneself known
    dajati je lepše kot jemati it is better to give than to receive
    dáti, dajáti življenje za to sacrifice one's life for
    dvakrat da, kdor hitro da he gives twice who gives in a trice; arhaično while the grass grows the steed starves
  • duhovít witty; quick-witted; (v odgovoru) clever at repartee, never lost for an answer; ingenious

    duhovíta rešitev an ingenious solution
    ta knjiga je pisana zelo duhovíto this book is very wittily written
    dajati duhovíte opazke to wisecrack
  • informácija (a piece of) information

    informácije pl information; pravo investigation, inquiry
    napačna informácija, napačne informácije misinformation
    okence za informácije information desk, "enquiries"
    dajati informácije to give information
    dati napačne informácije to feed someone with false information
    nimamo informácij o we have no information as to
    nimam nobenih informácij, ali je odšel ali ne I have no information as to whether or not he has left
    po mojih informácijah according to my information
    za nadaljnje informácije se obrniti na for further information apply to (tajnika the secretary)
    dobiti koristno informácijo to acquire useful information
    dodatne informácije additional information
    uskladiščenje informácij information storage
  • lékcija lesson

    dajati (jemati) učne lékcije to give (to take) lessons
    jemati francoske lékcije pri X-u to take lessons in French from X
    dati komu lékcijo (figurativno) to teach someone a lesson
    začeti z lékcijami to start lessons
    dobil sem svojo lékcijo (figurativno) I've learnt (ali had) my lesson
    to je bila dobra lékcija zame this was a good lesson for me
    dobil je lékcijo, ki jo bo dobro pomnil he's had a lesson he won't forget in a hurry
  • míloščina alms; charity; dole; charity gift; poor relief

    oseba, ki živi od míloščine almsman, pauper, beneficiary
    delitev míloščine almsgiving
    kraj delitve míloščine arhaično almonry
    skrinjica za míloščino poor box
    dajati míloščino to give alms (to), arhaično to bestow alms (komu upon someone)
    deliti míloščino to dispense alms
    prositi za míloščino to ask for charity
    živeti od míloščine to live on charity
  • mléko milk; žargon cow-juice

    osličje mléko ass's milk
    cementno mléko cement wash
    kislo mléko sour milk
    kondenzirano mléko condensed milk
    kokosovo mléko coconut milk
    mandljevo mléko milk of almonds
    mléko v prahu powdered milk, dried milk, evaporated milk
    neposneto, polmastno mléko whole milk
    pinjeno mléko buttermilk
    posneto mléko skim (ali skimmed) milk
    sesirjeno mléko curds pl, curdled milk
    stepeno mléko buttermilk
    sveže mléko fresh milk, new milk
    mléko kanglica, vedro za mléko milk can, milk pail
    lonec za mléko milk-pot
    steklenica za mléko milk bottle
    naša krava ne daje mléka our cow has come (ali has gone) dry
    dajati mléko to give (ali to yield) milk
    posneti mléko to skim the milk
    mléko se skisa milk goes sour, milk curdles
    mléko se mi upira, studi I loathe milk
    méd in mléko (= izobilje) milk and honey
    dežela, kjer se cedita méd in mléko a land flowing with milk and honey
    mléko se ga še drži (figurativno) he's still wet behind the ears
  • napitnína tip; gratuity

    dati komu napitníno to tip someone, to give someone a tip
    dal sem mu dolar napitníne I tipped him a dollar, I gave him a dollar tip
    prepovedano je dajati napitníno! no tipping allowed!
    napitnína prepovedana! tipping prohibited!
  • obrésti1 interest

    navadne obrésti simple interest
    obrestne obrésti compound interest
    visoke obrésti high interest rate
    tekoče obrésti current interest rate
    dolgovane obrésti interest due
    zamudne obrésti interest for delay (ali for retardment)
    glavnica z obréstmi (vred) principal and interest
    zaostale obrésti interest unpaid, arrears pl of interest, outstanding interest
    5% letne obrésti interest at the rate of five per cent per annum
    dohodek od obrésti investment income
    izguba obrésti loss of interest
    z obréstmi together with (ali plus) interest
    brez obrésti free of (ali ex) interest
    debetne obrésti interest on debit balances
    dajati, donašati obrésti to bear interest
    dati 5% obrésti to yield an interest of five per cent
    naložiti denar na obrésti to put the money on interest
    dodati obrésti glavnici to add the interest to the principal
    posoditi denar proti obréstim to lend money at (ali on) interest
    poplačati z obréstmi to pay back interest
    pripisati obrésti kapitalu to add the interest to the capital
    vrniti kaj z obréstmi (figurativno) to return something with interest
    obrésti tečejo od 1. maja interest accrues from the first of May
    zahtevati oderuške obrésti to charge exorbitant rates of interest
    zaračunati obrésti to charge interest
    živeti od obrésti to live on annuities (ali investment income, income from investments)
    živi od obrésti svojega kapitala he lives on the interest from his capital
  • odgóvor answer; reply; response; (redko) return

    kot odgóvor na in reply to, in answer to, in response to
    duhovit, odrezav odgóvor repartee
    oster odgóvor retort, rejoinder
    skorajšen odgóvor an early answer
    odgóvor z obratno pošto an answer by return (of post)
    izmikajoč se odgóvor evasive answer
    pritrdilen (nikalen) odgóvor answer in the affirmative (in the negative)
    dvoumen odgóvor an equivocal reply
    jasen odgóvor a definite answer
    odklonilen odgóvor refusal
    plačan odgóvor (pri brzojavki) reply-paid (telegram)
    dopisnica s plačanim odgóvorom (postal) reply card
    brez odgóvora unanswered
    plačan odgóvor reply paid
    pričakujoč hiter odgóvor awaiting a speedy reply
    prosimo za skorajšen odgóvor an early reply will oblige
    prosimo za odgóvor the favour of an answer is requested
    biti v zadregi za odgóvor to be stumped for an answer
    na moj ugovor ni našel odgóvora he could find no answer to my objection
    potreben je takojšen odgóvor an immediate reply is necessary
    na vse imeti odgóvor to have an answer for everything, never to be at a loss for (ali to be short of) an answer
    prosimo čimprejšnji odgóvor please answer by return
    nobenega odgóvora ne dobiti, ostati brez odgóvora to get no reply (ali acknowledgment)
    ne ostati dolžan odgóvora never to be at a loss for an answer
    dajati odgóvor to render an account
    (po)klicati koga na odgóvor to call someone to account
    na to ne vem odgóvora this I cannot explain
  • pláča (uradniška) salary; (oficirska) pay; (delavska) wage, wages pl

    s polno pláčo on full pay
    bedna pláča miserable pay
    stalna pláča fixed salary
    začetna pláča commencing salary
    pláč, ki je zadostna za življenje living wage
    izkustvu in učinku ustrezna pláča salary commensurate with experience and ability
    nameščenec s stalno pláčo salaried employee
    delavec, ki dela za bedno pláčo wage slave
    dodatek k pláči additional pay, bonus
    odtegljaj od pláče deduction from salary, stoppage
    povišanje pláče wage rise, increase (ali rise) in salary
    znižanje pláče salary cut, reduction in pay
    zamrznitev pláč wage freeze
    odtegniti komu od pláče to stop (something) out of someone's salary
    povišati pláčo to raise (ali to increase) someone's salary
    dobivati dobro pláčo to get good wages, to draw a good salary
    znižati pláče to lower someone's wages (oziroma salary)
    dajati komu pláčo to pay someone a wage (ali a salary)
  • plód fruit; (v telesu) foetus, embryo; (poljski plodovi) crops pl; (dela) product, yield

    dajati, prinašati bogate plódove to bear (ali to bring, to produce, to yield) rich fruit
    uživati plódove svojih prizadevanj to reap the fruits of one's endeavours
  • pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal

    donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
    nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
    brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
    po pôslih on business
    postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
    tekoči pôsli current business
    nujen pôsel urgent work
    nadurni pôsel overtime work
    nečisti pôsli foul dealing
    pôsli so slabi business is slack
    to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
    to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
    brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
    pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
    dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
    da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
    to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
    pôsel je pôsel business is business
    imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
    imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
    imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
    z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
    večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
    imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
    če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
    krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
    pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
    pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
    iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
    ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
    ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
    sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
    ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
    on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker)
  • potúha connivance; abetment

    dajati potúho čemu to connive at something
    komu to abet someone, to back someone up, to take someone's part, to stand up for someone, figurativno to hold a candle to the devil
  • primér example; instance; case; illustration; (vzorec) model, pattern

    kot na primér... such as...
    za primér, kot primér as an example, as an illustration; by way of example
    na primér for instance, for example, e.g.
    v tem priméru in that case, in this instance
    v vsakem priméru in any case, at any rate
    v priméru, da... in case...
    za vsak primér at all events
    v najslabšem priméru at the worst, if the worst comes to the worst
    v skrajnem priméru at a stretch, (največ, maksimalno) at the outside
    brez priméra matchless, unparalleled, unprecedented
    jaz, na primér... I, for one,...
    po priméru... following the example of, in imitation of
    v najboljšem priméru at the best
    v devetih primérih od desetih nine times out of ten
    precedenčen primér precedent
    slab primér a poor example
    svarilen, strašilen primér a deterrent example, an awful warning
    kričeč primér a blatant case (ali example)
    šolski primér a copybook case, a test case
    tipičen, šolski primér test case
    smrtni priméri fatal cases pl
    moramo biti pripravljeni za vsak primér we must be ready for any contingency
    krutost, ki nima (ji ni) priméra an act of unexampled (ali unprecedented) cruelty
    dati primér to set an example
    dajati dober primér komu to set a good example to someone
    vzemi brata za primér! follow your brother's example, model yourself on your brother
    kaznovati koga za primér (zgled) to make an example of someone
    postaviti kot primér to set an example
    navesti kot primér to exemplify, to instance, to cite as an example
    naj vam navedem le nekaj primérov let me cite a few instances only
    slediti priméru kake osebe to follow someone's example
    služiti za primér to exemplify, to serve as an example
    primere nudi... examples are afforded by...
    ti priméri naj zadoščajo these instances may suffice
  • púšica

    cerkvena púšica plate
    dajati denar v púšico to put something on the plate
    púšica za milodare poor box, alms box
  • rezultát result; (učinek) effect; (posledica) consequence; upshot; (izid) outcome, issue, šport result, (final) score

    brez rezultáta (uspeha) without result
    pregled rezultátov survey of the results
    dajati dobre rezultáte to yield good results, (slabe rezultáte meagre ali ZDA meager results)
    pregledati rezultáte to survey the results
    rezultáti so nas razočarali we found the results disappointing
    kakšen je rezultát tekme? what's the result (ali final score)?
  • rítem rhythm

    plesni rítmi pl dance rhythms pl
    življenjski rítem vital rhythm
    imeti čut za rítem to have a sense of rhythm
    nauk o rítmu rhythmics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    dajati rítem to rhythmize
  • semafór semaphore; (cestni) stop-go sign, trafficlight (s pl)

    voziti skozi rdečo luč semafórja to go through a red light, ZDA to run a red light, to run a stop sign (ali a stop light), to shoot the traffic lights
    dajati znake s semafórjem to semaphore