céna price; cost; (vrednost) value; (kura) rate
za céno od at the price of
za nobeno céno (figurativno) not at any price, not for all the world, not for anything, not on any account, not for worlds
za vsako céno at any price (ali cost)
za smešno céno (figurativno) for a (mere) song
po lastni céni at cost price
po znižani céni at a reduced price
za polovično céno (at) half-price
po najnižjih cénh (žargon) at cutthroat prices
enotna (nizka, stalna, visoka, zadnja, maksimirana) céna single (low, firm ali stable, high, reserve, controlled) price
nabavna (prodajna, tovarniška, uradna) céna purchase (selling, factory ali ex works, official) price
polovična céna half (the) price
pretirana céna exorbitant (ali extravagant ali unreasonable ali fancy) price
zmerna céna moderate (reasonable, fair) price
brezobvezna céna provisional price
slepa céna cut price, ZDA cutrate price
tržna céna market (ali current) price
trdne céne (brez popusta) fixed prices (no discount allowed)
naraščajoče céne soaring prices
nedostopne, previsoke céne prohibitive prices
rastoče (padajoče) céne rising (falling) prices
najnižja céna the lowest price, floor price, bottom price, ZDA rock-bottom price
realne céne fair prices
dnevna céna current price
porast, dvig cen rise in prices; price increase (s), price rise (s)
padec cen fall in prices, (nenaden) price slump
znižanje cen reduction (ali cutting) of prices, price cuts
zvišanje cen rise in prices, price rise, increase in prices, price increase
kontrola cen price control
listek z označeno céno price mark, price-tag
céne se dvigajo prices are on the rise
zvišati, dvigniti céne to raise prices
pognati céne kvišku to push up prices, to inflate prices
določiti céne to fix prices
prodajati pod céno to sell for less than the market value, to undersell
céne padajo prices are falling ali dropping, (naglo) there is a price slump
pogajati se za céno to bargain
céne se gibljejo od... do... prices range from... to...
zahtevati previsoko céno od koga to overcharge someone
potisniti céne navzdol to force prices down
znižati céne to lower (ali to cut down ali to reduce) the prices
znižati céno za 20 penijev pri funtu to cut the price by 20 pence (20 p.) a lb.
sprostiti (odmrzniti) céne to unfreeze prices
navi(jati) céne to force up prices
znižati céne z intervencijo države to force down prices
Zadetki iskanja
- determinírati to determine
determinírati datum odprtja razstave to determine (ali to fix) the opening date of the exhibition
determinírati ceno to fix (ali determine) a price
determinírati pomen besede gramatika to define, determine the meaning of a word
determinírati najdene fosile to identify the fossils discovered - dvákraten double
dvákratna cena double the price
moral je plačati dvákratno ceno za to he had to pay double for it - dvójen double; twofold
dvójna postelja double bed
dvójni program (v kinu) double bill, double feature
dvójna vsota double the sum
dvójno število double the number
dvójni znesek double the amount
dvójni tir double track
soba z dvójno (zakonsko) posteljo a double-bedded room
dvójno knjigovodstvo double-entry bookkeeping
dvójno delujoč double acting
igrati dvójno igro to play a double game
plačati dvójno ceno za to pay double (the price) for
dvójno videti to see double - fantástičen fantastic; fanciful; imaginative; eccentric, wild; incredible; extraordinary; extravagant; (čudaški) queer
fantástično (prislov) fantastically
plačati fantástično ceno za kaj to pay an outrageous price (ali a fancy price) for something
na izletu je bilo fantástično it was a fantastic trip - lístek ticket
lístek s ceno price tag; (papirja) slip (of paper)
kontrolni lístek counterfoil
peronski lístek platform ticket
vstopni lístek (entrance) ticket
oddati lístek to hand in (ali over) one's ticket - mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest
v míru at peace (z with)
v míru in vojni at peace and at war
brez míru peaceless
mír! quiet!, silence!
mír, prosim! quiet, please!
mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
časten mír peace with honour
srčni mír a quiet mind
duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
javni mír public peace
motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
grožnja míru threat to peace
pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
pogodba o míru peace treaty
sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
proslava míru celebration of peace
zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
ki ljubi mír peace-loving
zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
ohraniti mír to keep peace
naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
prositi za mír to sue for peace
vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace - pláčati to pay
pláčati v gotovini to pay cash (down), to pay ready money, (takoj) (žargon) to pay on the nail
vnaprej pláčati to prepay, to pay in advance
pláčati račun to settle (ali to balance, to square) an account, to pay one's score, to pay one's reckoning
pláčati menico to honour a bill
ne pláčati to leave unpaid
pláčati v obrokih to pay by instalments, (v majhnih obrokih) to pay by driblets
pláčati v naturalijah to pay in kind
preveč (premalo) pláčati za delo to overpay (to underpay)
predragó, mastno pláčati to pay through the nose
pláčati previsoko ceno to pay a fancy (ali an exorbitant, an extortionate) price, to pay through the nose
preveč pláčati za blago to be overcharged
ogromno, debelo pláčati to pay a fantastic price
plačati račun, stroške za druge (figurativno) to pay the piper
takoj pláčati to pay cash on the spot, to pay spot cash, to pay cash on the nail
pláčati ob prejemu to pay cash on delivery
preveč sem plačal I was out of pocket, I was overcharged
pláčati za nazaj to repay, to refund, to reimburse
pláčati do zadnjega tolarja (pare) to pay to the last farthing
pláčati stroške to pay (ali to defray) expenses
pláčati pred rokom to anticipate payment
pláčati globo to pay a fine
pláčati upnikom to settle with one's creditors
pláčati komu njegove usluge to reward someone for his services
toliko ne morem pláčati I cannot afford it
za to je treba pláčati carino (ni treba pláčati carine) this is dutiable (dutyfree)
ne morem pláčati I am unable to pay, I am insolvent
vedno sem ti točno plačeval I have always paid you on the nail
plačal sem mu buteljko vina I treated him to a bottle of wine
kdo bo plačal zapitek? who will stand treat?
vsak od naju bo plačal zase we'll each pay his own share, we'll go dutch
za uro sem plačal urarju 50 funtov I paid (ali I gave) the watchmaker fifty pounds for my watch
zmago je plačal s svojim življenjem he paid with his own life for the victory
dragó sem jim plačal za to they made me pay through the nose for it
to mi boš plačal! (figurativno) I'll see you pay for this!, you shall smart for this!
pláčati milo za drago to pay in kind, to repay tit for tat, to get one's own back, to have one's revenge (on), to get even (with)
kdor muziko plačuje, tudi ukazuje (figurativno) who pays the piper calls the tune
natakar, plačati, prosim! waiter, the bill, please! - pod under; below, beneath
pod ceno for less than the value
pod mojo častjo beneath my dignity
pod drevesom under a tree
pod Henrikom IV under Henry IV
pod ničlo below zero
pod napačnim imenom under a false name, under an assumed name
pod vsako kritiko beneath criticism
pod milim nebom under the open sky
pod pokroviteljstvom under the patronage of
pod mojimi nogami below my feet
pod ognjem treh baterij vojska under the fire of three batteries
pod pečatom tajnosti under a pledge of secrecy
pod pretvezo, pod izgovorom under the pretext (of)
pod roko (figurativno) secretly
pod hribom at the foot of the hill
pod (s) pogojem on condition that...
pod njegovim vladanjem in his reign
pod vplivom influenced by...
pod zemljo underground
pod 20 let starosti under 20 years of age
pod kaznijo globe under the penalty of a fine
pod smrtno kaznijo under pain of death
osebe pod 30 leti the under-thirties
on je pod copato (figurativno) he is henpecked; he is tied to his wife's apron strings, the mare is the better horse
biti pod orožjem to be under arms
ničesar ne imeti za pod zob not to have a bite to eat
dajte to pod ključ! put it under lock and key!
pasti pod stečaj to go bankrupt, to fail
prodajati pod lastno ceno to sell below cost price
stanovati pod streho (v mansardi) to live in a garret
storil je to pod pritiskom he did it under pressure
šibiti se pod bremenom to sink under the load - pogájati se to negotiate (z with, za for, about); to carry on negotiations; to treat, to discuss; to confer (z with, o about)
pogájati se za ceno to bargain (za for), to haggle (o about)
začeti pogájati se to enter into negotiations (z with) - polovíčen half; halfway
za polovíčno ceno at half the price
polovíčna nota glasba minim
le polovíčna resnica a halftruth
le polovíčno napraviti kaj to do something by halves - prodáti prodájati to sell (komu kaj someone something, something to someone); to offer for sale; to vend; to bargain away, to dispose of; (s pogajanjem za ceno) to sell after bargaining (ali after haggling)
prodáti, prodájati na dražbi to sell at auction; (vso zalogo) to sell off; (ceneje kot drugi) to undersell (someone); (figurativno, izdati) to betray, to sell, to give away
prodáti, prodájati pod ceno to sell below price
prodáti, prodájati z dobičkom (z izgubo) to sell at a profit (at a loss)
prodáti, prodájati za gotovino (na kredit) to sell for cash (on credit)
poceni (dragó) prodáti, prodájati to sell cheap (dear ali at a high price)
prodáti, prodájati na debelo in na drobno to sell wholesale and retail
prodáti, prodájati svojo domovino to betray one's country
prodáti, prodájati pod roko to sell by private treaty (ali contract)
ta artikel se dobro prodaja this article is selling (ali sells) well
ta knjiga se dobro prodaja this book is selling (ali sells) well, this book is going well
ta knjiga se najbolje prodaja (je uspešnica) this book is a best-seller
to se prodaja za méd it is selling like wildfire (ali like hot cakes)
prodáti, prodájati za smešno, slepo ceno to sell for a song (ali dirt cheap)
ta knjiga se slabo prodaja this book is a poor seller
to blago se slabo prodaja these goods are going badly
dolgčas prodáti, prodájati (figurativno) to be bored (to tears), to feel bored
dragó prodáti, prodájati svoje življenje to sell one's life dearly
prodáti, prodájati svojo čast tu barter away one's honour
lahkó se prodajati to find a ready market
on bi srajco prodal za pijačo he would sell his shirt to buy liquor
zijala prodáti, prodájati to stand around gaping (ali pogovorno gawping), to loiter, ZDA to rubberneck - za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during
dan za dnem day by day
eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
korak za korakom step by step
enkrat za vselej once and for all
za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
za gorami beyond the mountains
jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
za mojim hrbtom behind my back
za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
za glavo večji taller by a head
za sedaj for the present
za šalo by way of a joke
argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
za menoj! follow me!
(kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
starejši za pet let five years older
jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
beseda za besedo word for word
mož za možem man by man
zanimanje za... interest in...
za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
biti za kaj to be in favour of something
kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
on jé za tri he eats as much as three
povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
odšel je za vedno he left for good
voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
pustiti za seboj to leave behind - znížati to lower; (zmanjšati) to reduce, to cut, down, to diminish, to retrench, to decrease
znížati cene to abate
znížati vozne cene to reduce (ali to cut) fares
znížati ceno, vrednost to depreciate
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Število zadetkov: 14